Gou in the Ninja World

Go In The Ninja World Chapter 122

"Of course, the old man is also considering this point."

Turning to sleep, Koharu also agreed with Tsunade's views. As one of the most important plans, the Dawn Project did have a very obvious polarization, and the results of success or failure were explosive.

If it fails, Konoha Village may lose a lot of things, but once it succeeds, the strength of Konoha Village will also increase unprecedentedly.

"So, let's vote."

She took a deep breath and glanced over everyone's faces. Since some people agree and some people object, then the minority can only obey the majority as usual.

"So, about the old man's proposal, who agrees and who opposes?"

In the afternoon, Yukimura, who was working at the school, saw the ape from the Huaguo Mountain and received a sealed scroll from him.

Yukimura looked at the art on the surface of the scroll. He knew that this was the most secret seal spell in Konoha Village. It can only be opened by using the correct way to solve the spell. In addition, all acts of brute force cracking will make the content inside. Ash fly.

The top-notch seal technique, and specifically asked the monkeys of Huaguoshan to pass it on, rather than let the Anbu communicate it, indicating that the things in the scroll are absolutely confidential.

What could it be?

Thinking like this, he picked up the scroll, sandwiched it between the thumb and index finger of both hands, quickly made a few handprints, and slowly entered the chakra.


After hearing only a soft sound, a small yellow gleam was emitted on the surface of the scroll, and the rune style flashed on it, slowly disappearing.

Then, he opened the scroll, and what impressed his eyes was a very familiar code name.

"That's it."

His eyes flickered, and he threw the scroll into the trash can next to him, watching it destroy itself a little bit, then walked to the door, looked at the children who were fighting in the training ground in the distance, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Project Dawn... Has it started early?"

Chapter 96: Storms Surging

Two days after Jiraiya returned to the village, Uchiha Itachi who completed the task also returned to the village of Konoha.

At noon of the same day, Sunnin Village issued an official announcement, announcing that one of the official members of the wanted rebel organization Akatsuki, who is also an s-class rebel of Sunnin Village, has been captured and will be brought back to Sunnin Village. Accept the trial.

So far, in the joint crusade against Akatsuki by the five powers over several years, the five powers have achieved gratifying results for the first time.Although only one of the official members of the other party was captured, after all, Akatsuki’s core strength was only a few people in total, and one less person would be equivalent to losing one-tenth of his strength. For the five major countries that have not improved, it is undoubtedly an effective heart booster.

It is a pity that the results obtained in further interrogation are not so ideal.After interrogation, no important information about Akatsuki was obtained from Scorpion. Except for the number of official members of the organization and some personal data, there was very little information about other aspects. For example, a few movies want to know the most. The true identity of the true leader of the Akatsuki organization, their fundamental purpose, and the location of the Akatsuki organization's base are still nothing.

The reason for this is not that the scorpion did not cooperate. Although most of the Akatsuki organization are terrorists, there are also some people who have a conscience. The scorpion is one of them. This is what a thousand-generation mother-in-law discovered when she fought with him. For this reason, after defeating the scorpion, the grandmother of the thousand generations took the scorpion to hide, hoping to make the scorpion abandon it as a grandmother and cooperate with the investigation of the five major countries.

The effect is still a bit, although it is not as significant as the will of the universe. For example, the scorpion knelt on the spot, crying bitterly, indicating that grandma I want to be a sand ninja, but after a period of consideration, the scorpion at least I agreed to answer the question about Akatsuki.

However, it is a great pity that Scorpion doesn’t know much about Akatsuki’s internal secrets. The shadows have no choice but to discover that Akatsuki’s organization is hidden deeper than they thought. Even if it is a full member of the organization, it’s not at all. Know the true identity and location of the head of the organization, because they don’t have a real headquarters at Yuren Village. Only Nagato Konan and Daito know it). They have always been in temporary residences all over the country, and they usually hold meetings. Only use the magic lantern body technique on the ring, through the organization leader to accept the thought waves converted by Chakra, amplify these thought waves and transform them into illusions and display them in specific places.

This method not only greatly improves the convenience of communication between members of the Xiao organization, but also ignores the obstacles caused by distance, and most importantly ensures the security and confidentiality of the Xiao organization.

Time, place, and characters are all illusions, and even formal members of the organization cannot understand the true face behind the illusion. Even if the meeting place is discovered, the ninjutsu only needs to be stopped in time, and the opponent will only be empty.

Moreover, this method is a good confidentiality measure for both inside and outside. Even if one of the members rebels or is captured, the fundamental secrets of the organization will not be leaked out because they don't know anything.I have to say that Akatsuki’s disgusting secrecy measures really give the shadows who received the news a dumb feeling of eating coptis. It is too difficult. According to this Tibetan method, unless they leak their hands and feet, it is estimated to be very difficult. It is difficult to find their whereabouts by other means.

In addition, after the scorpion was captured, the remaining spoils were divided equally among the three Shinobu villages that participated in the capture.

Sand Ninja Village used other trophies to radiate the scorpion. Iwanin Village got a part of the remains of the puppet, and Konoha got the ring representing Akatsuki's official member. This ring is a magic lantern body technique. As for the medium, Konoha originally wanted to study and see if he could crack the mysterious communication method in Akatsuki through the ring, but after trying it, I found that the manufacturing materials and craftsmanship of this ring are very special and not common. The style seems to be difficult to crack to what you want with only ordinary methods, so I can only give up temporarily.

Of course, it’s not all gains. Although Scorpion doesn’t know the specific identity of the leader, there is a very important key point that the existence of the reincarnation eye cannot be concealed. Akatsuki’s members may not know the true identity and location of the leader. However, it is an open fact that the leader has the eyes of reincarnation.

