Green Skin
00365 Road to Agony
“Storm Shadow's a lot weaker. A new age... a new age! ”
After exiting the tent, Braive Sword opens his mouth in a loud voice as if to listen. I understand the feeling, but I'm quite excited. Perhaps the fact that the Storm Shadow is really retreating was very shocking.
The same is true of Silver Fang's urgent nature. However, it was quite a surprise that he was watching the situation quietly. He's feeling it, too. The death of Agar and Sand Glaive, the retirement of Storm Shadow, and, if I don't know, his feelings will be complicated as well. I'm not expressing it.
After coming out of the chief's tent, the atmosphere of the glorious land was quite overwhelming. For a while, it was because Brave Sword had reversed it, and even more so because others looked depressed.
The common tribesmen were also aware of Storm Shadow's retirement. It's the same with the Blood Dagger Clan. Hark looked at me with his eyes looking forward to something, but those eyes were also quite overwhelming.
“Did you hear the story? Hark.”
“I didn't hear anything. ”
We know of course that they are conserving words.
No matter what choice I make, he must remain where he is. That's the same for all the other elite Orc Swordsmen. Hark opens his mouth again as I take a small breath.
“The chief's choice was always right. Whatever choice you make, it will be the right one. ”
He turns around and looks away, holding his twin swords. I don't know how, but I must have been trying to empower my thinking.
“Thank you.”
‘I am not shaking. ’
Clearly others are not shaking.
I slowly started thinking. It's probably true that the Goff said he doesn't forgive me. He's got a lot of pride, and he's coming soon. If I hadn't given up and voted for the chief, I would have made myself and the Gorf the final candidates.
It is the same even if others participate. Storm Shadow had just confidently announced the end of the old and the beginning of the new. Even if it is the prophecy of the last great chief, it is no exaggeration.
Other chiefs, other than some, clearly follow Storm Shadow.
Green Goblins and Earth Waves, centered on the West and the Meadows, support me, and the Big Ogre in the Forest and the Wolf in the North. The surrounding clans will also be divided by their influence. The problem is the south and east.
Those who know that Sand Glaive secretly tried to support me and help me will definitely vote for me. The same is true of the East.
While this may sound self-indulgent, Bloody Daggery as a greenskin is incredibly dramatic.
You freed the slaves and watched Agar and Sand Glaive's final battle. We have opened a new age through our union with humans, defeating all kinds of powerful people.
Perhaps if we fought without hesitation...
‘I am more likely to be me. ’
Of course, I might be wrong. Even if the calculation is wrong, there is no denying that it is a strong candidate.
“It doesn't suit you...”
I tried to mutter without knowing, but I didn't hear the answer.
I tend to agree with the suggestion that there is a royal heir. It can be seen by looking at Han So-hye and Jang Ye-ri. They were born to lead the way. If you think about it in that sense, the Gough is the same. He was also born to lead the way.
He is attractive to others around him and knows how to distinguish between work and work. He is conceited and can bend his pride if he needs to.
“I'm too human. ”
Now I live with the idea of Greenskin, but Blood Dagger is definitely human. Pursue the individual's desires and get what they want. Everything I've done is for me, not for my kind.
I shook my head, but there was no conclusion. If it weren't for the Gorf's last words, I'd probably have just given up my rights, but it's still complicated.
Probably the first time he doesn't want the sun to set.
Over time, other Greenskins regroup to the Grand Chief's tent. The Green Goblin tapped my knee and the Earth Wave tapped my shoulder once.
“I believe you, Blood Dagger. ”
“.................. ”
“Please make the right choice. ”
“.............. ”
I didn't have to answer what they said.
Once you are inside the tent, you can see that the chief is set up around you. The Gorf, who has always sat together, now sits on the other side. Seeing the Big Ogre and Silver Fang together on the side, it seemed to me that there was some kind of consensus.
In the case of the Black Spear, it was like sitting a little distance from me and the Gorf and watching us. Nod your head to the guy who didn't ask you anything, even though he probably had a lot of questions. The Black Sphere also nodded back to me.
Storm Shadow was still occupying the front center and Park Jing was sitting quietly next to it.
“Power and wisdom and honor. ”
“Strength and wisdom and honor...”
Everyone exchanges greetings. I nodded my head roughly and was happy with their greetings. In a quiet atmosphere, you hear several Greenskins chattering.
“You don't want to change your mind. ”
“............... ”
After some time had passed, Storm Shadow began to open his mouth quietly as he stopped to hear even that gossip.
