Gossip King

Chapter 1032, bad lack is irritated

(); The problem is a simple single, a little controlled that this is light, and the throttle will be a loud loud noise, then it is a shocking place. The foot of the cotton candid is not covered, and the bullet is rushed to the opposite car ...

A slamming, a sulf in the car, and the airbags are all popped up.

"I am, this is the accident ?! Really Nima newbie! I haven't had a garage, this car can't open it ?!" Hiding in the lack behind the jeep, his so good, the technology of the car accident is considered. Whiteborn. cotton candy

Dricking drops, after a huge sound, the alarms around the garage immediately rang.

"What happened?" I didn't have a high-yield, but after ten seconds, there were several garage administrators ran over the distance, and the sound came from the entrance: "The accident is out! If an accident is! Come on!"

For a time, several garage administrators have taken out the security guards outside, and the last level said, the words are noisy.

"No, the alarm is ringing, I have to withdraw, from a long time." I have some panic, put the mobile phone in the pocket, and I looked at the security of the distance. " I said, my biggest problem in this person is easy, some people can't start, it is easy to reveal the horse foot, immediately withdraw. "

Others, but thoroughly angered this killer that was going to evacuate.

(Next month, it is the beginning of October 1, and the pure bird reporter first burst more than three chapters. It was originally going to be sick, but I didn't want to explode. I have promised everyone before, I don't want to have a commitment, so I decide that I can't go out during the 11th period, just at home code.

Explosion is more simple: 2 more daily, the monthly ticket list has risen 22 o, I will add more chapter. This 22o Zhang Yue ticket also contains free boots monthly tickets. I am in the I. I. I. I. I. I., come, ready for your ticket, start in the early hours of the October 1, hurt each other! ) {Chongqing University Bigu School flower self-portrait, real Tong Yan Biamu photo Please pay attention to WeChat public account online watch beauty (beauty island Search Meinvdao123 Press and hold 3 seconds "