Green Skin
00320 Rava
“My dad wasn't much of a fighter. When I first met my mom. ”
“Y-yeah, but all my uncles and aunts told me that my father was great and strong. ”
“Hahahaha. Maybe that's what it looked like to them. ”
This is why incorrect training is not good. I may have seemed like a myth to my tribesmen, but at the time I was a little better than the others, not even a myth. I mean, it must have been true.
“But you're right. He was weak at first, so he threw the dagger from behind. You're not the only one, to be exact. At first, all the Greenskins who wanted to live in tribes with their father were just weak Greenskins. Gark, Hark, the Goblin sisters, Hakajin were weak when I first saw them, and Orbo was also trapped by Humans, but Mev was strong. Haha.”
You nod at Rava's question.
“But how did you...”
“I've been trying to do what Ravana's doing. I still am, but I always have been. I wielded my sword every day, morning and night, thinking about how I could be strong together every day. Not only my father, but all the tribesmen tried every day to get stronger somehow. ”
“............................. ”
“But he was still weak. Some were hunting medium and large horses when he was holding a small horse, and some were cutting large rocks at once when he was able to cut down trees with his sword. I was angry, irritated, and self-conscious because I couldn't move my body well every day. Haha. I even felt inferior to Mr. Gark. ”
“When I thought I was stronger, I was badly beaten and I owed my life to the tribesmen. Nickor's father was one of the tribesmen who died in his place. ”
You probably know this. It should be recorded in the combat training room.
“Better, Ghoul, Kurazin, three warriors died on my behalf. If it wasn't for those tribesmen, there wouldn't have been a father or a rava. ”
“Nicole... needs to do better. ”
Rava gives me a nod.
“You know about the anamfatha, right? ”
Ravana nods at my words. You can't possibly not know. The cave in the east is still located on one side of the colony, made of the mouth of the beast.
[Lagia, the anamfatha who has dedicated herself to the revival of the Blood Dagger Clan, sleeps on this earth.]
with the phrase, It is strange not to know that Lavea and Nicor often spend time there.
“Oh, yeah, I know. Lagia.”
“In fact, Lavea was named after Laghia and Maeve, her mother. ”
“Jung... really? ”
I thought I would know, but seeing my eyes opened wide, I really didn't think I knew. The reaction is quite cute. I once again stroke my head and smile.
“She was dedicated to the tribe from beginning to end and actually sacrificed a lot. Maeve was strong, but she always worked hard for Dad and Neighborhood, and it would never have been this big without her. It's the same now. She's always thinking about her tribe and her father, and this is the part where Dad is very grateful to her...”
Ravana loved her mother, but it seemed that there were some things she didn't like. As I continued to pour out my compliments on Maeve, I continued to smile as if it felt good. It is enough to be happy that the parents are good together, so of course you will laugh.
“I'm always sorry and thankful for Lagia, the previous chieftain. I didn't have enough dads to get her killed. He went too far because he thought he was strong, and eventually he got her killed. Laggia, like her mother, always did her best for the tribe and tried to work for her father by sacrificing everything, rather than taking care of her own interests. Without Lagia, my father wouldn't have been stronger. She made me realize a lot. ”
“I see...”
You would have known the story. However, I have never been so honest in my life. Lagia was also a person I cherished.
“He was really weak. If a horse like that had hit me once, it would have flown away. ”
“But you're stronger now, just like Ravana is watching, right? ”
“Many Greenskins have sacrificed so much for my father. He wasn't worth it. There are other Greenskins who have risked their lives for my father besides the better, Gaoun, Kurajin, and others like him. He always fights over their names, including the Greenskins that died because of his mistakes, and the Greenskins that helped him. There are green skins that have always moved for you and helped you to be strong, and there are more green skins that are moving for you than there are for you right now. ”
“.................... ”
“I would never have been so strong if I was alone. They're heavy, but they can't put them down. ”
“Lava, your name means you will never forget Lagia and Mev's sacrifice. ”
“Ugh… ugh. I think I know something. ”
I peeled off Lavea's horned helmet slightly and kissed her on the forehead. It was quite calm, unlike the first time I resisted violently.
“Lava inherited something stronger than a horn. He's right, isn't he? ”
I wished I could understand. Because I didn't have Mr. Scorpion. I don't know if it's been delivered or not, but Rava nods without cause. Maeve's traits to help make Second Age are written like this.
