Green Skin
00570 I'm sorry.
“Aah! Savior! ”
Everyone is cheering. I was very anxious to stay here, but I quietly applauded the angels. I don't know how my silent gestures shine upon them, but I was projecting a general in the North in my present image.
It must have been the General.
I can see an angel crying and convulsing even with tears.
“Everyone! It's the Savior! Our Savior, who will fight with you in your presence! ”
“............ ”
The congregation, including White Zinc and Jane, looked at me with the expression that they had done something. I was a little flustered by the way he was waving his tail like a compliment, but for whatever reason, the result was not bad. He made 300 angels completely on our side. If you have a problem, it's a problem that you've perfected so perfectly.
He seemed to be feeling self-conscious unlike the others.
“I... have gained the throne of arrogance for this. Self-inflicted...”
The silent muttering voice must have gone down in my ears. The angels are probably not listening. That's how excited they were.
“Oh no! Oh no! Savior!”
Those who are of a woman's gender are screaming and trying to stick to me. The pagan interrogators slammed against the wall, but the ones who continued to reach out are like adolescents who are like idols.
For the first time, Dory doesn't spread her wings because she doesn't want to go up on the visible monolith, but reaching over the walls of the Inquisitor makes the Zombie Squad glow.
“Leave it alone. ”
It may take a while, but it's not enough to hold one hand. No, it was a minimum apology for those who got caught up in strange things. In my words, the heretic interrogators began to quietly open the road, and those who wanted to get a closer look at me swiftly gathered around.
I shook hands quietly toward a virtuous, female angel, and my long, struggling arm reached out and grabbed my hand. How tightly I felt the pain momentarily, this is me, but I feel the pain. That's how much heat and castle they sent. In fact, I almost withdrew my arm reflexively, but I can't avoid my hand like the leader of a country.
“Aaaah... Savior! ”
“I just want you to touch it once. Savior! Our Savior! ”
“Even if I sell all of Agape, I will follow our Savior! ”
“Let's switch to the Savior! ”
“The guy in the Sanctuary doesn't know! What does that son of a bitch know? Let us be one Savior!
“What do those bastards know! ”
I feel like there will be a safety accident because of the people who tangle to try to hold hands somehow. In that situation, I was smiling and holding hands one by one. An angel with white wings still reflected in his vision. She looked a little young. You seem to be bewildered by the crowd. You can't say that there are more than 300 people, but you're in trouble because of these sudden rushes.
I slowly started to approach her, taking a step back up to the top. I have a good idea.
“Wait. Get out of the way...”
In a quiet word, it was natural that the path was opened like that of Moses. There are quite a lot of injuries on the body if they were on the floor. The white winged angel looking up at me with a big look of anxiety was circling around with an expression of not sure where to turn his gaze. It felt like I had just become an adult, but in terms of my Greenskin and human age, it looked like I was the same age as Jura or Nicor.
I recommended not to integrate, but I think it would be okay if I did a little.
[Weapon Integration]
[Branch of the Lazy World - Mystein]
You've... finally... called me. I... hate it.
You hear the muttering of Mystein, one of my most shy weapons. My body starts to change slowly. The whole tail and wings are covered with plants, and a little sinister plants bud and bud. I feel a little pain, but the enormous magical power that came this far made me feel good.
The reason for their unity was because they wanted to awaken their illusion a little bit, this force, which is different from the Divine Power, is possible to treat wounds, but it is not effective. It focuses on restoring health and magical strength. Perhaps if you look at the slow-healing wounds, some of them might be able to escape the current situation.
I feel like I've become an Alaune, such as Jeongyeon or Lapra, and the green energy continues to surge.
Flowers start to bloom as if my footsteps had been greenery. Looking at him, the hollow angels shouted. It was not the first time we integrated it with the natural-powered Mystein, but I had no idea it would have this capability.
- Joe, the synchronization rate went up a little bit and it worked.
I felt the grass was dead, whether I was hurt or hurt, but my heart was true.
