Green Skin
00490 All Out of War Sudden
“I'm surprised.”
It was very surprising that Latga chose all-out war. No combat manuals have been unified into the Blood Dagger Clan's War Intelligence Office. It simply records the previous battles. It was to prevent unified thinking. However, assuming there were manuals, it would be written to preserve the troops in such situations.
Perhaps Jang Ye-ri taught him that, too.
But Latga chose to react. I chose to gamble rather than vaguely preserve my troops. We don't know if this is going to be positive or negative, but the situation itself is very interesting.
I didn't think that the children would make this choice first, completely the opposite of what I thought would happen.
Tribes are also joyfully running for the name of the festival. It was probably boring.
The only thing that seemed nervous was the mother's side, and the relaxation of the plan to get hit by the afterstorm.
“Why... I knew you'd make a choice in the latter...”
The anxious and severed horn touches and gazes quietly at the situation.
“Not bad. You're doing great.”
Jeongyeon looks at her daughter as if she won't miss a single scene.
“Please! Please! Please, please, please! Savior?! Please! Please!”
Maeve praying somewhere like white zinc, rubbing her hands with her eyes closed.
He seemed to have forgotten that the savior was right next to him.
Each behavior that looks at the last moment is clearly different.
Of course, the differences were the same for the children who created the current situation.
Giant flames and magic pour down, and divine power continues to pour out on those who carry shields. The Divine Defense Magic stops the magic, and the elite Orc Swordsmen clash their swords against each other. It's like you're training.
But the look on his face that wants to fight a couple is real.
The wolves are rolling their troops to escape the magical influence, and elite shamans who are with Eun Joo are wandering around and fending off the wolves. It is unbelievably impressive that the dangers of wolf water traveling as a group are those who have not yet had an adult ceremony.
Gark, who needs to mark Eun Joo Choi, is trapped by Hark and Orbo of the shield is stopping the attack by the Goblin Three Sisters.
There is no crisis like this. Rats trying to hold their ranks somehow impede the faction by utilizing the Minotaurs as a shield against the magic spilling down on Lavah's side.
I'm distracted from what I'm seeing. However, it was important that they all looked happy.
“Fly! Fly! ”
“Next to the shield's orbo! It's Gark!”
“Hark's brother is fighting?! ”
“Fall quickly! ”
“Orbo is tough, too! ”
“Rigid Orbo Gang! ”
This is a scene where three small Goblins are pressing around a large Minotaur. Of course, the orbo of the shield does not move as if it were rooted.
“I thought you were sturdy in the Training Hall! ”
“What? What? What did you just say? ”
“S-show me now! Defeat Orbo!”
“Let's go!”
“It flies!”
Three people need to be together to be affected by the unique blade storm that can be used.
- I'm out.
- Don't move there! I'm out!
Taking control of the situation, Isaac frowns over the faces of those who leave the battlefield with a furious expression. You don't want to get away with it. I also want to be with them. All the battles are fun, but also the most exciting thing is Gark versus Hark.
Gark's swordsmanship in retrieving his brother's four sacks with one sword is unprecedented.
“Sounds good.”
“Hark is stronger! ”
“Why is Garkman next to the Blood Dagger?! It's pathetic!”
“I am the anamfath! Of course!”
It seemed to me that there were some personal emotions. He was pressuring Gark as he pulled out his own ability to separate the body into two pieces, but Gark's expression was still relaxed. You can see it by looking at the flowing Eun Joo. Of course, Gark's actions were enough to inconvenience Hark's sowing, and Gark was also difficult to sell his mind elsewhere on a slightly sharper blade.
What was surprisingly interesting was the white zinc that was getting the most Eunuchist magic. The struggle between those who were not prominently close, but respected each other in their own way, drew sweat to their hands. If it were a real battle, Choi Eun Joo would have won, but if he filled the oral arts of life, he would have a constantly pushing force in because of the rules that would not fail.
If that side uses the rules, this side also uses the rules, and Choi Eun Joo starts approaching Latga with Lapra. He wants to put an end to endless fights. While this will not help in catching Latga, the greatest benefit was the returning of the pagans to Latga, just by bringing her to the front of Latga.
“Big Mother. Thank you."
Everyone knows that only a king can catch a king.
As the glamorous battle continues, Ralph looks at Latga and is very amused.
The incantation begins to appear as a giant root, a giant root covering the battlefield, in which shamans and wizards hide themselves and elite Orc Swordsmen battle with the terrain.
It looks like the Blood Dagger Clan before. No, it's much bigger than that.
“............... ”
“............... ”
The executives are all distracted, so there's no need to say anything else.
It's not the horse coefficient I showed you before. However, the appearance of dealing with plants that were similar to Jung Yeon was definitely not something that a young child could show.
“No way...”
“Blood Daggers' blood runs deep! ”
I was expecting that sound again today. I look at the roots of enemies and allies that are unnecessarily surprising. If anyone is showing the best of you on the battlefield, the answer is already given.
“I'm the winner. Sorry, brother. ”
When the large roots poured out on Latga without warning, Jung Yeon nodded. What is interesting is the appearance of the calf, and the appearance of her also raising her mouth tail is very impressive. Of course, the answer to why he was relaxing was confirmed shortly after.
Roots that are neatly sliced in half,
The weapon that cuts through the space reveals itself.
