Green Skin
00385 Heaven and Hell
“No. Let's finish browsing the temple first. ”
“Ah! Yes! ”
In fact, I wanted to go right now, but seeing White Zinc and Choi's expression, I felt that it was the right choice to postpone for a moment. There are a lot of people who look around in the first place, so it would be better to go down to the basement after going around a little more.
If Choi and White Zinc are interested in the heavenly side, the place I am more and more interested in is the underworld side. I opened my mouth to White Zinc with the things that caught my eye.
“I thought I heard you say vengeance...”
“Oh, yes, it is. Vengeance is welfare.In fact, those who follow the Savior have lived a happy life from the beginning, but not the Elves who existed. They have been enslaved, harassed and sexually exploited by the Japanese. There were times when you had to fight a fight you didn't want to fight. Vengeance was created for those elves. ”
“Does it work? ”
“Of course. I was a little hesitant at first... but everyone got used to it. The animal that I thought of seemed to be adapting quickly to the environment, whether human or elf. ”
“Looks like you have a different place to use it. ”
“Yes! Yes. Probably the top floor, where they don't want to kill anyone, so... they've set up a place in the basement. ”
“Elven women sometimes call Japanese men. ”
“........? ”
“The men in the basement have small side effects with a special potion. not with pleasure, but with tremendous pain. From the elves' point of view, they'll return what they've been through, but if they're in enough pain to go into shock, they probably won't add up. ”
In other words, the men there cannot have a proper relationship. I created a whole new world, not a new city. While I was a little surprised, I nodded my elongated head, looking at the statue from afar, and my eyes glistened at the overwhelming size I had to look up for a long time.
The tip of my shoe felt similar in size to my height. Choi Hyuk stretched his legs looking at him.
“Wow… this is…”
“I'm building a statue. Statues of statues and images of the number of worlds elsewhere are about this big. It's made of ore that can only be obtained from the Eastern Continent, but it takes longer than I thought...”
Definitely working hard What was interesting was that we could distinguish between the two groups that were working on it. What looked different was people's faces. Those who are working with very pleasant expressions must be Japanese artisans from the temple who are being repaired and working with anxiety.
There is one other difference. If the members of the temple were worshipping me, the Japanese who came out of the work desperately put their heads to the ground and fixed their gaze.
"You can't see it. ’
I didn't know the details, but I think it's forbidden for them to see me.
I'm not sure if the dung will splash on me, but I'm sure I have a different look, humiliation and anxiety than the previous Japanese. In a short time, it's a short time. I'm starting to get even more scared of how that can change.
“Hmm. Did Zinc ever see that? ”
“Yes? What kind of...”
“Tae Seong Kim, did you bring a chair? ”
“Of course...”
I nod roughly after whispering in my ear.
I was keeping it separate in the space in the cloak. It was stored for ammunition, but I never imagined that this would be the first place the Iron Throne and the Cloak of the Hermit would enter.
Of course, I know what the hypnotist wants. As I stretch my arms slightly, the weapons that make up the Iron Throne appear from my cloak.
It's really quick when they make the shape of the chair. Even before I bowed down, the Iron Throne appeared on the ground cracking with a cracking sound.
“Thy salvation...”
Whether the facial expressions of astonishing astonishment, the expression of unbelievable zinc, or the waves of magical power that created the Iron Throne, the cloak is pulsing and making it even more dramatic. To be honest, it might be a little cool.
As I sat down, I heard cheer, not the cheer of Zinc.
“Savior!!! Gaaaahhhhhh!”
I've never heard white zinc scream like that before. Girls who go to idol concerts won't react like that.
“Hah… Hah… It's nice to see you again. Really…”
“Gaaaahhhh!! It really looks like it's going to appear in a myth! Savior! Sitting on a throne made of weapons, this lowly congregation will die no matter what! ”
“.............. ”
“If you were going to convert, how would you look like this? ”
“Of course. Of course, it would be wise to make it this way. Choi Seulgi, you're amazing. ”
“Hmm. I know a thing or two. ”
Even white zinc is blocking its nose with a very red face, whether it looks like it will have a nosebleed.
“Hey, I'll make a new statue out of this right now!" I will give you an opportunity to engrave the Holy Spirit of the Savior into his filthy eyes, so get it into your memory as soon as you can. ”
“Yes... yes, sir. To... the Savior...”
You hear a desperate voice in White Zinc's cry. The total overseer of the work was a Japanese, not a temple craftsman. As soon as White Zinc's name fell, he looked at me carefully and desperately. If I can't remember who I am, I'll die. They know that.
