Gossip King

Chapter 1497 is 1 word

Said, leaders mean a deep cold look.

It is very transparent to this layer, this is, there is always a human back pot, not the group of people in the small workshop, is the presiding man who is taken away, or a unannounced star group .

No matter who is a cooker, children's books can't make a cooker.

The early morning is exhausted, and the blood climbed out of a room. This is a garbage station. He hides in the garbage of the underwent, and then followed by a paleble mother gun, spit Numerous times, spit people model dog sample.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "You have to pack it, you will infect, you will be infected," the mother can put the camera in the car.

AMP; BSP; "Well, I have to go to the hospital." The "

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; squatting in the middle of the night, accidentally fell in the garbage pile, I don't know what is broken, it is very deep, blood The lens passed, scared that he took off the clothes and went to enclose the lens instead of wrapped his hand. AMP; BSP;

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; lens is expensive, destroyed, can't afford it.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Hey, you have a good burning." The mother can stand up and touched him forehead, scared a big jump: "I know that the group of people didn't come out, I should have Withdraw, if the rust nail is broken, it can be finished. "

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "What do they come out to trade? I have been spent for half a year." This case ran so long, I ate so much bitter, not bad.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; , AMP; BSP;

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "garbage! Nausea! Use unincroped to your own circle? Why don't you die!"

"I don't know if you have such a big problem, but it is said that you have to go out children's book, huh, huh, send you a huh."

"It's all money to make a child, it's a group of people, with unannounced visits to give yourself a garbage!"

amp; bsp; ", still dare to show the full face, This photo also wears a sunglasses, !"

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; comment is filled with insults, some are the water army, some are unidentified people, some pure is to join in the fun.

AMP; BSP; When the secret of the secret, it is necessary to do a child book, and then pure things have become a heart, plus the guidance of the water army.

It's hard to listen, and those things are really hard.


,, try to hide his teeth, only feel that the arm is itchy, he looked at it, I saw a creepy ...

Gently pinched it, open the window and lost it.

"I also have a lot of magic, just when I just got a car." The mother can be used, said. AMP; BSP;

AMP; BSP; "Well." The did not tell the mother's current Weibo, and his two buddies were sprayed.

AMP; BSP; "This case, we have been with half a year, how is it can't get it ?!" The mother can be angry, and the car is open.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; ,, just holding mobile phones in his hand.

amp; bsp; "We chased them from Urumqi to catch up with Hainan. From Hainan to the emperor, now it can be diluted, but there is no shot, can be evil!" The mother can be a bite: "As long as the tail, it is necessary to shoot!" What is the grace of the grandson ?! So disgusting ingredients cooperate with so many catering companies, explosive! Laozi is out of life, and it is not to serve them! "

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; still does not speak, just read comments below the eyes of the Ophthalm I.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; in order to protect yourself, the mother cannon did not release the full face, and several photos of these years have blocked their eyes, but they still look at the mother.

AMP; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; no law, this is full of cloudy, fine skin.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Can I be a reporter now?"

"Look at him, don't know how much it is ..., a group of unintended people who make money."

"Follow you with your high-time blending of your sleeping circle, are you sleeping with him? Use a unannounced visit to the children's book, enough garbage."

AMP; BSP; The following comments are equally unsweound.

amp; bsp; " , you said that this group of grandson can't come out, the newspaper is clearly said to come out at night, where is this wrong?" The mother can be flying out, and the tired is right. The depression of the material is more, the more frustration is more and more brave.

AMP; BSP; unannounced visit, really do not make money.

It is possible to have a manuscript, a manuscript is not out, make money?

I can adhere to the moment that loves, loves this country, loves the report, the sound of the law, the joy of the people.

Otherwise, who will be willing to stepping over the sharp knife every day? It's not to say that the sharp knife is stopped every day, and now I have a unannounced visit, and I'm still smashed.

AMP; BSP; no longer talk, he no longer watching the phone, but looks at the window.

AMP; BSP; red eyelids.

"After a while, we analyze the cause." After a long time, the red eyes were gently said: "Be sure to fill them, even if you are preusing."

"Well, this group of grandson is not something! This is something related to thousands of people to eat imported! It is not something!" Nianghike I didn't want to pick up.


AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; but also is most wronged.


amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Cannot be fermented, now there are words, chaos." Leaders said.

