Gou in the Ninja World

Go In The Ninja World Chapter 208

"Rosa is playing a ghost."

Sarutobi Rizhan frowned. As soon as he heard such conditions, he knew what the fourth generation of Fengying was planning.

The other villages may not be clear, but they do know that the person Zhuli of Ninja Village, that is, Gaara, Luosha's own son, is exactly 13 years old this year, which means that he fits the age for participating in the competition.

"Is he going to let Zhu Li participate in the battle, and then directly win the championship?"

Turning to bed, Xiaochun said coldly, she knew about Gaara's situation. The human pillar of the sand guard crane can manipulate the sand at will to attack, and it is very powerful in both combat and defense.

With his strength, even if it does not burst into the tail beast form, some Shangren will not be able to win Gaara until there is no destructive targeted ninjutsu, let alone a Zhongren under 15 years old. What's more, not to mention that the location of the battle is the Kingdom of Wind, with a geographical advantage, Gaara's ability can be used to the maximum.

From this we can see what plans the four generations of Fengying are doing.

The 15-year-old age limit basically eliminates the possibility of other villages sending powerful upper ninjas to participate in the competition. Among the lower ninjas and middle ninjas, there are almost no characters who can resist the crane. Therefore, the sand ninja village is directly I want to play tricks on the rules.

"It's a great idea to play."

Tsunade snorted. Although Konoha is not very coveted by Chendan, she does not want to see Chendan be acquired by other forces besides Iwagaki. For this battle, she originally planned to send Itachi, Yukimura and Kakashi Yes, it turned out that Sa Yin's age limit just stuck three people.

Needless to say, Kakashi and Itachi are beyond the age limit. Yukimura also had their 16th birthday a few months ago and passed the 15-year-old age limit. Therefore, it is impossible for them to participate in this competition.

"So, what do we do? Do you want Naruto to go?"

Turning to bed, Koharu looks at Tsunade, Sagyun’s wishful thinking is unbelievable, but Konoha is not a vegetarian either, so what if you have a Shouzuru? The tail beast of our Konoha village is the strongest nine tails. , And, Renzhuli is the Uzumaki Naruto who has gained the power of Nine Tails.

In front of Naruto, Sa Yin's request seemed to be tailored specifically for him, even though Naruto's strength at the moment was not invincible in the current ninja world.However, in the juvenile group, or among all the youngsters under the age of 15 except for the Six Dao Immortal Brothers in history, he is definitely the strongest and no one deserves it.

With the help of the power of Nine Tails, Naruto can be said to be doing a great deal at a rapid pace. The rapid increase in combat power is really rare. The strength and speed alone have reached the level of strange power and thunder ninjutsu. Under the guidance of Lai Ye, he kept diligently, and what he lacked now was only actual combat experience.

You know, this is the Naruto who has turned on the Nine Lama Mode, and even Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma, who were in the Ninja World back then, do not necessarily have such strength at his age.

The fourth generation Kazekage Rasa used her own advantage to cheat, but instead gave Konoha a chance to decide victory.

Although Konoha doesn’t have to get the dust out of his own hands, because no matter who gets the dust out in the end, even if he wins under the fairest conditions, he will offend him at the same time as the only gainer. The other four countries.

Don’t think that if you have set the rules to determine victory fairly, other countries will be able to happily accept their own defeat, no matter which side wins, even if the five major powers ostensibly recognize this fact at the same time, for the loser, as long as it is not Once they have won, the anger and jealousy in their hearts, the entanglement and targeting between them secretly and the victor will still happen. For the future development, Konoha does not want to pay this price.

However, they can't just send a few people to make up the number, because letting other villages except Yanyin get the dust, it will also endanger the balance between the villages for decades. Contradictions and frictions are usually forgotten. At this critical moment that is about to face Akatsuki, once there are conflicts within the five major countries, the consequences may be catastrophic.

After all, it is troublesome enough to face Akatsuki, Daitou, and Heijue. If the five great nations are still struggling with various intrigues and contradictions, how can they win the future battle that determines the survival of all mankind?

Therefore, Konoha Village must go this time, but it is not to fight for the dust, but to ensure that the dust will be returned to Yanyin in good condition, because only Yanyin who is the owner of the dusty can get the dust. , It will not break the balance and breed contradictions among the five major countries.

In this way, it is necessary to send someone who can win the game.


Tsunade hesitated. She knew that if Naruto played, the victory could be said to be a certainty, but because of this, she hesitated a little as to whether Naruto should be allowed to participate in the game.

