Green Skin
00015 Holy Duel
[Yes... Blood Dagger... Clearly the only one of the "Green Skins" that uses a guy called Retreat and Tactics... What? Aren't they cowards who don't know honor? That's funny.
The Blood Dagger Clan will flee, but they crave victory and honor more than any other green skin. - Chief Gough]
* * *
I couldn't resist the boiling struggle. After returning here, Orloth thought, "I want to fight. ’
Although she is the Queen of the North at the time of the tutorial, I want to face everything. I want to feel how much I am now. I had this thought in my mind.
“You want to fight. ”
“The leader of the Blood Dagger Clan wants battle and blood. ”
“Our commander wants battle! ”
When I saw my return, the Goff and his men and other clans spoke to me first. I thought about killing the struggle a little before coming in here, so I was calming my mind, but I couldn't hide it either.
Then, it is natural to think that way because my whole body is energized and my eyes turn red.
For a while, I was a little flustered to find out who I really wanted to fight. Seventy days living with them. I thought they deserved this excitement because I didn't show any struggle like other Orcs or Goblins.
Where there was a ‘meeting’ for the next battle, others began to ask me more and more sinisterly. In particular, you can say that the look of a gorgeous man smiling at me with his molars exposed is really impressive. It's because it looks unusual.
“You must have... seen someone... in the vicinity of the enemy. Who was it?" Glug-ug-ub. ”
Most of the others simply thought I wanted blood and combat, but the Gorf saw right through me, and I had no choice but to answer the Gorf's question.
“A human woman. ”
The sound of laughter bursting out as soon as the story comes out. Those who lead other clans couldn't resist laughing.
“Kirik! This is a masterpiece... A human woman is the first person the chieftain of the Blood Dagger Clan has fought for...”
“A human... woman! She's not a Green Skin woman. She's a human woman. ”
“Kirik... Kirik... By the way, you must have taken a human woman with you. You must have mistaken your sexual desires. ”
Everyone started laughing at me in every way that I could. In a certain sense, it is natural. Because by their standards, it looks like an adult male wants to fight a young woman. However, the Gorf was looking at me with his eyes that it was really interesting.
“That's funny. What do you want? ”
Those who are silent by the Goff's words. The Gough says they have the strongest and largest herd, so they have that much influence.
I started to think about what I really wanted. In my past life, I have not shown much struggle towards anyone. You don't know honor by analogy to what the Green Skins say. That was Kim Tae-sung from the past.
I fled from the first battle of the tutorial rather than fighting, and if I didn't see any victory in other battles or wars, I immediately turned my back. It wasn't that I didn't want to fight someone at all, but I gave up early because I knew the result.
That's why I'm ashamed. I didn't understand myself saying this in the face of a big battle. It makes me think I'm crazy. However, the problem is that I don't think I can do this without saying it out loud. Just the thought of the Queen of the North makes my breath hard. I want to fight.
I want to fight and win.
Eventually, I had no choice but to open my mouth.
“I want to fight her alone. I'm not disturbed. ”
The gorgeous laughed with his mouth wide enough to reveal his teeth.
“Sacred Duel....”
Maybe they're calling one-on-one culture "divine duel." I stumbled upon the Gogh once more without even knowing it.
“Sacred duel...”
“Yes, a sacred duel. The chief of the Blood Dagger clan. Blood Dagger formally requests a sacred duel. The opponent is a Human woman. We embrace and help. ”
“Even if the opponent is a human woman, a sacred duel will help. ”
“We have a duty to support the sacred duel. ”
One word from the Goff shapes the atmosphere, and the other chieftains of the Clack nod. It was determined that it was such a holy duel. I don't know how to fight her, but I fight her in the next battle. While I am fighting the Queen of the North, no green skins will stand in my way and no other humans will interfere with me as much as possible.
But the question is, how do we fight? Like the Knights of the old Middle Ages, if you throw gloves and flow naturally into battle, it will be very comfortable here, but Humans know that monsters are trying to eat them. It is also true.
Perhaps her followers will run to me before I am pierced by the Queen of the North.
It's even worse to break through their walls. The entrance is too small even if the Gorf breaks through the wall of ice. Many Goblins will be small enough to get in.
If you rush into the walls of the ice without any preparation, you will fall into ruin as you enter the village.
I was wondering if there was anything I could do.
If Jeongyeon's "In Tangle" range is set as a wall, she will definitely be able to climb up the vine and cross the wall. The ‘wall of ice', which was originally not a wall, is not very high. It's just difficult to climb because it slips, not a wall that can cross like an old Chinese depression. If I or the Gorf evolved into an Orc, I can jump too hard.
“I have an idea. ”
I'm not sure if this plan is going to work or not, but I need to confront it somehow. I started telling them what I had just thought of.
“Sounds good...”
“No... very good.”
Trembling, but from their point of view, it was an amazing tactic. Rather, he seemed to really like it. The frontal dolphin seems to be an easier way to solve a manly battle.
Like that.
Starting the next day, there was a full-scale training, experimentation and further spec work on the regimen.
“In the tank!”
The first enchantment falls apart, unable to withstand a single Hobb Goblin.
“In the tank!”
The second magic was able to withstand the Goblins, but the range was very short.
“Th-the commander's range is too...”
“Put in a little more magic and then try it out. ”
Surrounding non-human objects with the trunk of a tree was successful, but it was not more satisfying than I thought, so I was forced to catch the outsiders and start throwing them to Jeongyeon. Thanks to this, the determined one was able to become strong quickly. It may be difficult to evolve into an intermediate wizard due to lack of skill or experience, but it is a huge achievement just by expanding the scope of the captivity.
Of course, it wasn't enough to cover all the walls, but I was able to get close enough to the cut line I was thinking of. Perhaps it would not have been possible if it were another ordinary wizard. Magic friendly botanical monsters fit well because they used botanical magic.
For Goblins and Hop Goblins who didn't like to move around meaninglessly, they were able to instill the concept of a "mock temple" and accelerate their training.
I knew they didn't like to do it at first, but I started training with a lot of enthusiasm to see if they were fun.
It is a thankful thing that the conflict has escalated so badly that there are occasional fights, but it has not spread to severe fights as they recognize that each other is in the same place.
Of course, there were no casualties in the process, but it was time. An old Goblin that was forgotten by all began to heal wounded Goblins as he evolved into a shaman.
“Hnng… Chief Blood Dagger, is this simulation really working?" It's like a child's play... ”
“Even more green skins have to go through this process to fight with honor. It's a similar way to teach young green skins to fight. Glug.”
He gives a rough answer to the old shaman's remarks, and at first he looks frustrated, but as he watches how time passes and efficiency develops, the old shaman finally shuts up.
“You were right... you were right. Kick... Kick...”
And around this time,
A small trace of Humans is starting to appear near the town. Of course, I couldn't get close enough to get caught here, but I couldn't erase the feeling that the scouts, including Mev, were definitely blocking this way if they saw traces everywhere.
“Glug... They know they're here, too...”
“Of course it's not too much, since me and that woman even met. I erased as much of the trail as I could, but I guess you figured it out...”
When I think of the Queen of the North, my body naturally rises. Once again, my eyelight is red and my body is full of energy. The Gorf muttered to himself, looking at me like this.
“You must miss me...”
“Yes... I miss you. ”
[The tutorial has exactly 10 days left. The goal of the tutorial is to survive for 10 days.]
So 20 days passed again without us bumping into the Queen of the North.
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Thank you so much for enjoying it. Sunchuko is a great power for writers. Best regards,