Ever since, the leader of Xiao had the legendary reincarnation eye, and this astonishing news spread quickly across the five major countries.

Everyone who got the news was shocked by this. After all, the reincarnation eye is not written about round eyes and white eyes. Although they are called three pupils, the latter two cannot be compared with the former.

The latter two are actually always in the sight of the public. In the world of Shinobi, the appearance and ability of white eyes and writing round eyes are not secrets, but only the eyes of reincarnation have always been just a misty legend, although it is circulated everywhere. The six immortals who calmed down the disputes in the Ninja world have the story of reincarnation eyes, but for most people, the existence of the six immortals is not very testable. To be honest, there are not many people in the Ninja world who believe that he really existed. Not to mention the eye of reincarnation, which is even more legendary.

If we hadn't got the exact news from the scorpion, it is estimated that the existence of the reincarnation eye would still be a misty legend.

However, legends are legends, and facts are facts. It doesn't matter how exaggerated the legend is, but once the legendary thing does appear, no one dares to take it lightly.

Among the three pupil arts, the reincarnation eye is the most mysterious. The white eyes and the writing wheel eyes are under it, and the popularity in the ninja world is quite loud. Although it has been a long time, it is the Hyuga Tennin and Uchiha. The old people in the major Shinobu villages still remember how tough Madara is. The second and third are still like this. Although the boss of Samsara has what kind of power, people don't know, but they can imagine it.

Therefore, after learning the news, it can be said that Konoha, the senior executives of the four major countries, almost instantly detonated that I knew it a long time ago, and I just don’t say).

Within a few days, the Akatsuki organization was immediately pushed to the cusp of the storm. In the past, although there were joint crusades by the five major powers, except for a few stakeholders, most ninjas did not take it seriously because In their view, even if Xiaoli gathered a lot of rebels, the five great nations have always been absolute overlords in the world of ninja, and no one or organization can challenge their status.

However, as soon as the eyes of Samsara came out, it instantly raised Akatsuki's level to the level of equality with the five major countries.

According to the legend, the eyes of the six immortals who created the world of Ninja, brought unprecedented shock.

Akatsuki and its leader, Zero Payne) immediately became celebrities in the ninja world. Although his name, age, appearance, and even gender are all a mystery, it is precisely because it is a mystery that it is more topical.

Knowing that there is such an enemy who holds a terrorist weapon and has an attempt at his own domestic tail beast hidden in the dark, no one who knows the news can rest assured.

On the side of the couch, how can you allow others to snore?

If you don't deal with this kind of threat, who is here can sleep?

On the other hand, the high-levels of various countries have never thought about the possibility of including the eyes of reincarnation in the bag. How to say it is the strongest pupil technique in the legend. If you can get the hand, you can imagine how much combat power can be added to your country.

Therefore, in this matter, the five major countries have shown extraordinary enthusiasm. Not only have they increased their reconnaissance efforts, groups of intelligence personnel have been quickly sent to various places in the Ninja World to find out the news of Akatsuki, and they also have Defense, especially the protection of human pillar power, has been improved by several levels.

In the end, even some small countries that received the news enthusiastically joined in, shouting for justice for the Akatsuki organization, but whether this enthusiasm is really for the peace of Ninja world or for their own selfishness, it is not known. Up.

Suddenly, Akatsuki fell into an unprecedented situation where everyone shouted and beaten. Everywhere was the eyeliner of the five big countries. Not to mention the implementation of any plans. Even when he went out, he had to take off that iconic costume, otherwise he would even eat out. Every meal is a bit difficult.

During this period of time in Konoha Village, Yukimura heard more than once someone talked about it, guessing what happened to Akatsuki.

Some people say that the leader of the Xiao organization is the descendant of the Six Dao Immortals and wants to recreate the glory of the ancestor.

Some people say that the leader of the Xiao organization is the orphan of the Yuyi clan that year, and the purpose is to retaliate for the destruction of the five major nations of the Yuyi clan.

It was also speculated that Akatsuki's leader might be a descendant of the Uzumaki Kingdom, but for the closest guess, very few people believed, because the Uzumaki clan's ability Konoha knew that the Eye of Reincarnation was not among them.

Anyway, it's just a little bit, the kind of fire that is incredibly hot.

If you want to list an annual list of people in the ninja world, zero must be at the top of the list.

Tsunade is very happy to see this situation. With so many countries and forces working together, the restrictions on Akatsuki are obvious. Under the gaze of a pair of eyes, they must act more secretly than before, and also Don't make too much movement, otherwise you may fall into the crowded tactics if you don't pay attention.

Although Akatsuki has a lot of masters, the Ninja world is also a hidden dragon and crouching tiger. Once a fight is started, one party has more people and the other has fewer people. The result is still quite impressive. Apart from bringing earth and extremity, there are really few who can completely guarantee the tactics in the crowd People who can retreat all over, if they can't handle it well, even Payne may fold it in by accident.

Konoha Village is looking forward to seeing such a situation. If you are more fortunate, so many intelligence personnel must have been sent to the country of rain. If everyone finds out that spies from other places have gone and returned, only sent to Yu. None of Ninja’s spies came back alive, so it is bound to guess that Akatsuki’s base camp is likely to be in Yuren. At that time, Nagato was besieged by other masters in Ninja village. It is better to destroy the eyes of Samsara than to deal with it alone. Nagato is much easier.

Of course, this possibility is still very small. Generally speaking, if a master like Wuying wants to escape, basically no one can stop it, let alone a Nagato that is stronger than Wuying, so It is almost impossible for Nagato to be besieged to death.

It is against this background that the dawn plan of Konoha Village has entered the preparation stage.