“Grim Reaper's sickle. ”
“I didn't ask you not to lend me a weapon. Isn't that right?”
“.................. ”
A lack of specs is filled with armor.
“Tae-sung, is that...”
However, I never imagined that I would bring the sickle of the Apostle. Jeongyeon looked at me as if I was cheating, but I don't see it as a rule violation. There were some things that weren't announced in the first place, and handling weapons is also part of your skills.
“No problem. ”
In fact, it is not just the sickness of the Apostle.
An Aegis Shield Fragment said to be able to stop any attack. It looks like I have it. The boots you're wearing are also not a bad piece of equipment.
Tem wash.
I felt like I was seeing me for some reason before. The sickle of an envoy, which cuts the stalk of a giant plant, is also the sickle of an envoy, but Latga's power to control and maintain it is also strong.
Nicor's spell prevents the roots from attacking everywhere for the first time, but Nicor's spell allows the way quickly.
Rad, who rolls around in the air, is also aware of how the attack will take place.
They are talented, unlike my children. Among them, Latga has good eyes.
Perhaps time is slowing down. If you see movement, you can expect enough.
“Troops, regroup! Don't be shaken! If you stay, you win! ”
I've been avoiding attacks like him and shouting out loud to the troops. They realize that all they can do is stall time. I know well that I cannot afford Lapra.
“Push him out!”
“Hang on!"
“I'm helping Latga! Elite Orc Swordsmen, push off the Goblin Legion quickly! ”
“Fetch the magic! Don't create any more deserters! We're going to die! Glug! ”
Regardless of how you respond, Rat keeps the faction busy.
The number of times that roots are allowed to attack is increasing and the oral technique of life is being carved out, but there is still time.
The combination is much better than I thought. With Nicor in one arm, relatively low mobility, Latga confronts the roots of Lapra with the help of magic. What Latga can't deal with is Nikor, and together we can stop the attacks that Nikor feels burdened with.
In fact, I didn't think the two of you would get along, but seeing that look made me feel like I knew why Jang Ye-ri had decided to mate with Nicor Latga.
Latga's body was also shining with a tattoo like Kim Yu Ra or me. His skin color was different, but he was now running around the battlefield with a slightly larger horn.
If I was the same age as Latga, I'd look like that.
“Just like you. ”
“.......... ”
“Aren't they like you? Here you are.”
It is the distribution of the son.
Maybe a little sentimental. Maybe you think it's too emotional.
It was very surprising to me that there were tears in my eyes as well. As he tried to say something else about his throat, he tightly closed his mouth.
“Th… ugh…”
However, the sobbing voice that comes out is an unbearable shape, the image of Mother, just like everyone else.
At first, he would not have understood why his son made such a foolish choice, even though he had a high chance of losing, and tried to protect his own without being shaken.
“The elite Orc Swordsmen pay no attention to this side and focus on maintaining their ranks! The priests are assistants!”
“Push him out!”
“Push it!”
“Shields up! Don't be ashamed! ”
In fact, he didn't understand. When Latga chose to stay, she frowned and looked at the reorganization of her troops, saying that she did not believe in elongation.
He muttered and opened his mouth that he would have made a different choice if he were himself.
But now I understand and accept.
I'm actually feeling it. Even though the results may not be good, they must be aware that their children made the right choices by looking at those following Latga.
“Ahhhhhh! Rat! ”
Life's verbs shatter and burst into fury.
He understands his son, who is beating the ground with his tears.
In a way, it is very natural. In the beginning, I was able to survive well. Using a lot of items wasn't bad, and the process didn't actually look bad either. What was lacking in magical strength was the cause, although not lacking in magical strength, we could not easily guarantee that Latga would win, but there were some who could certainly afford Lapra with a value outside the specifications. This is your first drop.
Zhang Ye-ri takes a deep breath and mumbles.
“Not bad. Isn't that right? How can that look like a loser? ”
“That's right."
“No losers receive applause. My son may have lost, but he's not a loser. ”
“Of course...”
Of course, the words of Jang Ye-ri did not mix with lies.
I didn't burst my heart like before, but I felt something cool inside.
“This is a good day. ”
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* * *
Pica//There's been a change in race values, but it looks like he left the horn alone!
Lieden //Modified!
PanDDaeki//Modified! Best regards,
The world//has been corrected!
* * *
Traveling abroad//Yes. Powerful, but a son of a bitch.
North Astor//Then even sweeter.
It was the best pronunciation. Blah blah blah blah
SilverSnow//WanyongJean... What the hell are you...
I really want to try it later .
Hanhobin //Literally... out of specification!
Marionette//I can't explain. T-
Pica//This really feels like it. I didn't mean to, but it feels like the middle ages.
sdaas//Yes. Blah blah blah blah blah blah
LauraStuart//Palliative.... I would like to prepare a painful episode separately.
It was just a mountain//big picture. Blah blah blah blah blah
Damaoka//is getting tougher.
Koo 914 //Wan Hee is forever suffering... Crystal Complete!
Speedwagon//Finishing Machine blah blah blah blah feels like something fun.
Web Novel Adopter//Puppy Dog Accepted!
AK Reader//Not a heartbreaking ending!
AK Reader//Laughter...
Newcle//But everything gets twisted!
☞ Mega//This is similar. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Thank you! Thank you!