Gou in the Ninja World

Go In The Ninja World Chapter 62

Immediately afterwards, Yukimura and Sarutobi Hizen turned their heads at the same time and looked towards the door, because they heard the rapid footsteps coming from the door.


The closed door was pushed open from the outside. The hard door slammed on the walls on both sides, making a strong and crisp sound, and an old lady with a serious face walked in with heavy steps.

"Little Spring."

Regarding the arrival of Shuan Xiaochun, Sarutobi Rizhan did not feel surprised at all. With so many things happening tonight, almost half of the village was rioting. As one of the two remaining old people, if Shuan Xiaochun is nothing. Know, that's a weird thing.

"Sun Slash."

After turning to bed, Xiaochun walked in, but the entourage behind him stayed outside the office and closed the door again outside.

She greeted Sarutobi with a blank face, squinted around the room, and finally landed on Yukimura opposite the desk.

"I think this is Bai Ze."

She squinted her eyes and said with an extremely certain tone. In general, she had learned about it through some dark parts. Although the rumored news was that Danzo had fled, and then caught a Uchiha child by the way, she knew some insiders. She doesn't think that is really just a way.

Danzo is not a fool. He has the ability to escape early and late. But at this time, he ran away, and then tried his best to capture a useless Uchiha ghost. This thankless thing is not Danzo’s style. So basically she doesn't have to think much, she can guarantee that there is absolutely a problem with that kid's identity.

Reminiscent of the previous Uchiha incident, and that Shirasawa who has the writing wheel eyes that can see the past and the future, just think about it and turn to Koharu to confirm that Danzo’s target is the one in Sarutobi. Bai Ze under the protection.

Then look at the situation in the office. At night, Sarutobi Hizhan and a child stayed here alone to chat, then Yukimura's identity became clear.

Although he has never seen Bai Ze's true appearance, but Zhuan Xiaochun dared to use his own ethics to ensure that this child is the mysterious Bai Ze.


Sarutobi nodded and did not conceal any more. After the incident came out tonight, he knew that Yukimura's identity could not be kept, or at least it could not be kept in the eyes of these insiders.

But this is also a good thing. In fact, apart from turning to sleep, who does not know the identity of Yukimura?

Sarutobi Hizhan knew from the beginning that Itachi had guessed it by himself, and Danzo had found it out with his men. The only ones who were really in the dark were Zhuan Xiaochun and the dead Mizuto Menyan.

And now, it's just one more insider.

"This is Uchiha Yukimura, which is Shirasawa."

Sarutobi nodded, pointed at Yukimura and introduced.


Turning to bed, Koharu showed such an expression as expected, looking up and down at Uchiha, who is less than ten years old, but holds many secrets, and his deep eyes cannot tell what he is thinking.

"So, tonight's events are all because of this child."


Sarutobi Hizhan nodded again, and then according to Yukimura's previous description, gave a rough explanation of the specific events that occurred that night.

"no surprise……"

After hearing what happened to Yukimura, Koharu couldn't help but sighed when she turned to bed. There was a touch of melancholy on her old face. She pondered for a moment, then raised her head and looked at Sarutobi Hizen. Both of them could clearly see each other The disappointment flashed in his eyes.

Danzo finally reached this point.

At this moment, the two sighed in their hearts.

In fact, Sarutobi Rizen is not without foreseeing what Danzo is doing. After all, he is a good friend for decades. Danzo knows Sarutobi Rizen very well, and Sarutobi Rizen is different from Danzo.Otherwise, he would not design a trap specifically for Danzo.

However, when the results really appeared, the two old men felt a pain for Tuanzang's unhesitating choice of defecting.

Although Danzo was taken into prison before and deprived of the authority of the roots, fundamentally speaking, Sarutobi Hisaki did not impose any substantive punishment on Danzo for his actions. He just lost his power, but his life is safe. It was not hurt.

There are many reasons for this, which can be roughly divided into two points.

One is because Danzo is also a consultant of Konoha Village. As the leader of the roots, he has a position almost equivalent to that of Hokage. The disposal of such high-level people cannot be easily decided by Hokage alone. It is said to be the military chief of the Fire Nation, but Konoha actually implements a semi-democratic system, not the one-word system of Hokage. If you really want to deal with Danzo, it will take the entire Fire Nation conference to discuss it.

The second reason was that Sarutobi had cut his own selfishness. Deep down in his heart, he did not want to give Danzo another chance to reform.

Although in the entire story of Naruto, Danzo has many faults, such as joining Hanzo to attack Akatsuki, colluding with Osake Maru, assassinating Shisui to seize Shulanyan, Penn’s attack and staying still in an attempt to kill Naruto and Shishui. Eyes control Misune and so on, these are all sins committed by Danzo.But at this point in time, the biggest crime among them, that is, the Shenyin of Payne and the attempt to control other politicians have not happened yet, and his remaining crimes are only assaulting Akatsuki, colluding with Oshemaru and assassinating Shisui.

