Green Skin

00096 East

We're getting out of the Green Goblin Clan. A place that was neither long nor short, but naturally as long as our collections were buried.

The Goblin who didn't like me that much, but even drew a Goblin, said he would leave my tent as it was. Maybe if the Green Goblins don't join a new clan. The flag of my clan seems to be embedded in the Green Goblin area for a while.

It seems I'm not the only one who was impressed while leaving the neighborhood. The other Greenskins were signaling to the teachers who were with them, and they were also placing their hands on their chests.

Stayed a long time, but got out fast. The Black Spear was waiting for me, looking at the popularity outside.

“I've been through a lot. Brother."

“Thank you. The Black Spear. ”

Situation that has already decided to work with the Black Sphere. No, it was implicitly decided to move with the Brotherhood Clan in the first place.

“But is it really okay? You may leave the western hemisphere alone...”

“It's not such a waste to leave the area empty for the new Greenskins, so I can travel the other way with my new brother. ”

“That's your answer. ”

A journey with the Black Spears is welcome, of course. But there was a problem. I turned my gaze away and began to look at a blurry Goblin standing beside us.

A man with a staff bigger than his own body who has served as a shaman.

That Goblin was a "hump" from the Blacksphere, to be precise.

A new green skin for three years, protected by the Black Spear clan summoned by the Grand Chief. Such as Newby, who had just passed the chief's test and set foot on the continent.

The dumbass look on his face, saying he doesn't know anything, seemed a little embarrassed. It was worth it. It's been less than a few months since we got to the Black Spear compound. I felt a little rattled that I had to relocate again, but I was checking this side to see if I wasn't worried at all.

No, he's thinking about a situation our clan doesn't like more than that. The Black Sphere also asked me, clearing his throat if he felt the look in Little Finger's eyes.

“Hmmm... Hmmm... But are you going to be okay? Even with the Little Finger Clan...”

Actually, it was a little uncomfortable because I didn't think it was time to take on the burden yet, but I couldn't help it. On the black sphere, you're looking at me, pretending not to be Little Finger. He's clearly conscious of me.

“Of course I'm welcome. ”

When he opened his mouth, Little Finger's face began to spread brightly, and he was rushing out to his tribesmen, not more than 30 people, to give him good news. When I saw those guys gathering, I started thinking about the old days.

Those cute humps wouldn't be so bad.

Our group has decided to head east for now. Neither east nor north nor south were bad, but in my current situation, I had no choice but east.

Priorities are also becoming stronger. And vengeance.

If I remember correctly, the town to the east is not far from complete annihilation.

Small-town Somorrah.

Humans and even Greenskins were enslaved cities. To be precise, the title is not just a slave city. A barracks town with all kinds of human trash. As you can see, even Humans are slaves, but it was a city for corrupt Humans to free their own desires. In other words, it's a city of morons and gatherers.

The City Management Guild is a Black Thorn Guild. The guild master was Yoon Jung-soo.

I can't say he was strong, but I remember he was a well-versed man. The size of the guild is considerably large, as well as the large number of guild or clan lines that are opened.

Of course, they were not aware at the time, but now they have access to quite a lot of information.

The Spider Clan and the Hound Clan.

Their hideout is also located to the east.

It may be a simple conjecture, but for some reason it is anticipating that there will be some contact between the city and the two Murder Clans. He just wasn't classified as a criminal. Yoon Jeong-soo is definitely trash. Somorrah, which he manages, was also a garbage dump. If I was right, I thought the situation in the East would not be clear.

Of course, it may not.

Nevertheless, eastbound is what our clan needs.

While individual effort is important, of course, it is also important to benefit from the system. In other words, Somara, a city that is about to be destroyed, is a huge chunk of experience for us. If things go well as I thought, I could catch two rabbits at once.

The Black Spear opens its mouth again as you climb over Ivar and slowly make your way through the forest to the west.

“East... It's been a long time. ”

“Did you know? ”

“Of course. It's been under Storm Shadow for... four years or five years. ”

“I see. Not a single Goblin shaman with me has been tested by warriors under Storm Shadow." ”

Grandpa Shaman of the Dark Moon Clan. He also spent the entire three year grace period, so he could probably go somewhere else, but he thought it would be better to say hello if he ever encountered him. Even the Black Sphere was under the Storm Shadow. Looks like a pretty decent one. I opened my mouth again to the Black Spear.

“What kind of troll is Storm Shadow? The Black Spear.”