He's not the only one. Other Japanese people, including him, were desperately looking at me. I even started noticing the guys with the charcoal out and painting.
Perhaps that is their mission, as quickly as possible, and precisely as possible. It felt like I was making eye contact with a Japanese woman, and even though it wasn't long after that, White Zinc quickly opened its mouth.
“You don't have the guts to look me in the eye. I'll gouge those eyes out myself if you don't look them in the eye right now. ”
“I'm... sorry! ”
The woman who made eye contact shouted loudly. Even though it's only been a short time, there are no Japanese people holding their heads.
“I like it here. ”
Choi Hyuk muttered, looking at him.
I'm a little scared.
It took me a long time to look inside the temple, but it wasn't just a bad time. It was particularly enjoyable for me to look at the joyful Choi and White Zinc.
After a while, he joined Relaxation Dragon and was just getting ready to go down to the basement. I decided to go down to the basement with all of me, Choi Saeng Gi and relaxation, but I decided to join the next time because it was for the purpose of experiencing white zinc with fewer people.
White Zinc's expression seemed very sad that he had to be satisfied by showing me out to the entrance, but he didn't say anything else to me.
“Are you sure you want to go that way? Dear Savior, dirty things can't harm the Savior, but I'm very anxious whether the Savior will feel bad. ”
“No problem, my faithful. Don't worry. Do what you have to do. ”
This is why we don't take white zinc.
“Hmmm... This magic is so clumsy, is that okay? ”
“Heh heh. Of course I'm okay. Choi Seung-gi. Even with this kind of illusion magic, those in the basement won't dare recognize the true nature of the Savior and Choi Seung-gyu. ”
“Well... It's not her area of expertise... but it's high magic in its own right. It won't be hard to tell. ”
I relaxed to the question of Choi Seunggi.
It was a kind of fun to go down after disguising as Gu Tai. It was because I wanted to try it a little bit and thought I would be able to keep my natural appearance in plain sight rather than going to my original form.
Maybe if White Zinc were together, someone would swear at me and blow his head off.
“You can take this down. Save me.”
“This looks like an elevator. Right?"
I agree with the term of mourning. The basement was so deep that it seemed to be moving with the shape and magical power that it needed this facility, but it was not a very complicated configuration. I got into the elevator with white zinc, relaxation, and hypnosis to meet right in front of the basement, and I felt like I saw it on earth. Unlike Earth, all sides are not closed and open.
As I began to slowly descend, the things I could see seemed like a horror movie.
“I believe in the Savior. Please believe me. Please... please. ”
“Please let me down... Please... Please... Please let me down...”
I've seen it before.
“The Inquisitors are still doing their best for the Savior today. ”
“That's a relief. ”
“Oh, you can also see Inquisitor Park Ji-hye, the wife of the Relaxing Faith. ”
The appearance of his working wife was hard to see. He hurriedly turned his head.
“Only those who pass the various qualifications and tests at the very bottom can participate in this purification ceremony. Of course, not many people are born as true believers. ”
“How many were there? ”
“There's one. Unfortunately, only one congregation has lived happily ever after from the ground up. Most people scream because they don't have enough faith, asking them to come down before they go through a few steps. And of course, we don't just send them down because they have to go through some sort of purification ritual until they come up. ”
In other words, there is no way up to the ground at all. But the pain itself will be. I'd rather live underground.
As you continue down, a new landscape shines in your view.
From those tortured by sharp objects to those tortured by water, even strange stars using magic reagents or magic horses began to appear in my vision. I felt like something like tentacles had passed.
“From underground to above ground."
“There's about 150 floors. ”
It means you have to climb one floor after enduring 150 kinds of hellish torture.
“............. ”
Seeing Zinc as if I was bored, Zinc frowned with a depressed expression.
“I'm so sorry. They're filthy to the bone... even more recently, I've heard they appear as filthy creatures who refuse to go up. I'm pushing it up... but those who don't already have the will are unlikely... and I'll try harder. ”
It seems that only 150 floors were accepted as a reprimand that only one person passed through. Definitely not. Rather, I was very curious about who that one was.
When I thought that some time had passed, I felt the elevator stop that we were all riding together.
“You've arrived.”
“Yes. I'll see you on the ground, then. Save me.”
“Well done. I'm proud of you."
“Th-thank you. Save me.”
It's right to say this much.
I stepped out a little bit after overcoming the heretic interrogators who were already waiting with Choi Soon-yong, and then a place completely different from heaven began to shine into view.
When I opened my mouth slightly, Relaxing Yong nodded with a confident expression.
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The Rifles are next! Thank you all! I'm going to make it a more hard-working earthenware.
Sunchuko is a great power for writers!