Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 436: Amazing Yang Meiji [Second Comment]

“Young Master, go back, the mysterious realm of the Cloud Sea is about to open... Master should return soon.” The elder of the Nangong family, Nangong Xuancheng, looked gently at Nangong lazily leaning on the chair of the small shop.

Walking squarely on the chair, looking at the group lightly, but with a slight amount of activity in his heart.

What the hell is that?

Nangong wrinkled his eyebrows, glanced at the elderly, sighed, stood up, helpless: “That's what the elders said, what else can I say? Let's go back and get ready for Father. ”

The smile on the elder's face grew stronger and stronger.

“Young Master, this way. ”

The crowd separated a path, and the South Palace wore alchemy robes, with red hair floating in the wind, slowly walking towards the outside.

No matter how strange and comical he is, he is the first heir to the Nangong family, and the people will still show him the awe he deserves.

Besides... Nangong has nothing short of comedy, there are no other shortcomings. People's Alchemy talent is so amazing, long and handsome, it still attracts the eyes of good girls.

Nangong went all the way, suddenly he felt a little confused if his gaze fell on him.

As a gifted alchemist, the South Palace has a strong spiritual strength, so you can feel this seemingly with a little heat in your eyes...

From the glance of his eyes, the South Palace saw a magnificent figure.

The figure was dressed in a brand-new alchemy robe with a cloud of life.

… is actually a cloud alchemist.

“My lord... my lord is coming! What if I get excited? ”

Yang Meiji feels his heart beating faster and faster, and his face turns red and shy.

The eyes were inadvertently set aside and the South Palace did not dare to see.

At the Alchemy Academy, Yang Meiji had seen the indispensable figure of the South Palace from afar. The exotic alchemy means, the handsome Young figure swinging the flames of the heavens and the earth was deeply engraved in Yang Meiji's heart.

Every time she sees it, it makes her feel heartbeat.

“Just broke through, right? The face is very...” Nangong smiled and said hello to Yang Meiji.

Is he talking to me? Yang Meiji was so excited, the sight in his eyes suddenly became hotter.

Nangong is all frightened by this fiery look... what the hell?

Why does this man's eyes make him feel so palpitated?

This dude... No?

With these in mind, Nangong's face changed dramatically and he took a few steps backwards quietly.

“Dude, keep an eye on you, come on... try to break through to Eryun Alchemist, we'll be sharing our alchemy skills some other day. Ha, little brother, let's go first. ”

When Nangong finished, he left under the crowd of many members of the Nangong family.

“Oh ~ he's still such a foreboding, he's still so handsome... he still wants to share his alchemy skills with me... so happy! ”

Yang Meiji pinched his little fist and looked intoxicated at Nangong's undivided back.

Suddenly, her face was stiff.

“Wait... what did he just call me? Dude?”

Yang Meiji pulled the corner of his mouth and suddenly became faceless.

Yang Meiji remembered his purpose only after seeing that Nangong had left and knowing that his back had disappeared.

My heart was pounding.

Why are you even here?

What the hell did the pedestrian do? Is the store... really closed?

After accelerating his pace, Yang Meiji quickly arrived at the front door of the shop.


She saw the kid on the pedal pull a chair and lie down in front of the shop.

That lazy look is like being abandoned by the whole world...

How could he do that? Even if the restaurant doesn't have business anymore, can't you just throw yourself away?

Be passionate!

Be passionate about doing business!

Yang Meiji walked vigorously toward a sigh of sight.

Seems like the sun is blocked.

When the gait opened his eyes, he saw Yang Meigina's crusty body.

“Long time no see.” The pedestrian said hello.

“What are you doing! Although we at Yunlan Restaurant are in a state of adversity, we cannot give up on ourselves, we must have dreams, we must pursue, we must have enthusiasm! I believe in your craftsmanship! You can fire! ”

Yang Meiji said to the pedestrian as he hated iron and steel.

The gait is a little confused, what the woman is saying.

Why doesn't he understand a word?

After Yang Meiji finished his speech, he felt much better.

She's always been looking forward to the shop, after all, it's her father's restaurant... and she doesn't want it to get lonely.

However, when she had finished her remarks, the atmosphere suddenly felt a little different.

There seemed to be countless surprises on her.

Yang Meiji's eyes glanced up and fell into the restaurant.

She was stunned and confused when she saw a brush on her eyes in the restaurant.

Obviously, it's not just one gait that doesn't understand her, it's all people who don't understand her.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Ha ha...”

It's embarrassing.

