Gossip King

Chapter 336 Makers and Birts

(); (500,000 words, editing to review), this bone eye, I don't even have more updates, subscribe low, more chapter pulls low, cotton candy

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The simple single rushed to Hui Li Yifan put his hand, suggesting that he would not pick up.

It is not hiding for a while, just this is a new chess, eat, abandonment or other, how to, the cold is still not guided, and the simple single does not dare to rash.

This kind of thing is not a play, a step in step is not wrong, let alone, pull the power of the brother, this is a one-time chess.

Although Li Yifan didn't know what happened, it can be inferred from her nervous look, and her face is lonely.

Women who like their favorite are worried about other men, naturally.

"Small single sister! Gao Cold brother?" Mu Xiaoyang was obviously not sleeping, rushed in, worried and frightened, and pulled the box in his hand. Her and mother left the plane, he heard the night and flew back overnight, this will just take a plane.

"What happened? I heard someone else and immediately returned. What happened? How can he be caught?" Mu Xiaoying tears, and she shook her tears. The body makes you calm down, muttering: "I am going to find my father, find a relationship, I must save him out, I can't panic at this time, can't panic, cotton candy"

Can I stay in the university, I have experienced such a thing, and the tears can't stop.

The simple single is just a simply saying the situation. It is said that the Yang Bureau just came in, and his eyes fell to Mu Xiaoying, hesitated.

After repeated, I stepped forward to test the test: "Excuse me, are you a daughter of Mu Ziitang Mu, is it small cold?"

It is the old man who can call the secretary of the discipline of the discipline committee today.

"This is the director of this Public Security Bureau, Yang Bureau." The simple single is busy introducing it.

"Well, I am a small cold, Yang Bureau." Mu Xiaoying hurriedly shaking hands, gotting the Yang Bureau, this only thirty out ... Mo ...

"Are you a father's student?" Xiaoyan guess.

Yang Bureau laughed, even nodded: "When Mu Mu, oh, Mu Shu is still teaching, I have read a whole four years under his hand, his old man is now bone oh? Oh, That When you are only eight / nine years old, then you have been 18-year-old birthday banquet, I also go, but Mu Shu is busy, there is no chance to walk into the chat, I have seen you in a glance, I am very good to recognize it! "

Yang Bureau has a few points in the teacher's miss, but more is Baronie.

In the officialdom, there is a kind of relationship is very subtle, that is, teachers and students. Officials engaged in educational work often prioritize their students, knowing the roots, promoting the way, and tap.

To put it bluntly, you will be able to die.

Just, there is too much about this relationship. If you take Mu Ziutang, when the dean, how many students have you been? This is the key college, Tao Li is all over the world.

Yang Live is not bad, but if you want to go up, it is the ability. Working ability is one, there is one, which is the ability to trust the head. Yang Bureau and Mu Ziutang are teachers and students. This relationship is close. If you can pass Mu Xiaolla line, please visit, then the ability to trust on the head, there is also two places.

"This, then ... then ask you to help?" Mu Xiao cooked one, even busy: "I ..... I am in an unparalleled, I don't know how it is now. "

Mu Xiaoying deliberately said that the three words of the fiance, she wants to say boyfriend, terrible Yang Bureau feels that 'boyfriend' is not worth paying attention to, so it is said that it is a fiance.

The simple single and Yang Bureau will also be .

"Mill offender?" Yang Bureau looked at the simple single one, clearly understand, slammed the head: "Will not be yesterday ... that is tall!"

"To the right, it is cold." Mu Xiaozhu heard the name of the cold, the love is difficult to self-suck, the tears come out: "How is he now? I have to die, I have to die."

Yang Bureau stunned, he moved his mouth, and he couldn't say anything.

Unexpectedly, I actually shut down the future son-in-law! I rub! Yang Bureau can't wait to leave two big ear.

If this is nothing, it is okay, if you really check, it will be difficult. If you find out, there is only business, but you can be destroyed.

Mu Miss, don't worry, this ... This is just an interrogation, you can rest assured that you will not be a good person. "Yang Bureau looks a little panic, lifting the wrist watching time.

It has been reviewed for ten hours, I don't know if the drug group is gone. He looked at Li Yifan in an eye. Yesterday, Li Yifan went to take him carefully. He hired that the anti-drug group did not pay attention to him, and he had passed the ounte. Now it seems that it seems that it is more.

"You can rest assured, I will go see, I will come over, don't worry, Xiao Cold." Yang Bureau hurriedly left, rushed to the high-cooler interrogation room.

"Fortunately, you are coming, it seems that the cold will soon be released quickly." The simple single is long.

Lin Gao has already gone, and the Yang Bureau is staring, it may be possible to complete the matter one day, it should be accelerated.

Sure enough, there is not an hour, Yang Bureau smiles out, just what, a big sound of high heels, followed, a woman wearing a red shirt black A skirt is coming, after her body, it is Four bustlers and happiness, the drain is quite large.

, sexy legs, plus the powerful queen gas field, so that everyone is not turning their eyes.

"It's so beautiful, behind a bunch of bodyguards, this airfield, it's just!"

"It's so good, strange, how do you seem to be a bit familiar?"

"To pair, face, like ... is right, very like Murong Yu!"

"But this is not a Murmouth ? This person is temperamentity and charming, and Murong is very cold."

Several police discussions have been discussions.

"Soviet." Li Yifan and simple single are busy welcome.

"Soviet?" Although the Yang Bureau guess a bit, it is somewhat not sure.

"Hello, I am general manager of Huantai Group, Su Xi, where did you have?" Su Su saw Yang Bureau staring at himself, turning his head, nodded, said.

"General Manager of Huantai Group! Although the Yang Bureau guessed a bit, he really heard this big name, still as a thunder, you must know that Huantai Group's investment in Hainan, but Tens of billions, Su, Su, Su, Su, The secretary must be a guest venturer. In the past, the secretary came to Hainan in order to grab the ring. The secretary is also a hard work.

How can I come to the Public Security Bureau? To tell the report, don't have to come personally?

The awareness of the Yang Bureau is a bit nervous, it is difficult, this big Buddha is for high cooling?

"Hello, I am a Yang Bureau." Yang Bureau is busy holding hands: "Is Su Guikan?"

"I heard that you caught my boyfriend." Su Xi and Mu Xiaoying have been dragging the 'boyfriend' 'three words.

"Your boyfriend is?"

"Gao Cooler."