Green Skin
00183 Prepare for Spider Hunt
“Suddenly I heard a voice...”
It didn't take long for Jeongyeon to notice that this was an item store that was wandering around. Blood Dagger will probably call you in a form similar to the quest. I must have gotten this message. Even though I've been on this continent for over a decade, new information keeps coming in, so I can once again see how frustrated I was in my previous life.
“I'm sorry for calling so suddenly. ”
“No... no. I'm more than happy to, but I... I don't know what's going on. ”
I opened my mouth to Jungyeon, who was a little confused.
“I need you. ”
“Yes?! Fine... but here...”
Slightly surprised. His face was very red. However, after explaining the situation, Jeongyeon quickly nodded. Jung Yeon opened her mouth while sighing with an embarrassed expression.
“Ah... I see. I'm glad you need my body. ”
“Thank you. I'll repay you. ”
Although it is not too much to ask, petals or flowers are part of Jeongyeon's body. When I pulled out the leaf covering my lower body, I was worried that it would be painful, but I could see that it wasn't. When I asked her if she was okay with a slightly worried attitude, Jung Yeon quickly heard her answer.
“Sometimes the leaves on my head fall off. I don't think it really matters. The trunk is probably hair, so I don't think there's a problem, and I've never chewed the leaves off my lower body, so... it might hurt a little, but... maybe it'll be okay. because the leaves are still growing. ”
“I see.”
It's not that painful to see a little leaf tug on his lower body. The Goblin looking this way seems a little uncomfortable as time lags. I began to look at Jeongyeon again after lightly ignoring the one who speaks out again. What you need is two cane hairs and a petal on the lower body. It was an additional three leaves on its head.
Jung Yeon grabbed the trunk of the plant in her head one by one.
After pulling out the leaves with a loving sound, I clearly felt that a part of her body was a treasure. The leaves on his head were removed, but the petals on his lower body seemed to be frightened, seeing his hands trembling a little.
“If you don't mind, Tae-sung...”
“I'll do that. ”
I didn't think I needed to hear the next word. I thought he was the main guy. I gently tugged on the petal in case it was painful, but my face was slightly frowned.
“It's a little warm. It's not connected to the inside, it's attached to the skin. ”
It looked similar to pulling out a tooth or pulling out a hair. I thought it would be good to pull it out at once, so I pulled the petals quickly while Jeongyeon was a little careless.
You hear a sweet scream, but it's not that painful. However, my eyes were troubled to see if there were any aftermath. Seeing the large petals in his hands, he seemed absolutely fine.
Seeing Jung Yeon getting sick, I felt like I should give her a prize. Now that you've acquired a good weapon thanks to her, you should be rewarded. After work, I decided to give her what she wanted.
Seeing that I was happy, it was a proud face that said it felt good, a bright face, and worth enduring some pain. After nodding my head, I opened my mouth to the Goblin who was staring at us.
“The ingredients are ready. ”
“Hmph, I don't have enough points. ”
Seeing him say that, knowing this side has room at the point anyway, it seemed to me that he was a little grumpy with the time delay. I started going through the list of items that I could sell immediately. An item of fine efficiency that was stolen from Park Chul, but this weapon is useful, so I decided to skip it for now.
I was about a million and a half points away from trying to reinforce even the sword that was too big to be called a sword, but I'm pretty sure the stolen items used to be quite useful. If it hadn't been for that time, the rotten tree trunk wouldn't have been able to strengthen. It was once again a moment of gratitude for the long-term and eastern victims.
[Sold 22 items, including a sharp war axe, totals 150,000,000 points.]
[Do you want to sell the item?]
[1.5 million points have been settled for Blood Dagger.]
[Advanced Horse Weapons Specialist, check the points of the Blood Dagger.]
[Blood Dagger has 1,520 points in total.]
There's no need to wait. I immediately gave the Goblin the Rotten Tree Barge of the World Water.
[Use 1 million points and world water materials to reinforce the world's rotten wooden ledges.]
