Grasping Evil

Chapter 1177 Possibilities

Stone soldiers are being held in the Hell Laboratory.

Hell is naturally the name given by some second-in-command knowledgeable elderly people, making Ningfan weak to spit.

“The so-called Hell's Laboratory is where the most confidential research takes place. Little girl, your grandfather stone soldier is indeed locked up here. He is conducting a confidential study, but unfortunately, this research is not going well. Therefore, your grandfather stone soldier is not in particularly good physical condition, you must be prepared..."

Under the leadership of the elderly, Ningfan and Xiaobao came to an underground laboratory to find the stone soldiers.

The stone soldier was indeed alive and breathed a hint of cruelty, but his appearance made the northern barbarians weep instantly.

At this moment, the stone soldiers have been completely dismembered by the elderly, the limbs and body drying that have been dismembered have been completely destroyed, they appear to be coarse and broken, as if they have experienced some inhumane research. After the research, they appear to have been thrown in the corner like garbage and become scrap. He had only one skull left in a huge enclosed container, unconscious; the container was filled with light green unknown liquid, sparkling with bright light.

“What have you done to my Grandpa Stone Soldier! I'm going to kill him! You!" The little eyes of the North were red, and the pulse killed the entire underground lab instantly.

How can she be calm when she sees it as her grandfather's presence and is mutilated like this?

Knowing the old man's fingertips, he lit up the invisible killings. How could he exist? How could he be frightened by the slight killings of Bei Xiaobang? His face shrugged very thickly. “Little girl, what's the matter with you? Don't you stone soldier grandpa still live well! ”

“It can be called living! Do you want this girl to cut you into adult sticks and soak you in the water? ”

“As long as the crystal nucleus is not destroyed, even the rest of the body will not be in danger of life. Your stone soldier grandfather's crystal nucleus is in his skull. Now his skull is intact. Naturally, he lives well. If the research isn't finished, my husband can always put a new dryer, limbs, and create a new stone soldier - he used to be too weak! As long as the old man changes more powerful materials for him, your grandfather stone soldier can definitely rise back to you. Only God can fix him, and he can't even protect you...”

“Fucking old man! You don't understand! You don't know anything! I don't need Grandpa Stonehenge to protect me! I don't even need him to be strong! I just want him alive! He's my grandfather! Grandpa!”

“Hey, you think of the puppet as a grandfather. You look just like the old man. The old man and the donkey brothers prayed to each other and were commensurate with the cockroach brothers. It's a coincidence that we are one of a kind. ”

“Ghosts are like you! ”

Ning Fan frowned and patted Bei Xiaobao's head, stopping this old man from arguing pointlessly.

The priority is not to argue here about who is right and who is wrong, but to save the stone soldiers.

In that time, Ningfan had captured stone soldiers alive. During that time, stone soldiers served for Ningfan once as subordinates.

Seeing that his subordinates were tortured like this by the all-knowing old man, it was not comfortable in Ning Fan's heart. He looked calmly at the all-knowing old man, and his tone was terribly cold, “Shut up, I only asked the seniors, how long will it take to replace the stone soldiers with new bodies? ”

Just replace it with new dry and limb, stone soldiers as puppets, and you can get a new life.

“How long it takes depends on what level of puppet he replaces. His original puppet body was merely deification material, too weak. The old man can take ten days to convert him into a puppet body made of Doo-jin material. If it is converted to empty space, it will take at least twenty days. If it is broken, it will take a month and a half. If it is Wangu... hey, the modification of Wangu or Forget it, this puppet core level is too low, the cost of forcibly converting it into a Wangu puppet is too high, it is more expensive than rebuilding one hundred thousand ancient puppets. This is inappropriate, or the modification of Wangu is good...” know the old man's meat pain.

“Expensive shit? Didn't you transform all the other puppets of this girl into Immortal King and Immortal King ranks? Why didn't you say it was expensive then? You've caused my grandfather stone soldiers to look like this. You must make amends! I want you to use the best materials to transform him to the highest level!” Bei Xiaobao naturally wants to serve Grandpa Stone Soldier's best interests.

