Gossip King

Chapter 1524 I want to tell you

I want to tell you!

"You ... you ... you have this stream ... rogue! I want to tell you, I want to tell you!" Su Su glared at the beads in the hospital bed, showing weakness but absolutely super terrible protests ...

BSP; wrong, not super terrible, is a terrible ...

BSP; I am terrible, I can't help but laugh.

BSP; BSP; BSP; people outside the door did not listen to it, he heard that Su is in the inside, um, I don't know what to say, two bodyguards are somewhat worried. BSP; BSP; BSP;

"Suman Song said that I said." A bodyguard said.

"It's not a note, it's me ... you know." Gao Cooked blinking ...

"Notice! Note!" Su Su is struggling to make a thin neck shouted.

BSP; while the high-cold ear is fast, come out to take the door behind the door, say in the inside, say: "Don't be so straightforward, what? Wait a problem."


BSP; BSP; BSP; Su Su felt qi and blood, turned over white eyes and shy and gas.

BSP; BSP; BSP; "That is, our elements are the semes." The old manager this wave attack is really slippery, so that the bodyguards outside will not know halfway.

BSP; BSP; "I don't know if Su Tong put the assistant, so simply directly, throw it out." Gao Cooked looked at the old housekeeper and smiled.

BSP; two assistants have a face.

BSP; the old manager smiled and nodded.

BSP; "I have a private thing with Su, please don't bother." Said, taking the room, turned off the door.

BSP; BSP; "Hey! Can not enter ... BSP; Su total is alone." The bodyguard responded, and he was going to pull the door.

BSP; BSP; "What? Didn't you point your eyesight?" The old housekeeper face justice, the atmosphere, with the Su Hunzu Zu Zun's generation of people, and then said with the tone of the people: "Do you have no eye?" Who doesn't know? Summer brigade! Commodities! Do you bother? ". BSP; BSP; BSP;

BSP; several bodyguards are somewhat, you mean me. .

BSP; "Out the door! No one will go in!" The cane of the old housekeeper knocked the two attire.

BSP; the two assistants have not reacted, and they are there.

BSP; for a moment, no one knows who should listen.

It can erect the ear, and I didn't hear what Summer said again ...

Several men exposed the embarrassment ...

"I didn't expect Su total to have a man."

"Hey, first make people envy, I always feel that Su Zhou is like this, there is no man to match it."

After the door, the bodyguard whispered, after a few words, the cold face stationed.

------ BSP; BSP; BSP;

BSP; BSP; "You you, you, you, you ..." Su Xi reached out, Xu, the blood loss is too much, the hand is somewhat shaking, and it is also gas.

BSP; bsp; "Do you want me?" Gao Cohered her, and the hippie smiled and leng out his hand to explore her forehead. The face changed, some hot.

BSP; bsp; Su Xiqiang faces the hand to put her hand according to the coupser, and he grabbed her hand, she immediately took the phone with the other hand, and grab her phone with her call.

BSP; "Are you sick? Your nerve!" Su Yan Ruo Ruo's violent violent turns is very embarrassing, a woman who is a huge wealth, after he is fainting, there is no family greetings, No friend is really warm, some only have cyclo.

BSP; so that the cold is at this moment, if the old tube is not there, this powerful woman will fall instantly.

will not.

BSP; the next instant is high-cooled to negate this idea.

Huan Thae, she is.

"It's a neuropathy!" Suicon was anger, she didn't speak in righteousness, and there was no president's high, but as the general woman quarreled, he was angry with high cold neuropathy. It seems that the way to discharge pressure is found.

The brilliance is listening.

This is better, always in your heart, you have a good posture.

"I want to work, I have come out, and many project partners have people, I have to open a meeting, and there is also a media to deal with it." Su Ji cold voice appeared very lonely in the ward. She looked extremely high cooling.

BSP; high-cooled, she is really angry.

BSP; "How big is something." Gao Cold laughed.

BSP; BSP; "How big to do?" Su Su smashed: "It's really ignorant, you know that I am dizzy, will I affect how much orders? Impact International orders can buy a star group."

BSP; BSP; BSP; Su Su showed a high expression, and it was deliberately revealed, emphasizing the economic gap with her economic.

BSP; BSP; "You can only affected several international orders, you should not buy a star group. After all, the Star Group is still quite big, you are not very good." Gao Cell is not annoyed, for her Mathematics shook his head.

BSP; BSP; BSP; Su Xi Head twist, reach out: "The phone gives me."

BSP; BSP; high-cooled putting mobile phone into its own pocket, see Su Su's face is getting worse, saying: "Don't shadow your order, actually one thing, public opinion."

BSP; BSP; BSP; "You think that it is easy to reverse public opinion? You think that you have to do it with the reporters, I have n'thing to do." Su Sui is too young expression. "

Natural is not so easy, there are so many people present, will definitely have a big article. There is definitely a public opinion hard.

"I solved you." Gao Cooked her to cover her, and it was easy.

"You?" Su Su snorted.

"I am doing media. In this regard, you are much better, you have to admit this."

BSP; BSP; BSP; Su Su has turned over white: "Is there two magazines, with some media relationships? I also have a good relationship with the media, please ask them to come?"

