Gou in the Ninja World

Go In The Ninja World Chapter 284

The three giant beasts gathered together and rushed towards Ai with unimaginable power and might. The earth shook violently, as if to be crushed by the heavy force. As they advanced, the sand under their feet Stones and dust were lifted up by the storm of wings, covering their sides.

Compared with them, Ai's isolated figure appeared so small and fragile, it seemed that it would be crushed into residue by the giant beast in front of him at any time.

However, although there are three giant beasts, Ai is not fighting alone.

"Nagato, don't forget us."

The figure flashed, and two figures appeared beside Ai.

Jilaiya and Ohnoki stood beside Ai, and the three stood side by side, facing the behemoth rushing forward.

Senfa·Fire Dun·Goemon

In the fairy mode, Ji Lai also shot, that he is the best and strongest S-class fire escape, the trinity of wind, fire and oil, the fire uses the wind, the oil helps the fire, and complements each other, forming a mighty sea of ​​fire, carrying a billowing fire. The huge waves shrouded the land ahead in an instant.

At the same time, Onoki's figure moved, and he rose in the air, standing with his hands on his chest, and the white chakras on the palms of his palms were shining brightly.

Dust Escape: The Technique of Stripping the Original Realm

A huge white square spurted out, and destructive power surged in it. This is a super trick created by the second generation of Earth Shadow. The blood stains above the blood inheritance limit are eliminated, and all matter is turned into atoms. The power of dust escape.

A fire escape, a dust escape, an attack launched from the ground, an attack launched from the sky, the red and white lights reflect each other and merge together, attacking the three behemoths ahead at a rapid speed, and standing Payne above them.

The range of this attack is so large that it almost encompasses a fifth of the size of Urenin Village. Obviously, in order to deal with Payne's attack, Jiraiya and Ohnoki also used their strongest powers.


Facing the fire and dust rolling forward, the Payne still kept their faces unchanged. They just glanced at each other. One of them nodded, stepped forward, and jumped forward. The next moment, his figure was already Appeared in front of the three-headed monster dog and the crab, opened his arms, and faced the ninjutsu surging in his direction tens of meters away.

This is the way of hungry ghosts that can absorb Chakra and restrain ninjutsu.

The brilliance of Chen Dun and Huo Dun was shining, seeing that he was about to enter the attack range of Hungry Ghost Dao, Hungry Ghost Dao quickly raised his hand, and Chakra surged around him.

"Does he want to absorb our ninjutsu?"

Seeing the other party's actions like this, Ji Lai felt in his heart. He knew that Hungry Ghost Dao had the ability to absorb ninjutsu, even if it was Xianju or Dust Escape, so he did not express panic, but his eyes slightly Yining, looked up to the sky, shouted.

"It's now, Yukimura!"

"Got it!"

Someone in the clouds responded like this.

At this moment, there was a sharp cry in mid-air, and a big black bird broke through the cloud cover and charged straight down.

The speed of the big bird is quite fast. It waved its wings and traversed a straight trajectory in mid-air. Only in a few moments, it reached the sky above the Penns.

Yukura firmly fixed himself on Mo Ying's back, but stared at the hungry ghost road in mid-air below, holding a silver-white brush in his hand, and quickly sketched it on the scroll.

Ninja·Ulaki Pseudo Painting·Haiwanmaru

Dragon frame!

The cold air jets out, and combined with the surrounding water vapor, forming a white mist in mid-air.

This time, Yukimura completely consumed all the liquid nitrogen stored in a pen, so the scope of the freezing gas was unprecedentedly large, and the white mist spread out, covering almost the entire sky.

In the freezing air that obscures the sky, the black figure is looming, and the crystalline giant wings reflect multicolored light under the irradiation of the flame, carrying a powerful force, piercing the sky, and there is a biting In the cold air, an ice dragon almost the same size as the psychic dog emerged, rushing down with a mighty and mighty posture.

"Bing Dun?"

Faced with such a sudden attack, the look of Hungry Ghost Road remained unchanged. He stretched out his hands to the sky without hurriedly, and saw a strange wave of fluctuations emerge around him. Under the attraction of this wave, Bing Bing The chakra in the dragon passed by at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Hungry Ghost Road·Feng Shu suction mark!

Chakra flowed, Hungry Ghost Dao used his own power to completely envelope the ice dragon, but in just half a second, the dragon that was originally the size of a hill suddenly shrunk in a circle, both wings and body were missing. For the most part, the previous mighty posture is no longer present.

However, in the face of such changes, Yukimura seemed quite calm, because the purpose of his use of this trick was not to attack, but...

