Green Skin
00168 Elections
Of course, even the summoned humans in this world don't vote. There is no need for a vote in a world ruled by the logic of power. Humans possess the most power or power. Of course, there are forces with the same magnitude of power as there are forces. It was divided by the elected men of human power to gain power.
That is why power is divided from east to west. He never concedes his power except for a few humans. And they're not the only ones who don't want them to compromise their power. And interestingly enough, even non-vested people don't want them to give up their power. It is much more stable and can benefit them.
A leader to protect. Requires a strong leader.
Neither did I, who lived my life at the bottom. Even if they were given the right to vote, it would be natural to choose a fence that would protect them in the end.
I don't know how this concept will be accepted by them, but some faces aren't bad.
Qualifications and honor matter. Inspiring each chieftain to know how valuable and honorable it is to wield a right as long as they have it. Although it was the idea of introducing the concept of elections, it was certainly not the intention to bring the political plates on Earth. Of course, it may not be a bad idea to play a little prank on making Storm Shadow chief, but this idea is far from dishonorable or illegal. Rather, it's about sacrifice.
I nodded or opened my mouth to the greenskin chieftains looking at me with a strange look.
“Those who are qualified, of course, have both strength and wisdom. I'd say the chieftains we just spoke of deserve it. It is not only an honor to be chosen by other chiefs... but it is also an honor to exercise the right to vote as long as the chiefs own it. ”
They are obsessed with honor. It may sound incited, but it's not wrong. We have to lead them in a different direction than the human elections.
Exercising the right to vote is even more honorable than anything else.
If the Greenskins obsessed with honor live with this idea, their politics will never be corrupted. I will not vote for the benefit of an individual or simply because he has been graced previously. It is clear that they pay their respects to those who truly believe they are chieftains. The honor of the fallen chieftain will not forget that they exercised a great honor on themselves.
Therefore, it is important to engrave the concept of honor. This concept should be heard before the election.
“Each chieftain should reveal himself to whom he has cast a precious vote of honor. You must speak in front of everyone about why you cast your vote and why you used your honor. ”
How to vote, of course, is public. You don't have to hide it as much as it's not gross. Demonstrate their opinions and exercise their rights appropriately.
They all looked pretty good. Even the Southern Orcs do.
It echoed their hearts that they could do more than just slice and honour. A chieftain who is as authentic as anyone thinks.
“Blood is not a bad thing to say. ”
“The war against the South is a good idea, but we need a new chief to greet the Greenskins. As those who are taking the chief's test, we can never let them simply tread on glorious ground. We need a chief to welcome them. ”
“Honorary work! Wonderful.”
There are quite a variety of reactions: one who nods and agrees alone, one who worries about the successors to come, one who is just stuck in the word honor, etc. It is also not that they do not know the principle of majority. When leading a tribe, the chief is right about most of the big decisions, but I can't help but think about the opinions of the tribesmen from the position above.
I don't know if I'm conscious or unconscious, but I can't ignore many opinions. However, we can't ignore a few opinions at all. The unexpected tackle erupts from the meadow's Minotaur Earth Wave.
“Your words are not bad. It is also right for a person who has a lot of honorable votes to become the chief. I don't disregard the honor of the chieftains here, but I can't say most of them are right. ”
“You're right. Earth waves on meadows. However, my opinion is not to rule out and silence a small number of opinions. Many are not necessarily the right answers. Similarly, a minority cannot necessarily be right. That's why this is important. It is important to decide the entire species in the future. Hanging in your hands is no mere vote. The fate of your entire tribe depends... on the honor and life of your entire tribe. Of course, few opinions remain silent. It is a public vote that exists to do so. We can make our voices in many forms. If you are a wise chieftain with many honours, you will surely earn a few honours. ”
“I see...”
In fact, it is an inevitable weakness of the principle of majority. I said, "I'll collect opinions." I just put it out to suit their taste, but it seemed positive for now. The Earth Wave looks like a bear. I opened my mouth to the Orc Sand Glaive in the south.
