Green Skin
00332 So the desert wept.
There is a saying that the early unaccounted for can recognize each other's minds even if only they clash with each other's weapons. Sand Glaive was very surprised that he had this experience.
When Glaive and Hammer collide, his thoughts are conveyed. I thought maybe it was a mistake.
You will hear useless voices because of the imminent influence of death.
But Sand Glaive opened his mouth without even knowing it. You continue to bring your thoughts to your armor in a voice that you hear. It wasn't a long story.
Yeah, it wasn't a long story.
‘My old brother. ’
‘My old friend. ’
‘I'm so glad to see you again. You have always been in front of me and have always guided me in the right way. ’
‘So am I. I don't know how lucky I am to see you again. You have always been by my side and have kept me on the right path. I did what I had to do. ’
‘Agar. I was jealous of you. Many Greenskins truly followed you. It was a different Greenskin than me. ’
Sand Glaive. I was jealous of you, too. You were strong. You were always the Greenskin who believed you were right. I've always thought about it. Is this the right way? I guess I was right. I spent my life worrying and suffering. ’
‘I thought you were going the right way. As time went by, my thoughts became more and more solid. You have sought harmony and cohesion, which has brought prosperity and stability to our people. ’
‘No. ’
"If it wasn't for you, many Greenskins would be dead. Glorious lands would not have been created, and many Greenskins would have died in vain. It's all thanks to you that we are able to live on this continent. ’
‘Maybe so. I sought wisdom more than I sought strength, old brother. But it was frightening. ’
‘................................... ’
‘Yeah, it was scary. Fear that I might lose my friendship, the fear that the wrong fight might ruin us all, the fear that I might kill my brothers, and the fear that my wrong choice might lead my people to the wrong path. I'm not the great Orc you think I am. Sand Glaive. He avoided the fight without pursuing a more powerful force because he feared he might lose everything. ’
‘.................................. ’
‘My old brother. I only wrapped my fears in harmony. ’
‘Agar... everyone has fears. So am I. Fear that I might fall behind, fear that I might not be able to stand beside, and fear that I might not be able to fight made me who I am. The harmony and coexistence you valued are now valued by the Greenskins across the continent. Strength, wisdom and honor. Everyone embraces the things you have been pushing me to value. ’
‘But I was wrong. ’
‘It was not wrong. ’
‘Wrong. I thought the struggle wasn't everything. I've been avoiding fights and looking for ways to live together. I refused to move forward, and I didn't think I could get back up like this. If I had chosen struggle instead of coexistence, this would not have happened. ’
‘No. Agar.’
‘You were a strong warrior. Sand Glaive. You were a warrior who could be stronger. My old brother. The same goes for Storm Shadow. But look at you now, Sand Glaive. ’
‘.......................... ’
‘I am dying badly wounded. If I had... if I had chosen to fight... we would have always been strong. We would always have lived victorious and victorious in the face of new enemies. ’
‘No. ’
‘I led the tribe in the wrong way. The brothers of the glorious land are dying. The strong Storm Shadow was also badly wounded. How much time has passed since I died. Long live the Brothers. You stand still. Harmony and cohesion. I am stagnating because of the things I value. ’
‘No. Agar! "
‘You were right. Sand Glaive, you have always valued struggle and strength. It was my stubbornness not to accept your will, but also my inferiority towards you. My foolish thoughts are killing the tribe. ’
‘Absolutely not. Agar. I have learned much from you. Always chasing your back. I've always thought about it. My brother. How... how did you become so strong? ’
‘......................... ’
‘You did not fight for you. Agar... you have always fought for others. I fought for my children, for my brothers, for my tribe. But I'm different. I've been fighting for me my whole life. I fought for personal gain, personal ambition, personal pleasure, and only for myself. It didn't make me strong. ’
‘It was stupid. ’
‘I'm not stupid. Agar! I realized what it's like to fight for others. I will fight to control your thoughts, my brother. ’
‘You fight for what you think is right. Sand Glaive.’
‘No. Agar. I'm an idiot... but I can see that now. ’
‘.............. ’
‘Now we can see. I know why you've become so strong. You're right. You're right! You think we're weak, but we're not. ’
‘.......... ’
‘We started living with humans. Agar.’
‘I've heard from Storm Shadow. ’
‘Together we fight and together we grow strong. ’
‘I stand here as a result of stopping the struggle. Sand Glaive.’
