Green Skin
00557 Landing Battle
“Victory or death!! ”
Ogres protruding from their bellies smash their bodies with the sacred power sent by angels to smash the earth. It was an attack that was supposed to be traumatizing even in a sturdy body, but it was either crushed on one side of the body or discarded on one arm. Looks like one of the legs isn't the problem.
Now, it seemed more important to blow up the beast under pressure. As expected, those who were much higher than this started to move heavily while unleashing elongated ranged cannons for a moment.
The sacred forces continue to strike at the bodies of ogres who tread on sand beaches and struggle to move, but they cover as much ground as possible with their huge arms and huge shields and move one step heavily.
It was naturally the white zinc and the congregation that continued to heal wounded Ogres and the presence of divine power that was different from modern landing wars.
“To the Savior! ”
“Focus on the Ogres! Focus on Ogres! ”
“This is the work of the Savior! Jane! You must return the favor! ”
With the vanguard in the center, both sides are battling sacred battles, so whether they were nervous or nervous, the manoeuvres protruding from the sky flew in after the congregation, but their torso and lower body separated from each other as they were caught by sudden protrusion.
A completely tasty face. It looks like it's been completely eaten by wild animals. The moment I reached out my huge hand to one congregation, I thought it would be dangerous, but he stroked one congregation with that huge hand and did nothing else.
There is reason.
“Let's go.”
In a short sentence, however, the ogre moves a footstep with a thumping sound, pushing things around with a thunderous truck. Breaking down the obstacles they had set in advance and getting caught in their hands seemed like a monster in a myth.
I'm a little bored to see you move forward with your arms like you're annoying the sacred power that made the other Ogres stop.
“Don't let them come up! ”
The fact that the firepower was concentrated meant to be favorable to this side, even after a brief glimpse of the pigeons, large vessels landed in succession to the sound of the giant drums. The ogres from the Big Ogre Clan, who come through the door screaming like the Minotaurs and the Goughclans, and the Giant Scream Apache, which is charging in with the screaming ears of a torn giant, screamed as well as the Orcs of the South, to join the vanguard.
A wall of sand that prevents the sacred power pouring out on Orcs of the South. I couldn't remember the human face well, but after seeing the ability I had seen somewhere, I realized it was a face I had seen once.
Sand Glaive. ’
It was his son. It must have been his son.
The Sand Glaive that was fighting Agar, the previous chief, seems to overlap with the one that empowers one front, leaning against the wall of sand.
“I'll send the ogres and the Minotaurs first! We're going to the outskirts! ”
“We are brave warriors, too! ”
“You can't just leave it to the Big Ogre Clan and the Gough Clan! ”
“Do as I say! They do what they can. The Sand Glaive Clan is turning around! I have work to do! ”
The man who was giving orders calmly did not look like a rookie who had dueled with Kim Yura in his old glorious land.
A battlefield. It's an easy place to get excited and make irrational judgments. His eyes are red, but he knows what he's been given. Fraudsters are sticking to the manual, not the heads, as a top priority. This is a very thankful situation.
Next up is the Queen of the North and the Knight of the North. A frightening thought pushes the sand from the floor. The ship that seemed not to stop was very close to the first line of defense, in front of their noses. It's not unusual to be surrounded by a siege.
I opened my mouth, gazing at relaxed dragons without knowing it.
“Huh... That too...”
“Manual. Heh heh. It's the North. It's perfect. ”
I felt like I could see what relaxation was aiming for in this landing war. You have to know what it means to go to war with the idea of Raiding against a huge continent. Swapping tankers and spreading the pigeons' attacks. It sounds simple, but it's never simple. It is because groups, not single objects, have to move as one.
“Maine is the Gough Clan after all. The Queen is aware of that. Heheheh heh.”
“If I make a mistake...”
“Make no mistake. Half a year to do that. because we have a little bit of solid insurance. We should be able to fill some gaps. ”
All the way to the third line of defense, the troops they have prepared to stop us. We've just attempted to breach the 1st line of defense. I felt a long way ahead of me. The Frost and Dragon Guild in the North must be where the northern ship opens up for a short while and starts pouring out ice magic. At the same time, the northern warriors draw their swords and spears towards the angels surrounding them.
Of course, there is Han So-hye who relies on a sack of windows. Eyes on someone. The archangel with the wings of chapter 14. After turning away the flying spear, the warrior himself, several angels try to stop her, but it seems insurmountable.
I am fulfilling my role. The user pulls out the walls of the ice and stops attacks from spreading from all sides. Screaming sounds are heard, but if it's strategic, it's strategic.
