Gou in the Ninja World

Go In The Ninja World Chapter 207

I don't know who swallowed softly, and in this weird pre-war silence, it was clearly audible.


Luo Sha and Oh Yemu looked at each other. In this short moment, both of them saw a firm determination in each other's eyes.

War is inevitable, if so...

At this moment, the same thought flashed through both of them, and at the same time they raised their hands, preparing to issue an order to announce the start of the war.


At the moment when the war was about to begin, between the lightning and the fire, and in the middle of the battlefield, a loud shout was suddenly raised, accompanied by a violent scream, a huge figure fell from the sky, and then landed in the middle with a bang. In the lake.


The water splashed everywhere, the mist flew, and the huge figure pressed the high waves of water and shot it to both sides.

"not good!"

The ninjas standing in the front stepped back to avoid the water waves. Even so, there were still a few ninjas who were too slow to dodge and were hit by the water waves, and their bodies were soaked.

After the water wave passed, the ninjas of both sides raised their heads and looked forward again. After only one glance, many people's eyes froze.

While they were dumbfounded, they saw a huge toad. This red, spotted toad was like a hill, blocking the center of the two ninjas, blocking the sight of both sides.

"That is……"

Seeing such a scene, some of the older ninjas who had been on the battlefield suddenly changed their faces and hurriedly looked over toad's head. Such psychic beasts were so familiar that they couldn't help but think of a famous character.

"Sure enough~"

Some people gritted their teeth hard.

Just as they thought, above Toad's head, they saw a tall figure with long white hair wearing a red jacket.


Looking at the figure standing on top of Toad's head, Oh Yemu and Luo Sha suddenly frowned, and at the same time showed vigilant expressions.

Jilai is also Konoha's ninja. His appearance here means that Konoha also intends to intervene in it?

Moreover, the most troublesome situation is not just this. Since Konoha is here, then, the remaining two Ninja villages, Yunren and Wuren, have also come around, planning to participate in this war at any time?

A sand ninja village and rock ninja village is enough trouble, if, plus other villages...

Thinking of this, the expressions of the two of them instantly became even more ashen.

"Dear ninjas from Sand Ninja Village and Iwanin Village..."

Jilai also stood on Toad’s back, looked around, looked left and right at the war machinery that exuded cold light on both sides, as well as the sand and Iwanin who were ready to attack at any time. His eyes sank and his hands were big. With a wave, he shouted loudly.

"Please stop now, Hokage from Konoha Village has something to say to Fukage and Tukage."

Chapter 146 The Five Congresses

"So, the final decision is to hold a special competition to determine Chen Dun's ownership?"

In Naruto's office, Shun Xiaochun said so.

At this time, it was already half a day after Jiraiya appeared on the battlefield of Bird Country.

The upcoming war has come to an end before it has completely started. Due to Jilaiya’s sudden intervention, Shayin and Yanyin still failed to fight. Then, Wuying held a short remote meeting. After discussing and arguing with Konoha's latest remote communication technology, as well as further analyzing the current situation and the pros and cons behind it, a solution to the dispute was obtained.


The person sitting across from Zhuanqin Xiaochun was Sarutobi Hizen. After hearing her question, he raised his eyes slightly and replied.

"After preliminary discussions with the villages, in order to prevent the situation from further expanding and avoid causing a large number of casualties, this decision was made."

"Among the five big countries, hold a team competition with three people as a team, and then let the village where the winner is located decide where Chen Eun belongs?"

Nara Lujiu said in a deep voice. To be honest, although this strategy is not ideal, it is already a good choice based on the current situation.

"The one who proposed this method is Yanyin. According to Jilaiye's intelligence, it will take five days for Shayin to break the seal. If Yanyin wants to regain the dust, he must enter Shanin village within five days, but That's too difficult. Although Sha Renin has been weak in recent years, it is still a big village. Four generations of Fengying personally rushed to the front line. Once he enters the territory of the Kingdom of Wind, his gold dust will be able to exert extremely powerful power. It is Oh Yemu that can't pass easily. In addition, Mist and Yunyin may also intervene in it, which is more complicated."

Sarutobi Hizen said, there is no way for Iwaguki to make such a decision. Anyway, Chendan's scroll is already in Sandyuki's hands. If you let Sanda to drag until the end of time, wait until the seal on the scroll is released Open, then there is no point in grabbing the scroll again. Even if everyone in Sand Ninja Village is killed, it is impossible to guarantee that the dust will not leak, not to mention this kind of thing is impossible to do.

Therefore, in the face of small hope and huge war casualties, Yan Yin can only take a step back, give up the possibility of direct snatching in the war situation, and turn into a fair ninja contest between the five major powers.

"For this proposal, Wuyin and Yunyin have already expressed their approval, but Shayin said that he still needs to consider it."

Tsunade said that in the previous meeting, when Tukage spoke this way, Raikage and Suikage agreed almost instantly.

"Of course they will agree. As for Sain, I think Fengying might be unhappy, but in the end they will agree."

Nara Lukisa said that Yunyin and Wuyin were very happy to accept this arrangement. It was obvious because they themselves had nothing to do with this matter. It was Iwayin who lost things, and Shayin who got things. Yes, whether it is Wuyin, Yunyin or Konoha, they are just spectators next to them.

Of course, watching has arisen. Some people do not intend to be just spectators, but also want to participate in and share a piece of the pie. It is very likely to happen, but they themselves are also unknown, have no status and righteousness, so they can only start secretly. And, now that the five major countries are all involved, in such a situation, if any party wants to get things under the eyes of other forces, there is little chance of success.

Unless, Sand Ninja Village said that after the seal was lifted, the secret of Chen Yun would be announced to the public, so other villages would definitely turn around and help him contain Yanyin, but in that case, the villages ended up in the same one again. On the horizon, the meaning of Shayin's efforts to break the seal at the risk of such an effort disappeared.

After all, the purpose of Shayin's retention of the Dust Escape Scroll is to enhance her core competitiveness in today's weakening of national power, not to engage in technology without borders selflessly.

Tuying's proposal gave other countries an excuse to participate in an upright manner.Therefore, as long as Shayin does not want to offend all countries at once, he must agree to this proposal, and in the same way, given an opportunity for fair and fair competition, Wuyin and Yunyin will not refuse such a good thing.

"Well, I think so too."

Tsunade nodded slightly, and was about to say something, but saw a figure flashing at the door, and a silent figure appeared outside the door.

"Tsuna-sama, just received an official reply from Sain."

She waved what was in her hand and said loudly.

"It looks like Luo Sha has also made a decision."

With that said, Tsunade accepted the letter, but just glanced at it, and there was such an expression on his face.

"Same as we thought."

After reading it a few times, Tsunade handed the letter in his hand to Nara Shikahisa next to him and said.

"Rosa accepted Yanyin's proposal to determine where Chen Escape belongs in a team game."

"However, he also made two requests."

Nara Shikahisa said that he had also read the letter. In addition to agreeing to Iwagaki's proposal, there were some additional matters.

"That is, the venue of the competition must be in the Kingdom of Wind, and the three-person team participating in the competition must be Zhongren or Xiaren who are no more than 15 years old. Regarding this regulation, Yanyin, Wuyin and Yunyin have already expressed Agree."