A faint smile appeared on his face, and at the same time, the changes below continued. The ice dragon became mutilated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then continued to shrink, but on the other side, as the ice dragon became smaller, the hungry ghost said A faint layer of hoarfrost actually began to appear on his body, yes, it was the kind of hoarfrost corroded by freezing air.

The size of the ice dragon is shrinking rapidly, and at the same time, the hardness and thickness of the hoarfrost are further strengthened and thickened. With the growth of this layer of hoarfrost, the movement of Hungry Ghost Dao suddenly becomes more and more sluggish, and the speed of absorption also increases. The slower it comes.

Finally, the layer of hoarfrost became thicker and harder, and finally formed a large crystal clear ice block, freezing the whole person of Hungry Ghost Dao into it.

"how is this possible?"

Seeing this scene, a touch of astonishment flashed across the face of Heavenly Dao Payne above.

He didn't understand that the ability of the Hungry Ghost Dao should be the one that restrains all ninjutsu, not even immortal skills, why would he be frozen by the simple ice escape?

"Hungry Ghost Dao is very powerful, but it is a pity that what is contained in my tricks is not just Chakra."

Seeing the surprised expression on Payne's face, Yukimura, who was sitting on Mo Ying's back, smiled slightly and said in his heart.

Unlike the celestial chakra created by the combination of natural energy and chakra, in Yukimura’s ice escape, chakra and liquid nitrogen are not mixed to form another substance. They are two completely different substances. The substance is like chakra and shuriken. Ninjas can use chakra to increase the sharpness of the shuriken, but they cannot mix the chakra and the steel in the shuriken into a new substance.

The same is true for the liquid nitrogen used by Yukimura in Bing Dun. Although chakra is injected into liquid nitrogen to control the volatilization of liquid nitrogen, when Bing Dun is effective, chakra and liquid nitrogen are still completely different. This kind of substance seems to be the same, but in fact it is the result of the two substances reacting together. Chakra and liquid nitrogen perform their duties. Chakra is constructed into a basic body, while liquid nitrogen freezes the body. Into ice cubes, thus forming ice escape.

And now, although the Hungry Ghost Road has absorbed the part of the Chakra that makes up the Ice Dunge form, the other carrier of the Ice Dunge--liquid nitrogen is a natural product produced by other means, not made out of thin air. Something, so it cannot be absorbed by the seal technique.

And what’s even more amazing is that without Chakra’s barrier and control, the cold air of liquid nitrogen is no longer suppressed, and the inner cold air burst out in an instant. This is all the liquid nitrogen sealed in the entire pen, the cold inside. Chi can completely seal off a small lake. Although the power of the cold air is somewhat resisted by the heat wave due to the temperature brought by the Goemon from the rear, it cannot release its original power, but the remaining cold air is also enough to make you hungry. Guidao was frozen into an ice cube.

Under the influence of the cold, the Hungry Ghost Dao was frozen in place by the whole person and could not move. At this time, the originally huge ice dragon was absorbed only with a crude skeleton and a thin tail. It was extremely miserable, but without the obstacle of Hungry Ghost Dao, there was nothing that could stop the ice dragon's attack anymore.

Ice dragon spin tail!

The print style of Yukimura's hands changed. The ice dragon shook his body, exhausted his strength, and flicked his tail in mid-air, breaking the frozen hungry ghost road into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, a scorching fire wave hit from behind, and in the next second, it covered the incomplete body of the ice dragon, swallowing it to death, and at the same time continued to pounce on the three huge figures in front.

"not good!"

The face of the remaining Payne changed drastically, because they were too confident about the abilities of the Hungry Ghost Dao. They didn’t care about the ninjutsu coming from the front. Now, after the Hungry Ghost Dao was knocked down, no one can help. They resisted the fire escape and dust attack from the front.

The blazing flames rushed towards the face, the billowing fire waves mixed with the hot oil, forming a red sea of ​​fire, directly engulfing the giant figure of the three-headed dog and the crab. At the same time, a white square fell from the sky and flew in the sky. The strange birds also covered the Paynes who were too late to escape.

"The god of Yunin Village, I will let you know how terrible it is to make me angry."

Onoki in midair stared at the front, and said coldly, with a sharp smile on his face.

The next moment, a dazzling white glow suddenly lit up from the front, covering everything around it.

Chapter 189 Nagato


With an earth-shattering explosion, the bloodstains were eliminated and the power of the S-class super fire escape suddenly exploded, and the light produced illuminated the entire gloomy sky.