While Han Sohye and the Northern warriors were drawing attention, the ogre continued to climb the earth, and the Gorf and his tribesmen rushed out screaming in lighter steps than before, blinking their eyes and reaching the line of defense.
The announcement of the start of the festival was the scream of one archangel.
He grabbed both his hands and tore them apart. The breathless pigeon grabs the foot of a pigeon about to fly away and slams it straight to the ground. In the meantime, the arrows and spears that fly in just come out of your body. As he pulls out the spear and throws it into the ground, the damage reaches the second line of defense with a loud bang.
It rips and breaks with force that is hard to understand. The user slaps the target with irrational force, blocking the target with its body and relentlessly pushing it back. Nevertheless, he is so strong.
Who is justice, who is evil. It wasn't a battle that started with, but the Gorf is showing you now. It's close to the monster.
The situation is definitely not bad.
The arrows and spear enchantments fired from both the line of defense and the line of defense continue to do damage to our side, generating many casualties and casualties. There is no guarantee that further damage will not be accumulated. The earliest major tankers and sub tankers were definitely eating aggro.
When I thought it was the dealers' turn to move, I heard the voice of relaxation.
“Let's get you ready to go. ”
“I'll do that. ”
As I stand up with a slight nod, I see the clans looking at me with anticipated eyes. Of course, the Blood Dagger Clan also has a given manual.
The battlefield is already hit by saturation, arrows and spears, and sacred ammunition, and is heard by a mixture of screams from fallen allies, and screams from supporters or 1st line of defense. Endurance is probably the limit.
The elite Orc Swordsmen, Gark and Hark, were quietly staring elsewhere, but the Goblin Soldiers are in a slightly different situation. He was staring at me with red eyes, as soon as it turned red.
Excited by the heat of the battlefield.
“Hurry!! ”
The Three Goblin Sisters are getting angry. Of course you're not talking to me. It is better to hold on than to hold on to the innocent. Unlike those Goblins, Orbo of the Shield is waiting for orders quite calmly.
Jung Yeon chanted the spell, and Eun Joo and Isaac also began to cast magic as support for those who would advance to the extremities.
I also quietly went down to the bottom of the boat.
“Lord Blood...”
“I'll join the clans just in case." If nothing else, I'm sure there's nothing I can do... ”
“Yes. No big deal. Do not integrate. ”
“I know. ”
“You will be traveling with the White Silverfang Clan and the Bucket. ”
“What are you up against? ”
“You won't. ”
Not bad.
I can feel the ship speeding. A ship in the sea is heading towards land. It sounded like it was catching something, but it was probably a tree or some kind of structure they had installed. The Goblins roar inside the shaking ship with a thumping sound.
“Hold on! Shake it!”
It's so much fun to hold onto Orbo.
“It flies!”
Of course, it's not flying. Screaming and screaming get closer. The ship has reached the battlefield.
The door, which starts to open slowly, is not yet fully opened, but I can see the situation. Much more realistic than from afar. I can feel the heat of the battlefield, the Dwarves and Humans being transported, the Elves crying, and the Ogres protecting the fallen Orcs with broken arms and legs.
The clan members slowly watch the door open. Probably want to smash open doors like the Gough Clan or the Big Ogre Clan and move on. I'm not moving because I haven't given the order yet.
Those little sighs that winked thought they were a sign are cute. The moment Jeongyeon gave me a slight nod, I cut down the door that was blocking me completely with the sword I was holding.
“Help me!! ”
“Kill! Climb! Climb up!!"
“Stop him! Priest! Magic!”
The moment the door opens, a slightly blurred voice enters my ear and sticks it down. The invisible landscape also comes into view at once.
I feel the air is different.
I don't know if it's because I felt like I was on the battlefield, but my skin continues to tingle. A little, but it gives me the creeps behind my back. The eyes start to flush slowly. It's still hard for me to control my wildness, no matter how much I've trained.
“................! ”
The moment Jeongyeon cast the spell she was chanting out of her mouth.
I opened my mouth quietly.
“Only to victory! ”
“Victory! Victory alone! ”
Orbo advances by shielding the incoming Spear of Divine Power and arrows,
Gark and Hark, who spill attacks on either side and clear the way for the prosecutors to go.
The three sisters who stumble on each other to sit behind the climb, along with the shape-shifted Maeve, Jeongyeon and Hakazin, who raise them up a little, are nervous, and the sound of everyone shouting without root, produces a single point.
“..........................! ”
“To Blood Dagger! ”
Despite the red tattoos on everyone's bodies, we set one foot on the blood-stained sand.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
The world has//edited successfully!
