Gou in the Ninja World

Go In The Ninja World Chapter 120

"The scourge of Dashewan was finally caught back."

At the beginning of the meeting, Xiaochun was the first to speak after turning to bed.

First of all, she was very satisfied with the achievements of Jiraiya’s trip, although when planning this operation, she herself was not very optimistic about Jiraiya’s mission this time, because there were too many variables, although there were Oshemaru’s. Intelligence, but the specific situation of Tian Zhiguo is still very vague, coupled with other factors that may arise, if any accident occurs, not only the mission will fail, but also personnel casualties may be caused.

So from the beginning, she didn’t agree with Nara Shikuhisa’s point of view. It’s just that reincarnation is indeed a very important ninjutsu that can determine success or failure. In addition, Tsunade and Jilai also felt that this risk was worthwhile. If the minority obeyed the majority, she reluctantly agreed to the plan.

Fortunately, the process went smoothly, Jiraiya’s strength is trustworthy, and Yukimura’s intelligence is also very useful. Although there were some twists and turns during the mission, the mission was successfully completed without any risk, and it was smashed in one fell swoop. The uncompleted Otonin Village was captured, and the target Oshamaru was captured.

Dashemaru's entry into the net is Konoha's biggest victory in recent years.

You know, since the establishment of Konoha Village, there have been only three S-level rebels, Uchiha Madara, Osamaru, and Danzo. Not to mention Uchiha Madara. Although the man died, he left behind. There are too many tricks, and Akatsuki's dirt is a hidden danger left by the spots. Konoha Village can't cause such trouble for the time being, so he can only deal with it afterwards.But the remaining Osaki Maru and Danzo, both of whom were once the upper-level figures of Konoha Village, possessed a lot of confidential information, and their power and combat effectiveness were not too strong to compete. Therefore, Konoha always didn't want to think about these two people. To arrest them and bring them to justice.

"Besides, there is good news."

Tsunade immediately gave everyone another shot of a heart boost. To Konoha Village's words, the recent gain is not just the Oshe Maru, but the results on another battlefield are also very gratifying.

"I have just received a reply from Itachi who went to Taki no Country. With the help of the loess from Iwanin Village and Chiyo from Sandnin Village, they have successfully captured Akatsuki's member Akasago Scorpion at 9 o'clock this morning, and destroyed After taking all the puppets in Scorpion's hand, after a short negotiation, Scorpion himself was brought back to Sand Ninja Village by Chiyo. We and Iwaken each got a part of the other trophies. Itachi has already got up and returned and will arrive in Konoha about tomorrow afternoon. "


Jiraiya also clapped his hands when he heard the words. He didn’t care about the trophies. Kimha Village didn’t lack that. The reason he was happy was that Akatsuki had lost another subordinate again, which was probably dealt with in recent years. The greatest achievement of several major countries since dawn.

Although Konoha’s high-level officials knew well about Akatsuki’s internal affairs and the fact that the leader Payne was in Unin Village, but due to fear of reincarnation, they could not directly attack Unin Village because they did not have enough confidence. , Rash action will only cause unnecessary damage.

Now at least both parties are in the bright place, and there is an official guise. If you are more careful, you can still understand a little bit of trouble. If you suddenly start your hands, but you don’t get the expected results, so Xiao Zai If you go to the dark at a time, if you start a guerrilla warfare with the combat power of Penn's Six Paths, that is not what the Fire Country would like to see.

Therefore, the current strategy of Konoha Village is not to directly collide with Akatsuki directly, but to slowly cut off Akatsuki’s wings from the side, clear the manpower of Akatsuki’s organization as much as possible, and accumulate strength, and wait until the time is right. In one fell swoop, Yu Rencun was suppressed.

"In this way, if we really start a full-scale war with Akatsuki, we will be a little bit more sure."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun also said the same, no matter how much benefit he can get, as long as Akatsuki's benefit is damaged, that is good news.

"From a strategic point of view, this is indeed a very good result, but unfortunately, I also have a bad news here..."

It is a pity that they didn't feel happy for long. Nara Shika, who was sitting next to Jiraiya, poured a pot of cold water slowly.

"Just now, the third generation of adults and I have just checked the materials brought back from Tanokuni by Master Jilaiya. It is a pity that there is no clue about the rebirth of the dirty soil."

Nara Shikahisa said in a deep voice. After Jiraiya and others came back, he and Sarutobi Hizaki immediately sorted out the things they had obtained from Tanokuni’s laboratory, although there were some useful experimental reports, such as Regarding curse seals, corpse bone veins, and even Mu Dun’s experiments, there is a small part, but it is a pity that the most critical information about reincarnation of a dead body and rebirth from the dirty soil is not included.

"how is this possible?"

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun's face turned cold, and the filthy soil reincarnation was obviously stolen by Dashewan.

"The information sent back is a bit incomplete. According to Kakashi's report, a small part of it was damaged in the battle. Moreover, we do not rule out the possibility that Osaimaru will store the most important things elsewhere.

Nara Luhisa concluded that the current situation seems to have only these two possibilities.

"This will be troublesome." Tsunade frowned, and the information on the reincarnation of the dirty soil was not available. Whether it was damaged or lost, it was not good news for Konoha.