“Transformation? My husband didn't modify the puppets, he just fed them [puppet crystals] and excited their maximum potential. The puppet has different manufacturing materials and different maximum potential. Even the best puppet master cannot convert all the energy of the puppet material into puppet cultivation. None of the thirteen puppets' crystal nuclei and building materials are Wangu materials, so the old man only needs a little means to let them realize their maximum potential, from order Sendo Jin puppet to Wangu puppet. But unlike your stone soldier grandfather, your stone soldier grandfather's greatest potential is only the deification level...”

“This girl is illiterate, she can't understand a word you're saying. This girl only has one request! Use all your best puppet material on my stone soldier grandpa! If you don't, huh?” Bei Xiaobao took out the ruined famous disciple order and raised it high.

Knowing that the old man's face had changed from time to time, he slowed back and hurried, “The little girl has something to say! It's all up to you! My husband promised to modify your body with the best materials for Grandpa Stone Soldier! You're about to collect the token! ”

“If you'd listened to me like that, you'd have to force Grandma to use her best moves! ”

“Hey, why should I be afraid of this token when my first English name is swept away... right, little girl! If you use premium materials, the husband needs to collect some data in order to perfectly modify your grandfather stone soldiers. ”

“Collect what? ”


“What's that? ”

“The so-called data is the perspective and interpretation of the nature of the path in terms of a lower one-time yuan, which is...”

“Speak human language! ”

“Simply put, use the best materials to make modifications to Grandpa Stone Soldier, yes! But I need your husband to be my assistant, and I need to do some research on him to assist with the modification...”

“Impossible! It's not negotiable! ”

The northern calf guard will protect Fan from the back.

Her grandfather, the stone soldier, had been studied by the elderly with only one head left, and she would not allow Ningfan to be studied as such.

Looking at the closed container containing the stone soldiers, he said, slightly silent, for a long time, suddenly, "Did the research on me by my predecessors really help the stone soldiers to perfectly modify? ”

“Yes!” The old man was delighted when he heard the play.

“Well, I agree with my predecessors and am willing to cooperate with them in some research. ”

“What!” Xiaobin heard Ningfan say. He was in a hurry to cry.

She doesn't want Fan to be a stick. Don't!

Ningfan agreed to the research requirements of the elderly, on the one hand for stone soldiers and on the other for himself.

Walking all the way, he sort of figured it out, knowing that the old man had a lot of disobedient research behavior, but he seemed really capable. The theory of “puppet potential” alone was deeply subdued by Ning Fan.

It's a theory that the North can't understand, but Khoningfan understands!

The old man knows how to unleash the puppet's greatest potential! He also seems to have the means to unleash the greatest potential of other creatures! His cultivation of mighty spiritual worms and demonic beasts is proof of this.

There may be great risks in being studied by this person, but if the research is successful, strength may also be greatly improved...

Instead of trying this possibility, he wants to see if being studied by the elderly is beneficial to his development.

Of course, he understood that the old man was a research madman. Even if he cooperated with this man's research, he could not have cooperated with being cut into adult sticks. He decided to look at one or two first, whether it was good or bad, before he knew it with his own eyes...

So, for the next ten days, Ningfan stayed in the underground lab, which worried Xiaobao Bei very much. Regardless of how comforting Ningfan was, she worried that Ningfan would be studied as an adult stick. Her heart had shadowed the word research...

In the last ten days, knowing that the elderly had not carried out any research on Ningfan, Ningfan was ordered to soak in the research pool and not to leave.

As for knowing the old man himself, he was busy refining the puppet limbs, driving the puppet dry. These things, he would then install them on the stone soldiers...

The research pool is not big, it is just a sight to see, the pool is filled with dark and thick liquid, smells a little dirty, the northern little barbarity only smelled once, and it is just nauseating, but Ningfan soaked in it for 10 days...

