Green Skin
00372 Mother of Green Skin
It was very boring to be alone in the land of the brothers without the Blood Dagger. At least not to anyone else, Maeve, to yourself.
The only advantage is that you can play cards without even noticing. However, I couldn't even enjoy it properly. It's because of the Latvian family's sudden mission to protect the east.
“I see you're sleeping. Feel free to enjoy! ”
“Jo... a little anxious. ”
It was a late night gathering of card gamers. The three Goblin sisters and Nicor, who had been dragged away by no choice, had not practiced at all recently, and could not miss an opportunity like today.
“Latga is too tight. Sometimes it takes time to relieve stress. ”
“As serious as a young Greenskin is, it resembles the blood of the Blood Dagger, but this inflexibility resembles the Queen of the East. ”
“Hmmm. Yes! If Latga becomes the heir, she will surely be more tired than she is now! ”
Though she did not respond well to the three Goblin sisters who raised their voices and complained, Meb nodded desperately. What was definitely serious resembled the Blood Dagger, but the strict and inflexible appearance resembled the woman. Occasionally, I thought that she might be watching the neighborhood, so I felt like there was no hope anymore in this area without the stress of the situation, the Blood Dagger or the card game.
However, I decided to gather together on an ambitious night, and eventually managed to get rid of Latga. Since I saw myself sleeping, I'm sure I'm traveling in my dream world.
Nickor has been wandering around constantly wondering if something was unsettling him, but there's definitely nothing around. In fact, it's such a frustrating time. Meb nods, looking at his colleagues with a serious look.
“It's about time. I made sure she was sleeping. Nicole doesn't have to be nervous anymore. ”
“Y-yeah, but you said Latga would be in big trouble if she got caught again." I told the... chieftain everything was coming... ”
“Latga is not important! You have to defeat Yura to win this tournament! ”
“I... I don't want to take down Yura...”
“You can't achieve what you want without trying. Nicholas, the commander used to do the same. While everyone was asleep, he took his sword and went out. Without that kind of time, there wouldn't be a current commander. I admit that Yura is talented, but we have to show her that we can too!! ”
“Th-that's a different story...”
“Nicor! I'm not up for it! ”
“I don't have the will!”
“Nicholas can be defeated by Yura! The Eternal Throne does not exist! ”
As the Goblin sisters raise their elongated hands and raise their voices, Nickor grunts quietly.
“I... I mean, I don't think I can win with a card game...”
Maeve shakes her head, her voice getting smaller. Nicole's already wrong. Something seemed wrong to me, but Nicor was wrong. He chose to hide from Kim Yura in fear. The formerly courageous form of Nicor is no longer available here. The three Goblin sisters put pressure on all their defenses to awaken Nicor's tenacity, but I felt as if their enthusiasm for their continued defeat had subsided.
It's not that I don't understand. It would be strange for him not to have inferiority because he is like a huge mountain, like Nicor, a mate of Gim Yura.
‘It would have been devastating. ’
You have to become a monster to deal with monsters. Maeve opens her mouth slowly, gazing at Nicor.
“I'll avenge you. Nicholas. So let's talk about the kind of cards Kim Yura uses. ”
“That's... that's... ”
“Yes, cowardice. But even the commander did everything he could to win! By abandoning my pride. I, the mistress of the clan, need to emulate the actions of such a commander! ”
“Wha... something seems a little strange, but if Maeve says so. ”
Nickor nods his head slightly, and a smile begins to rise from his mouth. It seemed to be one step closer to victory. The three Goblin sisters were also glowing with Nikor's nod. In fact, the Goblin Three Sisters are also rivals now, but if they are enemies, they must be defeated with force.
The innocent three sisters didn't know they were sharpening swords, but the world of battle is cruel.
"To defeat a monster, you must become a monster!" ’
Maeve nods and grabs her mind again.
It was then that I began to feel a strange sense of circumstance.
“Scatter... Scatter! ”
Surprised, everyone was already plugging their voices in before turning the board and heading elsewhere.
“With the Goblin aunts... and the little Moose... and the Nicole I trusted... What's going on here?" ”
It was definitely Latga.
“H-how... how... ”
There is no intelligence. I've made sure she's sleeping, and I'm keeping my guard up just in case. I can only explain that Latga broke through her defenses with the help of someone clearly impossible.
“You... betrayed me! Gark!”
“I... chose the right one...”
