Green Skin
00295 The Changing World
The changed world has changed a lot. To be precise, human culture, culture, and greenskin culture were slowly mixed. There were Greenskins roaming around the human city with permission, and there were Humans roaming around Greenskins.
Surprisingly, the existence of humans working under Greenskin was also found, a representative example of which was production workers on brother's land. Unlike other humans who thought they were living like slaves, they took a lot more than what they were doing, and even after it turned out that they were being treated much better than the productive jobs of the south and west, small wavelengths occurred.
Naturally, they became the most important guests of information traders or black traders. I don't know how much effort I've put into getting in touch with them.
Lee Ji-hui.
Reason was the one I met to get this information. To be precise, Lee Ji-hye was quite friendly with reason when she was on Earth. I learned that there was a woman in Greenskin's neighborhood who I knew, and I continued to arrange secret meetings with someone I knew.
In a way, it was an opportunity given by chance.
Eventually, after a while, we meet dramatically and when we see that we are full, we may be surprised. How I came to live with the key authority in the context of the brother's land. Of course, when I was on earth, I was good enough to get rid of my liver, gall bladder, and everything, but after a long time, I didn't feel anything different now. Rather, I just felt that I had to somehow get what I wanted in order to feel sorry for myself.
“How are you? ”
“It's been a long time. I never thought I'd see you in a place like this. Haha.”
When Lee looked at Lee Ji-hee's belly, Lee stroked her belly as if she were lovely.
“Oh. I got married there. It's actually still a meal... but he's so busy... Haha, but it went well. ”
“I see. That's good... Is it a Greenskin? ”
“No, he's human. I'm a fairly respected man in my brother's land. To be precise, you could say" executive. "I haven't been formally appointed as an executive yet, but I think it's important to do what you do."
“................................. ”
“Not discriminating based on ability. ”
“It may sound silly, but it's all true. In fact, I have three of my brothers and sisters in the land, including my husband. One of them is still young, but after a little time, he will definitely be at the heart of it. The other one was a little scared, so I never got close, but my husband said he wasn't bad. ”
It was the world I had dreamed that treatment would change depending on my abilities. In fact, there are quite a lot of people who are being influenced by their connections and various factors unknowingly, except for a few people who are really talented.
There's still a useless habit of joining a clan, getting crushed by fate on Earth, or seeing local and academic penalties when you break through a dealer. Reason for exploiting the network was that the human world was better for him, but there were advantages to the lives of the Greenskins.
“So what's going on? I've had a lot of free time with the alliance, but I'm tied up... If I stay out here too long, I'm not gonna like it. In fact, it's a secret that I'm living on my brother's land. It's been a while since I've been out of town, and I'm killing time here...”
“Ah... work... Will you take this for me? ”
Reason gives out the box in his arms. As expected, Lee Ji-hee's face brightens. A set of gemstones from an old expedition. Though it was not expensive because it was not valuable as an item, a well-polished jewel might please the eyes of a woman.
“Oh... I'll take this as a gift for now. Thank you."
Seeing her smile, she still seemed pretty. Looking at the elongated jewelry box seemed really exhilarating, but I had no choice but to think that the gift I had prepared was perfect. It was not available in Greenskin's quarters. You wouldn't have seen such an exquisitely polished gem, even if you could get such a large gem. The gift I prepared was completely correct.
‘Half of it worked. ’
If Izzie were a man, she would have had a drink and talked seriously, but she is pregnant and cannot sit for long. Of course, I was in a hurry when I heard that I couldn't spend a long time.
“I was wondering... a few things...”
“Oh, it's the Blood Dagger Clan in the Adventurers' Guild, isn't it? ”
Reason immediately nodded.
“I can't tell you the details, but it's probably what you think. ”
“That's... that's... ”
“I'm saving humans from going into the dungeon together. I heard that Fairy Maeve, who gave birth to the first descendant of the great Blood Dagger, is moving on his own. Some of the elite Orc Swordsmen are already in the dungeon with the Human Clans... and they're moving as vigorously as what happened here. ”
“And that crown-biting kid from all the rumors...”
“That's right. It's Maeve. And be careful what you say because you're an adult. I don't know, maybe I'll hook up with the kid in front of me. ”
“Oh... yeah. ”
“Maeve's strength is incredible, but since you've convened during the Clan's advancement time and haven't been able to participate in many battles, I'd like to exercise control of that power and show you your willingness to take up the front a little bit. There have been a lot of rivals lately... and Maeve is desperate in her own way. ”
Perhaps the specs have been put all the way up, but the experience does not seem to be supportive. It is because there is such a class of people. But he's an executive of the Blood Dagger Clan. Perhaps he has powers he cannot touch.
