Gou in the Ninja World

Go In The Ninja World Chapter 129

Happily, Naruto quickly answered. He turned around. His face was not sad, angry, or irrational. On the contrary, it was calm, even calm and scary.

"Are you OK?"

Ji Lai also asked cautiously. To tell the truth, he was not afraid of Naruto crying and making trouble, but Naruto's expression made him feel a little sad.

"It's okay."

Naruto shook his head, showing strange composure. It is hard to imagine that this level of composure is owned by a child his age.

Yukimura was also a little surprised by this. He originally thought that Naruto would have to burst out after knowing what happened to Kyuubi. He was excited for a while, and then regained his sanity under Jiraiya's mouth. He didn't expect to wait for the outside world. With the help of Naruto, Naruto calmed down immediately.

After living with Jiraiya for a while, Naruto is really a lot more mature than in the original book.

"Laughter fairy."

Naruto raised his head. At this moment, his eyes made the people on the opposite side feel a little strange.

"I have nine tails in my body, have you already known it?"


Jilai also nodded.

"We all know about this."

"So, did you take care of me for this reason? Three generations of grandfathers, grandma Tsunade, Yukimura-sensei, and Iruka-sensei are also required to pay more attention and care to me because of these?"

Just as the future Sasuke questioned the original Hokage, at this moment, the 12-year-old Naruto also asked Jiraji similar questions.

Naruto is not a fool. Although his nerves are a bit weaker, some things can be guessed, such as the attitudes of people around him and the life of being isolated. Although he does not know the specific reasons, he may be of the same age as others. People are different, and he has already prepared for these.

Therefore, the appearance of Kyuubi does not make Naruto particularly sad. He has characteristics that are different from those of others, which is something that has long been expected.

However, there is only one thing that those people who care about taking care of themselves usually do it because they are simply taking care of themselves, or because of Kyuubi. This is Naruto's current concern.

He wanted to know that his position in the hearts of Jiraiya and others was Konoha Ninja Uzumaki Naruto?Or the carrier of the nine-tailed demon fox?

If it’s the former, it’s better to say, if it’s the latter...

That's so sad.

The surroundings seemed to be silent for a moment, and this question was not that easy to answer.

Several people looked at each other. To tell the truth, they really didn’t know how to answer Naruto’s question. They asked themselves, if Naruto didn’t have a variety of special titles and identities, they would really be like now. Are you generally concerned about the growth of an ordinary child?

The answer is no. If there were no titles such as Son of Four Generations, Son of Prophecy, Protagonist, Nine-Tailed Juli, and Appointed Savior, Naruto would at best be a gifted child, and it would be impossible to get so many high-level titles idea.

However, it is impossible not to answer. Obviously, the answer to this question is related to Naruto’s attitude and thoughts. As Naruto with an important identity and status, although it is not obvious at this stage, for the future, Naruto People's own ideas are very important, and may even determine the future direction.

Therefore, the answer to this question must be cautious.

This is the reason why Jiraiya doesn’t think it’s the time to implement the Dawn Plan. Even if Naruto’s strength has increased a lot from the original, he still may not be able to withstand such a severe mentality. the truth.

So many people in history can't bear things that can't be borne by them. Is Naruto who is only 12 years old at this time must be able to bear it?

Although there is a'prophecy' endorsement, Ji Lai is still not completely relieved.

However, now that he has reached this point, it is impossible to turn around and turn his head. What we have to do now is to use various methods to resolve the hostility in Naruto's heart.

So, Jilai took a deep breath and stepped forward.

"Although it is cruel, I still have to admit that Kyuubi is indeed one of the reasons for the previous care."

Naruto's complexion instantly dimmed a lot, but fortunately, the news didn't make him fall apart, so he still stood there, listening quietly.

At this time, if you can tell some lies, it may be able to play a better role, but Jilai did not do so, because the lies will always be exposed. He does not want Naruto to live in the lies forever. If he can, he hopes that Naruto can make the right choice by himself.

"However, this is not the main factor."

Jilai also continued

"Kyuubi is an object that needs to be paid attention to. There is nothing wrong with it. You, who is sealed with Kyuubi, are indeed the focus of attention. I don't deny that this is the case."

"But you are different, Naruto. You are not Kyuubi, and you never were. You never have to doubt that." Jilaiya looked at Naruto and said in a firm tone. He admitted that everyone pays attention to Naruto. The tail factor, but more of them are due to Naruto himself. "Your life is far more important than a person's strength. You are not a demon fox, you are a true Konoha ninja, you are hope. "

Jilai also said word by word, as he answered, Naruto’s identity is far more important than a person’s Zhuli. The reason why these people are standing here now is not to witness a so-called nine tails. Manzhuli Uzumaki Naruto, but

The seventh-generation Naruto Uzumaki from Konoha Village.

Chapter 100 The Fourth Generation of Hokage

"I'm... Hope?"

Naruto stood there and repeated.

"Not bad." Jiraiya also nodded his head. This is not a lie. As one of the saviors in the original history, Naruto does have such a position. "You are to settle disputes in the Ninja world and bring the world to peaceful hope."

He was telling the truth, but unfortunately, some people don't think so.


Just after Jilai said this, a roar of laughter suddenly came from behind the iron gate.

I didn't know when Kyuubi had already sat up, and he was beating the ground frantically. He was beating and laughing, as if he had heard a very ridiculous joke.

"It's ridiculous, so ridiculous."

Kyuubi laughed loudly, as if even tears were coming out.

"You hypocritical humans really opened my eyes..."

"Nine tails..."

Sarutobi's heart sank, he knew that it would not be that simple. It is impossible for Nine Tails to let Naruto have a heart with them. For the tail beast, it is Human Zhuli who can be influenced without his own beliefs and goals. the best.

Therefore, when Naruto's mental state finally improved, Kyuubi immediately jumped out.

I saw Kyuubi stand up, and poke his head out of the darkness behind the iron gate, with a terrible ferocity in his eyes. The tall, hill-like body carries a powerful deterrent, forcing everyone to step back. .


Even Naruto stopped thinking, looking back at this stranger who had lived with him for more than ten years, his expression was a little confused.

So he can still talk...

This was the first time Naruto knew that Nine-Tailed Fox actually had a will. Although he had heard the name of the demon fox before, Naruto had always thought that the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox was just a fierce beast without reason.

But why didn't he move before?