Green Skin
00300 About Ownership
Choi Hyuk and Jang Ye-ri were also looking closely to see why Isaac had left behind the monument, and Isaac quickly opened his mouth again. It was clear that the conversation was urgent.
- In other words, most possessed armor has emotions. Of course, they cannot express themselves and they do not speak. Sometimes you don't have the will. It's amazing... I can feel it even if it's not Ego. This part of my homework has not been solved either. Imagine that Blood Dagger has feelings for the weapon you now possess.
“Amazing. Can you feel it? ”
- Not exactly, but I can feel it. I've realized that since I became a monument, too.
Very interesting for the topics you chose as a way to water ride on the topic of why you became a monument yourself. It's because she said she could get an idea of Lebanese and Daene's legacy.
Perhaps if we had logically documented Isaac's claims and put them into the magical arts, it would have been blue.
- First of all, the sickle of an envoy with a big heart is very grateful to you. I know you haven't been feeling well lately, but I'm thankful to be underneath you. It seems to remind me of a time when dirty hands used to touch themselves.
“I see.”
With a satisfactory nod, I feel like I know what Isaac is talking about. Perhaps the longevity that was the brotherhood and the longevity used the sickle of the Apostle.
- And the same is true of the Dagger. Hmm... He thanks you for cleaning up everyday. But I've heard enough about Tae-sung Kim. Please stop asking me.
“Well... what the hell do you know about that? ”
Choi Hyuk blushed his face as if he were ashamed. Maybe he's cleaning his dagger every night and telling my story. At the end of the period, Isaac nods and opens his mouth again.
- Lebanese and Daene's legacy is very angry compared to that. I continue to feel a negative wavelength at this point.
I felt uneasy for some reason.
- To translate it into human language... it seems Leviathan... is jealous that his girly relationships... are as ugly as theirs. Phew. You are a noble creature, and if you abandon your palace, you will not be forgiven. Phew...
Unfortunately, my palace is too big a sword to call a sword. But Isaac opens his mouth, terrified to think.
- Pueheheheheha. I think he is a child who has not yet grown up in the case of the sword, hammer, dagger, or spear. They say he's a pervert. Phew. It's a common mistake to serve such a thing as an owner... Phew...
He's smiling like he's excited. I felt like I was thinking of an opportunity to make fun of myself in the secret tower.
- Dyne's legacy says you like it, but... pooh. I'm going to turn it into a body I can't live without someday... Phew. Besides, I'm waiting for the day when I'll have all your blood... Puhahahaha. He says he will wait only for the day in which you will live.
If you think about the penalty of Daen's Legacy, it could be true.
- Leviathan says if you look at this maniac one more time, he won't be able to pick up the bones. Poof... he says his legacy will destroy all the weapons around him unless you look at him. Hehehehe!
Now I'm giving you a very big boat. To be honest, it was annoying. I glanced around and saw that I was smiling, even with my best and brightest eyes, and I lowered my eyes and opened my mouth to Isaac.
“Here. Now that I know what you think of my two lovely armor, I'd like to hear your thoughts on the newest recruit. What did you leave the monument for? Why did you get into the staff? ”
- Let's... talk about the sword first.
“No. I can't stand the curiosity, so you can speak freely. ”
Then Isaac's face distorted. He was drunk and realized that he had made a mistake. Suddenly the atmosphere becomes heavy.
- Me... in my case...
That's how Isaac's story begins. It's a much heavier story than I thought. That's why he locked himself up for the humans and sealed himself. If there was a Mebra, he would have shed tears, but of course that's not the only purpose. It is because if this was really the end, it could not have just been a reaction.
Rather, he would have confidently told the story. In addition, it is clear that it was not necessary to put a kiss in the process of ownership.
- So I stayed in the tower and waited for the humans. It was a long time, but I managed to hold on.
I don't know if I think I won after seeing Choi Hyuk nod, but I still have a spleen. I opened my mouth again to Isaac.
“That's an order, Isaac. Can you tell me what's really on your mind, except for that part? ”
Isaac looks distorted. You may not want to say it.