AMP; BSP; Most of the people can't understand why a unannison cannot be largely fermented, can not over-ferment, can not tell this thing, can be a medium and cold, the people can't afford this impact, if added If the foreign power is guided, most people will imagine the whole children's book market very bad. AMP; BSP;

AMP; BSP; this is the status quo of the imperial people.

AMP; BSP; unannounced visits, exposed, have been handled in this current situation, which is also the experience of the development of the media all the way in the past few decades. The middle experience has experienced a few periods, and there is also anything to explode. During the period, it has now entered the seminated exposure period.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; what is the purpose of exposure?

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; high-cooled exposure public version of the purpose of the children's book, not for the sales of his magazine, not to establish his tall hero image, not to engage in Confucianism, he exposed public version The most sincere purpose of the book is to improve the children's book environment, remove these garbage children's book workshops, and improve the law of the empire.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; rather than caught people's fear, Bo Tao waves attacking this attack, not letting parents don't believe in the bookstore after the bookstore.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Now public opinion is very messy, some people believe in your report, some people don't believe in your report, some of your news ..." Leaders want to say.

AMP; BSP; so much black and cold on the network, leaders will definitely see it. This is probably the worst public opinion environment. When I can't find a breakthrough together, the people will start attacking the government.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; all blame the government! Books things are not good! Unannounced junks, don't turn off, what A cat, dog can be unannounced, ghosts are not for your own profit!

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; my party is amazing ... The book of children is killed ... amp; bsp;

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; child book is really not good? I think someone is holding a unannounced visit to profit, the Star Group has to do a children's book, the country regardless of the management?

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; similar comments gradually rumored, Sure enough, the people put the garbage public version of the children's book with the formal public version of the children's book, children's book, confused, all understand: domestic children's books It is garbage.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; if it is not a good faith, it is also good to explain the children's book market, and they will naturally look at it. The problem is that it is now so much black and cold, and there is also a black spot in the high-cooled itself. AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp;

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; they don't believe in high cooling, and then say what children's books are actually only the garbage public version of the children's book, I am afraid that no one is believed.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; leadership is more cold.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "I have a way." The high-cooled ranking mouth is slightly rising, the confidence and calmness in the scorpion make the leadership in the heart: "I have a way to solve this, not only will not hurt The image to the government will also enhance the people's trust in the government. "

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Oh?" The leader of the leadership bright.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "Those people on the network, they will also shut up." Gao Cold laughed: "But when I urge, I can take you a meeting room? I opened? I have to write a material to you, you will understand the material. "

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "No problem."

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; Publisher meeting room, as long as the problem can be solved, it is better to solve it.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; after two hours, fast to noon, the high-cooled meeting room opened a half-hour meeting room, and an hour he has been writing to leadership Reviewed materials.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; when this material is handed to leadership, foot is five pages, it is very detailed.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "This ... this way ..." The leader looked at the tea. "This is a good time."

amp; bsp; "Yes ... this step is also very good." The leader turned over a page, put down the tea cup, and he looked at it.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "good way! This is also a good way!" The leader turned over and said.

AMP; BSP; "Good! Good! Good!" After the three sounds, the leader is very admirable to shoot the table out: "Oh, it is more actions that you engage in the media, good way, it is really a good way. Gao Gu, That is, our publishing bureau can't afford you, or, you really have to come to us, specializing in promotion! Talent! "

AMP; BSP; people are admiring people.

AMP; BSP; capabilities, is the most powerful weapon of the rivers and lakes, this weapon is bright, whether it is a noble or noble, no admire.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; "itself, our law is really imperfect, you have this unannounced visit ... The people will complain about our government, according to your way, the people are satisfied, our government The work page is more perfect, the most important, is the status of our child book market, the status of domestic children's books. "He nodded more:" Take this way, I will meet you now, with you! "


AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; After half an hour, a two-thousand-word manuscript written by the high-cooled personally published in Weibo, and the Star Group's all media transcendal pushes, and the industry is not followed.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; title is simple: junk, I just use unannounced visit to you, don't afford? Have you sued! AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp;

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; content is simpler: The garbage public version of the child book publisher is as follows, and then attached the name of the family-based public version of the children's book, the name of the boss.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; final plus a sentence: Parents, these workshops do not buy, are both garbage.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; ......

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; all nets.

amp; bsp; amp; bsp; amp; bsp; site name, surname, more than 300 dense Ma Ma, Xinglu Group will be listed in the famous public version of the public version of the public version of the children's book, a knife Go, a bloody.

AMP; BSP; amp; bsp; amp; bsp;