- Ugh... ugh...
It feels sacred. Just by taking a step, the place is becoming green. Of course, but I can't back down like this. I nod slowly and reach out.
Just enough to cure...
- The others here...
‘I don't want to burden myself. ’
Yeah, I get it. I'll work hard!
Mystiane's magical power spread out and slowly began to envelop the angel with large eyes. At first, I felt like I was embarrassed, but I closed my eyes quietly and felt like I had delivered.
It was not a great wound, but something inherently different from the Divine Power began to pierce her body.
“What's your name? ”
“It's aureunile. Old, old...”
It is still awkward to call Him the Savior. She looks peculiar for some reason, still holding her white wings. My body is recovering very slowly. There may be a lot of people who have questions. You hear a loud voice behind you, thinking that Aurinail's health and magical strength are also recovering a little bit.
“A... miracle! ”
It was a relaxation that did not miss the gap.
There will be no compulsion. Among the guys here in the first place, the only ones who don't know how to use the Divine Power are Choi Sledge and Relaxation. Rather, healing wounds is more or less a specialized list. You can heal your body for about a minute, but in the case of angels here, it is less than 10 seconds, so it is possible to heal the wounds inflicted by this angel.
Nevertheless, they are selling drugs.
“A miracle!! ”
There is no basis. However, his voice gradually changed the eyes of the surrounding angels.
“God, the divine is rising...”
As the angel mumbles around his body, a great cheer pops out.
“Behold the Savior! Ladies and gentlemen! You're doing a miracle! Miracles! They're working miracles to heal your wounds! ”
‘You can do it, too. ’
“It is a force inherently different from the Divine Power! How can you explain that power? ”
‘Magic power.’
“I feel like I'll be blinded by its holiness just by what I see. Gentlemen!”
The surroundings become even hotter. Angels are crying and even singing.
What was even more disturbing was that the angel who received the miracle directly was also shed tears of contrition.
“It was foolish of me to doubt the Savior. huuurrggh"
“.......... ”
“Punish this aurinail for serving a false god. Savior. Ugh...”
A paladin is being born that looks like he can jump into a firepit if he gives the order. I think I need to say something. I slowly opened my mouth.
“I'm not the man you think I am. ”
“Al, I know. It's been said before that you are trapped in your present state for everything that is in this world. Ugh... And yet I had my doubts. Forgive my sins. ”
“Forgive me! ”
“Forgive us our trespasses! ”
It was the first time I felt this overwhelmed.
“Forgive us our sins. ”
Something is overwhelming. The sight of everyone surrounding me and kneeling down is even more embarrassing than I thought. Looking back, Choi Hyuk smiled and was applauding the powerful, and others were also raising their mouths when they saw the great results they had achieved. The right answer is already set. Eventually, I opened my mouth slowly.
She kneels quietly and sobs her shoulders, her aurineal tears slowly.
“I forgive you your sins. ”
“........... ”
“Savior!! ”
The guts are chaotic. The angel's wings in front of his eyes, which were holding white wings, were also getting darker and darker. Pigeons are becoming crows. No, that's not all. The wings she initially had continued to protrude from chapter 6 and back.
Ranked up as a tooth angel in an instant. I felt a divine power that I couldn't compare with before.
“........ ”
“Thank you! Thank you! Savior! Ugh...”
“Th-that power is not from me. Your faith has always empowered you, so don't say thank you. ”
I thought I had it organized in my own way, but the voice that came out of the back covered my words.
“This is the difference between our Savior and the false gods in the sanctuary! Gentlemen!”
“The Savior does not say that everything is his own fault! The Savior is the God you can feel with your own skin! You are in control of your own performance! Nonsense affection does not exist in the messiah! Multiple boons!”
There's nothing more to say. I wonder how this happened. It was because there seemed to be a lot going on in one night.
I was silently lowering my head to help me, not knowing why I was so anxious, as if I had been chosen by God.
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Thank you! Thank you! Ripples on the next one!