I did not hear a hammering sound this time, but something continued to pop out of the forge, and soon after, I was able to pick up a decent item. It was definitely alive in the window. I feel enhanced no matter who sees it.
I started looking at him after I received the Lance, wondering what kind of item it was.
[Purified Wooden Spear of the World Water]
[It's a spear made by Elves from rotten branches that came off accidentally. Using the flowers, leaves and stems of the water of the world, we went through the purification process, so we got closer to the original branches and regained our power. It has the ability to continuously restore your health and magical strength. It's very sharp and hard.]
[Agility +3]
It wasn't as dramatic as the ancient flames, but it was definitely good. Since the word "small amount" was omitted from the phrase "small amount of health and magical power," I could expect a little more efficiency, even if I was attacked by a flake, I could endure a little more thanks to this spear. Unlike ancient flames and Dyne's legacy of continuous magic, these spears will invigorate me like a wireless charger. I nod and start looking at the reinforcement spear again.
[Dynslave - Dynasty's Legacy - Impossible -]
[Leviathans - Ancient Flame that Burns the World - Impossible -]
[Too Big Sword - Possible - 30000 Points]
[Cleansed Wooden Lance of the World Water - Possible - 4000000 Points]
[Chief's Hammer - Impossible -]
Surprisingly, it can be enhanced once more. If I sold all the items I had, it would have been difficult to collect 4 million points, so it is not possible right away. But, um...
[Cleansed Wooden Lance of the World Water - Possible - 4000000 Points]
[Can be enhanced with special ingredients. Materials, Tears of World Water (0/1) Flower of World Water (10/10) Root of World Water (1/1)]
Materials are provided. I had to look at Jeongyeon's body again.
I hadn't realized it until now, but I imagined the value of her body. I don't know if I know it, but I thought it would be very coveted if humans knew about Jeongyeon. It would be strange not to be a treasure, because the whole body could be used as a material. As I continued to look at myself, I bowed my head, blushing her face.
“Tae-seong. ”
I called her name and stroked her head without even knowing it. This side felt better because I was a little bit happy.
“Thank you. Jung-yeon, if you want something, I'll take it from this side as far as I can. ”
“No. I'm good enough...”
“This is what I want to do. ”
I was also expecting to refuse once. In my words, she nodded, blushing her face.
“If... if you say so... I... I'll answer later. ”
I nodded at her words and started browsing the item store again. I have not searched, but perhaps there are more items that can be enhanced or refined with materials from her body other than the world's floodgates. I've seen the phrase "Root Armor of the World Water" in a secret shop, but I'm sure it can be enhanced through the material of the Jeongyeon Dynasty. I don't know when, but it's worth a try.
Since I've been in the item store for a long time, I smiled at my huge performance. The last remaining task is the general strengthening of the Great Sword, which is too big to be called a sword.
[Use 30,000 points to Generally Enhance a Great Sword that is too big to be called a Sword.]
[Use 40,000 points to Generally Enhance a Great Sword that is too big to be called a Sword.]
[Use 50,000 points to Generally Enhance a Great Sword that is too big to be a Sword.]
After the sound of continuous hammering, I was able to leave the item store looking quite pleasant. After my business was over, Jeongyeon waited for me, and my body faded a little earlier, and I also returned to reality with a feeling of falling.
It's no wonder I'm so proud of my weapons in my tent. I looked at the weapons and took the map with me. After entering the tent of Jeongyeon and thanking her for her research, I got on Ivar and left, and I felt that the weather was getting a little heavy.
The ones on the map could not find a certain pattern of where it was thought to be Park Hye-Rim's residence, the area where she appeared, but could have anticipated the timing, as I said earlier.
Now is the latency. If we analyze it based on the data, it is almost time for Park Hye Ri to wake up. If you go to another area as you have had an accident in the west, you should also think about it. But most recently, you only show up in the east, so there is a high chance that you will be able to meet in the east.
Preliminary investigations are important. With the new armor and new equipment, I quietly left the brother's land.
* * *
“Thank you."
“Well... I'm the one who's not bad at studying. ”
Laggia nods at the young Orc in front of her. Gark, the Orc, now named Halfblade, was the Second Factor of the elite Blood Dagger Clan by force alone.
