Gossip King

Chapter 1491 is broken ...

The Starlight Group is fully exposed to the children's book insider, blowing in the pot at night, this accommodation, cool sleeping is not very good.

First, the phone called a part of the government, was called to the government department to report the situation and provide evidence, tossing until the early morning came out, and he looked back at the office building of the government department when he came out.

Needless to say, it should be the storm of this public opinion.

On the Internet, the empire did not speak voice, and it could not be burst. In fact, he did not say too much. Every year, there will be some black screens, and each provincial capital city has a certain indicator, just controls a quantity.

As long as it is a shady, it is not possible.

This is not working in any country, especially the empire. The empire has an atmosphere, especially like to follow the style, many people may only look at the title, and the low-end age of the speech on the network is more, and the young is more.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; young, blood, will also be too extreme.

The shady exploded, the government is definitely very busy, there are some busy to cover, and some are busy with fire, each has different, human nature.

When driving to the home, I have been a little in the morning. I took a few waves on the road, and several large-scale publishers came over, and the high cooled was connected. They are all peers, and there is such a big thing to pass the gas, it is normal, if you don't pick it, it is too arrogant.

Pick up, pick up the phone.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; Lu Shao, several board people also played a call to ask one or two, not to say other media, such a big news, Ming children will follow up early, The good media will first give the high-cooled call to explore the wind, see if there is no update message to interoperate.

AMP; BSP; the business is done, and there is more scruples.

amp; bsp; wait until the home, the cold mobile phone is no electricity, the other is also hot, when you enter the door, you will see that the small cold laugh will welcome it, reach out, take off his jacket, and bend the waist and remove it. Go to his shoes, put on a soft slippers.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; then lifted his head smile: "Come back, give you a chicken soup." amp; bsp;

Mu Xiaoying was busy after the internship broadcast of Huxiang TV, and he would come back on weekdays. After you have internship, it will be two or three times a month. Recent TV is very busy, and it is over half a month.

Seeing the small cold tape from the food from the kitchen, she had to make a meal, and she had to say that the small cold craftsmanship did not say.

"Tired?" Take more points. "The small cold clipwfully put a piece of chicken in a cold bowl, suddenly red ear said:" I ponder the small single sister can take care of you, so I have recently returned ... "

She said this, it is also sorry to be cold.

"The little tail will live in two days. I listen to the little single sister said that you have to buy a villa, she saw a building, but she didn't have time to sign the contract tomorrow, so I came back to sign the contract." Xiao Cold turned and took a leather strap To the point: "This house is very satisfied after the small single sister has seen it, you have a look."

AMP; BSP; Many of the villas in the Emperor, but the good villa group is rare, it is generally, there is too small in the three-rings, and it will not take it for a while.

"This is a few days, the front of the villa is general, but I feel that it is suitable for us, the old villas are very small, the scenery is also very good, and the price is too expensive, the price is doubled, eight91,000 Ping to 134 million square, there are a few good things. "

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "She feels satisfactory, definitely good, don't need to see, go to sign." The high-cooled top is too lazy, and the small single do things, he is very safe, and the high cold head has not lifted.

"Well ..." Xiao Sikiş, she seems to be pondering, after a while, she said red face: "I will mention a small suggestion."

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "What?" It's rare to see Xiaochao and so serious, and ask for a bowl of tableware.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "I live with a small single sister ... Weird ..." The small cold lips were bored by her, and the ear was also red: "Or, this You live with a small single sister, I will live better in the vicinity of Huxiang TV. "

That is said that the cold is not embarrassed.

AMP; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "I didn't oppose single sister's meaning, just ... just ..." Xiao Yuguang tablecloth: "I am very big ... I am afraid of single sister ... I am afraid of her ... "

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Well, you have a good suggestion." Gao Cooked nodded: "Buy two buildings, buy it, this is close."


The small cold is large.

"I have already a villa in Hunxiang ... I don't need ..."

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "What is there? You come to the emperor, do you live here? Of course, you have to live with me, add a set." Gao Cooled touched the information : "Eight nine million to more than 100,000 flat, this price is okay, not expensive, they open tomorrow, we can get internal indicators, don't buy it. I will go with you tomorrow."

amp; bsp; small cold is very admired to see the cool cool, ask: "Very expensive, two? We bought it?"

AMP; BSP; Mu Xiao Cold and I have a little less, she is to know some of the news that ordinary employees know, what the Stars Group has been established, entered the film and television industry, have some well-known movies and TV series, as for every year How much is there, how much money, and everything in the simple list are different. Mu Xiao is never asked, and it is not interested in these.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; however, high-cooled, like her, don't ask, so back home, there will be no woman talking about work, just like it is in love, see Face, eat a meal to buy something, then romantic romantic evening to sleep, enjoy the beauty of the beauty to sleep.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; quite easy, very good.

