Green Skin
00294 The Changing World
There was a strange tension. Of course I had to be nervous. It was our only chance to bring back a clan that had been completely destroyed since the war. The heavy silence sank and I sweated for no reason. I don't know how many minutes I've been walking around the door.
“Hey, are you ready? ”
“Of course...”
“But we're from the South. Are you sure you're okay? ”
“I finished joining the guild, but of course it's okay, right? Don't worry too much. Do you remember Park Jung? ”
The Free Dungeon Agreement was established after the dramatic closure of the alliance between man and Greenskin.
That's why the Golden Eagle Clan is so nervous.
“You know you have a pretty good Greenskin connection, right? He said it was great again. Well, it sounds like there's a rumor going around about a strange relationship with the Grand Chief over there, but... we did it, too, but it can't be us. ”
Literally. Park Jing has suddenly risen from the west, running a small clan. Probably one of the best beneficiaries and beneficiaries of the Free Dungeon Treaty.
“But I'm worried about you. We go into a dungeon together and we get eaten to shit? ”
As his colleagues continued to worry, rational opened his mouth again.
“Honestly, don't you think it's a miracle we're still alive? If I could have killed him, I'd have eaten the Greenskins by now. You lost the war. ”
“That's... that's true. ”
“And didn't you hear that if you grow hard and work hard, you won't be judged by where you're from? You really don't know what's going on? ”
Probably not.
Even though the sovereignty of the south and west would pass over to the east and the north and treat it with no discrimination, it was not without course that there was no discrimination. The southern and western clans and guilds were faced with some unspeakable horrors, and were always in a state of tension when inspected.
“You know you're gonna get fucked if you get busted, right? ”
“Of course I do...”
“We must show the Queen of the North and the Queen of the East that we are unwilling to refuse. The first is the Free Dungeon Convention... do you understand me? ”
“Ugh... yes...”
“And to be honest, it doesn't make a difference to be proud and afraid. This is the best time to get back on your feet. If you don't get used to it, you fall behind, you're eliminated, you're abandoned. The Greenskins are screaming that they can't be trusted. Everything falls apart in half a year. ”
If we do not keep up with the times, we can already know that we were exterminated by our experiences on Earth. Of course they do.
Only the brave can seize the opportunity.
“W-what kind of people are you going with? ”
“What did you hear during the meeting? ”
“I'm... sorry. Brother, you didn't really think things would get this big...”
“Then you think I bought this expensive item from a black market dealer for nothing? ”
“I thought you might have a new hobby...”
Lee touched the card pack in his hand. I learned that there was only one way to save the clan from a crisis, that there was a good dungeon through someone I knew and that this card pack played a decisive role through someone I knew.
A card game called Greenstone that borrowed money from the bank and gave it 100 gold in the path of darkness. I knew the Greenskins had civilizations, but I never imagined I'd be playing a card game like this.
“We don't have enough tankers for this party... Goff Clan ogres... or the Big Ogre Clan?" ”
“They'll have something to do with what happened later. There will be times when you need a shaman. ”
The Green Skins of the Named Clan have always been popular. Minotaurs and Ogres were particularly popular in the south, especially when the number of warriors who could fight in front of them was lacking.
Of course, these Greenskin clans want priests and wizards. I sometimes take dealers or warriors with me, but in such cases I move with a guild of strong Humans in a rather powerless Greenskin tribe. The purpose of moving with the Greenskins in the Grand Guild was obvious.
A network. A huge guild is also doing its best to adapt to changing times. If you know the new continent as announced by the great chieftains and queens of the continent, it is a great advantage to know them well.
Clans like the Golden Eagle are not strong clans. We can't interest the Greenskins, and even if we go together, we can only lure weird ones who can charge into the enemy camp.
‘It's all up to you. ’
Lee gripped the card pack tightly and opened his mouth to his colleagues again. I had to answer a question.
