The Silver Wolf was at war with the mountain demon who had broken one arm. Hearing the movement behind him, he looked back, and the wolf's eyes were angry and roared. However, at this moment, the eyes of the mountain demon who quickly retreated had a strange light. A flash, a turn of his hand, suddenly throwing something, at the same time, a heavy drink came out.

"Xuanjin Steel Cover! Sleepy!"

When Hao'er saw the mountain demon throw something, her eyes shrank, and she shouted, "Be careful!"

Silver Wolf turned his head, only saw something glowing with golden light shrouded, and didn't see what it was. When he was about to leap away and avoid it, the thing seemed to suddenly increase its weight, at an extremely fast speed. Cover from above.


There was a heavy sound, and the strong vibration shook the ground into a ring of dust and smoke. When the dust and smoke dissipated, the silver wolf was seen trapped in a huge steel cover shaped like a golden bell.

The difference from the golden bell is that this huge golden steel cover is not sealed and invisible, but like a cage is surrounded by golden steel and mysterious iron. The silver wolf is trapped inside and tried to knock it away, but tried A few times can not shake a half point.


The mountain demon raised his head and laughed. The laughter was full of excitement, bloodthirsty, and madness. His laughter spread through the air with coercion, and the vibrations spread like water ripples and filled the air for a long time. Among.

Suddenly, his laughter stopped, his ferocious face stared at the silver wolf with bloodthirsty and ferociousness, and his voice was vicious and angry, and said: "You tore one of my arms, and I will chop off your master's arms I let them suffer all the torture, cannot survive or die! To vent my anger!"

"You dare to move them, you must be wiped out, and there is no place to bury you!" The silver wolf heard a voice from the mysterious steel cover, the threat and killing intent in that voice was so obvious.

"Really? I want to give it a try. What can you do with me?" His voice came out, just as he was about to step forward. At this moment, the surroundings suddenly became confused.




Suddenly, a loud howl of wolves came from the surroundings, the sound from far to near, one after another, and it sounded a lot.

"How come wolves howl?"

"Why are there wolves here?"

"It seems a lot of coming!"

The surrounding people whispered and looked at each other with surprise. Someone immediately lifted up into the air and looked around from a high place. Their expressions couldn't help but change.

"It's not good! A large pack of wolves came over! To say nothing, there are two to three hundred!"

The cultivator who rose in the air exclaimed, came down from mid-air, and said anxiously: "Those wolves come from the forest behind the sect! They are not ordinary wolves, but wind wolves!"

"What? How can this be good?"

Some people who are not strong enough to turn around in a hurry, Wind Wolf's speed is extremely fast, and extremely cruel, coupled with the large number, if they fight, they can't ensure that they can leave here alive.

Hearing what those people said, the mountain demon ancestor narrowed his sullen eyes and stared at the trapped Silver Wolf: "You called it!"

"Sneez!" Yin Lang sniffed, glanced at him, and said nothing.

The ancestor of the Mountain Demon squinted his eyes, passed it, and said to the two holding Mu Chen and Mu Yue: "Bring the two little ghosts here!" He stretched out his tongue and licked the blood on the back of his hand, and said grimly: " I want to see, how do you think these two brats die!"