“I think we've all come to some sort of arrangement. Seeing the atmosphere, someone must have been thinking. ”
It was a voice that seemed to have blown away the worries I had. Perhaps he was thankful to know his own will to open a new age. While everyone was silent, Storm Shadow's mouth opened once again.
“I'm truly sorry for everyone. I know this must be confusing, but I'm asking you to understand my thoughts. All I can do is watch as I vote for the next great chief to lead Greenskin. However, this will be more glorious than ever. ”
“..................................... ”
“Voting works the same way as before. ”
The chief says all the Greenskins nod. There was no other disagreement.
First, he votes a few days after he elects a candidate. Both the candidate and the referrer know whether or not they meet the candidate's criteria. There was no need to filter out the candidates. Those who think they are ineligible will probably not give up or put up in the name of the referrer.
The atmosphere was very quiet.
It's for the future. It shouldn't be too hard to start with this atmosphere.
After a little more time, the Gorf slowly opens his mouth as he nods slightly.
“I'd like to speak first. ”
“You can say it. Goff.”
“............... ”
“I know I'm not qualified. But I want to make myself a candidate for chief. Chief Agar was a leader I could give my whole life to respect. It's the same with the Grand Chief Storm Shadow. Storm Shadow considers the new generation an amazing one, but I don't think we're that great. There is now because there was always before. ”
“I've accomplished a lot with my brothers. But I don't think I've ever done anything beyond generations. All the Greenskins here would think the same thing. I know I'm not qualified. But I don't think the bowl is small either. I dare to put myself in the name of a candidate because I never doubt the size of my bowl. I will strive my whole life to become a chieftain like Agar, and in the end I will take it. I hope this doesn't become my lung. You don't need another word. ”
It was a bold voice.Just like him. Storm Shadow, who at first looked surprised as if he didn't know whether to recommend himself, also nodded as the Goff continued to speak.
I also gave a nodding speech. I felt like my head was clearer thanks to you. He's a tree. Maybe he wants to follow someone else.
The goff nods, and the others begin to raise their hands on their chests.
“What's next? ”
The Earth Wave raised its hand slightly to the words of Storm Shadow. I thought it would be obvious that they would recommend me
“I... would like to nominate Blood Dagger for chief. ”
It was a bold voice.
“He's a greenskin with a lot of change. More than anyone here, I have watched his struggle and watched his life. His qualifications are insufficient. There won't be any other explanation for what he's taken. ”
“Whether he wanted to or not, he was always the center. Blood Dagger has always been at the heart of the transformation, and it is also Blood Dagger that has led it to the right path. Storm Shadow's new era is right here. ”
It was a ridiculous compliment. The look of everyone nodding began to embarrass me a little more. My face is probably pretty red by now. The Gough nodded, and so did the rest of them, including the Black Spear.
No matter how much I think about it, it's not right.
I opened my mouth very slowly in the tent where silence was approaching.
“Let me tell you something. ”
“The Earth Wave says a lot of thanks, but I don't think I'm such a big man. I know it better than anyone. ”
I knew you'd disappoint him. But over and over again, I was saying that this was the right thing to do. I didn't have to look at the Gorf's face. Because I was already expecting his face.
Probably in an unsightly twist.
“Does that mean...”
You nod at the rendition of Storm Shadow.
“I... take my right...”
That's when I felt the enormous energy.
“Shut that mouth. Blood Dagger!! ”
You start to look slow around you, whether it's because of the sudden approaching threat with a huge bang.
Park Jung, embracing Storm Shadow with a scream.
The surprised face of the Green Goblin.
Black spheres reaching out. I naturally turn my head back to where their gaze was directed.
The broken Gorf's desk, the guy who raised his body, approaches here in the blink of an eye and swings his fist.
Even though I just woke up, everything around me started to fly away.
It's the wind pressure of a giant fist.
What you can see is definitely anger.
I felt like I was going to die if I received it head-on. I put magic all over my body without even knowing it.
"Too late..."
I was swinging my tail late, but I couldn't stop my body from bouncing out. Suddenly, vision begins to change. My body is breaking the tent and going out.
Seeing me bounce off the tent suddenly, other Greenskins around me opened their mouths and looked at me. I can't feel what's going on. I woke up for a moment and his voice flew into my ears once again.
“Son of a...”
When the Gorf stepped out of the tent halfway down and stood in front of me, I also pulled out the sword at my waist.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Jin9//Hmmm! Some kind of repair?!
Good luck//Thank you!
I became a reader//Yes! Very natural!
prayway//Best regards!
//To a bigger world?! We have to go!