In these several charges, there is basically no evidence for colluding with Dashewan. Danzo and Dashewan do it very secretly. Even in the roots, only a few confidants know the inner feelings, and most of these confidants are They escaped, and the ninjas with roots have curse marks on them. Even if they are caught, it is almost impossible to find any useful clues from them.

Moreover, the most important evidence for Danzo and Dashemaru's collusion is that the arm composed of Mu Dun and Shalunyan has not yet been developed, so there is not enough physical evidence to point it out.

Therefore, the remaining charges are only dealing with Fu Xiao and assassinating Zhishui.

Of these two charges, although the persecution of Akatsuki has caused the most serious consequences, its impact directly led to the departure of Nagato Konan and Konoha, which led to a series of disasters. The establishment of the "Rebel Organization Akatsuki" and Payne's Appearance, the death of Jiraiya and Konoha's disaster have a very important relationship with the previous persecution, but as far as the current situation is concerned, this charge is really nothing.

If this matter is discussed in the country of fire, there is a high probability that there will be no severe punishment.

Because the country of fire and the country of rain are enemy countries after all, there was a tragic war before. For most high-level officials of the country of fire, they planned and weakened the advanced youth organizations of the enemy country to prevent the peaceful reunification of the enemy country. Maintaining the status of a major power is commonplace, even if it is on the bright side, it is natural.

Since a long time ago, the rain country has been a small country with powerful force. It itself has the existence of the demigod Sansho fish Hanzo, which is regarded as a threat by the big countries, but the relationship between geographical location and war has not developed. In addition, with the increase of age, Hanzo gradually lost the enterprising spirit of his youth, so he was not deliberately targeted.

But at this time, if a vibrant, influential and ideal youth organization emerges and allows them to unite with Hanzo, it is very likely that the already stagnant rain country will flow again.

Positive thinking and strong force, if the two are combined, the country of rain will achieve rapid development in a short period of time, then it will threaten other neighboring countries, because the country of rain is lacking in resources and is not enough to develop They need resources and money, so they will inevitably expand outward for further development. At this time, the country of fire, which is rich in resources and has a better geographical location, is likely to become the target of the other party.

Such a neighboring country with great potential is not what the Fire Country hopes to see.

Therefore, from a strategic point of view, Danzo’s behavior is not beyond the limit. The only problem is that he did not report on the above before he acted. It is a bit of a non-compliance with the rules of private hands, but in other aspects, the serious consequences are still Today that has not appeared, unless Yukimura's existence is announced and the future situation is shown one by one, the persecution of Akatsuki is really not a big deal.

Therefore, Danzo's most serious crime is probably the assassination of Zhishui.Uchiha Shisui was one of the heroes of the war and an important soldier in Konoha Village. He attacked and killed Uchiha Shisui without authorization. This crime is naturally quite serious, but even so, these charges are insufficient. Even Tuan Zang is dead.

Because Danzo is an old man from Konoha Village and a disciple of the second generation of Hokage. Over the years, he and his roots have also made a lot of credit in the previous wars, even for this reason. , The country of fire will not immediately sentence Tuanzang to death. Probably the most serious punishment is life imprisonment.

For Danzo, this result is magnanimous.

Sarutobi Rischi and Zhuanji Xiaochun originally thought that if Danzo can recognize his fault and reflect on his own troubles, this matter will pass. As long as Danzo keeps his own self, it is not unreasonable for him to enjoy his old age. Possible thing.

After all, I've been a companion for decades. If you are unkind, I can't be unrighteous. If Danzo can settle down, Sarutobi Rizen really can't bear to take the initiative to kill.

However, Danzo's response still disappointed them.

Obviously Danzo is not a person who is so easy to give up. Even if he is stripped of all his power and arms, his ambition has not stopped.

Even in prison, he was always planning how to comeback, and after learning the identity of Yumura, he acted outrageously, killing more than a dozen ninjas who watched him and protected Yumura in one breath, only from this cruel method. It can be seen that not only did he fail to reflect, but on the contrary, he has changed even more.

"So, what's next?"

Turning to bed, Xiaochun asked again, Yukimura’s description only contains his previous experience of escaping, and he doesn’t know the rest of it. After he left by means of reversal spiritism, where did Danzo and his roots fled? Up?

"do not know."

Sarutobi Hizen shook his head slightly, and soon after Yukimura left, the Anbu searched rushed to the area where they were before, but apart from some traces on the ground, nothing was found.