Green Skin
I want to kill 00301.
- It would be love.
Isaac's voice gives you an example. The sword is love because I thought it was an impossible mission. The conditions are so confusing. I glanced back at Isaac as if for sure, but Isaac's firm gaze remained unchanged.
“Is there any other way? ”
- Maybe there's a way I can't find it, but other than this...
Isaac's expression of wedging is ridiculous too. He had heard the story beforehand, but he didn't seem to know that it would come to this conclusion. Zhang Ye-ri muttered as if he was embarrassed.
“She's in love... I wouldn't recommend it. Perhaps that's impossible…”
That's what I wanted to say. It will be more difficult than any quest I have ever experienced. In the beginning, Hyugari is more like a psychopath. Almost all humans on this continent lose their humanity, but in the case of Hayuri, it is very severe. Killing the teacher who raised him and betraying the person who believes in him is okay.
Clearly she lacks humanity.
Perhaps it was no coincidence that the sword chose Hayu-ri. In that sense, in my case, I am not fit to be the master of the sword. It's hard not to love my women. Even if the sword falls, I am not sure that I can be the master.
As I swallowed the needle into my throat for a moment, I heard the voice of hysteria.
“Maybe it's simpler than I thought. ”
Surprised by what Choi Seul said, of course. She gives you a frightening look at the hypnotic expression of what you're talking about.
“Kmm... I'm... ashamed to say this with my mouth, but Kim Tae-sung...”
“I don't like it, but it's like flirting with Hayuri. It'll be simple. Honestly, I don't think Hayu-ri can handle your charm. ”
I know my subject when I realized that I was embarrassed or avoiding my gaze, even more ridiculous, and that the effects of customization have made me look more handsome these days. He doesn't have a great face and charm to impress an enemy who ruined his life. I was very curious about what I looked like in the eyes of Choi Hyuk.
“It looked fine, but if you look at it objectively... that's not it. ”
The answer is Jang Ye-ri. It was true, but it was quite heartbreaking. Let me look like I'm worried, even though I missed the expression of hysteria for a moment. He mutters again, realizing that he was wrong.
“No matter how... It's not going to be easy to get your enemies over, is it? I'm glad you think so. The scene next to Ha Yuri and Kim Tae-sung, if you can imagine it, you have to try to seduce them and you have to stick together to try... I don't like it. ”
No matter how close you are, you won't get over it, and no matter how much you use the ball, you won't like me. I really wanted to know what I looked like. As I continued to reflect, Isaac opened his mouth again.
- It won't be easy. But that's the only way. If you choose to go a little further, you'll have to continue to elicit other emotions, but I don't want to personally recommend it.
“Well... what about psychic magic? Like Eun Joo...”
“Impossible. In the case of Eun Joo Choi, I was also a gambler, and I can't say the odds are so high...”
“Rather, you could be eaten. ”
I nodded. The spirit of Hayuri is very strong. No matter how much I say I have a sadness throne, she also has a throne. Of course, even though we have lost most of our power now, the actual fight and the struggle of mental power are completely different. If he goes in unprepared and turns himself into a hypnotist like I did to Eun Joo, the problem will get bigger. From the point of view of the true millennium, there will probably be a disaster.
I was impressed if I imagined something similar.
“Shit, that pisses me off just thinking about it. ”
Seeing the wealth fluttering, I seemed to have imagined myself sticking close to the glass.
To be honest, the appearance itself is so beautiful that Kim Tae-sung was formerly. But just because it's beautiful doesn't mean I want to do something about it. Rather, I don't want to face them much. It's honest to want to get revenge neatly and finish in any way.
“How do I...”
In fact, I have not yet thought about sexually harassing in my head, but this method is also vague. Rather than hating it, I felt like thanking me.
Mental and physical love are not the same. Perhaps what the Sword demands of Howling is a spiritual part. It was not uncommon for physical parts to be moved mentally, but it probably would not allow it.
In fact, Yuri has enjoyed using his position quite a bit. It also revealed that in the course of the post-war process, the boys were actually used to satisfy their sexual desires, and the precision of keeping their mouths shut just in case. Some of her men dealt with her lust.