“I never thought you'd hit me in the back! Even your sisters were there together! ”
“I'm sorry. I only empathized with Latga's thoughts. ”
Gark looks at Latga and nods. As expected, Latga nods together.
“A healthy mind possesses a healthy body! If you spend the day in the game, how can you bear the next day! My father asked me to keep my duties. As small as I am, I cannot defend myself against a great threat! You can do this little thing! I believed in a little mummy... but being betrayed like this... it's so smooth and heartbreaking. ”
“That's... that's what I mean. ”
“I'll tell my father all about it. ”
“Oh... no. P-please don't do that! You... you were so tired and lonely, Rat! The land of the brothers without a commander or Ravana is too strong... It's hard. ”
“Even so…"
The horse is like that, but as he provokes sympathy, he begins to make an aggressive expression. As expected, Latga is still young. If you dig this area well, you will not lose your bow at all. However, this little horseman was not so grumpy.
“You got away with it once before...”
“But... but. D-doesn 't Latga like it, too? This game?”
“Of course I do. But…”
“I'm not asking you to... take care of it for free. Blood's bloodline never runs from a fight. How 'bout you stick with me and you beat me, and I'll never play another game today! It's a battle.”
“Victory... victory. ”
“Yes. A battle. So, Rat, are you ready for my challenge? ”
He glances at me to see if I'm strangely attracted to this side. I'm not even three yet. Originally, children at that age like to play. Before that, I even tied up my tie with the magical word "battle," so it is only a matter of time before I leave this place.
“If Little Moody talks like this... I really can't help it. ”
Obviously, it was the fist that tightened. The three Goblin sisters were also noticeably delighted. Nicor is the one who looks anxious.
“M-Maeve, if I may go...”
“No! ”
I was once told I was a strong man, but now I can't leave this important fight to Nickor, just a dog with a tail and can't afford to lose.
“I deal with it myself. ”
“Ah... Even if Maebh isn't out yet..."
“Beasts do their best when they're hunting herbivores. Nicholas, take a good look at me. ”
You hear no more voices. Gazing at Gark, you nod. Although it is a game, I will try to capture the first battle of the third succession of the Blood Greatest, this moment of sentiment, in some way, but it will not create an emotional situation.
‘I do my best without paying attention. ’
“My card isn't here right now, so I'd better borrow another card for a while. ”
"Hehe... He's not even ready yet. ’
“Aunties, I'm sorry, but I need you to lend me your card. ”
“Ugh... Ugh. However, it can be difficult to handle. ”
“It doesn't matter.”
Nothing is more stupid than using someone else's card than your own. It would have been possible if it had been before, but it is not now that there are so many types of cards.
This battle... we have to win! ’
Maeve smiles quietly and confidently presents her card.
And then...
“Huh?!?!! ”
“Uhhhhh?! ”
I lost quickly.
“Not a bad battle. Small mommy.”
“I... can't...”
It could be equivalent to or more than Kim Yu Ra. I can't understand why it's so strong, I'm sure it's only been a while since I met this game.
Definitely Latga was a genius. Excellence was the operation of fear itself, and the relaxed expression seemed to be the sight of a king. It was natural that tears began to fill up because of the feeling of ridicule. I blamed Heaven for how the world brought genius to this world.
“Huh... so much...”
You just have to endure the tears. However, my vision began to blur.
“The father used to say you can only be a true winner if you know how to hold a loser in your arms... I'm going to close my eyes this time because I see a little Mooney passion. It was a good battle. Mooney.”
I feel like crying more and more for Latga's comforting comfort. Neither Lava nor the commander was here to comfort her.
‘Be strong... be strong. Maeve!
As you look behind Latga as she steps out of the tent with Gark in a thunderous hull, you begin to hear someone's voice.
“A message from the glorious land. Storm Shadow hurriedly sent me. ”
“The chief is not here. ”
“I know. It was sent to the Blood Dagger Clan, so I need you to read it quickly. Goodbye, then. Good luck. ”
“Hmm. Strength, wisdom, honor...”
“Power and wisdom and honor. ”
Some news has come from the glorious land.
Gark begins to hand over the letter with a subtle expression, realizing it was the Blood Large Cough. The news waiting for Maeve when she opened the leather parchment was even more surprising, thinking it might be a letter singing the love sent by the Blood Dagger.
Maeve begins to mumble without even knowing it.
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