Gossip King

Chapter 1471 Chapter Lord and 3 Army Chapter

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; with politics should not be too secret, although the high cooling is not very profound on this sentence, but also felt that Yin Laoshi is too fast.

Sometimes it will get too fast, it will make people feel unsafe, especially when it is not familiar with this field. In the high-cooled brain, I repeatedly recruited the words of Lu Yajun. I could change it. After all, Lu Yajun's company did not do so big, then his judgment is narrow?

AMP; BSP; in the empire Can be bigger, it is different.

AMP; BSP; problem is, is it a big business? It is inevitable to be close to government communication? Will this will be a way that is not impossible to bypass?

AMP; BSP; at this time, the high-cooled experience is not enough experience and wisdom to see through the depth of them, and his road is not enough. But he understand that if there is Yin Lao University to protect, it is easy to become a paper, and if there is no Yin Lao to do, it will make more thorns and difficulties.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; somewhat confused, and Su Sui came to this phone, let him down, he turned on the phone.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Hey, cool, you are very powerful." Su Su Su did not seem to be tauntful, and it took a few more admire.

"What's wrong?" Somehow, the cold heart has some panic. "

"You just break, Yin Lao Da said at the end of the meeting, said that you will participate in your tea party, and the tea party will be around the magazine you want to start, you are very good, you can let Yin Lao Gong give you a few The magazine escorts, this is a bit of war. "

Yin Laoga, "I will give you a guarantee", I didn't say that I just said that I would like to participate in the tea party, Su Xu said that this is the meaning of this back, not Su Su, how much ice is smart, but it is deeply It can be seen in this: General leaders come to participate in the meeting, they are very good, and they also participate in the tea ceremony, and this level of the rare, especially the level of the Star Group is not the level of Hetai.

AMP; BSP; "This wind is very fast." The high-cooled turn into another unmanned conference room, Su Su knows that he is not surprising, this meeting is very large, the media will report, in culture The world is already aware of everyone, and the Soviet Suplesson recently will not know.

AMP; BSP; after you just scrap, I have called the phone, knowing the meaning of Yin Yin's saying, can be seen by Yin Laoda, the shock of this sentence.

"So, it is of course so fast." Su Su came to a knocking sound, listened to the sound of the table, adjusted some acid: "Telling true , Or if Yin Big policy is tilted, how can I lose to you in the field of movie selection? "

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; cold heart.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; he naturally heard the envy of Su Xu seems to be strong behind, so that Huantai Group's Su total is envious, not to say other people.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; in this moment, he can feel the surprised waves in those scholars who are retreated, this circle is so big, soon, this news will spread every circle. Inner's ear.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; high-cooled suddenly feels a numbness of scalp.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "It seems that you can become a boss of paper, very fast." Su Su smiled, laughing like alarm bench in the high-cooled mind.

AMP; BSP; again.

From the distant horizon, getting closer and closer, and finally.

Just in this moment, the high-cooled decision was made: gentle, the bodies of Yin Bao, push it.

The rejection of Yin Lao is equal to the opportunity to reject the rapid rise. This opportunity to say that it is a huge convenience in the rise in a few years. It is expensive to date more than a hundred billion fund shortcuts. It is the future of the domestic media tycoon.

AMP; BSP; can be in this moment, the high-cooled instinctive smell makes him make this decision: the opportunity to envy Su Su is too fast, too strong, too dangerous.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; tall tap quickly walked to the other unmanned room, with a fine sweat on the forehead. These cold sweats suddenly raised.

In the financial circle, some people will say: This giant crocodile has a commercial sense of unique people; this stock market has a unique risk sense of risk, often able to counterattack or avoid risks.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; business smell, is like a reporter's news sensitivity, it is generally not clear. This thing is related to talents.

Just like a simple list, she has a natural news sensitivity, as long as she is interviewed, it is always unusually wonderful, I can always ask the heart or death of the interviewed object. It is important to know that the presidents being interviewed faces the reporter, I have long been in a hundred battles, than the reporter, and I have to ask yourself from their mouth.

