Gou in the Ninja World

Go In The Ninja World Chapter 38

He looked at the old man opposite and said word by word.

"That's it."

The old man listened quietly to his statement and nodded from time to time, indicating that he agreed with his reason.

If, according to Sarutobi Hizen, manpower is assembled to guard against the conspiracy of evil forces, then as one of the three ninjas, Tsunade is indeed an important role that cannot be ignored.

"But..." He opened his mouth, his face looked difficult. "The third generation, you should know that it is not easy to convince Tsunade to come back."

He said.

The reason why Tsunade left Konoha Village to go out is very simple, because Konoha Village is a sad place for her.

In the previous Ninja battle, Tsunade lost several family members who were very important to him, including his grandfather Senjujuma, second grandpa Senjuma, younger brother Yuki, and lovers.The loss of relatives and the pain of friends caused Tsunade to collapse for a time, and he suffered from a panicemia that could be regarded as a nightmare for medical ninjas.

Such psychological damage can be said to completely destroy Tsunade at the time.

Since her relatives and lovers sacrificed to protect Konoha Village, she even began to fear Konoha Village, a place where her important people gave their lives.She was afraid of Konoha Village, the name Naruto, and even the word ninja, so she chose to leave, wandering around in the world of ninja, numbing herself with gambling and alcohol, and immersed in this self-escape world in.

Many people are aware of Tsunade's mental state, so they will also understand how difficult it is to persuade Tsunade.Otherwise, during the war, no one would let a top combat power just wander the ninja world casually.

"Of course I know."

As Tsunade’s teacher and the Hokage of Kiba Village, Sarutobi Hisaki naturally understood the difficulty. He knew that Tsunade’s problem was not just the sadness of the family’s leaving, but the deeper reason was her. The exile from the bottom of my heart was that she gave up herself.

Tsunade’s problem comes from her own heart. The reason for the problem of running away is not only because of the pain of losing her relatives and friends, but the more fundamental factor is that she has lost the meaning of her existence.

Of course, during this process, the deaths of Rooseki and Duan were the biggest inducements, and it was their deaths that made Tsunade suspect himself.

There are probably two main factors.

On the one hand, as an older sister, she, who was supposed to protect her younger brother, did not fulfill her elder sister's obligations, and failed to protect her younger brother, causing her younger brother Shengshu to die.On the other hand, as the most powerful medical ninja and lover Tsunade also failed to save the dying and heal the wounded. He watched his boyfriend severely injured and died.

Whether she is a relative, or a lover and a comrade in arms, in Tsunade’s eyes, she has not been able to protect and help others, so even her relatives and friends can’t protect her, so how can she protect others? What?

This feeling of self-denial and doubt filled Tsunade's heart, and at the same time it became a unique mental illness, that is, panicemia.

For a ninja, especially a medical ninja, it is absurd to suffer from a symptom that can almost ruin the life of a ninja.But for Tsunade this is not the case, because this symptom represents the true condition of her heart. The so-called panicemia is a denial of her own past in her heart, a kind of escape.

This kind of escape and fear was the fundamental reason why Tsunade would leave, and Sarutobi Hisaki knew this very well.

So he also knows that if he wants to convince Tsunade to come back, the first thing to do is to let Tsunade regain his self-confidence. As long as he can regain his self-confidence, his phobia will heal immediately without medicine.In the original work, Naruto was able to convince Tsunade because of this. He broke Tsunade's long-standing self-doubts due to failure with his perseverance and will never give up, so that she overcomes the psychological pressure and regroups.

However, the current Ming talent is just seven years old and he has not yet reached the age of graduation, and his ability to protect himself is almost zero. In addition, there are so many people coveting Nine Tails, which is very dangerous.And the 7-year-old Naruto is not the same as the 13-year-old Naruto. Naruto who has not experienced something is not as hot and sunny as the original book. Even if he sees Tsunade, it is impossible to cause the two of them. Resonance can't achieve the goal, so naturally it is impossible to let him out for Tsunade to release his mouth.

So in the current Konoha ninjas, there are probably only two people who can convince Tsunade with confidence, one is Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, and the other is the current Naruto Tobihiro.

Jilai is also Tsunade’s former companion, and is also one of the important figures that Tsunade does not say, but he always pays attention to Tsunade’s heart. Sarutobi Hizumi is Tsunade’s teacher, and the two of them are naturally confident that Tsunade can be Persuade to come back.