“The Blood Dagger Clan are the High Fairy Queen Maeve and the elite Orc Swordsmen. ”
“............. ”
The silence settles for a moment.
“The one you saw in the continental war? ”
Reason nodded. Blood Dagger, hero of the torn continental war. It's because I heard that Mev, the elite Orc Swordsman and Archer dealing with Spirits, has been going around the guild for some reason.
“But... do you want me to fight? The elite Orc Swordsmen say they prefer to go out with strong UAVs... We're not that strong and Mebra is a fairy famous for her blood majority, aren't we? If anything happens...”
“Where did we decide to go? ”
“The Spirit Dungeon... Ah...”
“I needed those fairies in the first place, and I need those elite Orc prosecutors. What do you think's gonna happen? Rather, we're the ones who have to worry about what happens... now we have to worry about whether the Fairy will accept us or not. ”
“Ugh… yes. ”
“I'm sure if you see giants like the Blood Dagger Clan lurking around here, they'll want to help beginners and us. We've heard that the Blood Dagger Clan is the most interested in promotional and human relationships. ”
“I heard that, too. Is it the Queen of the East? ”
Reason nodded. It was because it seemed to be able to talk a little more.
“Anyway, I'm nervous. Don't ever say anything useless, especially if you're the Queen of the East in front of Maeve, or the green flower is beautiful, then you're fucked. Don't forget to praise the greatness of Blood...”
Everyone's face was covered with a slight splendor.
Reason opened the door by swallowing once. Immediately, loud voices were heard.
“I'm looking for an ogre to join me in the dungeon. Please come and I'll be on my way. A very dangerous dungeon with a dangerous smell and a fear of death! ”
“Glug-ug-ug. I'm looking for a human priest who's about to embark on a glorious adventure. I don't accept thieves. Glug-ug-ug. No more questions from Human bandits. ”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa And human bandits, please don't ask questions! Human bandits are no longer accepted! ”
“Rescue the Greenskins from the Northern Wolf Guild. I don't care who you are. However, I will politely refuse Goblin bandits. ”
I've been there once, but it was definitely foreign. Humans and Greenskins got mixed up to save the party because it was so much fun. As expected, the clan's eyes widen.
When you enter this party saving space, you will be automatically enchanted by the translation. I heard it was Elven craftsmanship on another continent, but I was very surprised. While I was standing around, I heard a voice.
“Are you new here? Can I help you register?”
It was a very beautiful elf. Reason opened his mouth, feeling his face flushed without even knowing it.
“No problem. I've already registered, and I'm looking for someone to go dungeon or hunt with today...”
“Oh, I see. Would you like me to introduce you to someone? Green...”
“Ah. I'm sorry, but the Green Goblin Clan will think about that later. ”
“Ah… yes. Well, have fun. ”
The Green Goblin Clan was a very famous clan. I heard it's strong, but it reveals gold coins. I heard that if you enter a dungeon with a Goblin Clan painted in a joke, you will lose more than you can get. In this case, avoiding it was the best way.
Chief of the Green Goblin Clan. I was fortunate to hear that the Green Goblins are quite familiar with the Blood Dagger, so I often heard that adventurers who first came to this guild will be involved with the Green Goblin Clan.
Of course, moving in with the Green Goblin Clan isn't bad either. However, since the thief or assassin is rotten enough, it is better to catch another contact in order to gain a greater advantage.
Reason quickly began to look around. I've heard that they often show up at the tavern here.
“Are you really coming today? ”
“Yes. I've heard that they've been showing up lately, and I've never heard of leaving for the dungeon before. ”
“Seeing this. It's really amazing.”
“I told you, there's nothing to be afraid of. You and Maeve..."
“Hey... there! There!”
When I looked where my brother was pointing, I was sure that someone was starting to look at me. The elite Orc Swordsmen with exploding muscles and swords around their waists, every one of them seems unusual.
There didn't seem to be any Orcs named Gark and Hark that were classified as Named Greenskins, but they did look different from other Greenskins here.