- Well, actually, there's a lot I'd like to do, so...
“I want you to be precise. ”
Now I'm crying.
I want to make friends, I want to go on adventures, I want to go outside. Hmm... I want to try something tasty...
I started pulling out as much time as I could, one thing at a time, and the moment I tried to speak again, I heard a fewer voices.
- I want to try... mouth-to-mouth... escape...
It was such a small voice that I wouldn't have heard it if I hadn't listened closely.
“I want you to speak up. ”
- I want to escape! Ugh... Ugh... Ugh...
The atmosphere was quite heartbreaking. I didn't know that this would bring such a heartbreaking atmosphere, but the emotions that Isaac was experiencing with sympathy and craftsmanship must have been compassion.
Isaac's tears continue to fall to the ground, as if he had lived for 10,000 years.
- Ugh!
If you've come this far, you should feel sorry for yourself.
- I'm sorry...
“....................................... ”
I didn't think it would come to this. I opened the window for a moment to clear my throat and ventilate the atmosphere, and it was only after Choi Hyuk comforted Isaac that the atmosphere began to calm down.
“You don't have to be sad because you can be a good enough woman just a little bit longer. No, not even a little...”
However, this non-meeting meeting was returning to its rightful place.
“I'm sorry. Kmm... I didn't know there was such a sad reason. ”
I knew it, but it's best to be overbearing. Isaac nods slightly, expressing his apology as he looks at Isaac, who is still panting and holding his chest in his hands.
- Yes, I... accept your apology.
I'm still sniffing. I opened my mouth as soon as I saw it, because I thought I was going to have to change the subject back to its original state.
“Hmmm... I'd like you to come back for the first time and tell me how it's possible to remove the sword. ”
- I... got it. Kmm... Kmm... We talked about three types before. Does everyone remember?
Me and Jang Ye-ri nod immediately.
- A woman named Hayuri's sword is the third type. I don't know where she got that armor, but it's a weapon that somehow fell off or appeared in this world, like Lebanese you have or the sickle of an envoy with a kind and breastful woman there.
“I understand.”
- Good student. Other armor is the same, but when it comes to the third type, the choice of owner is very tricky. I will not betray you, and I will follow you until the one I choose dies. Even after death, there is armor that hides its tracks from the world at all. Hide yourself until the new owner shows up.
“If I were to remove the sword from Hylea... it would be a shame. ”
“It's clear the undead won't be here for a while. ”
- I can't guarantee that. The sword I felt was still obsessed with Hyugari. Even if you take the sword away from her, there's a good chance she'll cover her tracks. Of course, we don't know why the weapon chose Jujube... but it's a metaphor.
- Leviathan was against your enthusiasm, and Dyne's legacy thought that Blood Dagger's heart could give him what he wanted. The Grim Reaper's sickle is a kind and thoughtful woman's will to seek revenge, and if so, it is her will to aim. A sword must have something to ask a woman in a spear...
“What's the right answer?”
- To be perfect. Becoming complete.
I felt like I could understand what was going on. It was because I thought it fit very well with the sins and arrogance of Hayuri. He considers himself a god and tries to become one. In fact, she became close to God.
It is very insensitive to humans.
- I think I kind of figured it out.
“You could say that. ”
- The sword defined the woman in the spear as the most perfect human being. No, the most perfect of men, the nearest to God. It'll be funny, but she deserves it. She loves only herself.
“You're right. I don't know if he's close to God or perfect, but there's definitely a lot of emotional flaws in him. You won't feel guilty or think of yourself as human. Makes sense...”
Even when Justice risked her life for her, she was busy blaming him for being useless, driving me to tens of thousands of deaths and feeling nothing. I've killed a lot of people, too, but I'm not the same as the sword. I'm human when I say I see things. I am easily emotional and think of those around me.
However, Hyugari is not. She is arrogant and considers herself different and considers herself a god. I am different from other humans. They all live for me. The world revolves around me and I am the master of the world. You're probably thinking about it.
“Maybe the way...”