This is very painful for Bei Xiaobao. She felt that the knowledgeable elderly were turning to torture Ningfan, but in the view of Ningfan, who possesses the soul of nine-spin gold medicine, this pool of research liquid is a priceless treasure!

“Mukhai Lingzhi, this pool of research liquid is based on Mukhai Lingzhi's grass liquid! Mukhai Lingzhi is a congenital spirit medicine, but even if it is a congenital spirit medicine, it actually has a grade! The congenital spiritual drugs in the fantasy world are basically congenital spiritual drugs. Due to lack of spiritual energy, there are very few congenital products... The sesame liquid in this pool actually comes from the congenital spiritual ingredients! The same Inner Herringbone, the quality of the congenital product and the quality of the congenital product, the efficacy of the drug is a difference between heaven and earth! ”

“Shimmer Herringbone can improve the refinery of the Vancouver Brothers for thousands of years... this Pool Solution is different! Two levels altogether! If I could absorb all of this medicine, the ancient magic would be at least as refined as a hundred! ”

“No... this Pool Solution is not so simple, there are other ingredients, combined, it has a purifying effect... this Pool Solution can purify the Cultivated Immortal Food in my power! ”

Ningfan was somewhat surprised.

The elderly know not only the hidden dangers of fairy food rearing in the shady trees of the fantasy world, but also the means to eliminate fairy food rearing in the fairy realm!

And just at the beginning of the research, did the means to help him get rid of the fairy grain, was it kind, or was it for the sake of the future research to go smoothly? With this knowledge of the character of the elderly, it is probably the latter...

This is a different method than multiple soul sealing technique. It can also dispel the cultivated fairy grain in Mana. If used in conjunction with multiple soul sealing technique, the effect seems to be superimposed...

Previously, in order to escape, Fan unblocked all repairs. At this moment he immerses himself in the liquid and re-runs the multiple-soul seal, which will be repaired into a seal.

Multiple soul sealing surgery screens feed for fairies in feeding lanes, which would have been very slow, but with the help of this pool of medicine, the screening speed has increased thousands of times!

Ten days!

Ten days later, Ningfan absorbed all the power of a pool of medicine, and Ancient Magic repaired 110 hijacks directly!

The total power has exceeded 14,300 hijackings, with zero left!

Of course, due to the re-sealing of the cultivation by multiple soul sealing techniques, it is preferable that Fan not use the full number of powers at this moment, but only about 3,000 robberies.

With the help of a pool of liquid, Ningfan used only 10 days, and then screened for 3,000 hijacking powers. If there were a few more pools of liquid like this, Ningfan would be confident that in a very short period of time, he would remove all the food from his body!

“I don't know if I have any Ingenious Mercury Lingzhi in the hands of my predecessors, I wish I had more...”

Unfortunately, after the inquiry, Ningfan received the answer that the only strain of Innate Ink Helinghi had been used on him.

Ningfan asked about the cultivation method of Innate Innocent Innocent Innocent Innocent Herringhi, but he knew that the elderly seemed to be in a bad mood, did not talk more about the topic of Innocent Herringhi, but a person was insane, took notes of painting on paper, not long later, and suddenly went mad, tore everything recorded.

“It doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense! That's not what my husband started calculating! According to my husband's calculations, it will take at least three months for this kid to adapt to Mukhalinghi's ferocious power, and another four months for him to absorb it completely, and then there will be months of side effects... However, after only 10 days, this kid has absorbed all the liquids perfectly. This ability to be perfectly compatible with heretical forces cannot be explained simply by his divine identity! Is that the reason for the kung fu? The boy's yin and yang actually got so fixed up! I can't believe I've reached the essence of Yin Yang two meters! ”

“Try again! My husband doesn't believe his physical compatibility is so perfect. This time, my husband needs more medicine! ”

So, the old man knew that he had prepared another pool of liquid, and this time, the strength of the liquid was increased by 30%.