And the winged kid sitting in the middle there drinking milk. He's wearing a crown. Besides, the one next to it is the green flower. I didn't even know I had green flowers, but I felt like a tramp. If the work is done well, you can somehow find a connection with the green flowers. Reason knows better than anyone that you should never call him a child. After shaking his hands at his colleagues, Lee began to swallow and slowly approach Fairy.
“Young... I am truly honored to meet the elite Orc Swordsman of the glorious Blood Dagger Clan, and the first wife of the Blood Dagger, the beautiful Maeve who brought Lava into the world as her first heir! To Blood Dagger! ”
‘It was a perfect greeting. ’
“Well! For Blood Dagger! ”
“To Blood Dagger! ”
The elite Orc Swordsmen greet me vigorously. Reason nodded.
‘It's a good start. ’
It was when I was smiling. A cold voice came from my mouth on the green flower.
“Please enter clan information and name here before disappearing. ”
Damn it... of course I know what I did wrong. The green flower in front of him was also known as the woman of the Blood Large. It is natural for me to be angry because I was the first wife in front of my eyes and said a beautiful Mevney.
However, after coming all the way here, I felt sorry for the card pack I had in my hand to retreat like this. It's like 100 gold. No matter how much effort it takes to get this done. There is no turning back. Reason opened his mouth again, slowly gazing at Maeve.
“Ah, water, of course, for that purpose, but not just that. In fact, I recently developed a good hobby, so I was wondering if I could share it with Maeve...”
I can feel Fairy's gaze burning towards my right hand. Reason swallowed a saliva once and Fairy opened his mouth for the first time.
“You're a challenger! Sit down! Human!”
Fairies that pull out card packs. Reason took out his deck while swallowing his saliva.
The rules were perfectly familiar. Pretty good response.
While I was sitting in my seat organizing my cards, I suddenly came to my mind. I didn't hear whether to win or lose.
‘What should I do?'
It was all in one game.
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* * *
289R ripple
Damaoka//It's already a souvenir! You can't die!
290Usd ripple
Traveling abroad//Yes I admit it.
LegendaryMyth//is impossible with the soul! Isaac is not as ambiguous as a soul!
Namor-Tak//It's actually a cane!
Altenia//This may take a while!
Speedwagon//It's sturdy and can be used as a club.
Lucid Forest//Indeed!
Iron Song//Thanks for the recommendation, but I'm going to Isaac for now! Irene's fine.
RoadSeeker//Welcome Collection!
Might as well be fun.
Damaoka//And poor thing!
Pica//His unique ability is surprisingly deceptive!
Unfortunately, it's impossible to have a conversation... which would be fun to have a conversation with.
Dunkel/ /This is the dog gain!
Paddle//Just bully!
Human life//Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
- Predator. - Isaac, you're mine!
Guaaaaak//This ending!
Rump//Yep! The tasteboard is slowly moving towards completion. Sorry for the concern... The dirt... By the way, thank you so much for being a writer.
291R ripple
Damaoka//Be happy!
Jin9//Heartbreaking Isaac.
Kid B//Oh my...
Rakeld//Yep! Slow down, slow down!
happiness1205//No Rinbar!
LASK//blah blah blah blah blah blah blah concentric destroyer blah blah blah blah
Alsmagna//Me too...
Oreos //Walson is alive! Not yet... just the head.
Sugarcane 158//blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
SWSW//Prince of Greenskin blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
You have to be happy now.
Guaaaaak//Isaac in tears.
Altegar//is the king and chief.
Koo 914 //Yes. He's also a loner.
Nonfiction//Hi-yi-yi-yi! There's a lot of it!
Bloodhell.//You have to be nice... lonely...
Baek Usasin//Yes. It might be good for you!
Seferraziel//Yes. The real world is...
It's giraffe//I'll fix it!
Reading ~ //Thank you so much for saying this.
Fallen//blah blah blah blah blah looks that way.
