Green Skin
00238 Sudden Reunion
Choi Hyuk was looking at Relaxing Dragon with a very funny face.
“Oh, you're old. You don't have to be so respectful. Just relax and sing it. ”
It seemed like it was going to take a little longer because his actions were finishing very quickly. It was not that I had not looked for Kim Tae-sung at all. While raising Queen Han So-hye in the North to kill the sword in the west, I searched for a man named Kim Tae-sung in the north. The North was in a near perfect situation, and it was already confirmed that Kim Tae-sung did not have what he was looking for in the north, although not sure.
What I felt while searching for Tae Seong Kim for a long time was that it takes a lot of time and energy to work like this. Thanks to this, I decided to build more pies. While making the Queen of the North the ruler of the North, she allies with the Witch of the East and scours the East all at once. I understood why the Witch of the East trusted him when his work seemed to take a long time to progress.
Basically, there was no doubt about it, but he was capable. Choi Hyuk opened his mouth again.
“Are you... uncomfortable with me? ”
“Ah... no. It's not uncomfortable, but I'm a little more comfortable with respect. ”
‘There is definitely a bad corner behind it. ’
When he first brought up his story about Tae Seong Kim, it must have been a surprise for him to see relaxation. Jang Ye-ri didn't seem to know anything, but he seemed to know something.
It's not just that the name of the acquaintance or friend I've been with here is Tae-sung Kim, but it's hard for me to come up with that reaction. There's definitely a bad corner behind it.
Because of this, Choi Hyuk marked relaxation dragons.
The unique ability to reach the opponent by eye is essentially the ability to move behind the opponent's back at a certain distance. The optimized function of this unique ability of assassination is not only that.
Advantages of being able to know the psychology, position, etc. of Mark's opponent. It was a unique ability built to kill the opponent, but it was more useful than I thought. It was because information was being poured out about the ideas and situations that relaxation had at this moment. It was roughly identifiable, of course, but it was enough to infer psychology and the surroundings to get the approximate information.
He knows Tae-sung Kim. However, I am not sure if it is the same person that Kim Tae-sung is looking for.
As analysed that night, yes.
It was at that time when I was looking at Ewan Yong with a smile.
The door was opened and Park Chul appeared. A warrior who knows the East pretty well. A figure that size is not common in the north.
“Mr. Choi, if you'll excuse me. ”
“Ah… yes. ”
“Relax, the Queen is calling. ”
“Ah! I see. I'll be right there. W-would you excuse me? ”
He's relieved. After finishing the answer, Choi Hyuk quietly tapped the desk with a document. It's because I have a lot to think about besides looking for Tae-sung Kim.
First of all, of course, the Western Sword.
Despite the slight deviation between the west and the north, there is still no small battle going on because Orloth has been stunned by her and Queen Han So-hye in the north. In the case of the mild season, Kim Tae-sung was thinking about the possibility of getting caught up in the war, so he could not run to the end easily. In the case of Han So-hye, I just thought I was not ready yet, but I was able to buy more time thanks to him.
At this time, Tae Seong Kim died a little too badly, so it is likely that he was stuck in the city. If a sudden war breaks out and there are forced conscriptions, there will probably be no escape from death.
Damn it.
In fact, he may already be dead. It wasn't that I didn't think of the possibility, but the hypnotist shakes his head as quickly as possible.
I would still be alive, because I didn't think I could stand it.
A natural breath popped out. Throwing away the smiling mask, I returned to my face for a moment, and I started to think I might live a little.
“Kim Tae-sung... Kim Tae-sung...”
Vengeance against the humans of the west and the sword will be the end of vengeance. Before that, finding Tae-sung Kim is the top priority. I closed my eyes and felt a little relaxed thinking about Tae Seong Kim in the old city.
I feel better just thinking about my voice.
In the meantime, I feel what state relaxation is in. It wasn't a fairy tale, but what he was thinking, what his surrounding environment was. I was thinking that if he was assassinated, he would have had 100 kills left.
I could feel his condition stabilizing so much. We don't know exactly what's going on, but we're gaining a much greater peace of mind than when we fall away from ourselves.
In the meantime, while we mark the relaxation dragon and analyze it instead of analyzing it, at first, we're not sure how many people are with us, but three people are sitting in the conference room. I didn't know what I was talking about, but I could feel that the Witch of the East was never the one.
‘.................... ’
I'm not sure, but I have a slightly more suspicious feeling. Choi was tapping the desk and checking the surroundings of relaxation dragons again. Two human women. The other one feels a little vague. Maybe he's strong enough not to feel it.