"Failed." The high couldn't help but laugh.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "You are so rich now." Xiao Cold looked at the face and was hard to confuse the high cooling: "How are you so powerful, just a few years. "

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; high-cooled, I can't help but laugh, I saw her glance, seeing her wearing a beige hanging dress, long-lasting body has more vast workplace women's feet, Don't move, refer to the room: "Lying, the clothes don't take off," AMP; BSP;

amp; bsp; "Is it so hooligan ..." Xiao Cangjiao smiled and stood up: "There is money rogue."

AMP; BSP; at this time, the little cold once again gratifying him in bed, no previous concerns and nervous, and not so painful and tired, after all, the small single has gone throughout the firepower, such a state is her most ideal status. She laughed to the bedside and faded her clothing.

amp; bsp; cold is not panicked outside, and has a lazy waist into the bathroom, turn on the TV to the Huxiang TV station, the small cold host is automatically saved, I saw her on TV There was no nervousness in the first anchor on the screen, which is very calm, cute and charming.

I looked at it, I smiled slightly, so I saw it on the couch and saw it, this is only to the bedroom.

AMP; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; Bed's beauty has already fell asleep, the beige hanging tape is wrapped in her good body, this entertainment anchor in Hunxiang TV station has studied a group of loyal audience At this time, I took off the pants inside and asleep.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; um ...

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; with small cold sounds, any man can't control the sound of the sound of the sound, her white face, two bending smoky herbs.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; gently hugged to the living room, and there is also a small-cooled new anchor content in TV.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Mu Mode, you are very good." Gao Cai made a little sleepy and wakeful, accompanied by her broadcast of entertainment news.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; sand launched.


amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; next morning, small cold is a bit exhausted, full of red, and changing a clothes in the world, high-cooled, I went to the villa, I went to the villa to put the contract. Signed, ten o'clock, there is also a meeting, and the speed is getting faster.

AMP; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; Ten and a half months, it is only to eat, and the small is full of happiness, such a state is a state of sexual life.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Buy two villas, you don't look at it, buy cabbage than others." Small cold-cold arm, listening to complaining, can be rich proud.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; that kind of man is very strong, followed by a woman.

AMP; BSP; one out of the door, the little cold.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; I saw three people standing outside the door. After these two men's body, I still stand five or six, I saw Xiao Cold and cold, instant Pile up a smile.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "High Side."

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; "Highlights" Good morning. "

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Who ... Who?" After the small cold moment hide, he grabbed his arm, and he opened a bunch of people, scared her.

"High, I am Li Tie Company, this is my business card, our boss will set up a place to drink early tea, I want to ask you ... amp; bsp;"

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "I am the deputy general of Orchard, this is my business card, our boss has set up a place to drink early tea, and I want you to ask you ..."

AMP; BSP; "High-quality high, I am a shareholder of Zhang's Group, this is my business card, we always wait for you in the car under the building, wait for more than an hour, I want you to ask you Go to drink a early tea ... "

A bunch of people came over, and there were several people who followed a bunch of gifts, and the three business cards in front were quickly stamped to the face, and they have to ask for a high cold tea.

AMP; BSP; good guy, followed by it.

AMP; BSP; actually five o'clock in the morning, these three people really played ...

AMP; BSP; high cooling, understand. Yesterday, the children's books were exposed to the name of these three companies, Li Zi, Or, Zhang.

He picked up the mobile phone and saw the phone from the dozens of calls without picking up.

AMP; BSP; Now the Star Group is not before, now the high cooling is not the previous cold, negative news, if it is the other media newspaper, but you can release it so much, you will know that I plan to bite this piece, and I haven't spent the three hearts of the name. I came to find a high-cooled exploration style, and I was coming.

If you want to see him, you don't answer the phone, and it's not bothering. I have to send a executive here, and I have a bunch of people outside the door. They all have to drink early tea, if they are taken away by others. How can it be good?

This is not, when the high-cooled early, I was still interested in the small cooler slowly played, and the three horizontal eyebrows were in the sword.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; this will come over.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; I ran away from poorly reaching out.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; "What ?!" Gao Circular. Extending your hand and dialing those who have to poke on the face.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; immediately, several people have retired, bending over.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; "Sorry, I just want to ask you to drink a early tea ..."

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "It's sorry, our boss is in the car downstairs, I want to drink a early tea ..."

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; is talking, seeing a bunch of people in the corridor, it seems to be a person who is other companies, and seeing the high-cooled business card.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; "Highlight! Please drink an early tea!"

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "High, good morning! I am a business, I want to ask you ... amp; bsp;"

amp; bsp; ......

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; small cold sent to high cold ... I feel that this door is going to be broken ... amp; bsp;

[Thank you for the goddess of Xiaomi. I hope that everyone can subscribe.