Green Skin
00163 To the Queen in the North
“No matter how hard I think about it, I don't really know what his intentions are. ”
“It's the same for me. But I have no choice but to follow...”
Whether it's the capital city of Wintergarden, which is the center of the north, or the guild leader of the cold wind, Mishwan, a guild officer, opened his mouth as if he was a little uncomfortable.
“No matter how strong and accomplished you are, it's just three years later. Huh... I can't believe you're going in with your head down. This is ridiculous. ”
Similarly, Shin Tae-soo, an executive of the Cold Wind Guild, said:
“You can't deny it's an achievement you can't ignore. She is the woman who announced the beginning of the northern integration where the horns were scattered. I can't even call her a girl anymore. Not only that. It's not as if you don't know the future. You've solved everything you thought was a Northern scourge. It's not that you don't understand. ”
“Tsk... That's true... But there's a rumor going around about whether you're into her or not." You know, the thief who works for Han So-hye in the cold window. Choi Seul Gi... ”
“Oh Inhwan, watch your language. ”
“I'm not insulting you. It's a little strange, don't you think? It doesn't really make sense that I'm not a clan master, that I've made these decisions since I had a meeting with a clan executive. Of course, I can't imagine my brother falling into a daze, but she was a little strange...”
“The meeting with her and her brother has nothing to do with this. Of course, you may have helped me make a decision... but you don't mean to tell me that you've been watching the cold windows for a long time? ”
“That's it, but...”
“Don't make me say the same thing twice. If you don't like your decision, you can leave anytime. That's no exception to our officers. Whatever the reason, we'll do it. That's the courtesy of a brother who has taken care of us and raised us. ”
“I know... I know...”
He bites his lip tightly. Why don't you want to follow yourself? Gang Chang-hoon, a knight in the North, from the bottom to the north. Even though it was the center that defended the North and grew up fighting monsters, it was not an exaggeration. A craftsman who has taken over the life of the underlying person and allowed him to act as a person. Perhaps there is no one who has not received the help of the Knights of the North for those who have occupied the Northern Hemisphere.
I can't tell you how shocked it must have been to see such a northern knight slip into the hands of a sudden new clan. Even in several small towns, there was a movement to treat cold Chang Hae-hye as queen, and she was actually about to embark on an immediate, not immediate, ritual.
Lee In-hwan slowly began to think about cold Chang So-hye.
All I could see from afar was that she was strong. However, the Knights of the North will never be defeated by force. It is obvious that you are stronger than Han So-hye. I once explained the size of the bowl by gathering executives, but I honestly didn't like it.
Of course, even in 10 small towns guarding the north, they still support the cold spear, but it was also hard for the misogynists to understand.
It's only three years old, and it deserves unbelievable strength and leadership. However, it reminded me of the steepness underneath Han So-hye.
The hypnotic smile seemed unnatural to Ahn Yin Hwan who was smiling with a good smile at the meeting, but went around the back alley from Earth. He may have mistaken himself, but what's in his eyes must be madness. Once upon a time, a man with the same astonishing eyes did something dangerous.
A class that does not obstruct means and means for purposes.
Of course, even Han So-hye, who uses such a man as his right arm, will have doubts. However, he just bit his lip.
You said you could leave the guild after taking the money if you didn't want to follow your brother's decision, but I thought that no one would really leave the Northern Knight's side of the Cold Wind Guild.
He sighed without even knowing it, and Shin Taek-su opened his mouth to him.
“Let's get out of here. My brother is calling me.”
Already spilled water. He nods.
“I understand.”
When I entered the conference room of the Cold Wind Guild, I also saw my older brother sitting in the middle. I also noticed the other executives sitting behind me. There were executives who looked like Shin Taek Soo, but in fact, many executives looked like they were dissatisfied. But they are also here.
All the executives gathered. Looking at that, the knight in the north bows his head.
“You're all here. I thank you sincerely for accepting my compulsion. ”
“No, sir. In fact, I'm not in a good mood, but I swore to follow my brother until he died. Whatever you decide, I respect your wishes. ”
“I'll follow any path. ”
The knight in the north slowly looks each of the executives straight in the eye.