But this is very simple to make a simple single, as long as she goes out of the horse, she can always hit the pain, and someone who dripping the water can ask her.

This is the level, but also news sensitivity. This thing can't be speech, not any performance, who is there. It can be said that it is a natural sensitive, talent.

AMP; BSP; amp; BSP; Every time, simple orders will say some shy words in a praise: I don't know, I feel that this problem should be able to dig deep, and I didn't expect it to be true.

The same is true for business sensitivity.

AMP; BSP; amp; BSP; Today, business people who have been extracted in the empire are different from ordinary people's business sensitivity, and it is also a compromise that makes the high cooler do not seem to be in the case, this intuition makes him This decision has been made.

Sometimes, the speed of the rise is too fast, but it is not necessarily a good thing.

AMP; BSP; if there is some hesitized words before the previous cool, then after this phone call, he firmly refused the decision of Yin Bao: the rise is too fast, and the government is too dense, it may not be a good thing.

AMP; BSP; "Nothing, Yin Laoga held this scholar meeting to be the best to find the status quo and lack of paper media, our magazine is the behavior of the Star Group, in the guidance of Yin Lao, how can I say Yin Yin What is the boss? "Garage a role.

amp; bsp; Su Su Sui smiled and smiled and said: "How, can't help you still don't fly Huang Tengda's opportunity? Yin Laofa is guaranteed, your paper media will be invincible."

amp; bsp; not talking, just smiling: "What do you find me?"

"Does it have time? Please have a cup of tea." Su Xi dragged his voice and lowered the sound: "I will not be bent with you, I want to know you with Yin Laoshi."

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Do you need to know me with me? You go to the Propaganda Department will have a big leader to receive you. And Yin Lao is just the bottom of a department, you The total can be found directly. "

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Hey, can you be the same? Sometimes the old ghost is more than the big ghost, not I directly with Yin Laojia, I will let the old pool of Huantai Understand, specifically, you don't have to manage, just say, help this busy? "Su Su is straightforward.

"Of course, just pull a relationship, your busy is of course helping."

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "That line, tomorrow ... No, the day after tomorrow, there is time after the day, I sent a car to pick you up." This is Su Su for the first time with high cooling Speak, it is also the first time to arrange it.

Yin Laossa and the high-yield relationship, too many people hope to take the relationship with Yin Laoshi, and it is best to have a layer of relationship through the cold.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; only, Su Su seems to have another figure, but the cold is not asked, asking, knowing she will not say.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; After going out, see simple single, and stroke, and smile.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Tell people underneath, don't talk about Yin Laoges to participate in the tea party, I will let Yin Lao Da will leave."

"Ah?" The simple eyes have a big eyes and thought it was wrong.

"Go." The cold is not explained, and the small single will not ask for a while.

"Don't talk about Yin Laoges to participate in the tea party, the highclub will let Yin Laozhai leave." Small single walks into the conference room in the Sight Group executives and said.

amp; bsp; "Ah!" Everyone in the conference room is like she just, widened, thinking that I have mistaken.

amp; bsp; "Why ?!"

"This ... is Yin Lao Da gangs?"

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Yin Lao Da participated in the tea party, our matter is very good, why is the overall ..."

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; conference room discussion.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "noisy ?!" Small single cold eye angered a sentence, the whole process suddenly sword.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Do something go, will open a tea party."


AMP; BSP; ---------

AMP; BSP; "Yin Boss, chrysanthemum tea is good, this chrysanthemum tea is ordinary tea, can be used for the fire tube." Gao Cooked to Yin Laoda has a cup of hands.

"You tell you your thoughts, situation, tell me. Which scholars do you look?" Yin Lao Da drank a bite and opened the door to see the mountain.

AMP; BSP; he comes to the tea party, it is to help.

Who is looking at the main editor, Yin Lao has said a few words, who will not? Moreover, Yin Bao is so strong, and the policies in this issue will keep up.

AMP; BSP; the high-cooled hand knocked a few times on the teacup.