‘There is always a trial. ’
‘An upside down continent is not a test. Sand Glaive. You're dying. ’
‘Absolutely not. We may have made a mistake. Many died in the west, east, south and north. But I don't think it can be overcome. It's not that it's changed noticeably, but everyone affected by you is getting stronger and growing. ’
‘.......................... ’
"The Minotaurs of the Meadow, the Earth Wave, are stopping the dead!" Even the Green Goblins blocking the West! White Silverfando is at war with Humans! The Goff and the Blacksphere of Brotherly Land! Big Ogres and all the other Greenskins are growing. And I am proving to you that we are growing. Agar. ’
‘Your body is finite. Sand Glaive’
‘So is your body. Stupid, talented and despised Greenskins defeat the revered Grand Chief Agar. This is the great proof that you were right, my brother! ’
Sand Glaive! ’
‘................................. ’
‘........................ ’
‘You made us all stronger. ’
‘No… Sand Glaive. ’
‘I don't feel bad. Agar.’
‘.................. ’
‘I'm dying... but I'm also proving my brother right. ’
‘....................... ’
‘If I hadn't fought for you... maybe I would have... given up... I think I know what it means to fight for others... I think I know how you got so strong... What was the source of your strength... ’
‘................. ’
‘Thank you, Agar. My old brother. ’
‘Am I really... telling you that I was right? ’
‘You don't have to say it already. Look at you. Haha... I was right! You're the one who's right! Agar! "
‘Yes... this time... I was right...’
“Thank you... my old brother. ”
“Thank you, my old friend. ”
“......................... ”
* * *
“Now... you better make yourself comfortable. Blood Dagger.”
Chief Agar gives me a nod. The figure of Agar, whose arms and legs were cut off and Glade inserted into her heart, was immobilized, and the figure of Sand Glaive standing on top of her armor.
You hear nothing from Sand Glaive. I'm already out of breath. He died completely paralyzing Agar. In fact, what he won was kind of a miracle. Sand Glaive, by the looks of it, was close to the limit and could no longer fight.
I don't know what moved the Sand Glaive, but I raise my hand to a respected orc.
“I lost...”
“Sand Glaive is a strong warrior. The esteemed Grand Chief of the Precinct. Agar, you've become stronger since you died. You are not wrong. ”
“I see... I see...”
“I'm just like the Sand Glaive. Many Greenskins are still growing stronger by putting your values on my chest. The greatest evidence is that you were defeated by the Sand Glaive. ”
“That's right... I lost badly. Sand Glaive was strong. Especially the final blow. It was an inevitable attack. It was a sword I had never seen before. ”
“I was watching, too. I've watched every single one of your fights. ”
As I said, Chief Agar smiled slowly, and I raised my sword.
“More... sentimental than I thought... Blood Dagger. ”
“I don't know what you're talking about. Agar...”
“Hahahaha... It doesn't feel bad to still have someone crying for me. I want to cry for my old brother, too, but I can't cry. ”
“......................... ”
“Strength and wisdom and honor...”
“Strength and wisdom and honor...”
A huge flame begins to erupt and envelops Sandglave and Agar. It's a fitting end for two.
It is the story of two men who have been jealous of each other for their whole lives. I felt like I had seen and learned a lot. It is not just the technical part. They were stronger than any warrior I'd ever seen, and they were straight this way.
A huge flame burns between Agar and the Sand Glaive, but Agar's voice continues to be heard. It seemed like a simple soliloquy, but I thought for some reason he was talking with Sand Blade.
“Yes... yes... You, by the way... that last sword...”
“.................. ”
“Isn't this the first one? Sand Glaive...”
“.......... ”
“Yes, it is. Next time we fight... we'll take a closer look. ”
“.... ”
“See you tomorrow... my old brother. ”
Of course, I didn't hear back from Sandglaive. What I did instead, I muttered as I looked at Agar, who was still talking to Sand Glaive.
“I see. My old friend. ”
At that moment, an unknown voice rang out in my head.
[Refine your unique abilities.]
One ability left to evolve.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
prayway//Best regards!
Damaoka//Not being strong.
Became a reader//Yes...
SWSWSWIN //That's not it!
Seferraziel//That's correct.
Altegar//Thank you!
BEril//He is no more.
White Balmain//Thank you!
Elcrovitz//You cleared the air!
Good luck//Thank you!
Let's eat//What a skill!
You are suffering from a Yurin defeat//.
Ultior //Thank you!
