Gou in the Ninja World

Go In The Ninja World Chapter 524

Senshou Zhuma is indeed very strong, even strong enough to suppress the Ten Tails, and the Thunder God Art of Wave Feng Shuimen is also very fast. However, they are able to do all of this because of the Chakra Land relationship. If you remove it from the root The effect produced by Chakra, then they are just two ordinary people with a little higher physical quality than ordinary people.

"So... is this the Chakra version of the Forbidden Domain?"

Yukimura's expression changed a bit, and he thought to himself.

Although I don't know how to do it, Yukimura has to admit that this kind of technology is indeed extraordinary, and when it comes, he will fall into it.

In the state of Tiandi and Li, Yukimura in that world did not overlap with this world, so he was not affected by this effect, but once he left Tiandi and Li and entered this world, the effect suddenly appeared. , Directly hit Yukimura back to his original form, now he, let alone open the writing wheel, without the blessing of Chakra, even the simplest ninja version of the physical skills.

He raised his head and glanced at the godless eyes between the Thousand Hands Pillars. No wonder the two Hokages were in such a state. If Chakra disappeared, it would be good if the filthy earth reincarnated with the power of the soul transforming Chakra did not die directly. It is naturally impossible to want to move freely.

Although it wasn't Yukimura's brain-filling soul extraction before, but the current situation gave him a feeling of restraint.

He is now in the cell between the Senshouzhu. There is no Chakra. The iron door behind him is closed tightly. He is in a closed environment. Even if he has not been found in a short period of time, it may take a long time.

When Yukimura entered, he had been to the monitoring room and checked. The Tianyu Yuzhang that he chopped from the outside before entering not only destroyed the external barrier, but also destroyed most of the lines in the prison, causing the monitoring facilities to be basically All have stopped working, except for a few emergency lighting systems, most of the monitors have entered a standstill.

This is good news for Yukimura, at least there is no need to worry about meeting an enemy soon.

But the same bad news is that without Chakra, he doesn't even know how to get out, let alone save people.

One of the two Hokage was next to him, and the other was in the cell on the other side, like a dead person, without the slightest breath. Obviously, they basically couldn't count on it.

Damn, what should I do with this situation?

Yukimura gritted his teeth fiercely, feeling extremely anxious, and he was trapped here, with a sense of heaven and earth, which he had never thought of before.

"you are……"

At this moment, suddenly, a faint voice came from his ear.


The voice was intermittent and very vague, as if it was a low voice, but Yukimura still heard it.

"Who is speaking?"

He quickly looked around and whispered. He originally thought it was the old white-bearded man living in the cell opposite, but he leaned on the door and took a look. The old man had been leaning against the wall and sleeping with his eyes closed. He didn't know. Is it alive or dead, and the source of the sound is not the opposite, more like behind yourself.

"Able to be...here...could it be...you...you are..."

Sure enough, the source of the voice was indeed behind him, and over time, the speaker seemed to become much more fluent.


The weak voice said softly.

Could it be...

Yukimura suddenly turned his head. Sure enough, he saw that behind him, a dim light flashed in the silent Senjujuma's eyes for some time, and his lips were squirming slightly, and he was talking unexpectedly. It's him.

"The first generation adults?"

He took a deep breath, stepped forward, and asked in a low voice in front of Senshou Zhuma.

"it's me."

Qianshou Zhuma still stood still in place, stupefied, but his voice acknowledged that he was the one speaking at this time. After a period of adjustment, his tone became fluent again compared to before. It's not as intermittent as before.

"Can you still move?"

Yukimura was pleasantly surprised. He originally thought that after the absence of Chakra, Senjujuma and Hafengshuimen had become that kind of mummified state, and he did not expect that their thinking was still active.

"We can barely..."

Senjujuma tried to say that the mysterious power eliminated their chakras, so the reincarnation of the foul soil naturally stopped activities, but their souls and consciousness were still active, and they were not erased with the disappearance of the chakras.

The energy of the soul can still allow them to gain a small amount of activity, but it consumes too much, so they can only stay in deep sleep for a long time to reduce consumption, but they still have a little perception of external activities, so they will be Respond to arrival.

"So, sure enough... you are Yukimura, right?"

Senjuzu said indirectly, this is the first time he and Yukimura have met, but in fact, the two have been friends with each other for a long time. Both sides have seen each other’s photos, so after the initial surprise, soon I recognized Yukimura's identity.

In the third-generation Naruto Notebook, there is the Sword of Killing God, known as Konoha Reaper, Yuchiha Yukimura.

"it's me."

Yukimura nodded and replied in a low voice.

"I was sent by the second generation of adults to save you."

"You shouldn't have come here..."

The voice of Senjujuma is quite heavy. What traps are here. Senjujuma is very clear. He directly wiped the chakra from the root. It can be said that it hit the seven inches of the ninjas. Because of this, Even the fastest wave of the water gate and the strongest he hated this, Yukimura came alone, it was like a meat bun and a dog.

"What's the point of saying these now."

Yukimura sighed lightly. If he had known that there was such a powerful trap here, he would not have been so reckless to just break in.

However, now that the matter has developed to this point, it's all here, can it still be done?

"No matter what, I will treat you first..."

He said, stepping forward like this, Senjujuma's consciousness is the best. I don't know if Bofeng Shuimen is conscious. Although it seems that they can't move freely, the two Hokage stayed here for a long time. , May be able to give him some better suggestions.

However, as soon as the voice fell, there was a neat sound of footsteps. It sounded like a lot of people were running towards this side. Under Yukimura’s nervous expression, these voices went from far to near, and finally stopped at the door of this cell. Living.

"It's really rude not to come out to meet the distinguished guests at the first time."

In Yukimura's heavy heart, outside the door, a shrill voice said so.

Chapter 343 Mantis catches cicada


The heavy and obvious footsteps came from far to near, and finally stopped abruptly outside the door. Yukimura's expression sank suddenly, and he realized that he seemed to be in an extremely dangerous situation.

"It's really rude not to come out to meet the distinguished guests at the first time."

A shrill voice came slowly, the tone was very flat, as if it was saying an insignificant thing, but the information that came made Yumura feel as if he was in the ice.

"not good!"

Senshou Zhuma also heard the movement outside and couldn't help but cursed inwardly. He was also very anxious in his heart. Everyone knew what this situation meant.

"But, I am now"

A faint struggle flashed in his eyes, trying to break free from the restraints. However, because this unknown enchantment was still affected by other things, he couldn't even do the simplest movement without Chakra, and his body was still Still so stiff and motionless in place.