AMP; BSP; "I am worried ..." Gao cold sighs tone.

amp; bsp; "What is worried? If you have money, talents, I will lobby." Yin Lao Da put down the teacup and asked.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; "You said, you will come to the lobbying, there will be no someone to go to your magazine. After mixing, some indulge is indifferent? Boutique magazine, you may not Know that this stuff specially examines the resistance of the person, because it is not a period of time, unless you really want to do this kind of magazine, you will run in a few points, or you will mix days ... " I want to say.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Oh? That will not ..." Yin Big did not understand.

AMP; BSP; "Boutique magazine said very much, some are fast, have been created in a year, some slow, five years, all the years, have always been dead. Only since the heart is faithful to the development of the Empire culture People can make real boutique magazines. "Gao Ying continued.

AMP; BSP; "Say, continue."

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "I, it is true to do paper media boss, is boutique paper media boss. I am planning to at least ten years of fighting, so I also hope that people who are prepared for ten years will come with me. Do this. The harder the situation is difficult, the you can keep the people who really do this, what do you think? "

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "To pair, right ..." Yin Lao Da thought.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; cool is no longer more.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Oh, then I shouldn't come to the tea party." Yin Lao Da took the thigh.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Don't you don't, you can promote us quickly into this matter ..."

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "No never, small high, this is not fast, it is fine. I will prefer you in the policy, but I trickally engage in two-year scenery, I don't have this. "Yin Lao Gong squatted and stood:" I still don't participate in the tea party. Now many scholars are not pure, and some people will see me to support you, just come to mix days. You are right, Yep……"

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; Yin Laoti nodded, took a high-cooled shoulder: "I still don't participate, you remember, you must hit suitable people, people who have to live lonious."

AMP; BSP; Yin Lao Gong is gone.

amp; bsp; "Boss, Yin Lao Da is so gone? You are too good, you have not sinned him." The simple single said.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "He is sure you understand, just didn't say it. I don't know if I refuse this is good or bad, listen to the heart first." The high cool lock.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Hey, one of your decisions changed our paper media into the road ..." Xiao Shan quietly sighed, still sorry.

AMP; BSP; such a good chance is in front of it, don't. No one is regrettable.

AMP; BSP; Gao Cell is also starting from here, and truly feels his own actions, or even an idea will bring the entire Star Group's distinctive development direction, and prospects.

AMP; BSP; His decisions will determine the salary of so many employees up and down, and related to the small family of employees.

amp; bsp; this kind of consciousness, let his shoulders have some heavy. He is no longer fighting for his own dreams, and he is also struggling for himself. He can't easily say it again: it is not coming again from the beginning.

AMP; BSP; big deal from the beginning, this is not responsible, what should I do if so many employees? Yes, they can go to other companies, but they will be hit hard. After all, many are always with high, and many of their dreams are pinned in the Star Group.

AMP; BSP; So many young people are eager to achieve their career in the Star Light Group, with the constant growth of the star, they are constantly improving.

AMP; BSP; and the high-and cold boss's movement, directly brought about the employees responsible for the paper media will face more difficulties and overtime, the entire Star Group will be sent to the year-end award in each person this year. There are more situations where old is very strong.

After the small single, it is a dozen executives brought over. They look through the cold, and they are full of understanding, they don't understand and regret.

Can you say anything.

After all, how to develop, every step in each step is in the hands of the cold, not them. The cool is leader, they are obedient.

It is said that the Lord will not be exhausted. Gao Cell is a talented leader. The number of three military is getting bigger and bigger. His must have a stability and can't make mistakes.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; one step is wrong, exhausted three armies.

AMP; BSP; When Yin Lao Da is sitting on the car, accompanying people say: "This high consider is quite a full consideration."

"One side is Zhou, on the one hand, Xiaogao is very cautious." Yin Lao Da saw a smile smile: "Little age also knows that the merchants are not in polite."

amp; bsp; "You are saying him ... he prevents you?"

amp; bsp; "Don't be prevention, what is he prevents me? But it is very cautious, it is, I don't care what he can do, as long as he can really make a good thing. If you really can come out Good publications, it is also good for the country. And said, then there are so many entrepreneurs who have been related to me, he is also a unique temperament, yes. OK, drive, will office. "