Gossip King

Chapter 770 talks about 1st single cooperation

(); "You have no entity now. If there is such a farm, several of our high-end will be able to try cooperation in cooperation. [See the latest chapter of this book please go to the cotton candy novel network www.mianhuaG.cc]" Su Su is regrettable and shrugged, without entities, it is not appropriate to cooperate.

"I have no entities yet, I don't have to say, I don't dare to trade with Huantai hotels, this is a big stall, I have n'thing to have, I am not good, I will have cooperation in the future. The opportunity, now the time is not enough. "After the high cooling, I wanted to see the Sustaining Annual Meeting of the Sui Thailand.

"I introduce several people to know how to know? Yes, you didn't shoot me when you expose the rot meat, but also timely exposure, otherwise we have signed a contract with Caesar Group, that loss It's great, this is really important to thank you, so that you do this green business, I use my personal name, 20 million, how? "

After the decoration of the rotated, almost as long as the catering enterprises in Caesar Group have entered the winter, this is a chain reaction. The people are also in the catering enterprises that Caesar Group's anger to Caesar. After all, they have eaten embarrassments in major catering stores.

The most important industrial chain of Sui Thailand Group in Su Su is the hotel. She has the hard strength of the star-rated hotel in various places to make the hard strength of the Huantai Group. So many hotels have a lot of catering services. And the dining is also an entry of Huantai Group. [Super good look]

"If the restaurant of Huantai Group is involved in the currants, it will affect our hotel's sales, and will also turn the stock price. Just rushing this, cold, I have to thank you, you said what you cooperate. You are at least three billion risks. "

Once the Huantai Group is involved in the currants, it will be the entire group. The light stock price will be lost. When SUT, SUT can be a very intention to cooperate with Caesar Group, and the cold has always been slow.

This slow, plus the high-cooled break, so Su Su escapes.

"20 million, I personally support you to start a business, thank you." Su Su smiled, reached out from the bag, took out the check and pen carrying the portable port, planning a big pen to be tens of thousands, a woman has strength There is a powerful force, a thousand people have a thousand blocks, but for her, tens of millions of RMB really have a thousands of people in the people.

Su Su is a very mastering woman, and the high-cooled will hide her in the shot in the rotation, and three times will warn her not to sign the contract, this is an individual. Although the business community often has a drama that does not recognize people, but the business is also there, this person is still awesome.

"When do you have this money, when you still have it, press the normal interest by the bank." Su Su handed over the check.

"You are still my life?" Gao Cold laughed, reach out the check of the hand, handed back: "You are my friend, I know that there is no meat, there is no trick, I don't tell you the truth, and then I will be because you can Entering the Caesar production line, you are a line person, the protection of the news worker is should be. Money is closed. "

"You don't want, cooperation can not be done, how can you help you?" Su Su thought that he was highly polite, once again, it will push it again: "20 million, there is not much, and your program is indeed Not bad, I am very optimistic. "

Said, Su Lei, who is in Su Guang, is worth a cold, and the heart actually has a good sense of meritorious.

This man has never been merchant, but it is very economical. I used to be excellent in strength. I actually used a reporter to Xing Sheng for half a year. It seems that his ability is more powerful than I think. Fortunately, my friend is not an enemy, otherwise ... 20 million, if he rise, this is a big man. Many friends in the mall is better than a number of enemies.

Subin is a small nineteen, and the check is photographed on the table in front of the cold.

"No, there are other cooperation methods." The cold is very decisively, and the check will be rejected back to Su Su, pointing to her Huan Thai Enterprise Annual Conference: "You can use my green agriculture company. Ionic? Then explode on the news. "

Su Xugu's eyes are bright, but it is very embarrassed to ask: "I will be held next month, you will take food in such a short time?"

"You don't have to worry, there is not much annual meeting, I am free, and will ensure the authenticity of ingredients, all of them provide ancient food." Gao Cold once again opened the computer to open a contract page finger: " I have written the contract, you see. "

Su Su once again took a look at it, slammed the table: "You actually write a contract with our annual meeting, you, your kid, your kid, this is a year, I have already remembered my annual meeting. Let's! Okay, this is long enough! "

It feels like a high-cooler digging a pit, waiting for Su Su to jump.

Gao Cooled on the plane, there is no white bush, Su Xi's judgment is correct, he has long been ignored this opportunity to be the next year, but Su Su didn't think of it, the cold did five different and Huantai cooperation. Program. The whole is five, which costs his time for nearly six hours.

See which contract is decided to see the accepted level of Su Su.

Behind every successful collaboration is everything.

"Then let's discuss things that discuss the annual ingredients, if you really get a variety of ancient ingredients, don't say, this is really a big highlight." Su Su nodded, but a year's ingredients Moreover, this is busy with her help, and the news in the media is equal to a small advertisement to the high-cooled green agriculture, and there is no hurt. To know that many star's wedding banquet is a lot of sponsorship, she is nothing to add.

For Su Su, this is a hard work, which is a rare opportunity for high cooling. This opportunity is not what he can earn in the annual meeting, saying that it is a loss of food from the domestic product. This is a loss of sale. But he is going to earn, it is something else.

With this contract in cooperation with the Huan Thae, I will talk about other contracts in the future.

Said, the other information of the annual meeting, the two started to discuss on the dinner table.

The high-yield business road is a different road, developing agriculture, but does not take the dinner table of the people, the first discussion is the cooperation of the Holy Group's high-end annual meeting. What do he want to do green agriculture? Domestic green agriculture three points in the world, three large companies have killed you in the field that has not been vigorously opened here, how is it happily?

I will know after step by step.

Nowadays, the opening of this road is very smooth, and it is difficult to implement it behind him. It is necessary to know that a new thing is necessary to pay more efforts.

Su Su looked at the tall of the annual food details, full of admire.

In the distance, I stand in the restaurant, I'm so cold, I was standing there, I didn't know how long it took, my face is ...

I can't say that I can't say.

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