Green Skin
00378 Mev! Awaken!
There are no more limits. That's the thought that fills Maeve's head. I was listening to the conversation, but if I was being honest, I couldn't understand what was coming or going on. The woman in front of me felt bad, but I didn't have time to try my best to find her flaws.
It was because I was completely distracted.
A situation where not a single step can move, no, that's not it. If you move even the tip of your hand, you will surely earn a dishonorable nickname.
‘Whom will the most honorable chieftains of all time be chosen? ’
Of course it's the Great Chief Blood Dagger! Glug. ’
"Name me Third Chief Blood... a very honorable and respectable Greenskin... but his wife is not honorable." ’
‘Ah... I see. I forgot about that Maeve. The name is embarrassing, isn't it? ’
"I'm tired of being cool..."
A similar situation is apparent. If you do it here, it will definitely happen. Not only that.
I'm not talking to her! ’
‘Um... I was so busy... so nervous... so tired... that I said...’
I've graduated since I was one! Mom's an idiot! My friends tease me all the time! ’
La-la-va! ’
‘Maeve. Live by yourself now. ’
Captain! ’
"You've left a stain on my life! ’
I'm sorry, commander.
You can be so lonely. Many situations have passed, and in the end, the gravestones to be erected at the time of his death must have some humiliating words written on them. Queen Maeve sleeps here. This kind of writing will definitely be written.
‘Oh... no!! No!! ’
You can't be queen of piss like this.
You can't be Mother of Pee like this. Either way, I had to overcome this situation at all costs.
It was then that I felt like my head had cleared up. The breakthrough is not far. It was very close and the method was simple.
If I can't move, I can make someone move. It was a very basic idea, and it was very easy.
With the current atmosphere, it seemed that it would be possible.
You can do it! You can do it! Maeve!
Brain full activation.
The brain, which had never seemed to have been used, began to turn fiercely. The crisis has finally come to an opportunity, a time to break through the limits that it has created.
Looking around the left quadrant, Maeve opens her mouth quietly as she turns this situation upside down.
* * *
A quiet but powerful magical force envelops the tent. Since I was surprised by Maeve's sudden behavior, it is not hard to harden the expression of astonishment and craftsmanship. They know very well what kind of Green Skin Mev is. This is probably the first time I have seen it.
“What the...? ”
Jin-ah's expression was slightly stiff.
In fact, it is not hard for Jin-ah to think that way. There's no way she knows about hypnosis and the relationship I have. They may not even know that Jang Ye-ri is actually a Mage, nor how it relates to me.
That's why I only saw what I could see and believed.
The North and the East, and me at the center of it. If you cook me somehow, you might think you can join me.
In fact, there are currently quite a lot of Humans who want to board a large and powerful group called Greenskins. Even more so after Park Jung and Storm Shadow's love story spread.
Jinjin, who is in front of me, also has a similar purpose.
I would have already done a preliminary investigation on me and Maeve, and everything would have been done under calculation. It may have influenced her personality, but it may have been the result of an investigation, rather than being legitimate and speaking directly. This kind of conversation is something Greenskins can't hate.
Even though Maeve is sitting next to me, I'm sure she didn't think it was a crowd sending various signals. The information she had on Maeve was probably thought of as a lucky pair of cards, so it shouldn't be too hard not to be wary of her.
“You're saying you don't deserve it. Those who have made kites with us have fought for it, not won it. ”
Such a meb now trembles in anger and calmly opens his mouth.
“Th... but... to make the continent a little more even...”
Jin-ah was looking at me, but there was no reason for me to deal with her. Maybe it doesn't matter if I leave it to Maeve.
“There is no equality for those who do nothing. Some of the humans on this continent have been... bumping into each other since they were born. ”
“................. ”
“We fought against each other and strengthened each other with a constant struggle. ”
I've been stuttering, trembling, but I can't help but convey Mev's will.
“Together, with the great crisis, we've finally captured... things. Those are the ones that fought with the undead in the wars in north-east, south-south and northern continents. There were many sacrifices. Humans have suffered heavy losses, and many Greenskins have died... in the arms of the god of the battlefield. ”
“................ ”
“Three great chieftains, Blood Dagger, have opened everything to the Greenskins, just like you said. The same is true for some humans. But I'm not saying that we're never... ever wrong. There are still people who don't trust the Greenskins, and there are people who don't trust the Humans. There must be a reason for you not to open up the East Continent that we have acquired. And we dedicated it to reliable humans who had fought together. ”
“They're using what the Greenskins have unloaded. Mother of, uh, Greenskin. ”
“We are... not fools! ”
A powerful magical force protrudes from within. I never imagined such an ambassador would come from Mev's mouth.