Sugar Cane 158//Future Crystal!
Black Sun's Sadness//Samkoni! I know. I'm sorry.
- I'll carry your business. -/Eco Connie! Sorry about that.
TheDaybreak//Best regards!
msj5562//Thank you!
- Baby potatoes. - Thank you for that.
Bloodrepin//Thank you!
Tangerine//Crystal Pigment!
The Red Sky of Yaponesia//Correct!
Jin9//It's raining…
Come on, Mom.//Whatame!
00Finder//Where did this come from! God of War?
Kaif//today is worse...
DaMam//Sand blades look like this...
The Sapphire//breaks down like this//
sjskxoa //Thank you!
prayway//Best regards!
Son of a bitch.
Hanhobin //Thank you!
EpKna //the Grand Chief had several weapons too! The weapon I was using for a while is a hammer that I'm holding in my hand.
Marlborough//You did it! We did it. Sand did it.
Damaoka//High power angle...
ejzld101//Thank you so much!
Grey Ash//Appreciate the compliment!
New King's Tomb//I hope you've always had fun...
the absolute//Correct!
Hwasa//Thank you for your consideration.
Lantail//Strength... Here we go!
FOLLP //Thank you!
Newspapers//Thank you!
Paik Sa Sin//High Power Angle!
//I thought dirt... was a great horse!
Judah //Modified!
Uchi 223//Modified!
SWSW //Yes. I'll take care of the heroes! You have to!
Zealots//Thank you!
Elhaz//I'm thankful for the ripple too!
Ryunashi//Thank you!
Lararura//I'm impressed by this rifle!
Seferraziel//unique abilities!
Seferraziel//Thank you for answering for me! Thank you!
Kay//Thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed this episode too!
Dream//Admit it. This is….
Extreme//Correct It feels like a former Yatou!
Full throttle//This shouldn't be too bad...
Dark_Kane//Unique Talent Ingot.
Grasshopper//Seferraziel's Rifle!
Altegar//Gunpil! Best regards,
Honeydew//I think this is great too!
Ruiboss //Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Marionette//Han So-hye needs to think more...!
Tiger luck//Thank you very much. Tiger Energy. I'll use it harder!
Lucid Forest//I will... bring it up... dirt. Sorry about that.
csi Horacio chang//Acknowledgement...
pyorish //Oh dear, thank you so much! Thank you! I never thought of it that way!
Secondary agents//Modified!
Pica//Now I have to go to makeup... dirt.
Zeronen //He was right
whdkfkd2//Praise! Thank you so much!
Dr. Hororong//I can see that too!
Tsuka//is working hard to stop it. The human side is thin without lines.
Dr. Hororong//Modified!
Travel abroad//shout... Sand Glaive!
BACKMAN//Thank you so much!
Elkovitz//Now we have more to fight...
Dancing Sword//Strength and Wisdom and Honor!
Best wishes//Best wishes!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Contradiction//Correct! Thank you so much!
ppk12//I brought one of the hammers I used...
Wolf Gentlemen 12//Thank you! I'll write harder! Thank you! Thank you!
Hello Nism//Modified! Thank you so much!
Seaplay//Too much... plugged in....
Crap parrot//Yes. You got it right.
Carlade//Oh! Thanks! We'll do our best to get this done by April. Watch out for the flu too, zzzzzzzzzz Karl! Is it getting colder in Japan?
Altenia//resurrected, but I don't think it's going to make much of a difference. I can handle this by myself!
Mindblow2//don't take it!
◎ Star ◎ Angler!//If it's a hammer... something big is going to happen...
JORDAN//The spirit doctor will escort you.
Blato//compliments are always good.
Ultior //Thank you!
Trickster//has gone...
Ray.I.seraim//Riples of Gratitude!
Brooking//Maybe not after this battle.
Seagulls//Thank you!
Black Angle//And then it was stopped...
Harlarek//Because it's too general!
Osin4//Thank you!
Remendant//It's always fun. Friendship brawl.
Glory//Thank you so much!
SOULni //has worked!
Ooshop //Another hammer!
//Samko Samconi! Thank you!
TheDaybreak//Best regards!
Thank you very much for your Composition Coupon, Mr. Wolfgang! Thank you! Thank you for the raw materials coupon, contradictory decision! Thank you so much! Thank you so much for your raw materials coupon! I'll use it harder!
Thank you! Thank you! Sunchuko is a great power for writers. Best regards,