Unique abilities could not be compared to hiding the body or his inferior abilities, and the difference in basic experience or combat strength could be felt with the skin. He was definitely strong.
“But I'm surprised. I didn't think the anamfatha would ask me for help. ”
“It's what we need. ”
Lagia's unique ability is intuition. After evolving to Lamia, he grew even further, and now this ability called snake's intuition was fairly ambiguous to say it was good. Literally intuition. It's all about anticipating where a narrow attack will take place, what actions the opponent will take, and whether broader actions will have a positive or negative impact.
It is not exactly like predicting the future. It was more about filming the invisible than predicting the confirmed future. That's why half blades were able to withstand attacks with their unique abilities, and they all survived unknowingly because of their unique abilities.
In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that there is a little superiority in imagination with the invisible half-blades. It is because the intuition of a powerful snake can avoid danger a little.
Nevertheless, I lost in a mess. I couldn't even draw my sword properly. It was all about stopping the attack, and holding your breath was enough. Of course, the assassin never imagined he would be able to beat the prosecutor one-on-one, but at a much larger distance than he thought, Lagia began to look at his body with a dagger lowered.
“Don't you like it? ”
Half-blade slowly opens his mouth.
“Can't hear you. Maybe Greenskins like you don't know what it's like to be stuck. ”
“That's why you asked for a duel. You're strong, too. I'm trying. It will bear fruit for sure. ”
Laggia says nothing. Half-blade's words didn't have to be perfectly correct. Obviously, when I first joined the clan, it seemed to be at a similar level. However, the gap has now spread so boldly that it cannot stand next to you. It is certainly not the case that you have not participated in combat or been lazy in training. Nevertheless, it came to me with great stress that I could not catch those who were far away.
“You don't have to be nervous. The great chieftain Blood Dagger does not want to give the chieftain high combat strength. ”
“................. ”
“I'm stronger than the anamfatha, but I'm short on bowls. That's why I lost my name. Just because you're strong doesn't mean you can climb high. Blood Large's Eye is Accurate Don't fret. The anamfatha has been chosen, and it is a glorious thing, a great thing, and something to be respected and boasted about by all. ”
I was comforted, not comforted, but I didn't really like it. The harp blades' bowls are never small, although they are accountable. Rather, what is small is self. Obsessed with small accomplishments and one-time expense on small tasks.
If the vessel were as big as he said in the beginning, it would not have escaped the glorious test and would not have divided the former clan members. The limit is clear. It was the limit of a Greenskin called Laggia. I didn't have the courage to spit out what I thought.
“If you don't trust the anamfatha himself, trust the Blood Dagger who chose you. ”
Definitely upright. There is no shake to Halfblade's belief. So Half Blade was able to throw himself in there and leave one arm behind. Goblins, too, were able to throw their lives away. Suddenly, I felt irritated when I saw myself satisfied with the position of the anamfatha rather than mourning my colleague's death after it happened.
“Advice... thank you. ”
The half-blade nods and disappears. Laggia is stunned, looking where she was.
‘If you don't believe in yourself, believe in the Blood Dagger who chose you. ’
Gark's voice rises again, but Laggia shakes her head. There is no blind faith and trust in oneself. Laggia slowly takes a step toward Blood Large's tent.
There was no other reason. I just wanted to know why he chose himself. Approaching the tent, the Orcs guarding the tent opened their mouths.
“Blood Dagger is out. I'm absent now."
Laggia nods and enters the tent. The Orc Swordsman didn't stop it either. It's because Blood Dagger had permission in the first place. I didn't see all my favorite equipment. I just remembered something I've seen before. I looked around and I couldn't see the map.
I anticipated it, but I was sure.
It was clear that they were exploring the area to hunt humans back then. Lagia feels a slight headache. It felt unreliable. High power intuition does not react to anything.
It was when I was swallowing a needle once. I started to feel popular outside.
“Laghia, what's going on? ”
Blood Dagger.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Kawagami//Welcome to Brigades Togashi!