Damaoka//ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ㅋ It's an anti-magic! Son of a bitch!
* * *
jaragaza //beyond the dimensional wall?!
Marionette//Munchkin is Munchkin. Blah blah blah blah blah
Jung Yoon-soo //Thank you!
The only correct answer is Y chromosome Y//propagation and forgery. Blah blah blah blah
You have created a clown//result!
JangSEE/Jyn Pair blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
- Gina. -/Poor me. The dirt...
Pre-walker//he... what the...
Hanhobin//Thanks again for the ride! I'll use it harder!
MokuMoku//Bulletproof vest!
Star vision//1 furniture 1 complete blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Sionis//I'll end it with a riding blouse!
White Balmain//Thank you!
Red Witch//Trickster!
Alsmagna.//He's a fraud.
Pool guest//I feel like I need to revise the whole thing with relaxation... ―
Chordata//Wagnon Chitki blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Kamikaze//Thank you for smiling!
prayway//Thank you!
dbss//Best regards! Thank you! Thank you!
Cheong-geuma rays//Final boss blah blah blah blah blah
Thank you!
//The tooth emperor...
How clumsy//King Carry...
Johnson//scam complete...
Dregon Slayer //Hmm! Hayu-ri has his pride!
Thank you for praising Judah!
Tsuka//Formation blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Shincheonhong//I'm cute too!
Surf//Completely different from the character I originally planned... Heh heh
Grey transparency//Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
You're familiar with the skyscraper.
jdh1020 //Thanks!
crocin//Cheap genius Godwan blah blah blah blah
Morning and evening//If politicians... real...
dkeogu2001//The main character... Is it more popular than Blend...
FOLLP//No. The Blind Man!
lunecat //Modified! I'd love to try the finishing touches.
lunecat //ㅋㅋㅋ ㅋ love confession!
Island Girl//Thank you for smiling!
Langtail//Group fraud blah blah blah blah blah blah
Tiger slaughter//It was a scam back in Yog days! I don't want to pirate either. It 's-it's the rain... it's Bissau-du!
North Astor//It's been a little out of order lately, so the 2nd year limit is... dirt...
YepBebe//Thank you!
Rods//Thank you1
◎ Star ◎ Angler!//Uncle blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Delta Maro//It may be dangerous… but it will survive!
Seferraziel//The infamous Monkey Winner!
Thank you for smiling!
Jin9//Warvignon Gods that produce results.
Crazy apple//inner reality metabolism blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah sounds fun.
Laputer//I think it's very comfortable...
Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk... That's right. Fraudulent!
Starlight//The chicken legs are melting!
Ephron//Wavignon blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Free Bulletin Conquest//557 Thank you!
Shushukan//What the hell are you...
Kensley//Ooh! Thank you! Thank you for your payment!
Gila//Yes. It could be...
Infinite Ulcerator//Choonchu National Age blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
I smell chicken.//Acknowledge!
This is a fact.
Chocolate//I'm trying to survive!
It's the end of the worm//vanity.
Akaraidka Iran//Devil blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
LCKH//I feel funny too!
Completion will not get a left... like...
Eeiko//blah blah blah blah blah heh heh heh heh heh... That sounds fun.
Myung Moon Hyun Ryong//God of Fraud...
Steel ginger ale//blah blah blah blah blah blah sympathy and the curse of confession... so scary.
Newcle//oh. Come back soon! Thank you!
Ikidas//Yes! I need to hear the right thing!
Just looking forward to this 2.0 patch.
Shamashin//Yes. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
I know the way.//There may be a cover... um...
Chocolate//started out as a trivial villain.
innocentMan//Modified! Best regards,
Razor//Yes. He's... he's dead. T-
- Illos. - That's the specialty.
Feinian//Modified! Thank you! Thank you!
You and Balcoin//blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Lack of sugar//Golden teeth blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Racemin//Godwan! I admit it!
ppk12//Steel tongue blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Always Forever/ /The facilities here are ordinary.... Citizens!
Challenge Russian//Thank you for your care!
Priest//blah blah blah blah blah blah conspirers blah blah blah blah
Silent passenger//Relaxing growth blah blah blah blah
Damaoka//The smart ones are frauds!
Erin's bard//Thank you for smiling!
Zxion//It wasn't a death flag!
DJYO//Thank you!
Sugar//I admit to being a fraud. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
neamhain//complete class!
Ultior//Thank you!
Thank you so much for your plaintiff coupon! Thank you! Thank you all the time! I'll be a hard-working earthenware!
Sunchuko is a great power for writers!