Gou in the Ninja World

Go In The Ninja World Chapter 581

"Has the plan succeeded?"

People looked at each other with joy.

"That said."

Bo Feng Shuimen groaned, his eyes sank slightly, and he glanced at Naruto next to him. Both of them could clearly see the uncontrollable excitement in each other's eyes.

"The time has come."

"Well, Ohshemaru and Yukimura are now on their way back. They will be there in about an hour. After they arrive, they can start to move after a brief rest."

Senjukaima continued to say that not only Yukimura and Oshemaru, but after the threat of the scouting bug was lifted, the branches of the Resistance Army hidden in various places also started to act again and began to gather personnel to prepare for the final war.

"How are the preparations for each department?"

Qianshou Zhuma glanced at the crowd and asked.

This is the last chance. They only have two days, and everything must be perfect.

"The Armament Department has distributed all the weapons and supplies stored in it to the ninjas in the city."

Uzumaki Sana answered, in order for this day to come, the Resistance has been preparing for a long time, and naturally there will be no mistakes at this point.

"The defense team, the reserve team, and the snakes in Longdidong are also ready to fight."

Uchiha Iron also reported.

"All four legions are assembled."

Senju Fujima said, in this way, the armed forces of the entire resistance army have been assembled.


Senjujuzuma, who received an affirmative answer, nodded heavily.

In this way, all the fighting forces of the entire resistance army were mobilized. These follow-up matters had been planned before Yukimura and Onomaru set off. Waiting for the moment when the time came, the entire resistance army would be like a one. Like a sharp sword, it pierced directly into the heart of the empire.

"Huh, is it finally time?"

Uchiha Madara embraced his arms, sat in a chair and said coldly, his whole body exuding a strong fighting spirit, as if he could not bear it, and desperately wanted to fight the enemy.

"Mabra, don't take it lightly."

Senjujuma's face was solemn and authentic. This time his opponents will be completely different from the past. According to the plan, this time, they will face the real Otsuki Clan and the legendary Emperor.

For such a person, one cannot be too careful.

"This sentence should be right for me. When facing those guys, don't be as naive as before."

Uchiha Madara replied like this, and it was Senjuzuzuma's solemn eyes that answered him.

Facing a terrifying enemy like never before, even the ninja god Senjujuma couldn't help showing a terrifying expression.

"I know."

He replied heavily, his eyes were torch, he was obviously determined.

"This time, it will be the end and the beginning."

Someone among the crowd took a deep breath and sighed meaningfully.

"This battle will determine everything. The future of the ninja world, the future of the ninja, and our future will draw an end this time."

"Everyone, we bear all the hope of the entire Ninja World."

Naruto clenched his fists, his pupils gleaming like flames. He once lost a war with the Datongmu clan, but this time, he did not allow himself to repeat the same mistakes.

"So, we must not fail."

He said resolutely, facing the other people, but also facing himself.

"Of course it will not fail."

Sasuke Uchiha replied in a deep voice, the purple reincarnation eyes projected absolute confidence and determination.

"This battle can only be won, not lost!"

"That's it."

"Now that everyone is ready."

Qianshoujian stood up slowly, looked around, his eyes stopped for a while on everyone, his eyes condensed, and he issued the last pre-war command.

"So, let's start!"

Chapter 378 Enchantment and Closing the City

There was not much time for everyone to rest. After the worm swarm network was destroyed, in the early morning of the next day, the final battle with the largest scale in the history of the Ninja World, the largest number of participants, and the most far-reaching significance began.

The number of people who fought in the Resistance was about 300,000. According to the division of labor and needs, there were a total of ten theaters.

The first battle zone, the city of fire.

"It's incredibly magnificent. The old forest has become such a place."

At the end of the Warring States Period, the patriarch of the Thousand Hands Clan, the Thousand Hands Buddha Standing on the top of the cliff, looked at the magnificent city not far away with a look full of nostalgia and feelings. For him who was born and grew up during the Warring States period He had never thought that the world would become like this before.

The place where I used to live and fight, the once incomparably vast forests and mountains, is now completely covered by the huge steel city, and there is no trace of the past.

"Huh, the Senju Clan and Uchiha Clan are almost completely reduced to history."

Standing beside him is his old opponent, Uchiha Tajima, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan.

Putting it three hundred years ago, it was impossible for the two to meet each other if they didn’t fight each other, but time passed, they would never have thought that after their death, the Senju Clan and Uchiha Clan would join hands and join forces. Other big and small families together established the Ninun Village era that lasted for decades, and then the fruits of labor were stolen by the Otsuki Clan and became the current empire.

And the two of them, who once hated each other and wished to put each other to death immediately, now have to join hands to fight against enemies from outside the world.

"My ancestor."

Standing behind them were Senju Fujima and Uchiha Tetsuya. The four of them were the highest commanders of the Fire City Theater in the first theater.

"The time is almost here."

"is it?"

Thousand Hands Buddha looked up at the sky, indeed, it was not far from the agreed time.

"Has everyone else arranged it?"