“How about destroying the mind. After destroying it, I see the possibility of putting in a new one. ”
“I've tried it before, but it's too much. Even though she used the potion that Izzie made. Maybe you're right to think you're under some kind of mental protection. ”
Jang Ye-ri's words have actually been tried before. In fact, she was also in pain, but after the time was over, she was quite shy. I really thought her weapon might be caring for her.
The more I thought about it, the more my head started to ache. I nodded roughly and opened my mouth because I thought it was the right answer to go to Hanyuri in person.
“We'd better get back to the precinct for now. It's not a lot of time, but I don't think it would be a bad idea to try a few things. ”
Everyone nodded at my words. Afterwards, you leave immediately after greeting Maeve's group.
Reason smiled brightly after knowing that Meb and Jeong Yeon and the elite Orc prosecutors had started as Spirit Dungeons and that Jeong and I and Isaac were thinking about Hyugari.
From her point of view, she hoped that Misstein would escape from her body, which is probably a natural reaction. After the dungeon trip, I decided to take some time off because the information that Lee asked about Hyugari might also be helpful, and I stepped on my brother's land for quite some time.
As soon as I arrived at my brother's land, the one who greeted me most was Ravah, and Hakajin and Gark. Kim Yura and Nicor are currently living on the Eastern continent, and the Greenskin Training Hall, run by the Goblin Three Sisters, was on vacation for a while, so I thought it would be a bit quiet, but I was glad to hear that they were quite excited.
“I'll be going, then. I have work to do here too... If there's anything I can dig up on this side, I'll send it right away. ”
“Yes, thank you. ”
Jang Ye-ri headed straight for his city with Eun-joo, and Choi Eun-joo returned to teach Rava magic, and I immediately took a step with Hakajin and Gark for a moment.
Today's destination, of course, is a dungeon built in the basement of the brother's land.
It was a special place reserved only for swordsmanship, so the boundaries are pretty strict. I'm the only one who can get in. It was a natural choice because young Greenskins could get into trouble if they made a mistake pulling out a spear without knowing anything.
“To Blood Dagger. ”
Quietly nod to the Orc Swordsman who raises his hand. He immediately opened the door. The Orc Shaman also disassembles the simple spell he placed. It's a long way underground. While I was walking along the street talking about various things, my best friend spoke quietly.
“By the way, Kim Tae-sung. ”
“Are you thinking useless thoughts? ”
“What useless thoughts? ”
“Well... I warned you... that you will play with your assistant... because even if you do something about the sword, I will surely kill her. Don't do anything weird. ”
“Why would you think that? ”
“You son of a bitch. You were in love with the Sword for a while. ”
I've definitely beaten before. Of course I'm a man. She was everyone's idol and my idol at the time. Before we knew who he was, of course. But the feelings I felt when I died were also real. From now on, Hayuri only comes to me in disgust. At the end of the day, I felt like I was thinking about revenge at the time, but I felt jealous.
I don't know, but I think I was pretty upset about it in my previous life. I did not express myself, but I am more likely to feel different about my appearance as I have spent a long time together. I took a deep breath and immediately opened my mouth.
“Don't worry about it. That's not gonna happen. ”
He's crazy jealous, but he's cute. I grabbed the jaw slightly and kissed it, and the jaw accepted me as I was. The sound of swallowing saliva somewhere is definitely Isaac's place. I covered my face with my hands, but I definitely came out through my fingers and was watching my cunning. I'm also watching it very closely.
Tensioned, I wrapped my tail around her slender thighs and gently touched her waist with my hands. I can see the grinning face on my lips.
“Yes... now I'm relieved. ”
“Don't worry, I won't look anywhere else. ”
“I know. Look in your eyes...”
That said, I laughed. In fact, I was thankful to those who had already entered my arms to sell quite a bit of snow, but I felt that I would allow it.
It's basically dark in here. When Isaac chanted the spell, a bright light appeared in front of us, but we still couldn't hide the dull atmosphere. It is not dirty because it is well managed, but there is definitely a sticky atmosphere.
However, the more you go inside, the brighter it becomes.
Hayuri, she is exhaling divine power.
“Here we are.”
- You're here.
Isaac nods once, too. In a way, it is also a person who brought me back to this world. In my entire life, I secretly relied on her name, and I was able to take pride in being a citizen of Aia.
In fact, a lot has changed since I realized that I am a rotten bitch. It's been a while since I've been here.
I dared to open the door.
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