Why are there so many people in the store? Why not?

Yang Meiji smiled embarrassingly, but the shock in her heart was almost drowning her whole person.

Oh, my God!

So many customers, Yunlan Restaurant... are dead!

Incredible! How did you do that?

In the siege of so many Dan pharmacies, it actually opened for a day...

No wonder the owner of Nadan's pharmacy was so weak that he nodded in the direction of the shop that he said that his business had been robbed.


To think of it, Yang Meiji's gaze at the teenager who was shrinking on the chair became more shocking.

How could a restaurant rob Dan's pharmacy business?

This... How is this possible?!

Was she dreaming? Why is something so subtle happening?

Wait! And... how is this shop completely different from her?

Look at the renovation in the shop, look at the table and chairs... not like before she left.

That table is not the kind of cheap table and chair she bought.

Fang stood up and looked at Yang Meiji, staring at him, stretching out his laziness, beating an arrears, while touching the slippery crust on his shoulder.

“After you left, I did a little bit of finishing up the shop and opened it my way... well, business is good. ”

Walking directions say.

How's business? Mr. Bao is so modest.

A few of the diners were the owners of the Dan pharmacy outside, and when they heard the words of walking formula, the corners of their mouths were pounding.

Their business at Dan's drugstore was almost plundered by the restaurant. Is that a good one?

Did you know you can sell egg fried rice around Tianlancheng every day for a week?

Dan's pharmacy owner was so angry, he had to vent his anger on the fragrant egg fried rice.

“You can walk around and look anywhere but in the kitchen.” The gait was faint, he said.

The kitchen is heavy and the average person is not allowed in, even if Yang Meiji was the owner of the restaurant.

After all, nowadays the owner of the restaurant is Peugeot.

Yang Meiji looked at the serious gaze of the pedestrian formula and nodded and began to measure up everywhere in the restaurant.

“Boss Bao, have an egg fried rice. ”

A diner stepped into the shop and smiled and said to the pedestrian.

Today's diners are very respectful of restaurants.

Who called the owner of the shop is the husband of the Nangong Goddess... People's shop and the Nangong family are so inextricably related that they will come to the venue, besides... the food in the restaurant is so wonderful, so wonderful that it almost intoxicates them.

Every time you come to the restaurant to eat, you leave with joy.

Actually, that's... that's good.


Nangong family.

In a courtyard with an active and vast floor, the water curls and the pavilion pavilion make the courtyard like a fairy realm.

The South Palace is lazy walking in the yard.

The elder gently followed him by his side.

They walked a long time, stepped into a transfer array in the yard, and the transfer array flashed.

The shape of the two men was distorted in the transmission array and disappeared into place.

When it reappeared, it was in a metal building in Tianlancheng with dozens of floors of height shrugged into the clouds.

This building is really tall. Nangong walked out of the transmission array and took a deep breath looking down at Tianlancheng before coming to the window.

This is the Nangong family industry, the headquarters of the Nangong family industry.

And the South Palace is where they are situated on the top floor of the building.

There's a big array here, like a square.

This is the transmission array to the cloud sea.

There are already a number of senior members of the Nangong family standing around the transmission array, some of whom are elders of the family and some are heads of family property.

Some of them are powerful and others are powerful in human rights.

There is a Hehway name in the city of Tianlan.

“Young Master, the 100,000 yuan crystal required for the transfer array has been arranged. The transfer array is about to open, please host.” The elder looked gently at the South Palace, laughing.

The elders around them were also in peace with smiles on their faces.

Those smiles... are infiltrating.

The South Palace frowned, sweeping the crowd, feeling a little strange.

But he didn't think too much. Anyway, when the transmission line opened, the father would return, and these people wouldn't dare to make any big moves.

So he nodded and raised his hand, and a pale flame appeared.

The surrounding people looked at the Nine Phantoms in the South Palace with no shortage of hands, all of which were somewhat greedy.

This is heaven and earth!

One of the finest bounces, the pale flame was a speedy outburst, jumping into the center of the array.

The whole method is filled with the energy of Yuanjing, which seems to have been ignited and boiled.

Bright and glorious.

Reflect the creepy smile of the people around you.


Nangong family compound, Nangong Wan wears a long skirt, the hot figure shows the full draught, those two white and even proportional legs, as beautiful and charming as a white jade of sheep fat.

Suddenly, she frowned slightly and couldn't help but cover her tall chest.

Her heart beat so hard that she couldn't help but tremble.

There seems to be something bad going on in general.