Feng Jiu got up from the water and wiped off the water stains all over, then put on his clothes and went to see Mo Ze. Seeing that he was still asleep, he withdrew the enchantment and said to Leng Shuang behind him: "Go back. I’m resting here tonight."

After hearing this, Leng Shuang retreated and closed the room.

Feng Jiu came to the bed, gently stroking Mo Ze's sleeping face with one hand, and whispered: "Aze, I'm back, do you know? I'm here, when will you wake up?"

She moved her hand down from his face, and when it landed on his chest, she gently opened his shirt and looked at the black flower that was imprinted on his heart. Lian sighed silently.

Her Qinglian is Chaos Qinglian, and for good fortune Qinglian. Although she got into a serious crisis when she got Qinglian from the very beginning, she has passed along the way.

Mo Chen almost died for her, because the ancient golden lotus reshaped the immortal body and was able to ascend to be reborn.Even though he has gone through life and death, he is now a powerful saint emperor, and he is extraordinary.

On the contrary, Honglian was on Yue'er, but she was sealed with the flames of her life, fearing that she was too young to bear it.

As for this black lotus, no matter who fell into the hands of any immortal cultivator, that person would eventually go to extinction. Now that he is branded in Moze, she really doesn't know what will happen when he wakes up?

She sighed softly, lay down gently beside him, cuddled beside him with one hand around his waist, and looked at the pleasing sleep in front of her. She raised her lips again. There was a slight smile.

"Aze, I haven't seen you in a few years, you seem to be more handsome! No matter how you look at it, you are pleasing to the eye, don't you think?" She whispered softly, because he was by his side, and the past few days were really tired. Before I knew it, I fell asleep deeply.

Mo Ze, who was asleep, seemed to have heard her, and his finger on one side moved slightly...

At night, it was deep, the courtyard was quiet, very quiet, and in the room, the Ye Mingzhu shone softly in the room, faintly visible, the inner bed, behind the gauze tent, the two embracing each other Sleeping figure...

The next day, Feng Jiu slept until noon.Guan Xilin and the others also knew that she had been tired in the past two days, and no one came to bother them, just waiting for her to wake up in the front yard.

Since she came back, they haven't been able to sit down and talk to her properly. How has she been in Shangxian Realm in recent years?How did she come back here?Questions hovered in their hearts one by one, just waiting to ask questions and solve their doubts.

When Feng Jiu walked out of the room after washing at noon, he was taken to the front yard by Guan Xilin who was wandering outside the courtyard.

"Why are there such a crowd?" Feng Jiu sat down in the main seat and looked at them with a light brow.

"Hey, Xiao Jiu, you know we have a lot of questions for you, but are you hungry? Do you want to eat something first?" Guan Xilin asked, coming to sit next to her.

"No." Feng Jiu smiled, looked at them all, and said: "I know what you want to ask, it's rare to sit down and talk, so let's talk!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other and smiled unanimously. Du Fan first asked, "Master, why did you come down suddenly? You can't come down after you ascend? How did you do it?"