Gou in the Ninja World

Go In The Ninja World Chapter 194

Tsunade rubbed the muscles on his face, helplessly.

These days, in order to cope with the great names and nobles who came to watch the battle, she even laughed stiffly.

Obviously people are still so young.

She felt that no matter how hard she worked, she would definitely age many years.

However, even though he complained so in his mouth, deep down, Tsunade was actually quite happy. The success of the Nakanobu test once again demonstrated the national power of the Fire Country. The Shinnins of Konoha Village are in The excellent performance on the field can be said to be wonderful, attracting many eyeballs and admiration. Not surprisingly, this exam will bring a lot of tasks and commissions to Konoha in the next few years.

I finally lived up to the name Hokage left by my grandfather...

She gave a long sigh in her heart and looked at the clouds in the sky with a touch of affection.

As Hokage, especially the granddaughter of the first generation of Hokage, Tsunade has been under tremendous pressure since he took office, for fear of accidental destruction of Konoha village because of his ruling mistakes.

Among them, the Zhongnin exam is the most important because it was a major test that Konoha village faced in the original history. At a time when high-level people from all over the world will come to Konoha to watch the battle, if there is any major accident, it will be for Konoha’s Reputation and prestige will be a serious blow.

That’s why, six months before the Ninja test, Konoha carried out a series of rigorous preparations. Even in order to prevent accidents, he also took the first step to solve the Oshe Maru hidden in Tanokuni, the purpose is to avoid The Konoha collapse event that caused a lot of damage to Konoha in the original work.

Finally, after the Oshe Maru was gone, all the troublemakers disappeared. Thanks to the efforts of many ninjas, the Ninja test ended safely, and Tsunade was relieved.

It would be great if it can be so smooth all the time.

Thinking like this in her mind, she turned around, got up and walked back.

However, her relaxed mood didn't last long. At this moment, she suddenly saw someone coming from the depths of the street behind.

"Master Naruto."

The speed of the people coming is quite fast. He, who was still a few hundred meters away, suddenly appeared in front of Tsunade just after breathing, and bowed.

"Is there a problem?"

Tsunade looked back at him, her face changed a little, and she recognized this person as a correspondent of the Intelligence Department.

No way……

She felt a chill in her heart, and a bad feeling arose.

"This is an urgent message from the country of birds."

The visitor knelt on one knee and showed Tsunade a document.

"The country of birds..."

Tsunade frowned slightly, isn't this a small country between the country of soil and the country of wind?Moreover, their daimyo is also one of the specially invited audiences for this Zhongnin exam. They only left Konoha two days ago. What can happen in such a short time?

With this suspicion, Tsunade gently opened the file in his hand, only to glance at it lightly, and his face immediately became serious, frighteningly cold.

Two seconds later, she closed the file with a snap, raised her head, and quickly ordered.

"Give me all the working Shinobu in the village now. After half an hour, I need everyone to gather in the conference room."


It’s half an hour, but in about ten minutes, people are almost there. Except for the secretly-identified Anbu and the ninja who went out to perform tasks, almost all Shangren and Special Shangren came to the scene, dozens of people crowded in the meeting room. Whispering and talking, no one knows why Naruto-sama convened so many Shangnin.

Hasn't the Chunin exams ended successfully?

Yukimura in the corner is also at a loss. According to the plot, nothing should happen during this time.

Although in the original work, Konoha ninja contacted Uchiha Itachi and dried persimmon ghost shark soon after the Nakanin exam, but now Itachi is walking around the village every day, but it is absolutely impossible for anyone to fight him. Ghost shark, what is he doing?Are you looking for death?

Under everyone's puzzled gaze, Tsunade, as well as Sarutobi Hisaki, Naruto Koharu, and Nara Lujiu, who were equally serious, walked out of the side passage and walked into the main seat one by one.


Tsunade didn't waste any time, and he was straight to the point as soon as he came on stage.

"The news came from the country of birds just now that the ninjas of Shayin attacked Daimyo's convoy in the country of birds, killed Daimyo and his guarding ninjas, and launched an attack on the country of birds."

"what did you say?"

The complexions of many ninjas suddenly changed, and they were shocked.

Are you kidding me?Sand Shinobu attacked the country of birds?

This is not a trivial matter. In the past few years, there has been no news that the lord of a country has been killed and a war has broken out between two countries.

"Hokage-sama, what caused the attack?"

Kakashi in the crowd frowned and said, for such a big thing, there must be a reason for Shayin's attack on the bird country, it can't be a whim.

"The specific reason, we still don't understand."

Sarutobi shook his head. In fact, as far as the current situation is concerned, they only know so much about this matter.

It took less than three hours from the occurrence of the incident to when they got the news. The first wave of intelligence has just arrived. The reason and process of the specific attack have to wait for the next wave of intelligence to arrive. .

"But, where did the attack happen? Wouldn't it be in the country of fire?"

Another ninja hurriedly asked that the Daimyo of Torino is a guest who came to visit the Ninja test. If he receives an attack in the territory of Fire, even if the attacker has nothing to do with Konoha, the host of Fire will not be able to stay out of the matter. .

"Fortunately, this is not the case."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun said, she also knew the seriousness of it. If the attack occurred in the country of fire, they would definitely be much more passive. Fortunately, this is not the case.

"The approximate location of the attack was at a place called Tottori Mountain on the border of Torino Country."

"Tottori Mountain..."

Several Shangren nodded slightly, slightly impressed.

The mountain of Tottori is located on the border of the country of birds and the country of wind. A mountain range that divides the two countries is a natural barrier between the two countries. It is still some distance from the country of fire. There was an attack there. It will not have much to do with Konoha.

"That's good."

Hearing this, the group of Shinobu suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. The war between the country of birds and the country of wind is already troublesome enough. If a country of fire is added, it might be more troublesome.

"However, we can't just take it lightly."

Tsunade is solemn and authentic, her expression is not as optimistic as others.

"Although the incident happened in the territory of the country of birds, it has nothing to do with the country of fire, but after all, the daimyo of the country of birds is the guest we invited to take the Zhongnin exam. Something happened to him. To be honest, even if the relationship is not relevant. Many, but our country of fire can hardly stay out of it."

Some entanglements are not something you can get rid of if you want to get rid of it. Although in fact, the attack on the Daimyo in the country of birds has nothing to do with the country of fire, but according to causality, if it is not for Konoha to participate Forbearance of the test, this thing cannot happen.

Therefore, it is certain that Konoha will be involved in this matter.