As a result, Nine Days only took Nine Fans to absorb all the medicine!

Ancient Magic Fixed for 140 hikes!

The number of powers screened by Multiple Soul Sealing Techniques rises to 7,000!

However, Ningfan was still speechless. He knew that the old man had clearly said that he had used up Muhailinghe, but it turns out that the old man also had Muhailinghe. The previous words were mere pretexts. He actually stupidly believed such pretexts.

“Incredible. Incredible! This time, the old man not only increased the strength of Mukhalinghi and changed the ingredients of other ingredients, but as a result, the boy's body not only adapted perfectly to these medications again, but also adapted faster! Clearly the auxiliary materials are different, as long as the main materials are the same...”

“Try again! This time, my husband is going to use all the Mukhalinghi in his hand. It's almost three times more powerful than the first time! Moreover, the old man will increase the strength of the supplement, which is the usual quasi-sanctioning, and will not dare to absorb such a concentration directly in the flesh. This refinery is limiting his chances of absorbing the liquid directly, and if he can still do this, then he really has the possibility of a physical promotion! The world only knows that the end point of the Little Five is the Big Five, but it does not know that the Big Five extends out, dividing the Yin and Yang, and there are endless possibilities for promotion. Yin and Yang are invisible, so this possibility must be shaped by itself, each person's possibilities are different... the great five walkers of the master, promoted to [Yuan Magnetic Pole Extinction]; my big five walkers, promoted to [Yin and Yang Illusion Body]; what are the possibilities...”

Full of expectations, the know-it-all old man prepared the liquid for the third time.

This time, the concentration of the medicine solution gave Ningfan a very dangerous feeling, soaked in the medicine solution, his spirit flesh had a feeling of being slowly corroded.

However, when his body operated on its own, the compatibility of the body became better and better, gradually, the corrosion disappeared, and instead, it was the insane absorption of pharmaceutical power!

This dose absorption lasted an entire month!

When Ningfan absorbed all the medicine, Ancient Magic repaired 350 hikes!

Three studies, Ningfan improved 600 hijacking powers in total! Simple ancient magic has risen to the level of the Four Thieves King!

Total Magic has risen to 14800 hijacks!

Even more than that, Ningfan was happy that all the fairy food in his body was finally expelled from the body, and he would no longer have to seal his powers!

This feeling of eliminating all hidden dangers, can't tell the pain!

“Thank you, Senior. After all the robbery, it was difficult to improve the power, but I was able to boost the power of 600 robberies in a short time. I have to say that it was all the work of my predecessors, but... these pills that I soaked seemed to have nothing to do with the modification of stone soldiers... Didn't my predecessors say to study me and help to modify stone soldiers? ”

“Yeah, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter at all. Ha ha! Finally got your first data! Perfect data! Ha-ha-ha! I am now quite certain that my previous assumptions are all wrong, you have unlimited possibilities, you are at least more likely than me! ”

“... so all the research my predecessors did to me was a lie?” I'd rather be speechless.

“Hey, young people, don't count so much, I get the data, you get the repair, all happy, what's wrong? Ridiculously, under the common heaven, everyone avoids the old man like a snake scorpion, worried about being researched by the old man, but they don't know, being researched by the old man is a great creation, as long as the research is successful, they can greatly increase their strength...”

“But if the research fails, it will also pay a heavy price…” If he does not think otherwise, he naturally knows that there is a great risk that his body will die of tyranny if it fails to adapt to medicinal properties. Even if it is quasi-sancerous, you dare only soak the first concentration of the drug solution. The second time you hesitate, the third time you definitely shake your head to refuse, the risk is too great.