However, Ji Lai Ye is still outside the village now, and it may not be when he comes back.As Hokage, Sarutobi Rizen naturally cannot put aside government affairs and go out for more than a month. Therefore, he can only ask for help from the outside world, and the old man in front of him has become the best choice now. Sarutobi Rizen believes With his relationship with Tsunade, he can definitely complete this entrustment.

"It is with this in mind that I will specially ask someone to pick you up from the Temple of Fire."

Sarutobi Hizen looked at the old man opposite seriously, with a sincere expression.

"After all, in the Fire Land now, the only person who can persuade her is you except me."


The old man was silent for a while when he heard the words, he sat quietly in the chair, as if thinking about something.

For a while, the room fell into a short silence.

After waiting for about ten seconds, finally, the old man made a decision in his heart. He raised his head again and nodded to the eyes of the two in front of him.

"Well, since it is the request of the village, then I will try my best."

"Thank you, Lord Danayan."

Sarutobi Hizen quickly thanked.

"You're welcome." The old man sighed deeply and stood up. "After all, this is where I grew up."

He said, turning his gaze out of the window again, gazing deeply at the picturesque Konoha village under the sun.

"Although it has been so long, but deep in my heart, I will always be Masaise Senju from Konoha Ninja Village."

He looked back at the two people in front of him and said firmly.

Chapter 33: A New Beginning

Two flowers bloom, one on each table.

Just when Sarutobi Hizumi and others were working hard for the future of the village, Yukimura, who finally settled down again on the other side of the village, also started a new life of his own.

In fact, the new life is not as good as Yukimura himself imagined.

"Yukimura, it's time to get up."

Early in the morning, Sarina's cries called Yukimura on the bed from his sleep.

"Got it."

Yukimura muttered, rubbed his sleepy eyes, stared at the ceiling for a few seconds, and then slowly sat up from the bed.

Turning his head and looking at his watch, it turned out that it was almost nine o'clock.

It's unexpectedly late to wake up these days.

He thought this way in his heart, shook his head, his eyes were a little dazed, and he knew at a glance that he hadn't fully recovered from last night's sleep.

After staying in this state of half asleep and half awake for about ten seconds, and after a few yawns, Yukimura slowly began to dress with a look of fatigue.

I have to say that although he went to bed around ten o'clock last night, he still feels very tired now.

Because he hasn't slept well these days. In fact, after the explosions and riots a few days ago, Yukimura's heart has never calmed down.

Don’t look at how calm and calm he was when he talked in front of Sarutobi Hisaki a few days ago, he was not afraid of danger, as if he understood everything, but he was forced by the pressure of survival. If there is no pressure for survival of the imminent extinction, Yukimura would still You don't necessarily have the courage to stand in front of Hokage's face and say such a lot of words without changing your face.

Moreover, talking about soldiers on paper is one thing, and being on the scene is another. He already knows what kind of world he has come into, and also knows what kind of life people in this world go through daily, but he can only see it with his own eyes. After personally experiencing those disasters and dangers, he truly realized that this world was much more terrifying than he had imagined.

Unlike the aborigines of this world, people in this world may have seen wars and deaths since they were young, and many people have survived from disasters.For them, ninjutsu, fighting, explosions or various crises are all normal daily experiences, so although they will panic and fear because of temporary dangers, this mood will not last for too long. I'll forget it soon.

But he can’t. As a traverser who grew up in a peaceful world, Yukimura has never served as a soldier, and has never been to war-torn places. Since childhood, he has played several grasshoppers, crickets, and even chickens. Never killed, the most dangerous situation I have ever faced is the aftershocks encountered during the big earthquake that year. He has never experienced the test of blood and fire at all. He just can't do it at all with the psychological quality of an ordinary person. As indifferent as everyone else.

Two days ago, he saw with his own eyes the cruelty of ninja fighting and the power of ninjutsu.

The skyrocketing fire, strong vibrations, waves of hurricanes rushing toward the face, and the panicked crowd around.The urgency of facing danger at close range and the sense of crisis on the front line of life and death brought great psychological pressure to Yumura. The almost suffocating sense of oppression surrounds him all the time, like the whispers of death, making him true for the first time. I am realizing this cruel world of human life.