[It inherits the blood.]
Obviously, Ravana inherited the most of my blood. Mistakes and breakdowns. It looks like there is a bit of a problem, and it is not that there is actually no problem. However, if Ravana really resembles me, I will constantly try. It may continue to move and keep trying and eventually become strong enough to be compared to Ralph. Of course, I couldn't anticipate how long it would take this side, but I thought she could grow bigger, staring at Ravah, who wouldn't make a move to get her horn back.
“Then shall we go? ”
“Ugh… yes! Dad!"
“And since you've succeeded in hunting, why don't you take this one with you? ”
“But I'm a little embarrassed. Lafra's is so much bigger...”
“It's great enough. The tribesmen will love it...”
Rava nods reluctantly. You realize what's more important. Even as she approaches the area, she leans back with a slightly embarrassed bow. I lift the medium horsepower with my magical power, then I hold Ravh, who is about to move backwards, and walk out into his land.
“La... La Viva! I got a shotgun! It's huge! ”
“Blood Dagger's blood is the strongest link ever! ”
I don't know where the most profound succession is, but as expected, the atmosphere is very good. Like Lavra and Latga, Lavra is also loved by tribesmen. You would have realized that by now. that he, like his two brothers, is loved and excited.
“................. ”
Ravana doesn't raise her head. He would rather not be ashamed than show tears.
“I think I know... what he's saying. ”
I didn't need an answer. I just stroked Ravh's head and heard cheer without stopping until I entered the tent. Ravana holds my arm tightly, not raising her head to the end.
* * *
“Yes, Ravah! ”
“Love you!"
“I love Lavea, too. Heh heh. Where are you going to play? ”
“Yes! I have to make a quick stop... What about you? ”
“Mom has training. ”
“Yes! Mom! ”
“He always said he was thankful to her and he was sorry. He said he had a father now because he had a mother. He said it wouldn't have been this big if he hadn't met her in the first place. They say there's a father now because there was a mother's sacrifice! ”
“Jung... Jung? ”
“Yes! Are you crying? I've been crying my eyes out. ”
“.................. No. ”
* * *
“Lava! What's going on?" ”
“Huh? No. Nikor, I just wanted to talk to you...”
“Something's bothering me... Ravana's expression is too bright. ”
“No, thank you, Nicole. Do you want to go see Lagya with me? ”
[Lagia, the anamfatha who has dedicated herself to the revival of the Blood Dagger Clan, sleeps on this earth.]
“Thank you, Laghia. ”
“Thank you.”
“Nicole, did you hear that? My dad says he couldn't have been so strong without Lagia. ”
“I think you're right. Blood Dagger cares more about his tribesmen than anyone else and works hard for his tribesmen. I heard that Lagia had regretted her death greatly. I heard you've been standing in front of this monument all day. ”
“Yes. And I want you to thank him for that. He said he could be strong for the Greenskins who lost their lives for him. ”
“........................ ”
“For all the Greenskins who believe in you, including the better guy, the stinker guy, the Kurajin guy. Can I be like that? ”
“Ah... I think... maybe... it can... be." Ugh... ”
“Yes... really. Blood Dagger believes in Lavea, and I believe in Lavea. Surely Ravana can be strong. ”
“I really wish that were the case. ”
“Lava, where are you going? ”
“To Yura, Nicole, come with me. ”
“To Yu, Yu, Yu, Yu... Yura? Are you sure?”
“Huh? La... Lava? What's going on?”
“It's just... it's... it's...”
“It's been a really long time coming. Lava, I'm so happy for you. Would you like to come in for a minute? ”
“Oh, no, Yura. Yura, Yura is the strongest of the young Greenskins, isn't she? ”
“No, actually...”
“Do you... do you mind if I teach you how to fight? ”
“.......................... ”
“If you don't like it...”
“Oh, no. Lava, I was just about to leave training. Do you want to come?”
“Ugh… yes! ”
“By the way, it's a big deal. My wolf doesn't usually like to be approached by others, but I think I'm approaching poisonous lava today. ”
“Jung... Jung? ”
“Yes, I think you do. I think you do. Then Lava, come with me. ”
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The ripple is tomorrow! Thank you all very much! Best regards,