Green Skin
00558 Landing Battle
“To Blood Dagger! ”
Despite the red tattoos on everyone's bodies, we set one foot on the blood-stained sand. The speed at which it bounces is fast. The key to this operation is the judgment to deal with speed and unexpected situations.
In that sense, the Blood Dagger Clan and the White Silverfang Clan are the best fit for this operation. The Green Goblin Clan will also move with the White Silver Fang Clan, the versatility to cope with various situations and the agility to get to their destination in a short time.
“To the second line of defense! ”
The destination was a second line of defense, and what was important was that the operation was not an attack. Gark continues to shout in a loud voice on behalf of me, who is silent.
“The road is open to the Goff Clan and the warriors of the North. We're moving as fast as we can! Not hit by a blind arrow! ”
Excellent. We've already taken all of Aggro's main tankers and subtankers, and any attack that comes our way would be either a formal attack or a blind attack. It could have been dangerous if it had been before.
“There's no such fool. ”
Nowadays, there is no fool enough to take such an attack on the Blood Dagger Clan.
Standing at the forefront of the clan is the Minotaur Legion, including Orbo of the Shield.
In fact, the other Minotaurs of the Blood Dagger Clan, with the exception of the shield's Orbo, are not particularly defensive. It's just a little faster. I can't say they're agile, but they've trained themselves according to the attributes of the Blood Dagger Clan. Their goal is to get us to the first line of defense.
Standing in the lead, Orbo shouts.
He looks like a warrior, charging in screaming his name. His son, who grew up to be a great shaman, continues to chant his spells, following his father's back.
“Climb! Climb! ”
“Remember the defensive magic! Enemy fire! ”
The user continues to see the surrounding area as it goes up at a rapid rate. The face of the wizard, who is still chanting defensive magic against the artillery, twists. They are surprised to see us going up at an incomprehensible speed.
The three Goblin sisters scream as arrows rain down on him.
“I'll save you!”
It's hard to believe that catching a wounded wizard and throwing him backwards can actually save him.
“Wait, wait! Wait! Throwing! Aaaahhh!"
Eventually, the creature in the hands of the three sisters flew up in the sky screaming strangely. He did not say to open his eyes. I didn't think I could let the dangerous ones go, but unlike them, elite Orc Swordsmen keep their eyes on the front.
There have been many battles, but it's been a long time since the first and fifth generations moved together as a whole. While they were silently chasing after the Minotaur Corps, they remained terribly focused.
Qajik! A sound comes over the elongated shield. It may seem like you're just running with a giant shield, but you're not.
The pressure of the Divine Power, the arrows that squeeze through the cracks, the spears that try to push the shield, and all that pressure are going up at a rapid rate. No matter how strong the body is, there's no way it won't hurt you. If you slow down a little, some of your body is picking up attacks that can defend itself perfectly.
His back looks so big. I muttered without knowing.
“You're doing well. ”
“Orbo. You owe me nothing now. ”
It was Orbo who began to follow me in return for saving himself and his son, but in fact, it was I who received even greater things. The leader in the Blood Dagger Clan is the one who's in danger. Nevertheless, he always gave his ball to someone else. He left the clan when he wanted to fight and took care of Orbo and the clan's children more than anyone else. The debt he owes me will be repaid in full.
“No, it's not. ”
A massive sacred mass is pushing forward, and his arms tremble. The attack just now appears to have been quite heavy, and nevertheless does not slow down.
“It is also grace to be able to fight with Blood Dagger, and grace to be with him. Saving lives is much smaller than this. ”
“It's an honor.”
“I'm the one.”
He started golfing on my face. I am very grateful for giving me a high rating despite nothing I have done.
The Minotaurs of the Orbo and Clan continue up the ridge. The troops of other allies lingering in the middle stare at us in wonder. Jung Yeon's Roots become a shield that allows allies with feet to move forward.
Meanwhile, since one of the Minotaurs has been shot by the enemy, the troops begin to move out of line, but the troops continue to advance without looking back.
“Jeongyeon, the straggler. ”
“Yes, Tae-sung. ”
I can't afford to take it easy. The closer the troops get to the 1st line of defense, the more the Minotaurs start screaming and the arm holding the shield screams. They are struggling to move their immovable legs.
Nevertheless, the speed does not decrease. Rather, it starts getting faster and faster.
