Gossip King

Chapter 1177 Sorry Murong

() "" I listen to the broker, you will help me keep the role. [See the latest chapter of this book, please go to the cotton candy ", Murong's words are very grateful to say anything." I am also Just known, I heard that I have a lot of small flowers to see. The broker said that Mi soft, Kiki, and weak and other people wanted. "

"Don't thank you, it should be." The tall smile laughed.

Do something well, you have to help, especially for the beauty.

"Thank you, will you make you more difficult? These people are still red." Mu Rong said.

"No, after all, I am investing in the film. If you want other characters, I will tell me, I will change it." In the end, I put it on the film, and the head is quite awareness.

"This hammer ..." Murong said hesitated.

"Do you have friends?" Gao Cold, I was aware of Murong's emotions.

"Well ..." Murong Yue is more embarrassed, said: "Now I am next to me, she is still not red, but it is very potential, it can go to the reveal. I last time When I took Xian Xia, I paired with her, and the relationship was very good ... I just didn't know you ... "

In the introduction of Mu Rong, I got the actor's list, I immediately took a hook on a role. I didn't give her a role around you? Is a small role, and you can get a play, do you see her is willing? "

Murong said that there seems to be a bit surprised, and there is no talk to a few seconds.

"I don't want to change one, now I have a more role ..."

"No, I am willing, but she is still not red, now there will be so many people who grab the role ..." Murong said that it is very happy, the tone is also much higher, and it seems to have passed one. The girl did not dare to call, but the screams of depression. (Cotton Sugar Novel Network www.mianhuaG.cc provides txt free download)

"I will arrange." Gao Cold laughed: "Is there something?"

Give beauty, the most taboo is that you have helped it to quickly emphasize that he helped himself, this, the cold is a master.

"Hey ..." Murong said that he didn't expect to give the role as soon as she was so refreshing, and even people didn't see it, such a big life actually gave it. After a moment, I didn't know what to say, I waited for a while, "Thank you."

"You don't have to thank you, you can help your busy, it is my wish. You call your friend when you come to make makeup, I will say hello, I am busy first." After taking it, I hang up after I finished. .

Can help Murong's words are not high-cooled from a small wish, when I saw Murong said, I didn't dare to dream myself to help her. When you come later, Murong is getting more and more red, but the high-cooler family is increasingly poor.

When I was a child, I thought that if one day in reality, I saw Murong's words, I have never thought about adulthood.


This goddess also can see on TV, how do you dare to understand and become friends?

Nowadays, I can help Murong's words, it is a high-cooled wish, and it can be realized.


Murong's boudoir, she is sitting in bed in a pink pajama, and her girlfriend is excited to look at her.

"Gao always agrees to give me a role ?!"

Murong nodded.

"He didn't even know my name! This agrees ?!"

Murong said that he nodded again.

what! ! ! The girlfriend screamed, excited from the ground to the bed, hug Murong: "It's great to be too good! It can be so good to bring a shot in the founding of the country!"

Murong said sorry to laugh, there is a little worried about lying in bed, and the body turns a direction, and the foot is high and she holds on the wall, half down. Female stars often do this action, long-lasting, can make your legs better look.

It's just that the foot takes behind the wall, and the pajamas will be smooth, revealing the same pink small-nep. Have to say, Mu Rong is very white, the whole person is like white tender tofu, it seems to pinch her.

"I am also very unexpected, my role he has saved me, I can understand it, I have a relationship with him, and he and my commented sister relationship is also good. But actually I don't say it, give you a role, this is a big One thing. "Mu Rong said that she thought after I thought:" I should be thankful for you. "

"Yes, please eat at night, I invite guests, thank you for your face." The girlfriend said two eyes, took out the phone and waved: "I told my broker, good news!"

"Hey, Liu Wei, I have a role. Well, a friend around Mu Changyu, there is a lens, um, there should be a line, yes, it is an introduction to Murong, high total I didn't say that I have promised! Yes, yeah ... "The girlfriend said and said:" My broker said that I have to eat at night, you ... you help me ... Invitation? "

Mu Rong Yin put his legs and nodded and nodded: "Yes, I just forgot to thank him, I gave him a call."

Gao Cell is working on public, see Mu Rong Yin coming again, thinking that there is anything else to pick up.

"Busy?" Murong Yin is a somewhat embarrassing adjustment.

"Not busy." Gao Cold said.

"My friend thank you for giving the character, I want you to eat ..." Murong said.

"Oh, busy." Gao Cold said.


After Mu Rong, he said, he said weakly: "I also want to invite you to eat ..."

"This, not busy." Said the high cold.


Mu Rong Yin is so embarrassed.

"Let me say two sentences, I thank him." The voice of her girlfriends came.

"My friend tells you two sentences, she is very grateful to you, I want to thank you." Mu Rong said that the mobile phone handed the mobile phone to girlfriends.

"Hey, high, thank you! I ... I am still a newcomer, thank you for giving opportunities, I am a good friend of Murong, my surname ..."

"You are a friend of Murong, since she is her friend, then I should give you a character, don't thank." The cold interrupted her words: "I am very busy now, then ..... "

"Okay, then ... then don't bother." Murong's girlfriend saw that he was cold and cold, so he quickly said, the voice fell, and he hanged the phone.

"He is so cold ..." Murong girlfriend hurts his teeth, holding his chest, tone: "I thought it was a big warm man, after all, I gave the role, and he was cold .. .... My name is not finished. But he said that I am your friend, give me the character, ... "

Said, girlfriends also looked at Murong: "Are you ... um?"

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