“Hey, hey, didn't you pay the price, as long as the results are good! Young people don't count that much. All right! In the time that you have been soaking the liquid, the old man has finished refining all the body parts of the stone soldiers and is about to start assembling them. The assembly process is a bit time-consuming, at least for a few months, let alone interrupting them. Once the puppet assembly is interrupted, hey... the old stone soldier of the stinking girl may die directly. ”

“In the last few months, you won't have to soak up any more pills - my husband doesn't have the soap for you. You can go to all the training sites in the underground lab, elevate your body, develop your full body potential, and your husband will send someone to follow you, guide you through your training, and record your various training data. My husband is very interested in your possibilities, but he has work to do at the moment and is unable to continue his research for the time being... Of course, if you are willing to cooperate with my husband in his research later, he is confident to excite your maximum potential! ”

“Where's Brother! ”

Knowing that the voice of the elderly had just fallen, the underground laboratory suddenly became black smoke rolling, then the black smoke stirred, landed on the ground, and turned into a red-haired man with ivory in his mouth.

The red-haired man is a seven-threatening Immortal Emperor, not a puppet, but an elephant demon.

The red-haired man looked at the old man with fear and obedience, but looked at Ningfan with arrogance and disdain.

“Fourteen thousand and eight hundred robbery powers… this sub-power is fine, but the rest is garbage! Master, are you sure you want the little man to coach this kid while you shut down and modify the puppet? The little man fears he won't hold his hand and beat the boy to death! ”

“The old man also knows that the kid is a little bad in all aspects. In short, you should coach him, at least let him improve on one aspect, remember to record his data, the old man is very interested in his data. ”

“Yes! Kid, come with me! Master is going to work, please don't stay here to disturb Master! ”

A seven-grabbing Immortal Emperor in the district actually made Ning Fanyi angry, arrogant in tone. If the other late Immortal Emperors did this, they would definitely take their own humiliation.

But somehow, Ningfan actually felt a little dangerous from this elephant demon...

This is not the Seven Lost Immortals!

This is an ancient Great Emperor hierarchy of Seven Robbery Immortals!

Not only that, but there seems to be a way to make Ningfan feel dangerous...

“This elephant brother, I don't know where we're going right now.” Wang Fan asked politely, in his heart, not to be angry because the other party was a little rude.

“Like a brother? Whatever you are, you deserve to be my brother! When the king was king of the real world, you haven't even started your turn yet! Call me Senpai! Don't you understand that basic courtesy? ”

“...” preferred frowning, still not angry with this elephant demon, after all, this is the land of the knowing old man, he has to give the knowing old man some face.

But he didn't call this man a senior, and he was arrogant, so he chose to be silent.

In a dark underground lab, the transmission is staggered.

After more than a dozen transmissions, Ningfan came to an extremely open campus, where the practice equipment on campus was strange and there was a lot of powerful ancient presence, practicing here in silence.

At first sight, the demons came with Ning Fan, everyone was surprised, but they all bullied themselves, made no representation, and turned a blind eye to Ning Fan's arrival.

There was only one cute soft mud monster, with adorable big eyes, running to Ningfan to greet Ningfan.

“Welcome, newbie! As a gift to welcome you, mud allows you to touch the mud's head. ”

Still a female mud demon!

Selling adorable tone, just a little Lori, looking for her head!

Rather than be bewitched by the cute offense of the soft mud monster, she didn't reach out and touch her head.

This soft mud monster looks weak and weak and seems to have no merit other than being cute, but rather how sharp the eye is and how sharp the perception of danger is!

As the muddy monster kept approaching, Ningfan actually felt like a man on his back. Obviously, there was something strange about this muddy monster, and he wouldn't touch it.

See Ningfan didn't touch himself, the muddy monster continued to sell adorably.

Like the demon at first sight of the soft mud, it looked very impatient, coldly, “Phoenix, put that away! This is not the fall of the real world! The kid is weak as a piece of garbage, but he won't be seduced by your three words. ”

“Cut, that's boring. ”

Soft mud snorted, moving his soft body, climbed aside, but looking at Ningfan's eyes, he got a little heavy.

The research material that the owner found this time seems to be a bit skillful. That's not good. If this guy is really capable of staying here forever, isn't there another person who splits the real resources? It seems necessary to push this person away...