- The more you tell her how humans feel, the more the sword will shake. It doesn't matter how you feel. Anger, sadness, frustration, fragility, but the more you shake her, the more likely she is. It seemed like anger was already killing me, but...
Isaac pauses once and opens his mouth again.
- And I can assure you, the most effective of all...
- It would be love.
Isaac's voice gives you an example. The sword is love because I thought it was an impossible mission.
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Damaoka//Green Clock blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
prayway//Best regards! Thank you!
TII//Archers in the High Five!
Bamboo shoots//Yes. That's why I caught myself!
Gamepain//A little arrogant!
Bugs//Do it! >
SWSW//Ha-yeon needs to be strong!
White Balmain//Thank you!
Kawagami//Seong-Eun is like this!
The Iron Song//is out of date! Restaurant!
Iron Song//Oh, sorry! I fixed all the typos!
Seferraziel//You have a lot of control!
Ray.I.seraim//What he's capable of is his ability created in a single day!
//If you're arrogant, you should be!
123235//Modified! Best regards,
KariYas//It was fun.
Sugarcane 158//Thank you!
TheDaybreak//Thank you! Best regards,
Ultior//Thank you all the time!
Honeydew//I'm always grateful. I love the ripple. An illness of interest!
Ryunashi//Thank you! All the time!
Guaaaaak//I'm sorry that Maeve has to move... Blah blah blah blah
Moonlight Military//Thank you!
That's right//Correct!
Damaoka//Choi... supreme authority!
The World of Kawaii//What Will Happen!
Leessoo//Oh, thank you so much! The only advantage of a humble writer is two years a day! I'll use it harder!
MokuMoku//Killing the verb and completing the quest is the answer!
LineForce//Correct! Correct!
Roaria//Yep! I feel funny just thinking about something!
Note that the horn is small!
New A//That might be an easy way for a writer!
seagull3132//I will never be loyal. Never.
jdh1020 //This method as well.
Bug//I hope Ha-yeon flies up quickly.
Lusia//I hope you get what she wants soon!
SWSWSWIN//It's finally her turn! Coming!
Heimdall 49770;//I laughed, too. Blah blah blah blah
Bob's Toothbrush//Chuckle Chuckle I quit here today!
Full bore//It's wide open! Thank you so much!
Gran Elver//Though it might be easier to get to something like this!
Altenia//This way!
White Balmain//Thank you!
Mogfong//Thank you!
Nonfiction//bad food expression blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Kawagami//Education to whom 1
Good luck//Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Mind blow2//Antial blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah Blah Blah Blah Take the sword!
I have to struggle. Bitch!
Sky Hope 17//Thank You!
Iron Song//Hayuri! Ugh! I want to tie a glass knot!
Seferraziel//Not bad!
ppk12//MEV needs to cry 10 more times!
i'm excited to write a scene with the.O.//white glass!
Became a reader//War! War is coming!
Hairboze//You should change your name too!
Kiki Kim//This coin was out of stock. Sorry about the dirt.
Lucid Forest//Wanting a Sword.
Pica//is only waiting for a useful day.
◎ Star ◎ Angler!//Then… three!
Elhaz//It's about whether you can take it. The dirt.
Oreos//It's an honor and a pleasure to have you pay with me alone!
Rinse it off//This answer might not be bad!
Aaaaah!//Mbuchan... but I have to work hard!
Novelty Man//Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I'm dreaming//Thank you so much! I'll use it harder!
seeing//There is the correct answer in the text!
Mint Train//I don't think it would be bad to use as a machete!
Teacher Wo Dragon//That's the gentleman's answer.
Let's eat//The correct answer is in the text!
Sugarcane 158//. Thanks for the ripple!
TheDaybreak//Thank you so much!
Ultior//Thank you!
I'm dreaming. Thank you so much for the draft coupon! Oreos, thank you so much for the raw materials coupon! Full Stonehead, thank you very much for the raw materials coupon. Thank you so much! Sunchuko is a great power for writers! Thank you!
300 bucks today! Thank you so much! It's already 300 bucks!