‘We are not fools. ’
It's not an ambassador for Maeve, but Maeve has been excelling at digesting that sentence. Powder of a Falling Fairy because of its raging wings. It even looks sacred in some ways.
“We know what is right and wrong. You're the one who's treating us like fools. ”
What's the matter with you?
Each word is piercing the core. Even Jang Ye-ri was suspicious and immediately sent me a message.
[What did Maeve not eat well?]
[No... not really.]
[Did relaxation transform?]
[You know I'm not.]
[Just in case. It's suspicious.]
Choi Hyuk also opens his mouth and looks at Mev.
“I hope you don't forget where I am right now. He's got a lot of wives, and I'm not in a position to force him to have any other relationship with the... commander or the Blood... but I am the mistress of this glorious land and the mother of all Greenskins. Giving him the light of day in my presence is a great excuse and an insult to me. ”
“I never meant to... oh... no...”
“I told you not to think us stupid. I'm not as smart as other humans, and I've lived a long time, but I can understand everything you're saying. ”
No, the Meb is smart now. I don't know what kind of buff I got, but the current Meb is very smart.
“I'm... sorry. ”
Eventually, Jingjin slowly bowed his head. He admitted his mistake. The appearance of Maeve is literally unclear as to how the Spirit Queen did it.
“And this is a place to celebrate, not to discuss different agendas. ”
“Lord B-Blood Dagger...”
“He was just testing you. ”
“................ ”
I have never tested it I was really just wondering what she wanted. But first, I shut up.
“You're not the only one. I'm not going to tell you who it is, but there are some humans here who see something else on their faces. This is obviously greed. We didn't make kites with humans to get involved in this. Th... I respect and respect your will. But I shouldn't have spoken here. ”
“I'm sorry."
“W. I should never have brought up the story where the father of my precious child was celebrated. ”
Maeve's words silently silence the best and brightest. From their point of view, they were just swept away, but they seemed to feel sorry for the excitement of Taunt. It was because this place was literally a place of celebration and celebration.
“But... there's no way you can get what you want. ”
“Th-that's... that's true? ”
“Prove yourself. You have to prove yourself just as we have fought and fought. Your credentials are insufficient, but I think I can help. ”
In silence, a shape appears behind Maeve. I've only heard stories. Clear water slowly settles from the air. Little by little, it grew in size and eventually began to gush out the presence of filling the tent.
Someone muttered as they saw him.
“Jing... the Spirit King...”
“I never thought a fairy queen could... handle a Spirit King. ”
I didn't even know when I was going to be able to handle it. Maeve stares back at Jinjin without even looking back at what she knows behind her.
The so-called Spirit King is pulling a giant water bow protest and warning Jinjin who's in front of him, but he can't afford that kind of existence for a new blue baby who just came in.
Meb mutters once again to Jung Jina, who is staring at the Spirit King with a trembling mouth.
“W-we all need to get... out. ”
“Yes… that… is. ”
“Today is not a good... time to... cry." Huh-huh-huh-huh-uh. ”
“.......... ”
Perhaps it's because of the meb that expresses his intentions while trembling. Finally, I got up first. Since the good seats had cooled so quickly because of the little blue one, perhaps JingJing would have nothing to say.
[I want you to tell Maeve that I'll make it up to her. I don't know if it was intentional, but I felt refreshed. It's going to be quiet now.]
[I see.]
This reaction is for the best and the best. Maybe there's a reason they got up first.
“I'm sorry to bother you. We'll finish this tomorrow. ”
“I'm sorry, we owe you an apology. ”
Jung Jin-ah's expression continues to harden as she sees the people leaving suddenly. He realized what he had done wrong.
“P-please forgive me...”
“I'm not trying to book you. The... the tent is ready, so make sure you get out quickly. I wish I could see you smiling tomorrow. Huff... huff...”
“Yes... yes. ”
I thought it was like a wet mouse. Moving to increase his position has created the worst outcome. I thought today might make her lose her place. It was very close for those who left her back to turn their backs on her. I swallowed it for no reason.
Mev and I were the only ones left in the tent when people left in a hurry. I'm curious about the giant spirit king, and the information continues to fly in and plug into my eyes.
Of course, I can see the current state of the mav. It's funny that you haven't noticed in a while.
“H-Commander... H-help me. ”
The cry of desperation.
