Green Skin
00407 Growth
I thought this power could also increase the efficiency of the weapon with the medium, but I was a little embarrassed that Leviathans would talk directly to me like this. It was a voice that seemed confident that I would already pour out my emotions on myself.
It may not be possible for Leviathan to evolve into emotion in the first place.
- I'm sure you can, honey. That flame is very common with me.
- This body was originally strong... not as evolved as Gram.
I felt like I had heard of it. A long time ago, I lost my old power. It was clearly described in the description of the item. If Lebanese can really evolve, it's a huge advantage for me, too.
All the weapons I frequently used were ranked among the top items through various evolutions and refinements.
The penalty is great but strong enough for Dyne,
Leviathans that can ignite the flames of destruction.
a riddle that enables fast movement and tolerance,
Smithstein, who is responsible for health and magical recovery,
It's been a while since I left it in my hands, but Isaac, who allows me to use magic,
The Grand Chief's Hammer, which we haven't used properly yet,
Among them, the overwhelmingly good weapon is, of course, the gram of sadness after the most recent explosive evolution. I had still not acknowledged myself as my master, but nevertheless was the most overwhelming. Of course, there was a disadvantage, not a disadvantage, that emotions had to be accumulated to evolve, but the penalty could not be called a disadvantage compared to the power that Gram could produce.
Assuming we can get Leviathan to the same level of performance as Gram...
Same performance? Don't be ridiculous. It won't even compare.
- Jealous of what? He's different from my dog in the first place... 'cause I look like this now. Grams gets bigger and bigger... and that's why we don't let lightning people get richer.
You two don't get along, do you? ’
- I don't like it after a crazy bitch. Hmph. Just like I used it the first time. It's funny, isn't it? According to Isaac, you haven't even had your first night, and you're acting all skillful all by yourself! If so, I don't know why you're building your pride. Ha. Pretending to be expensive all by yourself is very funny.
‘............... ’
Looks like there's a story behind it. I thought I'd like to take a look at Lebanese horses in a space with only weapons. It's because when I saw them talking to each other in my absence, something unusual was going to happen.
- You're right. Dyne glows every day, and Ridell and Mystille only notice. Gram acts like he's something else. Honestly, I'm the normal one. It's hard living among them... I envy Isaac so far away. Of course, I'm sorry that I can't see you often, but...
Although it may not seem like it, Leviathan is definitely a man compared to Daein, Mystille and Isaac in particular. When I think about things, I hear Leviathan's voice again.
By the way, how did you talk to me in the first place? ’
- I could have done it. from the point of integration. Do you think you're gonna get a headache? We were just being selfish. Kmm... But since I did it once, the other kids will come too...
‘It's not very nice to meet you... but you don't need to integrate. ’
- Of course it is. It's been connected since the beginning of the ownership ceremony. We're getting close enough to be able to communicate as a whole.
It was a little surprising that my ability to communicate with weapons was because they cared about me. It is hard to believe that Daine will be able to attend.
- That crazy bitch is what we're trying to stop... and do it faster than that, baby.
‘Wait a minute. ’
I'm still working on something else. Moving to the item store is a hassle. Evolving Leviathan was not an urgent matter, and I didn't think the necessary anger would have gathered.
- No, that's enough.
‘What are you talking about? ’
The feelings that are flowing to me are not exactly small, but they are very small compared to the feelings that were used to wake Gram up.
- You don't even have to go into the Item Shop and leave me to the odd Goblins.
‘Emotions won't be enough. ’
- What did I just say? I'm not evolving. I'm trying to wake me up before, baby. The emotions that are accumulating right now, and that fire over there, that's enough.
I started to look a little ahead. I couldn't figure out what to do with the massive flame that was continually burning.
- Let me help you. Let's be one, baby.
Why are we united in the first place? ’
- It'll be easier. Once united, accept that flame and separate it again, and it's over. Perhaps it's okay for you to see me merging with my former powers even sooner. It'll be better than ever. I assure you.
Appearance is not that important. Nevertheless, Leviathan was beginning to get quite excited when he said so.
I looked around a little. The congregation is praying towards me, staring into the flames ahead of her. White Zinc and Choi Seul are also taking a fuzzy position, but I don't like it. For some reason, the story of the Blood Dagger would be born again if we merged here.
However, the flame that is already burning there forever will be a myth to them, and it will not be bad to provide this kind of service to them.