Looking at Su Su: "I really want to help you, I remind you that the thing is very subtle, if someone takes this opportunity to start with you, the other person is likely to invite the public opinion master, not good It will also be the old man of a media company to use all the people. You determine the executives under your hand to get it? And I have to play the techniques and abilities of public opinion, you should have seen, one sentence, you want me Helping, still don't want me? "

BSP; BSP; Su Suqiang nose is moving.

BSP; BSP; she understands that if she is cool, she is relaxed, otherwise I will meet, I have to play myself to call some media company's boss, and now I am so weak, don't It's so embarrassed to catch the pain.


BSP; BSP; BSP; her stubborn nose is moving again.

BSP; BSP; BSP; Su is a person who wants face.

BSP; bsp; "Hey, then I will give you this opportunity, this matter is good, I pay according to the labor fee, our Huantai's funds for the public relations crisis are much more, in addition to this, I will reward you around Time. A big business. "Su: said.

BSP; ......

BSP; couldn't help but laugh, shook his head helplessly, this woman pressed out of others, how did it not adapt to others to help her.

BSP; BSP; BSP; pay by the public relations crisis, get it, high cooling to work.

BSP; BSP; BSP; if it is usually, it is necessary to give her a concept twisting, but today, Su Xi's face is very bad, and it is paleble. She has to help her solve this thing as soon as possible, let her take a break.

"Use your notebook, open a video conference." Gao Cooked pointed to notebook, Su Xi died, reach out of his fingerprint, cover his head.

BSP; "You take a break, just half an hour." Gao Cold said.

BSP; Su Su did not close his eyes like a high-cooler, but the eyes were looking at the high-cooled meeting, which is not very relieved to the high cooling skills.

BSP; "High, you said the public opinion guidance of the total illness of Huan Tai Su?" The manager of the planning department was somewhat surprised.

"Yes, it is the first time, the first time is the first time, the exclusive interview with Su.

BSP; "If it is an interview, it is best to provide Su Shi now in the ward. Now is the biggest hotspot."

BSP; BSP; BSP; Su Su wide-wide eyes, reach out and waved, and the sound pressure is extremely low, he heard: "What? Now interview?! Hello, what do you do?"

BSP; "OK, I offer her photo in the ward." Gao Cells did not reason Su Su, touched the Pakistan: "The manuscript, the direction is that Su 201 is stable, it is low blood sugar, it is not good. The fish cylinder is smashed, got a few mouthfuls, to raise a while, after all, women are afraid of staying. "

"Photos? No, don't do it! You don't do this." Su Su is next to the body.

BSP; BSP; BSP; Someone bothering when he was most annoying, he stared in Su Su.

BSP; BSP; BSP; "Why do you stand me ?!" Su Su did not eat this sturgeon, and he went back.

"Boss, you interviewed Su, the summary, too cattle, our media have been in the bottom floor and two, now dozens of media are not going." One said. BSP;

BSP; BSP; BSP; "Our boss and the summary relationship of Su" have always been good. Sure enough, the interview is still our star group. "The other person said.

BSP; BSP; BSP; everyone laughed.

BSP; BSP; Su is not happy, she once again lowered the sound: "You tell them, not with me is good, I gave you this public relations crisis."

BSP; BSP; "I will talk about the context of this news, as well as the people who need to use." Gao Cells did not reason Su Su, continue to meet, put news, how to put it, is very tipsy. "

BSP; BSP; everyone also received laughing, quietly listening to the arrangement.

BSP; BSP; BSP; "Say, don't make it very well, I have given you this crisis public relations ... BSP;" Su Su saw that he was not clarified, and he was next to the sound Duo duo.

BSP; BSP; BSP; high-cooled, uncondole, said directly to Su Su: "Come, Su Su, you don't worry next to me, either you tell them, you directly Say."

BSP; bsp; ......

BSP; Video of the person in the conference room opened his eyes and saw a house of cattle eyes? The kind of Badle, At this time, the Star Group has a group.

"Su is in the highest in the highest!"

BSP; BSP; BSP; "Wow! I found out!"

"You don't seem to be other people after watching the high, this is he accompanied by the Summer Ward ?!"

It was originally thinking that the employee of the first-hand information was got, and it was shocked. They didn't think of Su Su, who were alone, sick, is a cold.

BSP; BSP; BSP; ,, this is awkward.

BSP; BSP; BSP; Su Su is full of face, she realizes that this misunderstanding will be big, so I turned down and said: "I said, oh, it's like this, the Star Group will follow this Huantai Group public relations The crisis task, I hope you do it well, just this, I will cooperate with him. "

BSP; BSP; BSP; "Yes Yes."

BSP; BSP; BSP; "We all understand."

BSP; BSP; BSP; "To the right, we understand, understand."

BSP; BSP; BSP; a bunch of people in the conference room, just a smile more embarrassing.

BSP; BSP; BSP; Su Su's face is more blue, she glared in high cooling.

BSP; BSP; BSP; "What is the indication of Su 201?" asked with high cooling.

BSP; BSP; BSP; "No ... Nothing." Su Xi really wants to break, but still maintains the style, let your voice appear to be elevating generic president: "Do it."

The high-cooled sound is closed, and the Su Su Su is a eye: "If you don't indicate, don't interrupted me."

BSP; BSP; "You ..." Su Su is still saying.

BSP; BSP; high-cooled sound: "Continue to meet."

BSP; bsp;