“Do... do you think I could use some help? ”
“What? No. You're not gonna like it out there. Do you think I can tell Maeve what to do? It's a little... yeah. Of course, my husband was recognized as Greenskin. ”
I even learned useless information. At the end of every sentence, I heard that he was my husband, and he seemed really proud of me and trusted him. However, reason was not the story of Izzie's family history.
“No, I'm not asking you to make room or ask... I just want to know if you like something Maeve or if you're enjoying it...”
In other words, it was entertainment. I also did not think that Lee Ji-hye could do something. It's a huge gain just by knowing how to gain favor. Lee looked at Lee Ji-hye seriously again, and Lee Hye-hee nodded.
The opponent is Greenskin. Reasonable was a master of sales and hospitality, but he had never met Greenskin before. At that time, Ji-hye's mouth slowly opened when she thought she wouldn't be embarrassed by any of the answers.
Do you know a card game called Greenstone? ”
However, I was embarrassed by the sound of his voice.
* * *
‘I don't know, I've never actually played cards together. At best, I'm enjoying Kim Yura or the Goblin Warriors and your daughter Ravana. Greenskins have civilizations, too. There are many other games besides this, but this is the card game that Maeve has been missing for a long time. If I'd known this was gonna happen, I would've asked. Sorry, brother.'
‘No, it's okay. ’
‘But I also received a gift... I'm sorry... I know all about the Named Greenskins on your land, but I'll tell you a little more about it. Is this okay?'
Oh, no, of course not! Thank you, Ji-hee! ’
‘You scared me. ’
Lee took out a card and sighed. It's because I realized I made a mistake too late because I was so nervous. The fairy in front of her eyes nods excitedly, but the green flower behind her is aiming at her as if it were a lump of ice.
‘The green flower doesn't seem to be very well pregnant. So maybe you shouldn't talk about it when you meet the green flowers. You seem to be under a lot of stress lately, so be extra careful if you run into anyone. ’
It was not the first wife that was mentioned, but Lavah. But I do know that the Fairy holds the power of this expedition. Having a successor in the shoes of the Greenskins means having tremendous power. He's the mistress of the entire clan.
Because this entertainment game is important. The problem is that you don't know what fairies like to play in front of you. I didn't hear whether I like to sweat, like to hit hard, or just like to win.
But Greenskins are a race that loves struggle, battle, and honor. Perhaps it makes sense to do your best.
Lee slowly started to put down the cards.
After conquering the field, this deck of cards was strong enough to surpass Ivardeck, known to be quite famous, without constantly pressuring and slowing down the tempo.
It was not without countermeasures, but you will be forced to feel struggle and joy in an ever-raging attack. Reason swiftly placed the cards.
“Human. What's your name? ”
“Ah… yes. Reason.”
“Hmm! I never imagined we'd be so popular among humans! I must inform this human that there is a sky above us today! ”
“Ah… yes. I look forward to a great battle. ”
The information I heard from Izzie was definitely correct. Fairy is very excited in front of you. I couldn't have imagined he was the same Fairy who had been looking around expressionlessly. Fairy slowly draws out her card as she was expecting some kind of attack.
“Hakajin card! ”
Hakazin cards, cards themselves, were not very strong, but they had a positive impact on the cards around them.
Why is Hakajin here? ’
It is a very embarrassing situation. I don't understand it at all As time passed, rationality put a disgrace on his face.
‘A namecard deck. ’
Greenstone has standard cards and name cards. If you have a standard card, such as an elite Orc inspection card or an Orc Archer card, a Blood Dagger card or a Goff card. Named cards such as mirror blade cards also exist. These cards, of course, are better than other cards. However, this does not mean that the deck is only made up of these cards. Rather weak. Very weak.
It is common to select and use only a few cards with special features. Normally, a name card is summoned because it consumes a lot of magical power.
I'm embarrassed, but I fight with all my heart. Lee continued to defeat Maeve's cards, and after a while he realized he had made a mistake.
“Strong... strong... Ah... not bad... Human." ”
I am embarrassed to see Fairy trembling with tears. I never imagined Greenskin would show up like this. The eyes of the elite Orc Swordsmen around here are getting confused for some reason.
‘Losing was the right answer. ’
“That's... that's right... but the game isn't over yet. Human...”
Fairy's right. The game is not over yet. If you say you lose by force, you can lose enough.
Despite trying to lose, the fairy couldn't understand if it was throwing a game. Reason is throwing the game as best he can. However, the Fairy is deeply distraught without realizing its intentions.
“Human... Human... huh... huh...”
"Please attack me. Please..."
Hell is playing for both of them. The Fairy cards have already been beaten and the game has been tilted so hard that they cannot be used. Reason does not exist except to subdue these fairies. But I can't beat him. because I didn't know what was going to happen.
‘Please save me... someone help me! ’
Green flowers of cold eyes, fairies trembling with cards, Orc elite prosecutors with fearsome eyes, and everything seemed to be wrapping around their necks.
That's when you hear the rumbling coming from the front.
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