I immediately reached for Maeve, and she began to look at me with a tearful look.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
SWSW//I can't ignore the affairs... town! I can't ignore it.
You're a jerk.//Yes, a long one.
prayway//Best regards!
T-stone... no detonation!
White Balmain//Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Haku Ryu//Udon! I admit it!
Good luck//Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Altenia//Reverse card open blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Seferraziel//Thank you! Delicate atmosphere...
Damaoka//anxious mebujaya!
TheDaybreak//Best regards!
Ultior//Thanks all the time!
Yarr//I got it.
14C2A58H2//Mother Russia! I thought of Mother of Dragons.
Kurofai//Kmm... Kmm...
SWSWSWIN //Thank you very much 1 Thank you! I'll use it harder, Mr. Swine!
tlqfka1//No way! No way!
Rump//This is so... scary.
Tetragrammaton//Meb is flying up.
baka5957//Protect the mature Mev!
Adolf Rachel Friars//Oh... no!
Lorisin//What does that mean?!
koreaabce//I'll avoid it!
Siegfried//Thank you!
- Put it down! - Brain full!
MokuMoku//Monster... I won't bully you!
Lizad//Thank you!
Why are you guys so funny?//I'm preparing for the wedding!
Aah! Aah!//Hikimomori Stony!
Tsuka//Chance of crisis!
Grey Ash//Frappo Maeve.
Hyundai//Yes... four. I won't torture you!
satyZ//Come on, Maeve...
Judah//You Saved!
//I don't give a damn enough to ruin a Greenskin's life!
Priest//Mevring is energized!
prayway//Best regards!
Lunarctic//Don't f-fuck me, Mev.
RayHong//Traditional heavy water1
Saved//my life...
No Alsmagna//social burial.
Arlene. It wasn't perfect.
Today, Zolin//Maeve is out!
//Everyone... doesn't want it.
Langtail//Public execution. It hurts so much.
Next life in Northern Europe.//Yes... Yep!
Madrum//Motherfucking Mev...
KuroiSora//Boring... Boring....
Gila//Thank you!
Zachary//I'm not married yet. If you're going to get married, I'm going to drive all three of you to one.
DJYO//What an admirer!
skdlgg//Yes... yep 1
Thank you for everything//always! Today is the 3rd Anniversary!
T-Stone//Tear Meb...
ppk12//Cheer up, Chief Maeve!
Cheer up, Mevjay.
Aaaaahhhh//Yes. No way!
LGB//Eunju Cheer 1
Altegar//Don't bother too much!
Jin9//Thank you very much. It's a great honor!
Jin9//You can come back! because it wasn't cheap in front of everyone.
seeing//Were you sure about the future you saw!
- Uncle Bananon. -/I have a kid and he pees. This hurts.
Lusia//What is a series?
//Mega Boo... You did it!
White Balmain//Thank you!
Dawn Walk//Did you see it!
One Blue Sky Star//Becomes Happy! Someday!
Poor little boys. Jaya...
Elquinesis//continues to suffer.
asfdgads//You just got it right.
Banquet//exported someone else.
Stiffness//Social Stores…
Traveling abroad//Poor thing.. Hhhhhh 51013;...
lWinter Idiot//Cool... Cool!
Toronto//is a very heartbreaking angle.
Pica//Mev must suffer!
Thank you!
tlstmdals//Alas for Musan...
Kwangjae//Oh, my gosh, this article is disgusting...
Good luck//Thank you!
Honeydew//That... can't be.
I want to be a KP//Poor Maid...
Brokenherat//looks great!
Jinhan Lee//Yes. We're in business!
Hope of Fog Flowers//Precious Mevjean Awakening!
Altenia//I'm crying now!
Puddin/ /Plus today is the third year...
Seferraziel//Thank you! That's very comforting. Thank you! Thank you!
Sky//But unfortunately, Musan...
You have such a memory. Blah blah blah blah
Bear Boy//Yep. I'll be careful.
Damaoka//Thank you! That's a relief! Thank you very much.
I want my nose back//Modified!
You're pathetic.//Thank you.
I'll let Bliza//go on to another story!
ads123//hh... ugh! Cry!
Windsor 17//Thank you so much! I'll use it even harder!
Meatballs//Mev will get through this!
Ultior//Thank you all the time!
TheDaybreak//Thank you! All the time!
Thank you so much for your Composition Coupon from Windsor 17 ! Thank you so much for your Composition Coupon! Thank you! Thank you!
Today is the 3rd Anniversary! Thank you all! Sunchuko is a great power for writers!
Awakening mebuzzan. Brain full!