Altenia//Sadness and laughter together!
Yeon-soo//Isaac Samar...
Ryu Hwan//I'm sorry I couldn't protect you!
Ultior//Thank you!
TheDaybreak//Thanks all the time!
292R ripple
Pica//blah blah blah blah blah is an icon of pain!
Damaoka//Yes! Well done!
For today! Everyone eats popcorn!
zunny//Will it be?
MokuMoku ㅋㅋㅋㅋ (2016.11.23 14: 40) deleted
Crazy//Thank you so much! I'll take good care of it and use it hard!
Bomb Z Machine//Steel!
LauraStuart//Do you have the ability to drag it up to 1000 times...
A cricket//Y-yeah!
Mogfong//Thank you so much!
Ryunashi.//After 10,000 years...
Kawagami//You'll be happy in the future!
jdh1020 //Thanks!
14C2A58H2//Butt buster blah blah blah blah blah blah
Hwasabasa//Thank you so much!
Traianus//Are you a true hero!
myuuu//Isaac Glasses Cache!
thank you for happiness1205//! Thank you! Thank you!
Alsmagna//I also liked Vivian as a memory-rise reader 1
Became a reader//Thank you!
Lunar Sword//This!
xxkdwxx//We will harass you!
Bugs//Grow when enhanced! Maybe this isn't so bad.
DJYO//Dangerous key! Whimpering...
Laurie Lick//You love it! Appreciate it!
Who is it? //Actually, let's think... The extra power was + 17!
Kuropi//It's still big!
New King's Tomb//Three attributes of Isaac!
SWSW //Yep! I'll use it hard! Thank you!
Yomime//Thank you so much! Harder!
I accept the Iron Song//Take one more step and you'll be happy!
Lusia//Lived more than 10,000 years!
Rinse hehe//Done?! I wonder!
Burrows//Yep 1 I'll give you happiness and pain!
A toothbrush//is a happy ending for Bob!
Thank you!
Elhaz//Public order blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
00Finder//This is the truth! In fact!
Guaaaaak//Best regards!
ppk12//Yes. You have to eat it raw.
Full guest//re-stuck in mental shock.
Bloodrepin//I'm glad you're cute!
MorPhjne//Gosh... cheer up! Work hard! I was a wretch too. Keep reading! Come on, come on!
Unsophisticated fiction//must also be produced.
Gran Elbert//So today's the Rifles! Thank you so much!
I think I might be able to compete with Maeve for overseas travel//! The price of storytelling!
Bloodhell//Thank you1 Thank you!
RedSkin//Isaac is over 10,000 years old…!
Mindfulness 2//Where does this position go?
seeing//Isaac's position is indeed…
//Faeroe... Faeroe... Faeroe...
Thanks so much for the compliment. I feel like I'm about to fly! I'll use it harder!
Seferraziel//Isaac's slave life... heartbreaking story.
Sky Hope 17//Thank you!
Free Bulletin Conquest//I accept your pity!
Eshordin//I'm glad you burst!
Hope of Fog Flowers//Thank you!
Here//Thank you so much for thinking of this!
Let's eat//Yes. You have to make weapons, too. First of all, the ring of the covenant!
Mintrain//Yes. Yes, it's a bullied position with Maeve!
Honeydew//Hmmm... appears! When, maybe later.
LGB//Karat Isaac Hiroin!
Poseim//Yes. Be happy!
Reading ~ //Thank you!
No, no, no.
Aaaaah!//I showed you!
◎ Star ◎ Angler!//Yes! You're in!
We've already identified the pattern of the work in Altenia!
ejzld101//What's weightier!
Yeon-soo//Yes. Thank you for your anticipation!
s25jin//This attack is honey!
Ultior //Thank you!
TheDaybreak//Best regards!
Ouch! Thank you so much for the raw materials coupon! I'll write harder 1 Thank you very much! Thank you so much for your Composition Coupon!
Thank you always! I'll use it hard!