“Hmm... Let's just say the tribe represents the east, just like the Green Goblin. They also conduct warrior trials at the order of the Grand Chief. It's a little quiet and dark, but I'm pretty sure it's a great green skin. ”

“I see. ”

“Maybe I'll see you soon. Since we decided to settle in the east. It won't be so bad to be around Storm Shadow until you find the perfect place to flag it... Blood Dagger, you'll like it. ”

I thought it would be better if it was the one who led us from the trials of the great chieftain, Storm Shadow, who had briefly told the Dark Moon inspiration to come into his arms.

“I've heard that the eastern forest is mostly swamps... Is there somewhere left to settle?" ”

“I think I'll stay, Blood Dagger. In fact, the east is not a pleasant environment to live in except for the Trolls, but rather a small number of clans. There must be quite a lot of other tribes left behind, so we should be able to find a place soon. ”

Even monsters don't like swamps very much. However, the horses from the swamp are quite good quality. Leather is also harder, making it more sturdy, and their claws and poison are quite tricky, but they are easier to use.

Perhaps Lagia, who knows the poison well, can provide what our tribe needs.

So we kept walking.

The Black Spear, who was walking the road with me and having a lot of conversations, was explaining something very passionately, pointing to a lot to teach Little Finger, and Gark and Hark were marching around carrying tribal flags as usual. Maeve and Jeongyeon and the three Goblin sisters seemed to be having everyday conversations, and so were Hakazin and Laghia. It was more comfortable than a swarm of poison. The western forest was very rough, but it was very familiar as I often heard about it.

When the whole group was tired, they made a small area and enjoyed a short break, and the water and food they brought was quite relaxing, but they did not forget to hunt the horses. After walking out for a while, we were completely separated from the western forest, and we entered the jungle.

The forest must pass through to pass from west to east. Of course, there are human uses, but we, as Greenskins, didn't have to find our own way. In fact, I was quite excited to enter the forest. The reason was because there was a gorp who could say he was a brother other than the Black Spear.

If you have not yet left, you may meet him. Three years later, we decided to build a flag together, so we might be waiting. Tribes also began to go through the forest a little faster, knowing my mind, and soon I arrived at the location where the ogres lived. It must be because of the Ogres. If the Green Goblins said they were pretty cute with babies, they'd be all big. The woodworks, tents, and even all sorts of tools were also big, so they felt quite subtle.

The big Ogres slowly started coming out as we showed up. The biggest Ogre came across us.

“Power and wisdom and honor. ”

“Glug. You've seen strength, wisdom and honor... the Black Spear of the West... and you... must be the Blood Dagger." ”

The Big Ogre Clan's chief, the Ogre Clan, is the leader of the Ogres of the Jungle. He was smiling quite modestly, not to be confused with the rumors that he was ignorant and vicious. I didn't think you'd recognize me because I was different, but the flag probably gives you an idea of who I am.

“By the way, it's been three years. Do you want to settle down in the jungle? ”

I'm really looking forward to it. He was looking at me with his biceps distorted. It was a moment when I felt very sorry for betraying his expectations.

“Sorry, Big Ogre. Right now we're heading east. ”

My words immediately show that he is disappointed.

“That's too bad. It's better to live in the jungle than in the east... Do you want to reconsider? ”

The eyes I was looking forward to again, the Green Goblins, and this one seemed to be quite lonely.

“I have work to do east. I'll stop by again if I get a chance after work. ”

“Good! The jungle is a good place to live! I'm sure Blood Dagger and the Black Sphere will be satisfied. Then why don't you spend the night here? ”

The nervous one's face is like a dog with an anxiety disorder. I was a little sorry to say no. However, since I can't take my time, I began to ask him the most curious question.

“Kmm... Is there still a Gorf Clan here? ”

Interestingly, his expression distorted in my words. No, if you say it correctly, you are right to say that your eyes are reddened.

“Glug. You mean that ungrateful ogre! I don't know such Ogres! ”

But his eyes said he knew the Gogh. He spoke again when he was worried that the Goff had betrayed the Big Ogre.

“It's been three years since I took care of you! A bloody Ogre who left without a word! There's no way you can forgive me! ”

“Yes! Very bad… bad. ”

Even after the Big Ogre's words are finished, the sniffing ogres glare back at you. It looks completely different from the Ogres I heard when I was human. The rumors about bloodthirsty monsters have become faint.

After a short while, I, and the Black Spear, stare at him, and then I open my mouth again, calming my mind to see what he was like.

It was a welcome and a bit unfortunate.

“Kmm... Kmm... I heard you're going west if you c-go. I heard you were going to find your brother. ”

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Thank you always! Sunchuko is a great power for writers! Ripples for next time! Thanks!