Green Skin
00519 You shouldn't have trusted me.
Time passed very little.
Nothing changed much. other than preparing for the ceremony. I spent a lot of time with Serapim for the advice of relaxation, but that was it.
Nothing changed for me personally, but the congregation and the pigeons were very busy. It was because they didn't seem to like each other very much, but they thought they should be big and strong for now.
“To the Savior! ”
At work speed, I thought there were no followers of the Greenskins, but the followers' speed was also uncanny. Not just recycling a previous building, but an edible building has begun to enter an empty site. It was fast, but the quality was also unusual to me. It was pretty funny that my statue wouldn't fall off.
The building is going to look so different tomorrow.
In fact, it was not only a smooth process. As the ceremony day approached, I tried this and that to ease my feelings, but I didn't have a dark look on my face.
For hours, I thought I had come to a satisfactory agreement just by holding on to each other and having a long conversation.
“The tracking spell I put on Michael. ”
“Is there a problem? ”
“No. It's more of a... confusing... enchantment than a problem... I don't know what to say...”
“It doesn't matter now. Maybe he could have decommissioned it. Gu Tai...”
“But I feel like I'm shaking for a second. ”
Eun Joo Choi brought some unwelcome news. I didn't keep track of the spell because I didn't trust Michael very much. That's why I didn't want to be terminated. It was an act of trying to demonstrate trust, but after a while, I completely forgot that Michael had a tracking spell on him.
I don't know before, but now Michael can cast a tracking spell on Eun Joo Choi. With more wings and a huge increase in magical resistance, it shouldn't be too hard for him.
“Do we have a final location? ”
“No, it's a little blurry. Not only the last one, but the position before it... it feels a little blurry. ”
The winged effect, basically the resistance on the body, is shaking the radio waves hung by Eun Joo.
While I was thinking about the possibilities, I thought that nothing was certain, maybe I was confused for a moment by the magic that was caught up with me to enter a place like Sanctuary. Because Agape's personality could have been something even his friends couldn't show him.
“You haven't lost it yet, have you? ”
“Can you tell me if you get back on track? ”
“Yes, of course. ”
“Then I'll go see a pigeon for a while. ”
I had a pretty strange thought the whole way down the street. I wasn't sure, but I kept worrying about his last words.
Trust. Trust. The horse was originally a sweet horse, but I had to be pretty grumpy considering the conversation I had with the last time I saw him. Although there was no immediate way to move, he thought it was important to check what was happening even privately.
When I continued to take steps thinking about various things, I did not promise to meet Seraphim, but I must have been preparing after confirming that I was coming.
“Here you are. What brings you here today...”
“Nothing else happened. I have to have some business to see my wife. ”
“I made a mistake. It's not like that. It's just that you seem to be visiting a lot lately. I'm just happy to ask. ”
In fact, I felt like I was inside his influence even though Michael had left and relaxed was also strongly demanding to meet. But what was being influenced by me was that she, too, noticed a flush on her face.
“Let's have a cup of tea. ”
“Yes, I'll be ready. ”
The sperm in the garden outside the building flashes into view. Every time I come here, I spend time there, but I don't think I'll ever leave there again. Spending time outdoors with my wife was meaningful, but I also won because I wanted others to see me and her together.
As I quietly sat down in the chair, the cerapim began to approach me after folding its wings slightly. Following the tea brewed in luxurious teacups will feel old-fashioned to a passing dog.
“Thank you."
“How are the preparations going? ”
“Yes, of course. This is very important to both factions, so I'm doing my best to prepare them. We're doing a lot of favors for the War of the East... There's nothing to worry about. ”
“I'm sorry I didn't have time to participate. It would have been the right thing to do if it had been the way it was. ”
Of course it's a lie that we don't have time. If I tell you the truth, it is because I am not interested in this way and am not moving.
“No, thank you enough for making the hard decision. ”
“You made the tough decision, too. He is the archangel of Agape. If you think about it, the most noble person is sold to monsters. ”
I stroked the horn. Because I thought it was the organization that best expresses my identity.
“Puhahaha. You can't deny it. ”
“Of course, it wasn't always like that at first...”
“............. ”
“I think it's not so bad now. ”
“See what. ”
“It's been a while. ”
“Shouldn't be that long...”
“Yes. Certainly not that long. But I think it's important to be with someone at the same time. It may seem a bit lacking, but I think I can understand Blood Dagger a little bit better. ”
“What did you understand? ”
“A man who knows how to defend his faith. ”
“........... ”
Talking to this woman is not fun. Probably because they're thinking differently.
“At least I didn't break my promise. ”
“That's right.”
“Michael's heard a lot about me. ”
“I haven't talked to Michael the Archangel much. He's so unusual. ”
“It's a little bit peculiar, for example. ”
“It's not like that. In fact, before, Michael was an idol of many angels. He started acting a little strange at some point, but nowadays, no one follows Michael. I heard you recently received your wings again. Well, you've got a lot of work to do. ”
“Hmm… is that so? ”
“Sounds like the rumors about Michael getting new wings are spreading pretty fast. ”
“It's that important to us. We are thankful that Michael drove our marriage. ”
There is no change in your face. I can't see it with my own eyes.
“Angels were a little fun. I run this war on my own, but there's still a lot I don't empathize with your mindset. ”
“I'm ashamed, but so am I. It's a different species, so there's no choice. But if you understand a little bit, you'll get good results. Actually, I was a little worried. that our mistakes would create meaningless arguments. But in the end, it leads to such a good outcome. ”
“Is it a racial instinct to avoid fighting? I don't understand. ”
“Avoiding a fight is not instinct. I just think it's more important than that. ”
“Something more important has happened to the corrupt prince than that. ”
“................. ”
I didn't hear a separate answer. There is no reaction to being angry. A corrupt king would have been proud, not a prince to hide. She's not like Michael. And so are those who are looking at me around right now.
I was sort of thinking I understood this pigeon, but it didn't take me long to realize it was a mistake.
I didn't understand angels.
What I understood was Michael.
“When did he tell me he was coming back? ”
“I heard you were coming before the meal, but you might be a little late. ”
“Something happened. ”
“You'll have a lot to do with your new wings. You need to readjust your previous role. It's going to take some time to control the sudden expansion of divinity. ”
“You never said that to me. ”
“You probably didn't tell me you were worried. ”
“I see.”
“Yes, it is. ”
“The tooth angel must be in a really great position. ”
“I'm ashamed, but we don't have that many dead angels. It's not actually in a great position. It's just being held accountable. As much as we have the power and love, we have things to hate. This is what I was given. Of course, I'm not saying I don't want to marry Mr. Blood Dagger. Hehe.”
A slight smile makes my heart tremble. It's a physiological reaction I have to show, leaving her unattended. But I can't read my emotions. Even the silent smile on his mouth, even the slightest glare of beautiful eyes could not see anything. I felt annoyed before I even felt that it was a calculated act.
“We didn't have a choice. I'm a little sorry.”
“Not really. I chose Blood Dagger because that's what I wanted. If I hadn't chosen to marry Blood Dagger, I would have embraced God. ”
“Yes, it is. Salvation. But I chose to be with Blood Dagger. I was curious about the future, not the responsibility of the species. ”
“I see.”
“That's how much Blood Dagger means to me. ”
“......... ”
Ceraphym reached out a little. I almost felt nauseous for a moment with nothing on my face, but I held hands for a moment.
The blushing face is hidden in my face. It was only amusing that these pigeons were affected by the left hand of color.
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Thank you! Thank you! Three more today. I can't raise it three times from tomorrow. It's hard to die...
You must be bored. It was a fast-paced part!