Gou in the Ninja World

Go In The Ninja World Chapter 593

Qianshou Jianjian's expression suddenly turned black, and he gritted his teeth hard, because the relationship between Chakra fluctuations would be hidden here, and he didn't realize the arrival of these people until the last moment.


Uchiha Madara said in a deep voice, the scarlet kaleidoscope writing wheel in his eyes turned, and he stared at the figure shrouded in smoke without blinking.

"There are a lot of people, one, two, three, five."

Sasuke glanced around and realized that the number of opponents was different from what they expected, more than they thought.

"Five people? Damn, one more than expected."

Bo Feng Shuimen also secretly said in this way, as expected, not everything can be fulfilled.

"It's a little troublesome now."

Naruto frowned, feeling a bit of a headache. It was really misfortune that did not come singly. First, he was spotted by the opponent before he could get close, and there were more enemies than originally planned.

"I knew it would not be so smooth sailing."

Qianshou Zhuma shook his head. They seem to have gone too far in the past few days. From the insect swarm network to the opening of the enchantment to the current infiltration, although on the surface it seems that there is no big problem at all, but in his heart But there has always been a bad premonition, and now, the premonition has come true.

"But it doesn't matter, we have already come here, and what we can do next is only one battle."

He said in a deep voice, his pupils rushing into war, his eyes condensed slightly, and he stared at the front, ready to fight at any time.

"Finally realized, between the pillars."

Madara next to him glanced at him, the corner of his mouth curled slightly, and a look of nostalgia appeared in his eyes.

"This is the you I know."

When facing big things, he never looks forward and backward, and he will never show mercy to those who threaten the things he protects. Even close friends will kill them.

A warrior with a benevolent and kind heart, but also a decisive side, this is the legendary ninja god, Senjujujuma.

"Those people are Naruto and Sasuke"

Just as a few people were talking like this, not far from the opposite side of them, there was a conversation about them among the Datongmu clan.

"Senjuzuma, Uchiha Madara, Senjusuma, Hafengmizumon, and Uchiha Yukimura, except for one big snake pill, basically all are here.

Under the smoke, a low voice was faintly authentic.

"I know what tricks these guys are going to play."

It was a female voice who took the conversation, and it sounded a bit sharper, with a little arrogance, and a tone that had long been expected.

After all, the Datongmu clan are not fools. They can replace Tao stiffly and secretly replace the founder of the empire. They have used the name of the empire to control the ninja for nearly two hundred years, and they are almost killing the original ninja group Now, it is definitely impossible to do without a little wisdom.

Therefore, after the intelligence center was invaded and the insect swarm network was destroyed, the Datongmu clan immediately noticed what the rebels seemed to be making. Although they didn’t know what the rebel’s plan was for a while, they had already The major cities were ordered to prepare for defense, which is why the four red sun formations immediately suffered artillery fire as soon as they appeared.

In the same way, they also planned to know the secret of God by the rebel army.

"Naruto and Sasuke"

Beside her, a slightly sturdy figure looked at Naruto and Sasuke, who had barely changed on the opposite side, with a hoarse voice.

"Since they will appear here, it means that the guy in Xuan Nei, as expected, betrayed us."

"I said long ago, that guy is different from us, you can't trust him."

A little woman next to her exclaimed excitedly, her words mixed with angry voices.

"Can you get rid of even that kind of restriction? It's incredible."

Similarly, some people also expressed surprise at this point. After all, Xuan Nei, like them, has powerful restrictions on his body.

"If it weren't for the ban, I would have been"

The little woman was still screaming loudly.

"Stop talking."

In the end, the figure standing at the forefront interrupted the other people's voice, turned his head and glanced back, calming the other people's quarrel.

"Now is not the time to argue, the most important thing is to deal with these little bugs that fly in."

He said so slowly, and as these words fell, the misty dust became lighter, and when the smoke gradually fell, the silhouettes of several people finally became clearly visible.

"Are these guys the Datongmu clan?"

Yukimura looked ahead, his pupils shrank slightly. At this moment, he finally saw the five figures standing in the middle.

The one standing at the forefront was a middle-aged man, neither fat nor thin, with short, messy hair.

Standing on the left and right sides of him, one was a slightly burly bald male, and the other was a young man, who had seen him once before.

And further back, there are two women, one with long hair with shawls, looks pretty and looks like a teenage girl, the other is slightly more mature, with hair tied behind his head. , A bit of a housewife's taste.

Everyone is in a white robe, shining the snow-white skin, and in the pupils, purple reincarnation eyes exude a breathtaking breath.

These people are now the rulers of the empire, the Datongmu clan.

"Naruto, these people are"

Hafeng Mizuno looked at Naruto inquiringly. Among all the people present, only he and Sasuke had fought against the Otsuki clan, so only they could confirm the identity of each other.

"Yes, it's them."

Naruto was clenching his teeth, the shiny cross eyes in his eyes changed for a while, nailing them tightly to the people on the opposite side, and nodding vigorously.

Naruto's emotions became a bit agitated when he saw his former enemy.

"The first three are the guys who have played against us."

In contrast, Sasuke looked a little calmer than Naruto, and told everyone one by one.

"The one at the front can control the celestial phenomena and can create hurricanes and thunderstorms with just a gesture. The one on the left will use all the changes in nature, even the bloodstain limit and bloodstain elimination. Among the members of Otsuki we played against, his The combat power is the strongest. And the one on the right, the illusion is so powerful that it can even directly destroy the spirit of people and cause them to die."

"In that case, these people are the Datongmubo style, the Datongmu repair style and the Datongmulong style."

Senshou Jianjian said that Genai once introduced them to the basic information of the members of the Otsuki clan. Based on this information and Naruto Sasuke's memories, the identity of the other party can be easily inferred.

There are only two women in the Datongmu clan, so there is no need to guess the identities of the two women behind. With the intelligence of the first three people, the identities of the five opposite people are ready to be revealed.

"Are you big tube wood Bo style, large tube wood repairing style, large tube wood dragon style, large tube wood sparkling style, and large tube wood Shengzi?"

Bo Feng Shui said silently at the gate. Now it seems that the members of the Datongmu clan who appeared in front of him should be them. The Datongmubo style and the Datongmu dragon style that were supposed to be in the city of fire are also here. Datongmu Almost all members of the clan were dispatched this time.