Gou in the Ninja World

Go In The Ninja World Chapter 125

Naruto looked at Jiraiya next to him, and his azure blue eyes rolled around. From this slightly serious atmosphere, he seemed to notice something.

"All ready?"

Jilai also made eye contact with the others, stepped forward, and asked like this.

"It's almost arranged." Sarutobihiri turned around. He turned his head and glanced at the enchantment squad that was maintaining the enchantment and the sealing squad that was silently preparing. His eyes flowed, and finally his eyes stopped on Naruto .

"The only thing left is..."

Having said this, he paused and said nothing, but Jilai already understood what he meant.

"I know……"

Jilai also hesitated, he was silent for a few seconds, not knowing what he was thinking, but in the end he hardened his heart and turned to face Naruto.


At this moment, Jilaiya's tone seemed rather heavy.


Naruto was stunned when he heard the words, looked up at him, did not speak, the depressed atmosphere made him somewhat uneasy.

"Two years ago, you asked me one thing, why the adults outside do not like you. My explanation at the time was that there is a huge energy hidden in you, and this huge energy is other people. The cause of fear."

Jilai also said, he looked at Naruto with a touch of worry in his eyes.

"But that is not the complete truth."

Zilai is also authentic.

As soon as he said this, Naruto's eyes gradually became serious. Obviously, he noticed something from Jilaiya's words.

"Originally, these things should wait until you grow up to tell you, because there are a lot of things hidden in this, while knowing everything, your life will become very difficult."

Jiraiya is also very clear about what might happen in the future, whether it is the Kyuubi in the past, Akatsuki, Obito or even Madara and Kaguya in the future, their existence is very heavy for anyone. Courage, even adults, few people can accept such a heavy pressure, let alone a child who is only twelve years old.

So he hesitated. Even at this stage, Jilai still feels a little worried. Naruto is still too young. No one knows, can he really bear such a heavy responsibility?

However, even if you don't talk about these things now, Naruto will always need to understand in the future. Now that he has already said this, Ji Lai is cruel, and continues to talk.

"I used to think that at your age, you should not carry so many things, so I conceal everything. But now, although it seems to be a bit too early, because of certain factors, we think you should It’s time to accept the truth in advance..."

Naruto stood there, staring at him with eyes wide open, almost unable to believe his passing.

At this moment, his heart was overwhelmed, and his eyes flashed with excitement. Only then did he know that the so-called important things before Jilaiya were originally referring to his own life experience.

In other words, the problems that have plagued me for ten years, and the reasons why I was treated coldly by others, will soon be revealed, right?

He swallowed and bit his lip tightly.

The news was too shocking. For a while, Naruto's mind was completely blank, almost making him unable to think.

At this time, Jilai also continued

"So, here, we give you two choices."

The steps originally planned should be fixed, but under Jiraiya’s arguments, others agreed to give the final decision to Naruto and let him decide the path he should take in the future.

"If you choose to understand the truth, your life will become very difficult and you will be burdened with unprecedented pressure. Of course, you can also choose to refuse, refuse to bear everything behind it, just like other people, like an ordinary Start your own ninja life like a ninja. Of course, no matter which decision you choose, no one will say anything about it."

"So, Naruto, accept or reject it, your own future path is up to you."

Jilaiya lightly pressed his palm on Naruto's shoulder and looked at him like this.

Immediately afterwards, when he finished speaking the last word, the next moment, everyone's eyes focused on Naruto, and everyone was waiting, waiting for Naruto's answer.


Under everyone's gaze, Naruto's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but after a little silence, he still didn't say it right away. Instead, he lowered his head slightly and said nothing.

His shoulders were shaking vigorously, and his hands clenched fists, showing that he was extremely restless.

It can be seen that what Zilai also said is quite shocking news for Naruto. Naruto is very concerned about his life experience and why he was treated coldly by the villagers.

His heart is very contradictory at this time. On the one hand, he really wants to know the cause of the matter, the fundamental reason that he is completely different from other children. On the other hand, from another perspective, he also has the unknown answer. Kind of inexplicable fear.

Naruto didn't know where this fear came from, but he was so entangled and at a loss deep in his heart. From Jiraiya's words, he had vaguely felt that his choice would determine his future.

Therefore, he seems to be very hesitant now. He doesn't know how to choose. Is he accepting a truth that doesn't know good or bad?Still give up the truth and become the one who didn't know anything before.

He was struggling in pain.

But soon this struggle stopped. After a few seconds of pause, when Naruto raised his head again, the hesitation in his eyes had disappeared without a trace, replaced by a resolute determination. .

"I have decided, I want to know the answer."

Finally, facing everyone, he said word by word, looking at the few people in front of him with such persistent eyes. Although the truth may be heavy and difficult, Naruto finally decided to know everything. Everything, even if the truth is cruel, he has to decide to face his true self.

At this moment, Yukimura was obviously relieved to see Jiraiya, while Sarutobi Hizumi and Zhunmei Xiaochun exchanged glances quickly, and a faint smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

Sure enough, even though life has changed, Naruto is still the brave Naruto they remember.


Seeing that Naruto had made a choice, Tsunade sighed lightly, and cast a look at Sarutobi Hitoshi.

"let us start."

"Okay." Sarutobi nodded and said, "Tianzo, it's you."


On the other side, Tian Zang responded and put his hands together.

Mu Dun·Guo'an Irrigation Jun Chuishou

He stretched out his arm, and a black print of the word "Zao" appeared in the palm of his hand. At the same time, dozens of wooden slats spread out from his body quickly, forming round pillars around several people.

This is the special ninjutsu used by the original Naruto to suppress the tail beast.

A hint of surprise flashed in Naruto's eyes. It was the first time he saw similar ninjutsu, but under the pressure and temptation to learn the truth, he still hid this curiosity.

Next, Sarutobi Rizen also began to seal.

Secret Art·Heart from Heart

Sarutobi Hizen manipulated the heart-to-body technique to connect the spirits of several people around him.