“Our guild has done many things together. After a long time of fighting and defending the city... I've come to a place where everyone can recognize me, but I feel limited. ”
“You're not lacking at all. ”
“There is no one in the world who is not lacking. And so did she, who I decided to follow. But she's not like me. I've been carrying on my heart the words," Are there any other descendants of the Crown Princess? "to this day, the king of this great city is not without the Crown Princess. I realized it by looking at Han So-hye from a cold window. She's a different vessel. I could have turned her away and not taken her in, and I could have stood up as some of the officers wanted me to... not fit in... it's a tough position. ”
“Forgive me for being an ambitious king... and thank you for coming. ”
He nodded without even knowing it. It's because I felt the seriousness of my older brother who was sincerely lowering his head and apologizing. The Knights of the North were like this. He was the kind of person who always concedes, protects and always humbles himself.
“No, sir. I fully understand your will, and we will all follow your path wherever you go. ”
“It was you who saved me from the bottom of hell. Whatever you choose, I will support and support you. ”
“You don't have to bow your head. ”
The knight in the North rises slowly, listening to his followers. The Cold Wind Guild is officially disbanded. The Winter Clan, or now the Winter Guild, led by Cold Chang Han Sohye, will be incorporated into the guild.
“Then let's go. ”
The knight in the North, who was once king, slowly began to move his steps. The executives follow behind, of course. After all these years, when everyone went outside the gates together, Oh-inhwan suddenly remembered the old days of hunting together.
As I left the castle, I saw a large crowd. He continued to wander around. Ridiculously, all the guild masters in the town were also present. Perhaps the official announcement of the Knights of the North helped to bring them here.
Since the winter months began with the guild, the glacier guild and even the official statue of the Frost Dragon Guild were also attending.
‘The Knight in the North went under a cold window. ’
What it means is never light. There are no such things as Hansohye, who can be called a child. But it's really not the only thing. Without something to draw people in, this integration would not have been possible in the first place.
He had no choice but to admit that the scale had grown considerably larger than he expected. I heard the sound of swallowing saliva loudly.
Everyone was naturally waiting for a cold spear to come this way.
It was then.
Horns blowing out loud. Han So-hye entered Winter Garden, the big city. I thought cheerfulness would come out, but it's more solemn than I thought. She was still unable to see Han So-hye, who was located near the metropolitan castle, but she thought that the air had become heavier just by entering the city.
As the cold window got closer, the pressure seemed to get a little worse. He looks at the other guild masters who are waiting for her with a little focus on their magic.
Even the famous Frost Wizard, the Frost Dragon Guild Master, knelt on his knees and waited for Han So-hye.
‘................. ’
I thought it might have been brainwashed by the group. Rumor has it he's a genius, but it's only recently that he stepped foot on this continent. However, those useless thoughts disappeared in an instant when I looked at the benefits of walking this way.
The air is scary. I'm starting to feel something around her. It's definitely not magical.
What my older brother said before coming out comes to me naturally.
‘Mr.Queen. ’
It's true.
Eyes that look hard at everyone. Walking slowly, he looked like he had seen a king in the history books. Of course, not everyone looked at her and felt that way. Rather, the appearance is ugly. Except for the blue spear behind my back, it didn't look that great.
But there is Aura. There was something that made a man's heart beat. You're not the only one who feels it. As I looked at Han So-hye in the cold window, my heart rate continued to accelerate. I feel differently than when I look at the crying brother called the Knight in the North.
‘I want to follow. ’
Surprisingly, he thought: One step at a time is as heavy as another. My body is shaking without me knowing it. The warriors who followed were also walking a few steps behind, as if they were following their queen.
When the Queen of the North, not a cold spear, came to the castle in front of the big city and was looking at everyone, she knelt on her knees without knowing it.
The Queen in the North said nothing. I just pulled out my spear and hit the floor, looking at the followers quietly. A scream burst out. The first was the Knight in the North.
“To the Queen in the North! ”
“My sword! To the Queen of the North! ”
“My spear! To the Queen of the North! ”
“My shield! To the Queen of the North! ”
It gives me goosebumps all over. I'm watching. We are watching the birth of the King in the North.
In the middle of history.
Looking at everyone, he also raised his sword without knowing it and shouted, "My neck is bursting."
“To the Queen in the North! ”
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Ripples will be up a little later! Sunchuko is a great power for writers!
Sledge's a hurricane!