Gou in the Ninja World

Go In The Ninja World Chapter 410

"is it?"

Nai Lunqin seemed a little disappointed when he heard the words. It seemed to be a pity that there were no great people in the ancestors, but after thinking about it, I won’t be entangled. Anyway, they are all characters from two hundred years ago. What does it matter if they were great before What?

"Forget it."

She shook her head, and gave up her interest in further questioning. Since it is a genealogy, the one with the most seniority is naturally placed at the top, and the ones at the back are much younger than the ones before. Yukimura can recognize that one of the first pages is already It's pretty good, the latter are basically juniors, and there is less hope of being recognized.

So she changed her mind and changed to another topic.

"By the way, Brother Yukimura, you have to go home early today. Mom said that we will hold a celebration banquet with everyone in the evening."

"Really? Great."

Yukimura was also overjoyed when he heard this. He is a person who loves appetite, but since he came to this era, because of his status, he basically lived on dry food and wild fruits, and he could not bear it for a long time. That is, after coming to the Neilun Clan, they ate their normal home-cooked food, and things like banquets were also very attractive to him.

"Well, mom said to make cakes, barbecues and delicious soup..."

One by one, the inner ring piano was chanting the dishes of the evening, and before the name of the dishes had been reported, there was another rumbling from the Shimen outside, and one person walked in.

"Good luck today."

Uchiwa Yosuke appeared in the sight of the two of them, carrying a large elk on his shoulder, which seemed to weigh several tens of kilograms, and said loudly.

"Hey, Qin, you are here."

As soon as he came in, he found the inner wheel standing not far away.

"Uncle Yangjie, my mother asked me to tell Brother Yukimura to go back for dinner early in the evening. I heard that everyone decided to have a banquet."

Neringen explained, walking quickly.

"Really? That's a coincidence."

Uchiwa Yosuke said with a smile, in this way, this deer just beaten can be used for tonight's banquet.


Nerin also smiled like this, and looked forward to the evening banquet.

Seeing the two people chatting happily, Yukimura slowly closed the genealogy in his hand and walked to the bookshelf, preparing to put it back in the original box. At this moment, he suddenly discovered that the original in the box was Not only is there a genealogical tree, but there are also a few hard-skinned books stuffed at the bottom, which are also dusty. In the middle of those books, there seems to be a strange thing sandwiched between them.

"Huh? This is..."



At four o'clock in the afternoon, when Yukimura returned to the village where the Neiwan family lived, the banquet was about to begin.

People set up a vigorous bonfire in the open space next to the village, and skewers of barbecue and vegetables were skewered on the shelves next to the bonfire.

Because there is no long table, everyone took out the table in their own home and spliced ​​it together, spread the tablecloth, and covered it with fruits and various cold dishes, drinks, various kinds of sashimi and sushi. A large plate of cold food was also piled up nearby.

People walked up and down in the clearing, everyone with a joyful smile on their faces. Yukimura saw Akiko and the others in the crowd. Akiko seemed to be helping her mother to cook soup. The two of them were cooking and chatting. Leisurely.

Uto and Uchiwa Eita are grilling meat next to them. There is a mountain of meat on the large plate to their right. They have all kinds of meat. The red meat slices are coated with a simple seasoning and slowly change under the charcoal fire. White, exuding a faint scent, mixed with the fresh scent of fish on the other side, filled with an indescribable tempting taste.

Taro was playing with Qin's brother Guiping and a few children of the same age under the big tree next to him. Although there were no real toys, the children gathered together and had a great time.

"so good."

Standing on the hillside, Yukimura couldn't help but say with some empathy for a while watching the happy scene in front of him.

He hadn't seen such a scene for a while. Since this time, he was either fleeing or panicking. It has not been so easy for a long time.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but think of the family banquet held when he was still in Konoha Village to celebrate his becoming a special Shinobu.

At that time, Dad and Sari's sister also laughed happily.

Even Yukimura thinks like this, not to mention Akiko, Yuto, and Taro. They can be said to have participated in such a grand banquet for the first time in their lives. For the first time, they are no longer afraid of fear, and they can be discarded without hiding in Tibet. All worries, wholeheartedly enjoy the joy brought by the banquet.

They were laughing, jumping, squatting, and clamoring, just standing here and watching, Yukimura could feel the joy that they were about to rippling out between their gestures.

"Yeah, that's great."

At this moment, another person's sigh came from beside him.

Yukimura turned his head slightly and looked at the person who suddenly appeared next to him, who also looked at the joyous scene under his feet, with a special light shining in his eyes, Taichi Inner Wheel.

"The patriarch is finally back."

He said that for the past two days, Taichi Nai Lun has been away from home, even in the evening. Hearing other people's explanations, he seemed to be investigating something.


The inner wheel nodded too much, as he said.

"I took some people to walk around and thoroughly checked the route you took when you came. Fortunately, no one seems to have found the trace of your arrival, but what you did in Taki no Castle has been spread. When it's opened, the hunting dogs from various locations have begun to come out. Although our place is relatively remote, they may not search here, but it is better not to go out casually recently."

"Come out..."

Yukimura frowned slightly, worried about being authentic.

"Will it spread to here?"

The Nai Lun clan had a good life, if they were involved in a whirlpool because of their relationship, it was not what Yukumura wanted to see.

"Maybe, but don't worry."

The inner wheel waved his hand, indicating that this is not a problem for them.

"Over the years, our security forces in surrounding cities have also developed some relationships. No matter how rigorous the search operation, it is impossible to search every place so detailed. With our barrier, it is no problem to hide from them. . Don't worry, I will never let anyone threaten this village."

Taichi Naiwa said, his tone serious and determined.


Immediately afterwards, he turned around and asked suddenly.

"Listening to Yangsuke, you have been looking up information in the data room these past two days. Have you found anything?"

Although he refused to recognize Yukimura's true identity, Taichi Naiwa still attached great importance to such an eternally kaleidoscope of foreigners who wrote round eyes, so he had heard of Yukimura's behavior over the past two days, and he was also curious about his results.

"It's... a little bit."

Yukimura immediately came to mind what he had found in the morning. He was silent for a moment, nodded lightly, and said again.

"By the way, I read some of your practice manuals. Some of the things are comprehensive and even more detailed than what I have learned. However, for some of the past ninjutsu, I am missing a lot. I have compiled some based on my own experience. After all, the detailed Huo Dun and Shui Dun should be helpful, and I will give it to you in a while."