Gossip King

Chapter 1265 is distinct

(); , , , Lift your head.


A cup of water was gently put in her, and it was very nervous with this room. It is, and the old manager who gave Su Su's tea obviously used this scene. He looked at Su Su frowning. The medicine has been passed: "Take medicine."

"Is Su Town you are sick?" The general manager of the film and television company asked in a job.

Su Xi picked up the cup and put the medicine into the mouth and then drunk and continued to look at the information. Pick up a few words, and the red lips did not say: "Small ill."

The old tube family standing on the side frown.

The disease is really not a big disease, an ordinary influenza cold, just burn to 39 degrees in the morning, before the meeting, there is still 39 degrees of high fever. Burning this thing is uncomfortable, but you can't see the sick morbid on Su Su's face.

As long as she works, she followed the blood of the blood, and she made the makeup on the car, and she still helped the film company just established.

"Oh, Su will take care of your body."

"This spring is easy to catch a cold, is Su: Is it a cold?"


The concern in the conference room came to this life.

"Okay." Su Su is in trouble: "I have a meeting to meet."


This woman is not good.

The total length of Su Su is very beautiful, it can be beautiful, and I don't want to think about this woman, too scary.

The gardened people were busy, and the drums were played.

Su Su is standing back and forth after a few times, and the red lips are micro-throttless: "Investment proportion changes."

Everyone quickly put his hand in the notebook ready to record.

"Modified, investment TV dramas, 30 movies, the online drama forty-eight."

Hey, a group of sounds that tap the keyboard came over.

"You are all olders, I am consistent with your opinion, increase the investment in the movie, other directions are just walking, but the TV series is nine ..."

Su Su was hesitated.

The cost of TV drama is slow, and this year is a lot of nine parts. After all, the TV series is too slow. The movie is a fast-effective project, and thirty is basically able to make Huantai film and television account for a lot of large proportions in the large 6 movie circle. The ringtail is naturally to seize the time period of each peak, Valentine's Day , National Day, Spring Festival, etc., so many movies will be hegemon every year. Thirty is sufficient to seize the opportunity in quantity. The online drama investment is low, and the forty-eight parts are added to the money, but this quantity is also enough to squeeze off some network TV series, successfully seize the network TV drama market.

Three directions, in addition to TV drama, movies and networks are the direction of ring Thai view.

"The TV drama will not be too little?" Su Su frowned, thinking that there were three tips.

His capital is three, I am in this direction ... Su Su is thinking.

"Many TV series are customized by major TV stations. We are hard to absolutely, and we have just started to start, and our firepower is concentrated in the film circle. If there are several movie circles, they will be listed directly overseas. And financing is also easy. "A executive said.

Others also agree with this point.

It can be said that the big direction in the five years after the newly opened Huantai Film Company is set as a movie as the main one, and fully captures online film and television.

TV series, domestic water TV station should take up half of the wall, people are official media with Chinese, there is no need to go to fight blood. It is also a matter of future.

After Suxi listened, he nodded, and there was a high-cooled direction again in his mind. To take a look, the direction of the cold cold is in the opposite.

His main boutique and Su Su are in the heart.

"There are two boutiques in the TV series, the movie is five boutiques." Su Su said, reach out, pressing the temple, high fever, makes her very tired, so long, the meeting is even more, just have been put into work, no I feel that the meeting now enters the end, the kind of tired attack.

"Since we entered the film and television industry, we must go out of the boutique. I know that the boutique is not easy, but at least, whether it is TV or the cinema, you must see the boutique, boutique market. We have to occupy. "

Su Su turned his head to the director of Huantai Film and Television, and the expression is very serious: "Xia Chi, the boutique market we must occupy, the annual investment film must have a certain proportion."

The Director is busy nod: "That is nature, Huantai film is definitely will not play the garbage film. The boutique we have been specializing in the archive team."

"The people of the" Boutique Supper team is about how many people? "Su Su asked.

"Thirty people are the olders in the industry, specializing in finding good things, and maintaining a good relationship with major director, and some have some relationships in radio and electricity."

Creating a boutique team, for the film and television company, there is no director, and the film and television company will maintain friendly relationships for a long time and director. What is the director of the drama, this is a change.

"Thirty people's teams are enough, to find some good things." Su Su nodded, just looking for a book and maintaining all parties, thirty people's team is really big. After all, after the TV series found the director, the team during shooting was bringing over there.

"Right, the team produced in the later period is looking for, try to find abroad, do special effects or foreign good." Su Su made up.

Nowadays, the movie needs special effects. The movie shown by the cinema is 3D. This year, you don't shoot 3D is just no movie. You can't go to the movie theater to see, 9o 3D movie.

In this world, the imperial person is the most fascinating 3D country.

Huantai Film and Television Company mainly enters the film circle, and the chances of cooperation with special effects companies are very high. It can be said that a large piece of money spent on special effects may account for half of the entire investment.

Special effects, or foreign doing the best, special effects, this drama is just half.

"Of course, we have an adult film and television, and special effects must be used abroad." Xiao Zhu smiled nodded.

Please have money in overseas specialties, while Huantai does not lack the money.

This high-definition-in-TV drama circle is also a love. He wants to enter the film circle and there is no financial power. This will be dragged with him. Sudu is a little proud of thinking, thinking that she frowned here.

Why are you old think about his direction? I am from the Thailand and him to enter the whole two levels, it is true. Thinking, Su Su's consciousness reached out and waved, and it seems that the waving can wave you just think.