Because Naruto is regarded as a hidden weapon in the village of Konoha, not only as a human pillar power, but the fact that he obtained the power of the nine tails is an absolute secret within the village of Konoha. If Naruto is allowed to participate in the competition, then even if No matter how careful, some information will leak out.

Tsunade was worried that if Akatsuki knew that Naruto had begun to control Kyuubi, he might act on Naruto in advance.

"Let Naruto go."

But in the end, Sarutobi Rizen took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Anyway, Naruto will face this one day, blindly protecting him, but he will never grow up if he stays in the village. He should go out and learn more."

"On this point, I agree with the views of three generations of adults."

Nara Shikahisa agreed. The ninjas of their generation have experienced wars and only grew up on the battlefield of blood and fire. They just stayed in the village, in a safe place, under the wings of others. Without experiencing wind and rain, it will never be possible to grow into the kind of character they wish to see.

After all, even the trusted seventh-generation Naruto Naruto Uzumaki in the future world is not in the cradle of safety, but in the continuous challenges and challenges of No Slash, Osamaru, Akatsuki, Oto and Madara. Under threats, did they grow up in battles and life-and-death crises and become a perfect and powerful leader?

Therefore, Nara Shikahisa also felt that it was time for Naruto to go out and meet people and things in other places. Jiraiya is currently in Sand Ninja Village, with his protection, even if there is any danger, the whole body is It's okay to withdraw.


Tsunade's gaze stayed for two seconds from Sarutobi Hizumi and Nara Shikahisa. After thinking for a while, he probably also felt that what they said made sense, so he nodded and agreed.

"However, this is just one person, what about the other two candidates?"

Turning to bed, Xiaochun interjected, this competition is a team competition. Although it is said that as long as Naruto plays well, it should be no problem for one person to crush all the other teams, but they still have to make up three talents.

Similarly, the two candidates must be cautious. Although they are not necessarily as strong as Naruto, they should not hold back Naruto when facing contestants from other countries.

"The second one is Sasuke."

Tsunade said immediately after hearing this, she had decided long ago, although Sasuke's strength is far less than Naruto at this time, but after all, he is also one of the future saviors, has enough potential, and, heard from Itachi, in order to catch up In the footsteps of Kami Naruto, Sasuke has also done quite a difficult study recently. With his strength, although he is not a top level in Zhongnin, at least he will not be too slow.


Hearing this name, Zhuan Xiaochun's eyes flashed solemnly, and her lips moved, as if she wanted to say something, but after looking at the expressions of other people, she still didn't say anything.

"Well, in this case, the second person will decide to be Sasuke, then the third person will choose..."

Nara Shikahisa frowned and said, Sasuke and Naruto are both members of Kakashiban, then for the third contestant...Should I choose Sakura?Although they are in a team and should be more skilled in cooperation, the number of times Sakura is not the new Sannin in the future. She was born in a commoner rather than a big family. Family blood and family conditions restricted her development. Before he joined Tsunade and received meticulous training, Sakura's strength at this time really couldn't be compared with the first two.

"Let Ningci go."

Sarutobi Hizumi finally made the final decision and said that among Konoha’s next generation, the group known as Konoha’s twelve strongest players by Yukimura, these are the strongest and most stable performers at present, although Xiao Li also Very strong, but the sequelae of Bamen Dunjia is too great, and it will cause irreversible casualties if it is not done well. For the sake of safety, he still thinks Ning Ci is more suitable.


Tsunade thought for a while about Sarutobi Hisaki's opinion, and felt that there was no problem. In this way, there would be people in battle, support, or reconnaissance.

"Then, I will inform Kakashiban and Kaiban now, let them prepare, and immediately go to Sand Ninja Village."

Thus, the candidates to participate in the Five National Wars were decided in this way.

Chapter 147 The Eve of the Storm

Without further ado, after deciding the candidates for the competition, Konoha Village was ready immediately. Kakashiban and Kaiban got the news within half an hour and gathered at the entrance of Konoha Village, ready to go.

"Yeah, Kakashi, this time, let's once again make a difference."

Outside of Konoha Village, Kai, dressed in forgiveness, looked very excited in front of his old opponent, radiant and full of enthusiasm, and his whole person exuded unique youth and vitality.

"Today's Teacher Kai is also quite energetic."

The same forgiving juvenile Kai, that is, Xiao Li lay on his feet, yelling while doing push-ups without anyone else, completely ignoring the idiot-looking eyes projected from other people next to him.


Not far away, Kakashi reluctantly covered his face, feeling exhausted physically and mentally at this moment, as if he had no strength at all.

So, I don't want to perform tasks with this guy.