“What do you think? ”
I said he opened his mouth coolly. It was a positive response as expected.
“I can understand. The story of becoming the most prestigious chieftain is very fascinating. You're right. Strength is important, but strength does not mean you can become a chieftain that everyone follows. The chief should be more honorable than anyone else, and should be able to bear everyone's honour. ”
It seems to understand that the position of the chief is the seat of the honorable. It seemed to be much more communicative than I thought. I thought he was just a combat buff, but he didn't seem to be. The Sand Glaive, too, lived with the Grand Chief Agar. It seemed a bit rough, but not thoughtless. After listening to him, I opened my mouth again, looking around the throne.
“Honorable voting is around the time when new brothers and sisters approach the glorious land. Until then, let's decide the candidate and let each candidate have time to talk about what they have in mind. I believe I am the best judge of whether I am qualified to be a great chief candidate. ”
“Good idea...”
“I think it's the best idea. ”
If you think about it, I thought the reason why they were so kind to my words is also the heritage of Chief Agar. If the previous Grand Chief was just a force seeker, they probably wouldn't have been swayed by what I said. It is the result of his hard work to change his race. I don't know, but they're definitely changing.
Obviously, it was gradually changing.
The strength, wisdom and honor that I've always cried out for. These three things have become very important to them.
Chief Agar did not fulfill his dream, but the whole tribe followed his will. I smiled as I looked at them.
It wasn't until later that the meeting was finished that there were a few more things to talk about. Compared to the first meeting, it was a little better, and there were many stories after that, but everyone seemed to care most about what I said. I didn't want to, but my reputation went up a bit.
The Greenskins leaving the tent started handing me words. “A wise chieftain, as they say... the Blood Dagger.” or “you are wise." ”I started to hear the sound, and I scratched my head shruggedly.
It was time for everyone to return to their tents, and I, too, was about to head back to the tent with them.
“You really are a clever Greenskin...”
Walking horses is the Minotaur Earth Wave of the Meadow. His eyes were quite odd when it came to giving compliments. It was natural to be cautious since I brought a strange concept, but there was more subtle expression on him.
I was caught in it. You may not realize it, but a big guy with a cow's head was looking at me with clear eyes like a green skin.
The Earth Wave. It was one of the chief's most trusted and eager to stay by his side. Like Storm Shadow, he has a very quiet personality, but a slightly different type. It is a typical loyalty. He was a person who cared about his words and showed them by his actions, but he was never the dumb type. Rather, if you're smart enough to be in your hands, you can say you're smart enough.
An unusual type of warrior with a radish and a door. As I am well aware of the Grand Chief's intentions, he is also suitable as a candidate. The way I looked at me, I opened my eyes and I opened my mouth to him.
“A compliment.”
The answer came straight to me.
“You seem to be having a funny thought. What do you seek? ”
It was probably a question I wanted to explore my disposition to I thought I might have heard from Storm Shadow, but I wanted to check with my own eyes and ears. Though the answer had to be discreet, I opened my mouth without much thought.
“The first is individual goals. The second is the development of the entire tribe. The third is to receive the will of Agar the Great. ”
It was a truth without lies. With wise eyes, the Minotaurs begin to gaze quietly. I felt like something was going through my insides. It feels like something other than magic swept through my body.
"Unique ability"?
I thought it might be. Thanks to his atmosphere, I might have guessed the ordinance, but I thought he was just talking about me. The kind of ability that penetrates the mind. Or to judge a lie. I felt more likely to be the latter. In fact, it doesn't matter whether it was the former or the latter, but I was a little worried that what was inside might not look human. However, based on his reaction, he can't see that far. Soon, the Earth Wave looks at me and nods once.
I don't know what it is, but I passed his little test. A quiet but heavy burst after a short time.
“What can I do? ”
I smiled slightly at him. It seemed like the story would unfold easier than I thought.
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The next one goes up after a little while! We're a little low on space!