Everyone's looking at their backs. Three sisters, Gark, Hark, Hakazin. It is not a battle of crushing the heads of enemies or cutting off the heads of enemies. All they're doing is stopping an attack on troops. Perhaps the most boring and inconspicuous role.
But their appearance is even more noble than any struggle or battle.
Maybe everyone thinks so.
Gark opens his mouth briefly.
“Hang in there. ”
“That's generous.”
I am getting closer to my destination
First line of defense.
The Gough Clan and the Northern Warriors will feel us approaching. You hear the sighing of Orbo and other Minotaurs. Their work is done. I opened my mouth to the weary expression of Orbo.
“Well done. Orbo.”
“Hmph! For Blood Dagger!! ”
The Minotaurs shout, dropping their ragged shields to the ground.
1Close to the defense line, the shield that finally blocked the Blood Dagger clan's front begins to open wide. They probably didn't see the elite Orc Swordsmen approaching either. The Minotaur Troops have been desperately stopping us from attacking.
When the wall of the shield, which was not opened, the first thing that popped up was Gark and Hark, and at the same time, five elite Orc Swordsmen from 1st to 5th.
“Make way! ”
“The road! Make way for the Blood Dagger Clan! ”
You hear the screams of the Gorf Clan and the warriors of the North. Fourteen pigeons start swarming towards this direction, and of course, the Gorf is the one who grabbed his leg. In the same way, Han So-hye is stopping 14 pigeons trying to control this side as much as possible.
The ogres of the Govclan and the survivors of the harsh winter of the northern provinces slowly begin to make a gap. The Blood Dagger Clan is trying to make way for the Blood Dagger Clan by pushing a bunch of pigeons into the ground somehow. It's a pretty miserable sight.
The one trying to open the road and the one trying to block the path, the angels flying from the sky and forcefully filling the gaps that have already been opened, and the Ogres, some Ogres, began to retire without being able to endure the process. The number of troops is clearly different. Focusing on pushing away, we have no choice but to allow back or critical matter.
“Show some courage! ”
However, I raise myself up again in the voice of the Goff. With three or four pigeons in her arms, an unidentified ogre collapses into view.
It was at that moment that the invisible second line of defense appeared, a path that was a little, but a little, squeezed open.
“We're coming in fast! Faster!”
The Blood Dagger Clan, which was moving fast, starts to move a little faster. As I looked at the Gorf's face getting closer and closer, I saw a ridiculous smile. It's good to see his face on the battlefield.
“Farewell, brother. ”
“Thank you.”
We may have run into each other, but we must have heard each other's words in our ears. The Blood Dagger Clan's passage through the path opened by Ogres and Northern warriors was instantaneous. You're probably watching this right now, even in the second line of defense.
I opened my mouth a lot at a time when a lot of shooting would fall, a very natural thing, had just focused my gaze.
“In the tank!! ”
At that moment, Jung Yeon pressed down on the spell. We know that the roots of the plant surrounding the entire second line of defense will not last long. The roots of this plant are brief, but will block the enemy's sight.
The Blood Dagger Clan's armor, called the Minotaurs, is poorly defended, but much faster. Plant roots are punctured by the divine power of the enemies, but the Blood Dagger Clan has been far from where it was before.
At last, when the plant's roots are completely crushed by the enemies, a massive attack spills out on the Blood Dagger clan. At that moment, Gark mutters again.
“There are five roads open. ”
Protruding from Gark's command, the entire 5th generation, including Commander Zoroac, unleashes or spills all sorts of firepower, falling divine power, spears, arrows, and all sorts of artillery into swords. The rear view of Zoroac, running with three swords drawn towards the divine power that seems to swallow the entire force, looks a little cool. Some with arrows in them, but the clan once again extends in a straight line.
I, too, began swinging my sword at the forefront. We're stopping an attack that they think is impossible to stop. I'm used to spills.
The second line of defense is getting closer.
He glances back and sees Hakazin following the Goblin Legion.
“The goal is...”
“I see a device that distorts certain magical powers. ”
“Good for you.”
Enemies cut off one arm we have and waged war. If Eunuch's space travel destroys that, at least, the sacred objects that are shaking the coordinates of this landing war, this battle can be taken a little easier.
“I'm going as fast as I can. Hark, it's more important to break through the troops blocking the way than to kill the enemy. ”
“Got it!”
Starting with the Gark's disappearance from sight, the Blood Dagger Clan slammed into each other.
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Thank you! Thank you! Ripples for next time!