I wanted to go into the conference room once and check it out, but it was impossible because it was not allowed to do so before. It's because I didn't want to break my trust for nothing.
Nevertheless, it keeps biting my lips. I've been looking for it for a long time, and I keep walking with this ridiculous hope.
It was then.
Doubt, doubt, doubt, doubt, certainty.
The idea of relaxation, not hypnosis. It was doubtful and sure that Kim Tae-sung might be the same person that he was looking for and relaxed.
Choi Hyuk bites his lips silently and activates his ability. I start to feel the body moving to the conference room in an instant. It was being moved to the back of the relaxation dragon. Of course I know it can be stupid. However, I waited for a long time and was also nervous.
We'll have formal complaints about this matter, but we'll be able to resolve it somehow. What stood out to me were priests of modest stature and wizards who looked so beautiful. He was good enough to kill an executive in a city.
But what's even more remarkable is the devil sitting in the middle.
I'm looking at Tae-sung Kim. My skin color is different and slightly different, but I can't say I don't recognize it. A huge dagger on your back caught my eye when I thought it might be some kind of a Doppelgänger.
The Great Sword is also different. It seemed to be a little bigger, but it was still rugged.
Choi Hyuk clearly remembers the Great Sword. He wanted to imitate her so much. There's no way you won't remember.
He had always clearly remembered a stupid monster who had lost his temper and his castle. It was the Great Sword the Orc carried. Why monsters cared so much about humans, why they taught themselves daggers and supported different kinds of equipment... Suddenly, things started to get complicated. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be so strong.
No way.
The thought of throwing a boulder around the calm lake was spreading a little by little.
"You're late, aren't you, with the green flowers and the fairies today? ’
‘Wow, thanks! I'm sorry I didn't give you anything. ’
"Hahaha! Twisted eyes!" ’
‘Thank you for everything. I got a lot of money, but I'm gonna give you something, too, right? ’
"Haha, you don't need it?" ’
Glug glug.
‘I'm sure you'll like it. ’
A light kiss on the cheek reminds me of the red guy's face. I wasn't sure, but I thought what I thought was right.
I don't know what happened, but Tae-sung Kim returned to the monster. Kim Tae-sung is the arms dealer who previously protected and cared for him. It was Kim Tae-sung who gave himself shelter and time to rest. I had no choice but to understand why they tore up their lives so cruelly in the dungeon, why they turned their heads without making eye contact, and why their mouths wept as if there were occasional words to say.
Sure what you need.
At that moment, the horse's mouth slowly opens in front of you.
He also knows himself. I felt like I was going to get tears in my eyes. He is the one who drew so much in his dreams. My hands and feet are trembling. When I think of a lot of things with complex emotions like how to make a face, how to say the first thing, and how to hold it, I don't want to be angry.
I knew it.
He probably knew he was back, too. You may not be sure at first. However, if they had gone into the cave, they would have been able to look at the corpse of Shindeok-ho and make an approximate analogy.
You son of a bitch. You son of a bitch! ’
At that time, the green flowers and fairies that were always around were clearly looking at him as liking the Orc. Especially the green flowers sometimes even stared at themselves because they were so jealous.
It's so confusing to think about Kim Tae-sung while wandering around the city in the cold winter. I pretended to be fine, but I couldn't count how much I cried when I fell asleep alone. I immediately started to feel the condition as I met the Horseman's eyes.
Greetings, complexity, delight, embarrassment.
When I saw the women next to me, I started kicking even more. Beautiful women, no matter who sees them. To be honest, the priest next to him looked ordinary, but the beautiful beauty next to him was the beauty he used to say.
I was amazed when I remembered the last words Kim Tae-sung said that he would make me happy to live with him when this was over. What about yourself? Every dash of capable, decent men has been rejected. He was not as sexless as he was human as he was, nor did he want to meet other men.
Son of a bitch! ’
He couldn't find himself because he was doing all kinds of nonsense around her.
It's a grudge that Tae Seong Kim has a monster body, but I keep thinking about him while completely forgetting. It was ridiculous.
Choi Hyuk mumbles with a finger to the devil in front of his eyes.
“You... you... you...”
“You… you… you… you… you… you… ”
A castle that exploded out of nowhere.
“Kim Tae-sung, you piece of shit!! ”
The hypnotist shouts with power.
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Thanks all the time! Refill in a few minutes! Thank you all! Sunchuko is a great power for writers!