If it is damaged, it means that it is difficult for Konoha to obtain this information from now on. Even if it is lost, I don't know where Dashemaru sent these things.

Although in Yukimura’s prophecy, they knew that Onosamaru had a southern base area and a northern base area, the exact locations of these two areas are still unknown except for the location of the two base areas based on their names. , And only based on the existing information, it is impossible to judge the time period when the Oshe Maru was built. If it hasn't been built yet, it can really be said to be a needle in a haystack.

In other words, if you want to get clues about the rebirth of the dirty soil, you can only go to the Oshe Maru who knows this ninjutsu.

"Hisaka, what's the situation with Oshemaru now?"

Turning to bed, Xiaochun quickly thought of this question.

"I first arranged him in a secret base in the original root. There was a sealing technique to resist Chakra inside, and Hinata and Inuzuka claws were personally guarded by him, plus the enchantment class and the sealing class outside to maintain it. With the enchantment, there should be no problems in a short time."

Sarutobi Hizen replied that in order to take care of Oshemaru, he could say that he took out all the means.

"Then do you think it is possible for him..."

Turning to bed, Koharu hesitated. She felt that Oshemaru was once Konoha's ninja, Sarutobi was his teacher, and Tsunade and Jilai were his former companions. With such a relationship, is there any hope to persuade Oshemaru, Let him work for Konoha again.

"This...it can only be said that it is difficult." Sarutobi Rizen sighed and said solemnly.

Although this possibility is not unavailable, Sarutobi Rizen believes that it will not work in a short time.Even though Konoha was the former hometown of Oshemaru, and even though many of Konoha’s people were his companions in the past, from Oshemaru, he did not feel that the latter had any nostalgia for this place, otherwise he would not be like that back then. Konoha defected cleanly.

From a fundamental point of view, Oshemaru is essentially an ambitious man who uses all means for his purpose. Unless Konoha can satisfy his ambitions and delusions, or has a common enemy, he wants him to serve Konoha as before. It's impossible.

"Or, we can..."

Turning to bed, Koharu hesitated for a while, and looked at Sarutobi Hizumi with questioning eyes.

What she means is that Konoha Village can reveal Yukimura’s existence or future conditions to Oshemaru. Although Oshemaru has ambitions, his ambitions are still based on the existence of this world. If you let Infinite Moon Read If it is successful, Oshemaru's ambition will be destroyed. Perhaps, the grim future can prompt him to choose to cooperate with Konoha.

"No way!"

Sarutobi Rejected cleanly and neatly. He knew what Koharu wanted to say when he turned to sleep, but that choice was too dangerous, especially for an ambitious person like Oshemaru. Konoha Village is also an absolute secret. Unless he is fairly certain, he can't risk letting a dangerous person like Oshemaru know the inside story. The troubles are too great.

Who knows what Dashewan who understands the truth will do?When the time comes, Akatsuki finally solves it, and another snake appears.

"But if that's the case..."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun frowned and looked a little embarrassed. Without Osha Maru, Konoha Village's plan to reincarnate from the dirty soil may not be realized.

"Let me think about it again."

Sarutobi Hizen said, besides exposing Yukimura, is there any way to get the information they want from Onomaru?

The spiritual ninjutsu of the mountain clan is definitely not good, because Dashemaru has seen the art of spiritualization, and on this basis, has researched his own forbidden technique to reincarnate. Even if the body is bound, his spiritual power is not the technique of turning the mind. It can be easily tested. If you easily use your heart to turn around to deal with the Oshe Pill, the possibility of being backlashed is quite high, so you can't take a risk.

However, there is no other way to abandon this impossible option.

The information that Sarutobi Hizumi obtained from Yukimura is not only the story of Naruto, in addition to the development trend of the story itself, there are many other things, such as the setting book, the analysis and tearing of the reader, and various fans. works.

Among them, in a fanboy, Sarutobi Hizen saw a possibility. The author of that book arranged a more interesting routine, which was to use other gods, a illusion that forcibly reverses the will of others, to deal with Oshemaru and succeeded. Turn Oshemaru into Konoha's ninja again.

If other methods are ineffective, can illusion do this?

Sarutobi Hitoshi stroked his beard lightly, thinking thoughtfully.

Chapter 95 The Dawn Project

Brainwashing stubborn opponents with other gods is a trick used by an author of Komura Ichi in a certain fan.

After referring to the various doujin materials that Yukimura brought, Sarutobi Hizumi said that sometimes, he actually admired those doujin authors in Yukimura's previous life.

They have not truly lived and grown up in this world, have no personal experience, and don’t really know what ninjutsu and chakra, but only relying on a few words and imagination, they have put forward a lot of extraordinary Constructive opinions.

For example, in some fan fictions, some authors proposed a substance called ultra-pure water, which can enhance the power of water escape; some authors proposed to send tail beasts to the universe so that they cannot reunite to prevent Ten-tailed resurrection; some authors invented the perfect fairy model, which expanded the power of fairy art many times; some authors created reincarnating eyes alongside the reincarnation eye; some even used the collection of partial tail beasts The way of Chakra developed the Little Six Way Immortal Mode.

The above are some of the doujin techniques that Yukimura has seen.