Gossip King

Chapter 165, it is not intended to make heads 2

Xiao Yun got off the bus, and the high cooled took the camera and took the car.

"You climb your mountain, don't worry about me, just get to the top of the mountain." Gao Cooked referred to the lamb trail and said.

This mountain is not high, can climb up to two hours, Xiao Yun has frowned, still doing it, at this time, she does not have the law.

When I was cold, I walked two in front, and sometimes I took a few behind it. When I climbed to the top of the mountain, the sun had come out, the door of the temple was also opened.

"A few shots, you must be sincere." Temple door, high-cooled, the temple can't take the Buddha's respect, but you can shoot outside the incense burner.

Xiao Yun nodded, to tell the truth, she has always wanted to seek Buddha, she is not a person who believes in Buddha, but this day has experienced too much, after the toilet door exposed, her performance of the dynasty did not say, even the family also Meng shy. Subsequently by the brokerage company, she has been binding her dry and divided hands. Half a penny is not to say, but still fall.

All of this, she resentfully cooled.

But what is it used? Gao Cell also helped her to have 20,000, and it was also paid to the loss.

There is no artist who doesn't matter back / bokeh. If you want to be big red in the entertainment circle, it is too difficult, almost impossible. Xiao Yun wants to go, it is still very long. As long as it is high, this time really helped her on the headline, then the opportunity is also coming.

Headline, even one day @ π, .., at least one month, her price is different, most direct, brokers will enable her again, will not be snowing again.

Xiao Yun went down, took the fragrance, deeply smashed, this bit, a hundred intersection, the eyes are flourish.

Gao Coil was busy and took a few.

"Okay, I will go, you are waiting, wait for the group of students, you have been kneeling before the Buddha, don't move until they leave." Gao Cooked looked at time, it was more than 7 hours. .

Said, he gave the fat man called a phone, and the fat child had already given a big red envelope to the university, let him organize students to go to the green, and have more than eight college students in the mountains.

Xiao Yun seems to nod to nod.

"You will go now? Then ..." Xiao Yun saw the high cold to go to the mountain, do not feel some panic: "Reassure, after two hours, you will see the headline, remember, the students come up, you are squatting Before the Buddha, they left until they left, I have to write a manuscript for you. "

After two hours, the high-cooled Weibo updated: exclusive! The toilet door is Xiao Yun into the empty door! Subsequently, the photo of Xiao Yun was laminated in the morning, sweating and dripping a photo, and posted a photo of her fragrance before the incense burner.

The lens is far away, some can't be clear, creating a sneak shot.

The most in front of this group of photos, with Xiao Yun, the big-scale photo of Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun fell on the ground, the lens was close, private / secret / hit mosaic, clear photo, hot, and then attached Link of news on that day.

The high-yield microblog, the industry is paying attention to, for a time, the industry has reprinted, very fast, the news is going.

At this moment, I just had eight o'clock in the morning, most news media have not officially launched, and Weibo has become the fastest circulation of news. For a time, Xiao Yun's news was blown on Weibo.

A sexy model of the scandal of the scandal, can I convert to Buddha? ! No one is credible, this is, this is too big after the two news, it is because of a scandal model, actually go to convert to Buddha? This contrast is itself a news.

However, this speculation is too heavy.

This is a deliberate and deliberate. Don't let people question, don't let people come, how can I get popular?

For a time, there is something on Weibo.

The high-cooled open the computer on the car and started a manuscript on the photos just released.

"Face! Industry professional analysis: Xiao Yun did not start, the photo is a shot, this chapter is born in twenty minutes, from a very professional perspective, this photo is a peeled photo, this is a high-cooled photo He itself is professional, and it is naturally enough to let people succeed. Gao Cooked saw yourself, thinking about it, after a few professional terms, I have a few calls to several peers responsible for the forum.

After fifteen minutes, this chapter appeared on the forum, but the signature is: passerby.

The news sensitive peers have been reproduced.

Following, the forum has begun to emerge another wave of technology, and the technical analysis chapter begins to ridicule, there is a few major terms that are very cold to write.

One time, lively.

At 8:30 in the morning, the other stars have not started to speculate, Xiao Yun's news, mounted the headlines of major portals.

This is a drill.

To continue this news, this time is not enough. There must be continuous hype.

This is the foundation of the group.

If this group of students see Xiao Yun in the weekdays, I will definitely take pictures, then I saw Xiao Yun's news on the road, and it is precisely the mountain that I climbed. This temple is Will get getting won the god.

Don't underestimate the power of the campus network. How many new red celebrities are speculated through the campus forum.

Not many meetings, the campus forum has a photo of the student sneak shot, Xiao Yun closed his eyes, squatting in front of the Buddha, blind and sad. Because of the long time, her eyebrows were slightly frozen, and the cold smiled. Looking at her eyebrows between her eyebrows, it was shallow, but he knew it, she is actually kneeling. Too long, legs.

The photos taken by students, the students they have sent in the forum, QQ space, WeChat, Weibo, all kinds of dating sites, their communication speed is very fast, not to mention this, there is a group of industry people waiting for similar news.

Gold, grab it in front of it. Some photos: Face Technology Analysis Party, and students will encounter Xiao Yunyi.

For a time, I reprint again on Weibo.

This news is, it is fried, as long as there is no other major headline, this heat is enough to stay in the headline for a long time.

The high cold is light and tone. It is turned to see the window. Xiao Yun is going to go down, and then follow the student who takes photos and climbed the mountain.

She stopped and looked at the direction of the cold, and then turned to another direction to leave.

Xiao Yun is still very smart, and it is not smiling with cool.

After a group of students, it was a fat man and a old crane, and the car waved the car. The two of them quickly ran over: "The university's counsel is just my acquaintance, I also gave a few thousand, how to help Xiao Yun speculation? Why, Xiao Yun's taste ... How? "

Hey, the high-cooled mobile phone sounds, look at it, it is a text message: This is my phone number, Murong.

High-cooled laugh.

Using the ability to conquer a woman's sense of accomplishment, it is difficult to describe, however, this is just beginning, Xiao Yun this little head, can only count a drink, heavy, behind it.

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