Slinger//Work on spiders that remind you of Togashi!
White Balmain//Thanks! My gray hair!
prayway//Be the force!
PadoMay//Thank you always.
Ultior //Thank you!
TheDaybreak//Too powerful!
Blueloading//Turn! Become stronger!
14C2A58H2//When I say it, I mean it.
Kawakami//Oh blah blah blah to the surface of the skin...
//Thank you so much! Thank you! Thank you!
MokuMoku//The next evolution...
What's so funny?//Thank you, Ripley!
Altenia//Shannir is great... Thor!
00Finder//Though I don't think there will be such a painting here... I would like to write such a novel...
Kaif//Ah… Mabinogi Ferguson… Real……
Human life//Ha-yeon! Get it!
A predator//someone is thinking about Jungyeon's Human Route! I think I need to think about it!
Whitefreffe//So just one...
The Shinigami//The leaves grow back! The ultimate treasure!
White Balmain//Thank you!
Black man//This is real! Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Bottoms up//Thank you so much for this compliment! Thank you!
//We have to do it!
LGB//Lagia favorites! Nice to meet you, Earth. Raggia is strangely antiquated...
Red Justice//As the protagonist continues to grow, he wields his final sealed Leviathan freely! I'm drawing a picture called…. We have to get there fast!
Mindfulness 2//Bora, thank you so much for always leaving me a ripple. Awesome! Thanks for the coupon too!
LemonL1me//I'm so sorry to hear that. Thank you so much!
Mogfong//Thank you!
LauraStuart//I've got a lot more to worry about!
Iaso //Shh. That's more than right.
Guaaaaak//Garbage! Rubbish!
ppk12//MEEBU is trying so hard to raise babies!
Mable Fantasm //I have to give the Gwang-nil to another friend! Thank you for liking Nordic radishes!
Travel abroad.//Evolve Ivar. I want to collect more weapons. Haha!
The small hero//spear is not a river. Ugh.
prayway//Best regards!
Remendant//controls blood! Weapon Swap Honey!
f50//I want to fix it! Thanks for your feedback!
Stay here//You'll pop out soon!
Mint Train//Expect! Do it!
Soul Snatcher//is too powerful for these ripples. Thank you, spirit.
Paddle//With stolen money too!
Seferraziel//And so the rotten spear evolved! Ancient flames once again evolved...
Dolminari//This is the right answer!
Carlade//Hull. Are you cooking?! Or are you going to serve it? I'm curious. It's hard to have a long-distance relationship. I've never been that far away, but... I guess it's hard. Cheer up!
Cheese Pizzart//He's hammering! It reminds me of the debris!
- M.F. - Oh, my God! That hurts my feelings.
Aaaaah!//Maeve suffers at the moment of childbirth! The icon of pain! Now I'm happy!
Sweet Drugs//I think I should look for some too! The Purified Bowl and its features are similar! I scratched it!
I'm haunted//I'll show you what a real tempest is!
◎ Star ◎ Angler!//The blunt force next door husband uses is beyond terrifying! It's devastating...
ejzld101//Two rooms in a snap. If you wield it with your weight intact...
Kuropi//Lightning is cool. Khh....
ads123//It hurts so much not being able to play Warham! I really want to try.
//Thank you! Thank you. Thank you.
Beautiful//It's too dark to be good. But I don't think that's a big deal.
sj8077 //is the name of the appraiser.
Hidden snow//Thank you!
Dunpamanshaw//It's great. That's his name.
Tojoaya//I think I should think about it!
Dark Cherry//I don't think it's Doomhammer! Maybe, um, Miststein... shh.
Ultior//Thank you!
TheDaybreak//Thankful beyond
Thank you so much for your Composition Coupon, Mind Blower 2!
It's a one-way street today. Sorry. But the food is on the other side! Tomorrow I'll be back on both sides!! Best regards,
Sunchuko is a great power for writers! Especially since the comments are the most... powerful... Thank you so much!
Oh, I didn't cancel my reservation by mistake. I'm sorry for the confusion. Deleted!