- Good thinking.
I sighed and slowly opened my mouth.
“I have work to do. My faithful, wait. Bite those in eternal flame. ”
“Al, I understand. Save me.”
I also began to look at me with very anticipated eyes, whether I noticed that I was doing something, including Zinc White. No other explanation is necessary. I slowly reached out to Leviathan, and the integration proceeded.
[Weapon Integration]
[Target - Leviathan]
The flame from Lebanese consumes me. I can't get used to this at any time. I don't feel any more pain than I did before.
- Yeah, it's getting closer.
The flame continues to rise from the tail, back.
“Thy salvation...”
“Tae-sung Kim? Why are you suddenly... merging? ”
“I just need a minute. ”
Leviathans immediately opened his mouth before the sound of white zinc and hysterical muttering.
- You can walk in.
“A miracle... a miracle! ”
I choked and laughed as I heard a voice from somewhere. In the land of the brothers and in the glorious land, the ambassadors that I heard so much about inherited the blood of the Blood Generation. The word I've heard most often here is a miracle. It would be the word.
Lavá and Lafrá drank water, but their blood ran thick. Even the sleeper was heavily fed. He shouts that even if he eats food, his blood is thick.
Same here.
It's a miracle I drink water. It's a miracle I slept for a while. A miracle even if you eat. If the real miracle worker is looking down at this place, he must be lost. However, this is certainly different from such a trivial matter. They look as if they are seeing a myth somewhere.
Of course, that's completely different.
- Get ready. It's gonna hurt a little bit.
You're not going to faint, are you? ’
- Not that much.
At the same time, the flame that was burning itself as a raw material began to pour into my body. The flames started to come at me as if they were of their own free will, and once more there was a commotion around them.
“Savior! Ah...”
“A miracle! A miracle! Miracles of the Savior!”
“He accepts the flames of eternity! ”
I can't adapt to the appearance of those who pray with tears in their eyes. However, when I thought about how I would be reflected in them, I thought that it was not hard to have such a reaction.
A new body is gained and a new appearance, being engulfed in fire, the Savior who has entered the fire that never dies out. You will definitely think. While thinking useless thoughts, the flame continues to enter my body.
I am very familiar with the recent assignment of my body to the fire. It wasn't as painful as Leviathan said. Rather, I began to feel very comfortable.
- Better matches than I thought.
What if he doesn't get sick? ’
- Yes, sir.
As time passed, I could clearly feel my body changing.
Your hair is turning into fire. Like Jung Yeon, who had hair like the trunk of a plant, my head began to be covered with flames. Not only that, the horn on your forehead was on fire.
If anyone sees me, they'll think I'm the Devil of Fire.
After a while, I began to feel a strong force, a little reaching for the ground, and the flame covered the ground like before.
‘Is it over?'
- Not yet.
One more giant flame swept over me just after the horse was finished. It does not feel like the body itself is on fire.
I bit my lip a little bit without knowing it. The flames that enter my body are circulating through my body like blood. No, I really feel like my blood is made of sparks. I could clearly feel the Leviathan in my heart.
As the pain passes and you sigh, you hear the voice of Leviathan-like satisfaction.
- We did it, baby! Heeheeheeheehee!
‘I don't know if I like it or not. I know you're stronger now. ’
After I finished speaking, I looked around my body slowly, and there was a lot of information pouring out.
[Weapon Integration]
[Mode - Leviathan - Sword of Furious Suit.]
[Weapon Integration will grant the user Flame Attribute. You have the horn of a relentless flame of anger.
It has perfect resistance to flame properties. Greatly increases the Attack Power of Flame Attributes. It can consume the emotion of anger into flames. You have control over fire and heat without using magic. It consumes all of its magical power and creates a flame of destruction that burns the world. Summons a flame of undying anger that consumes all emotions.]
[Strength +10, HP +10, Magic Power +20]
In Gram's case, the physical strength was only 20, and the function was to strengthen the body with feelings of sadness. Maybe it's because you don't recognize me as your current owner, but Leviathan is more than just a Gram.
- How much more than just Grams? Ha. He's no match for me. Good job, baby. Now that we've evolved, do you have to find me before the next one swings?
With a very confident voice, I immediately unraveled the integration with Leviathan, smiling deeply.
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Thanks all the time! I'll take the Rifles off today and put them all on tomorrow! Sunchuko is a great power for writers!