Gertrude, you must suffer!
Damaoka//The position of the Blade is more like a copycat...?
White Balmain//Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Seferraziel//Of course...!
Altenia//This is the flow of consciousness.
Ultior//Thank you!
TheDaybreak//Best regards!
MokuMoku//Great inspiration.
RILLITH//Thank you, my brother.
Golden Boy 84//Yes. He's a good brother. Thank you!
sssii//Thank you so much for rating me like this! I'll write harder. Best regards,
Master Column//I'm not thinking of attacking Han So-hye at the moment! I think we should keep an eye on the progress!
Potato peel.
Pocari Fund//Actually, the problem is that there is no name to take back! Maybe there's a chance!
Jin9//Sassanaru was the most perfect couple in cartoon history!
Dunkel //Goff becomes the Grand Chief! This time or the next!
Ichidas//Grand Chief by Quest!
Hairboze//This could also be a fun way. Although I think it's better to vote than to vote!
ejzld101//Gisbble blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Lunar Sword//Hmmm... Concern!
Hanhobin//What will happen!
Good luck//Thank you!
LauraStuart//Retreat Blocked!!
Red Sammy//I'm angry today...
Kurofi//Su... Modified!
Ugh! Ugh!//Can Mebuchan not be miserable?
Marble//Sanguin Skin! Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Became a reader//Yes! The Goff speaks better than I thought.
Fallen//Open in 60 seconds....
Tsk, tsk, tsk. The legend card is here!
Kuremi//I'm glad you're doing great!
prayway//Thank you! Best regards,
Colton//Thank you!
Novelty Man//Thank you!
innocentMan//Modified! Best regards,
Traveling abroad//If there are too many heroes!!! It's hard to cross writers… but it's an offer.
LGB//Eunju disease blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah unless you see Eunju!
Lucid Forest//Park Han-kyung garbage... is still doing garbage today...
Perun! Yes, it is!
Elhaz//Hull... down grad! Down Grade Rani!!
ppk12//has become a strange and fusion. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
seeing//Looking forward to future developments!
//That energy... blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...
Diamonds.//Hmm... I think it's best if there's only one symbol.
What a jerk//What a cool guy!!! I love characters too!
Awesome//Yes! I'm thinking! It might be a little late. I can't say the name you want it back is actually here!
Nothings//The economic president Godkash is here again!!
Full throttle//I love passion! A thousand dollars.
Viman.//He's a good friend. Awesome.
Chicken and marinade//I will comment!
seagull3132//ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Then you'll be happy.
Elquinesis//I will use as long as possible. If you love me for a long time... thank you.
Baxter//Ummm... Choi Sun-Sir....
Redfoot//Half chieftain blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Speedwagon//What will happen!
Dalgruk//Acknowledge! Seats make people.
Sleep talk//Thank you so much for thinking of this.
Ajiwang-yi//Yes. That's right!
Heartbreak2//Meow and Puppy people blah blah blah blah
White Balmain//Thank you! Thank you!
Phonetic//I laughed too. Blah blah blah
Owner//Goff is a character that even writers love!
Sheik Hangul//Khhhhh! Thank you!
petajini //Hiroin Goff Seol blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Zeronen //Thank you so much for your consideration.
Beladad//Awesome brother!
i'm beginning to suspect... ins//. I can't believe Bromance is more attractive!
Hope of Fog Flowers//Shh.
Dawn Walk//Modified!
Rodan//Yes. You're too perfect to answer!
A toothbrush for Bob//Yes! The Gough Main Story!
For JORDAN//Blood Dagger!
shamus//Thank you! Thank you!
Dog//Yep. Thank you so much for taking the time to relax your writer! The next time you're physically exhausted, I'll make sure you get some rest after the announcement!
Seferraziel//Yes. Yes, I think so! Stay tuned for more!
Fregy//Aigooo... [Chuckles] Have fun!
Remdant//Yes. I think it was a more meaningful conversation because they were so busy.
the absolute//sharp. Sharpen up!
s25jin//Yes If that's the case, maybe I'll be a little more...
Gila//He's cool.
Why are you guys so funny?//I'll be a god!
Altenia//The regime kinda tickles.
The Cat Who Killed Chopsticks//The Chief Is the Answer!
Pre pair//shoes
Let's eat//Yes. Occasionally, seats create people!
Ultior//Thank you!
TheDaybreak//Thanks all the time! Thank you!
Thank you all the time.I 'll use it even harder! Sunchuko is a great power for writers! Thank you so much! Thank you!
The furious fist of the Gorf is fierce!